swfisa *'■? • <•<- *V7-Wf "i )*/ Vi t̂-^mber 80, X93^ THE WEST VAN NEWS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OP W®ST VANCOUVER N'oticc is Ifiven that on a n d 'from Monday, Docembcr U th, jWjM th<* following ferries will be discontinued and a bus service sub- stilutecl:-- Kro.n WEST VANCOUVER: ~ ■ 10 00 am ., 11:00 n.m., 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 0:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. From VANCOUVER C IT V :- <c;U) nirn., 10:30 n.m., 11:80 a.m., 12:80 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., ;{J;j() p.m., 7:30 p.m. 8:80 p.m., 9:80 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 11;30 p.m. Fur full details see Time /Tables to be issued shortly,-copies of which may be obtained from the bus and ferry staff and a t the Ferry Office. ' W. HERRIN j ;{9_ Municipal Clerk.;u>. Local and Personal Mrs. Ross Jordnn has moved into^ the Dingle house a t 653 20tlf Street. *! • ' * 4i ■* N. H. Blandfonl of 2029 Belle- vue Avenue, is slowly recovering from the aecideni Jic suffei'ed a month ago when .he had the mis fortune to break one of the bones in his left leg. m e d a l c o n t e s t An Elocution Medial, Contest PRO-REC CLASSES St. Stephen's Cliurch in West Vancouver was the scene of a christening Thursday afternoon when the eight weeks' old son of Mr. and Mrs.' Fi'ed H. Hough ton Parkes received the names Lawrence Kenneth. . The ceix»- mpn̂ îrj was performed at 3:30 o'clock, and spoi)sor.s for the . baby were Miss G. V. Moyls, An old ruse la now being worked by sneak thieves heix '̂ and in the city, th a t of phoning up a house and asking for a fictitious person in order to dis cover whether the family are at home or not. Robert Kinloch, 25th and Mar ine Drive, is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hos pital. Major and Mrs. Austin Taylor weiNj hosts Thursday afternoon when they entertained a t their residence, "Shannon," in honor of Miss M argaret Taylor and Mr. John Wade, whose wedding took place last Saturday. will In' held under the auspices There were enrolled 9,729 per- Mr. Pred Beeson and Mr. King- of the W.C.T.U. on Friday, Deb- gons in the classes in exactly one sley Watson,', Following the ember 8th, at 8:15 p.m. in the from October 16th. Jn- ceremony Mr. ami Mrs. Parkes cluditig last summer's registra-' a"™!Oninge H allJ '-M rs. M y r t l eT h o m p s o n , popular radio soloist, e ju u n ig "Spindrift," when Mrs. A . J. will sing and George Brealey will tion, the total IS over 12,000 to p • I * i_» mi_I- ' *be liie guest violinist. The boys mul girls who are taking part Musicians, dancers, and sing- are woi-king hard, so come along rs are wanted for the Pro-Rec and help encourage them. Re- Concert Party for Army Shows freshments will be served. ' ' sided a t the urns.41 4< Mrs: J. Hillis W right, 1185 Esquimalt Avenue, lust Monday 'underwent an operation in the North Vancouver General Hos pital, from which she is making a good recovery. ' 4i 4i 4< between December 18 tad 23. ......................... V is it' ■ KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET FOR GRADE A BEEF, LAMBI, PORK, VEAL & POULTRY AT REASONABLE PRICES Free Delivery, Phone West 1004 1531 Marine Dr. Come in a n il See Us W(3 should like to prove to you that the Rilling: Koolerwave actually. IS cooler, quicker, safer and that it lasts longer because it is SO MUCH closer to the head. 1-370-Marine-Drive____Across-from ■S_afewayl'_ Phone, V/est Engagem ent.... The engagement is announced' of M argaret Winifred Reid, daughter of Mrs^ Reid, West ■Vancouver, and the late Rowland Reid, to Mr. Robert Frederick Davey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Davey, Vic toria,jV .I.'B oth bride and bride-. . ^ ^ 'ppm-elect are graduates of the ^University of British Columbia. The wedding will take place quietly at the home of the bride's mother, , on December 23rd'. ' . , In .^compliment to Miss" Mar jorie Hill, whose marriage to Mr.- Edward Armstrong took: place Friday, Miss Pat. Wallace entertained a t . a linen' shower Thursday evening a t t he home of T ie r parerits7 2522 Bellevue Ave- nue?