' % ̂ ■ M ' l); 7 '̂ 1̂ If ' : 'll " | : 4 i ' •' f - i J r ; j . i j i . _ . ,̂S V, J i., ■ i:{ f ',!.? f,<( li f t M li .V V 'fc "* , .ijrî« > i.<*4 ! |l ■ V 1 ̂i • ? . i-fi 7: r - --- V/ ^ -Ji j-'ŷ l§= ' '<Y'i if ?-•£ il-̂ {i'̂ 'K i I IfeSfe'.' ~y v̂t. ̂ 5}':'̂ 'TU r' i'-f' }1 > * ■ iSl̂ f̂t?. t -5*? 't5 ar ; J , I f £ rf ■ >M*| 4 I f e f t , l l i i - i|s» |-i-Mlf l i S f e WE8T VAN. UNITED CHUKCM Cor. 21it & E»quii»«H Avk. ItEV. W. VANCB» BAs, llliiift«r 2047 Gordon Av«nuo Phone West 244-K Sunday Henricea; lia.m. A 7:00p.m. Stranjtrera and Viailora are weleoma BAPTIST CHURCH Miaiater iter. W. L McKay. BJU BLD. Sunday SerTieea , 10:00 a.m.--("burch School In cluding Adult Claaa 11 a.m, & 7:00 p.m.--Preaching ' . -- Servicea. A hearty welcome to all s & g Pre- Holiday Permanents 9& & All iinixji'tuiiL purl of your holiday pri'iniiatloiiH will lui your new perrn- jiiH'iit. Have it now. Pormanenta uie alwayii at their beat uftoi* their lir«t Mhamjioo. Let um adviiio you on till* type of wave y.#rtjr^air requirea or liUKtifiHl a new eoifruVe'^fo^tbo . lioliiiay auaaoii. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kxcluaive Permanenta. 1540 Marino prlvo Wcat 117 HOLLYBDRII HALL 14 th and Ducheas KKIDAY KVKNING, Dec. lat, at 7:15 Yountr People'a Service illuhliated by lantern view.a. Speaker: .Ml{. ANDY HOGG DIL G. D. H. SEALE U.D.S., L.D.S. » E N T lS T ^ _ z i l^ ^ X-Hay Huy Block, Mth and Marino Dr. Office Houra 0 to 0 p.ro. ; j Kveninga by appointment. Phono Woat 72 I)R. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Modicol-Dontal Building I Houra: U to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 1800 Marini"Djî ive West 432 Ratabliahed on North Shore 25 Years "_____(Lady ABalatnnt)_______ HARRON BROS. LTD. jruitccal Birretors ■ ilollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine • -̂Wost 134 ■' " North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 1̂ 34 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 -The-French B eauty Salon For Permanents of lasting beauty. We Bpociiilizo In ilno, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Donald McAlpine Pianist & Toacher Ol.ASS and INDIVIDUAL iN ST iiuornoN Studio: 233 SUal.Street Phono Miss Wilcox' re.sidenco Sttturduy. We.st 3(57-Y-l MODERN FUELS W E S T 1 0 3 2 BUSH INSIDE FIK. .. $5.5(1 cord MILL INSIDE FlU-„ . 5.00 cord KIUEPLAC-E ,E1 K 4.00 cord SA>VI)UST--Gimrnnlood 2(H) cubic feet, lOO'̂ 'f F ir,,,.. $3.50 H. l\ ALLEN Publisher i i i f ' I 'fm u f ; f .»l o v e g r o v e Thone Wesf SCS- Busineis--atd" E<mbnsr̂ OflfieTrr 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: • 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 a year by carrier: 02.00 a year _ ____ by m ail____ SUNDAY, Dec. .'ird, a t 10 n.m. Sunday School and Young People's iMbld Class Sunday Evening a t 7:30 ■ GOSPEL s e r v i c e '̂ " Speaken ̂ > MR. C. O. BOWEN Survivor of the Atheniii "Some InddentH of That rra^rdy of the Sea." TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Speaker: MR. i'. O. BOWEN > WEST VANCOUVER -Christian.- Science- Society CHURCH EDIFICE . 20th and BaquimaÛ HoUybuni Thia Society is a Bzaneb of The Mother Church The F irat Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, MsHflaebusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.ra. Sunday, December 3rdL SUBJECT: "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. V ^ e llie ^ a r r i h p Teacher o f P iano and i iyeory STUDIO RECITAU-SUNDAY, Dec. 3rd)at3 p.m. Residence Studio--1955 Inglewood Avenue West 1056.1, Armstrong--Hill . THE STARRY HEAVENS, A tenUmony to the Creator Illusirnted lecture by --- MU. GORDON MORGAN, Meml*er of (he Royal Canadian , AHtrononiiciil ABsotriatlon ' ■■ 'at , ' ■ , WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine and 25th St. SUNDAY/Dec. 3rd, at, 7:30 BAPTIST CHURCH Uev. Wilfrid ,L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Sunday Services: '" ^11:()() ;n.in.--Subject, "When the Song Degjns." , The Lord's Supper will be ad- ' inini.stered. ' ' . 7 ]).ni.--The service will begin, with a bright sing .song. Evening .subject, " T a k i n g Sides." ' 10:00 a.m. -- The Church School will meet. .Monday, 8 p.m. -- 'I'he Young I'eopJe will lie the guest.s of . the United Young People.' WediKJsday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting.; The monthly meeting of thc_ t\ii>5^don-G4iTde-w i l4-bt -̂h4^d îH74he- t hurch Tue.sday; December '5th, ,aL2:30jj.m. Mrs. Cole will have charge of the devotional period, and the word for.the, roll call is •Truth." A social, hour wilt be held at th e . cIo.se. All ladies cordially invited. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH , Rev. F . A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, December 3rd, / 8 :00 a.m.--^Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Monday, 8 p.m. -- Church Com mittee. St. Franci.s-in-the-Wood, 3:00 p.m. -- Evensong and Ser mon. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th .Street. Pastor:. Rev. Robert H. Birch. B.A. Services: Sunday School ........... ,,9:45 a.m, Sunday Services ..i........ 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. -Wednesday-Prayer-Fellow- U N q 'E p CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Ave. . :Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, December 3rd. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. „ 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. -- Sub jectr" H\'hen--E-very thing Goes Wrong,--W hat?" 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. An evening with old hymns and hymn-writers. "l^et me teach The people their hymns and I evare not who teaches them their c'reeds." / !-. We welcome you to these ser vices. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. will be heldirop. Tuesday, December 5tiL a t 2:15 p.m, in the church-hall. The hostesses will bo Mrs. W. Mun- ton, Mrs. J. H. Moncrieff, and Mrs. jM, J, McKenzie. Members and friends are cordially invited. The articles loft over from ba'/.aar can be boiiglit a t the meeting. sh ip ......... ........... ......7:30 p.m. Friday, Children's Club 7 :00 p.m. Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible F'ellowship......... 7 :45 p.m. On Sunday evening Gordon^ Morgan, a .niember of the Royal Canadian Astronomical Associ ation, will give an illustrated lecture on 'TTie Starry Heavens/' a testimony to the Creator. With baskets of white chrys anthemums adoiming the altar, and clusters of yellow and bronze chrysanthmums arranged throughout, St. Stephen's Church West Vancouver, was the setting for a wedding at 8 p.m. Friday when Rev. F. A. Ramsey united in marriage Marjorie Kearney, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McCulloch Hill, and Mr. Edgar Dorman Armstrong, son of Mrs. Armstrong and the late A. Arm strong. ■ Given in marriage, by ̂ her father, the bride wore a dirndl gowp of ivory velvet with full skirb'sweeping into a train. Her embroidered veil of bridal net was caught to a clusteV'of white baby orchids, and she carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and gardenias. Miss Jean Hill, who attended her sister as bridesmaid, .wore a gown of bronze velvet in bustle effect with short fitted jaoquette., A posy of yellow and .bronze chrysanthemums, fastened by a band of matching velvet, dressed her hair, and she (iarried a b(iu- quet of the same flowers. Mr. G ^ ^ n Armstrong was his b ro k e r's groomsman, and Mr. Clifford Hill and Mr. Norman Armstrong ushered. Miss Hilda Bone, cousin of the bride, sang "'O Perfect Love." ------- At the reception in the-York Room, Hotel Georgia, which fol lowed the ceremony, Mrs. Hill- -recei ved-The--guestw w earin g -a - presided a t the urns. Servitours were the Misses Molly Lof}( Margaret Bone, Caroline Marsh| Dorothy and Dorine Fogg, IhUh'" Armstrong and Mesdames \V Hancock and A. Dairon. When Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong left by motor on their wedtiing trip iiouth, the bride was wear ing a suit of dark brown nubby woollen trimmed with mink, and small veiled model hat in mat idl ing shade. On returning, Uu\v will reside in the Westchester Apartments, 1595 West Thir- . teenth. SCHOOL BAND AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Lildies' Auxiliary to the School Band will be held on Wed nesday, December 6th; at 2:30 p.m. in the, Pauline Johnson School. NoUnext week, b u t . tHis week is the better time to plant Roses, Shrubs and Bulbs Prices are reduced for ' Friday and Saturday Hollyburn Florists 1G80 Marine Drive! (next Bank) West 940 Open on Saturday Evening. . gown of-black velvet with bustle back slightly en train",' and hat of matching velvet, assisted by Mrs. Armstrong, who chose black net embroidered in blue over black taffeta, with black velvet hat.. Assisting a t the reception were Mrs. Robert Bone, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. W. H. Arm strong, aunt of the groom, who 1516 Marine West-710 I •' 'f. CHESTERFIELD SUITES Built in the British way. Bargains in Easy Chairs and Occasional Chairs Jake "OUlrmns sez he thinks belter with n pijH> in his mouth. A bit more brains in Ids head might help sum. " THE W est Van News PublUhed Every~TR«r«day" 10:15 7:45 ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Aye. Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Service Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon . a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p,m. Week-day Services Mass ~ 8 a.m. ___ Fridays--Rosary/IBenedictioh V 7:46. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m: Satui-day, Nov. 1)1, 8X30 a.m, R^uiem iM j^s^ J CARD OP Tho Canadian licgion W. lake this opportunity o f . thankijig all those who worked' on thetr Poppy Campaign and helped to make it such a .success, .. „ POPPY" CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE■ ! '........ '...• .........: ' ' -' ■ To Be in Service Downtown Saturday, Dec. 2 CALL THE NEW " MARINE" NUMBERS AFTER THAT DATE A T midnight, Saturday, December 2, about 3,000 telephones now served by the Seymour and 'Trinity central offices will be changed to the dial method of operation as the first • V * t> step in the gradual conversaon of the whole of the Vancouver telephone system. 'The numbers of these diaUtelephonte changed, and will have the-prefix "Marine"-, l ^ e n calling a d o ^ to w n number afte r midnight, Saturday, December 2, please r«fer to your new December directory; V