^M iss=Kiil=and=her^ance" Last Saturday evening T. / Christensoi., the well known ■ wiii'tchmaker and ' jeweller of 1622 Marine Drive, received a phone call to gb to a. house at 1912 Haywood Avenue to repair a clock. While walking up 17tli Street ju st above. Fulton Ave nue, he was.struck on the head from behind ju s t as two cars passed him, from which^time ho remembers nothing until he re gained consciousness to find him self on his back on the grass higher up 17th Street, with one of the thugs trying to strangle him. with a rope. He got hold bJ' a big club wrapped in newspaper with which'̂ they had been strik ing him -and chased the: two thugs> who escaped down Fulton Avenue in an easterly direction. However, evidence points to the f a d th a t m spite of his unebn- WEST t ANCOUVER- HIGH SCHOOLS will present WLE TIDE CAROLING in INiSLEWOOD AUDITORIUM on WEDNESDAY, Dec. 13th, and THURSDAY, Dec. 14th a t 8:15 p.m. Collection at door. Doors open a t 7 :30 p.m .; Closed a t 8:10 p.m. All Net Proceeds in aid of Santa Claus Fund. THE UNUSUAL ASSETS ALREADY POSSESSED BY WEST VANCOUVER Should contribute strongly to its develO'pment as the finest residential municipality in Western Canada -- assets which autofnatically contribute to its future status as a health resort and tourist attraction. However,-one cannot expect tourists or other visitors from East or South unless we have adequate accommodation. With such accom modation we may well anticipate th a t this healthy and beautiful place ■would become a Mecca of the Wtealthy. i^ s te rn anxious to avoid his own climatic extremes. All this, nevertheless, depends entirely on the type of'hospitality and. comfortable accommodation that may be avail able Hence the recent activity in regard to an hotel a t a cost, I under stand, of about $100,000 or more, with: every department psual to any successful hotel suggests progress. It. is to be staffed by West Van couverites, and, its building' will give considerable eniployment. The great .Capilano Golf 'Club has no guest rooms and this hotel should be available to those tourists or sportsmen wishing to take tenvporary residence in West-Vancouver. As there are no present facilities of this- ^character in West Vancouver, the hotel will be a great step forward. Construction is to, be of Tudor design, with a t least th irty bedrooms and private baths, ballroom accommodating 500 dancers, which can be , used as an auditoriuni, two dining rooms, coffee shop and refreshment room. It is .to be maintained on- highest standards to merit approval of residents as well as guests?^ werq also guests of honor Sun day evening when Miss Molly Lock entertained a t a supper party. Others entertaining for the bride-elect include Mrs. A. AJrmstrong, Miss Jean Seaton, Miss Shirley Lynn<, Miss Hilda and Miss Margaret Bone, Mrs. F. Maissh and Miss-Carolyn Marsh and Miss Nordea Richardsra«♦ * ♦ . ' 1 In the Church of St. Francis- in-the-Wo6d last Sunday, the eight weeks' old son of Mr. and Mrs. A rth u rT . Carroll of Caul-, -feild was christened John Brian. Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiated, =^Gious=Gondition=^h€-had=str-uggled: with his attackers upl 17th- Stfeet, during which they had kicked him about the legs and hit him several times on kbe head. Following the escape of the thugs, he reported what had (happened at the Police Station, also' the loss of $160 from his pockets. Evidence .points to the holdup being the work of local men. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Aylen of Toronto and Mr. Christopher Morrison were namediihis 'godr. parents. HOLLYBURN HALL The W est Vancouver Towns- wonieri's "Guild is asking for used books and magazines for distribution among men of the Home Defence Forces.. The con- _vener, Mrs, W. K. Woodcock*: will bo pleased to ball for same or they may be left a t the Dun- darave Library. A Young Peoples Service illus trated with lantern views will be held a t 7:15 tomorrow (Friday) in HoHyburn Hall, fhe speaker being Andy Hogg. T h ere will be Sunday SchboL and Young People's Bible Cflass a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, December 3rd, and a t 7:30 p.m. a Gospel Service with Q. A. Bowen, a survivor of the Athenia, as speaker, who will take as his subject "Some inci dents of that tragedy of,the sea." Tuesday at 8 p.m. speaker, C. A. Bowen. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION ADDITION TO B. C. ______ TELEPHONE OFFICE HERE I understand all this will depend oh whether-the, commonsense of the electors, or the intolerance of tKe more shore-sighted .visionaries of-West Vancouver will decide shortly: Reproduced from Dr. F B.' Dorchester's Magazine -jr "Brain & Body." ^ A large addition is being built ^to the B.C. Telephone Office here by the company, in order to take care of the growth of their busi ness in the municipality. Of frame construction the new part will allow, of' the extension of the operating room for the ad dition of a further section to the switchboard in the spring as well as, for the enlargement of the business office. EXPERT ------ W atch and Clo^k REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd.,' 7 Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive . The annual general meeting of the West Vancouver Ratepayers' Association was held on Friday evening in the Legion Hall with only a small attendance of the ' membership. Annual reports were read and' adopted, among them th a t of the bh.airman, L. W. 'Makovski, in which he referred to the exhaustive analysis of the local transportation question made by the Association's trans portation committee which had been sent to the Council. The following officers were re-elected for the coming y ea r: President, L. W. Makovski; Vice-President, K. A. R ay ; .Secretary, G. R. Met calfe. Three m atters, which K. 'A. Ray suggested might be taken 'up by the Association, wer<j le f t ' up to the executive: (1) That the Bridge Company be ap proached to cut their commuta- : tion ra te from $1.25 to $1. (2) That the B. C. Electric Railway;. Company be approached 1̂ . ex tend their gas mains here from North Vancouver. (3) That the B. C. Telephone Company be asked to i^o lisff-the tolls to North Vancouver and the city. L ater M. Corkill, District Man-; a"ger of the Lower Mainjand. for the Imperial Oil Company, and projectionist - N ., • C. Grainger, put on the screen a very inter- " esting and instructive company film entitled, "Safari on Whbels." Stratton's BAKERY i HOME-MADE vjlim ijM jjk npjk . JkPAwilSiiiCSkiljr . FUBSll DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taate. Meat Plea -- Cookie* Rcclea Cakea -- Paatrlea Buna and Kolia Note Address: , - , 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 2*7 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NovoiuIhm* 30 and Docembor 1 LK>yiS STONE "Judge Hardy's Children " ami another tpicluro. SATURDAY MA^'INEE Docembor 2nd BOH KUUNS " I'M FROM MISSOURI " . . also "THE ADVENTURES OF CHICO" ̂ .SATURDAY EVENING ,> Doconibor 2nd- « !♦I'm From Nissouri " also- ' "DISBARRED" .MONDAY, iTCiESDAY AND WEDNESDAY DocoinluM'_.'1th, 5th and 0th WENDY HILLER " PYGMALION " (Onco, only at 8•.(),()) Aiw'~l~IlTrar̂ of~ShoTt~Slh)icvctH Keep Your Dog Healthy w ith A. B.C. DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and G. Also Minerals Calcium and Phosphorus PACKED »V Anglo-British Columbia Packing Co. ~ Ltd. in '/2-lb. tins and X-lb. tins. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL > GRAVEL Bush PIr, Inside............. $6.50 Cord M iirP ir, Inside.......... .7.. 6.6.0 " Fireplace P ir................... 6.00 " Green A ld e r ................... 6.50 " Furnace Blocks ............. SPECIAL-- Slabs & Edgings Barky .......... $3.75 Cord Edgings .................$3.50. Cord Bark ................................. $5.60 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................... Price reduction on 3 units of more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Marine Drive MOTHERS' GROUP The Mothers' Group will meet a t the Wendy House^ Tuesday, December 6th, a t 3 p.m. Mrs. Goodwin will lead the discussion a "Home Play Programme." I . 0 . D . B . The regular ihonthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, lO.D.E., will be held on Monday, December 4th, a t 1:45 p.ni. at the home of Mrs. A. E. Young," 14th andTCihgs. , J . . - . ......... : IMiiiilllbiliiH