Established over 13 yei^.Established over 18 years. A Weekly Newspaper C i r c u l a t i n g i n k i h e D i s t r i c t o f W e s t V a n c o u v e r -- A m b l e s i d e . H o l l y b u r n ^ W e s t o n , D u u d a r a v e Sl.oo per year. C y P r e S S P a r k , C a u l f e i l d , W b y t e c l i f f , f i t c . 5c per copy HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30th. 1939 A . ___ _______ _vc:__________ _ No. 33 UNITY M. fiiniilv can last unless it is united. No nation or ̂ nations ^ n survive unless united. And this I's par. t M?e S the British Commonwealth of Nations, my^de up'̂ a ^ ii 1̂ 0/ a variety of peoples o f different races and lftngujy?es. lYiodern world only the French^ and British r o v e d tL m ^ lv e s capable of empire Which means also of empire, since empires incapable or unworthy of y «non S ea k UP and disappear. And the continual sur- vi!Tot' X British lim pirc has been and is a constant source wonder to the nations outside it. , , ■ ' w r iia v e only one rule of government, that Within the ni l . m'ln's law each people, as it shail prove itself capable, *11 rule itself and conduct its life in accordance with its raa' mers and customs. The Boston Tea Party taught our Sltesm ai a lesson which they have never forgotten, to w it , , fimt hot government by force but governm ent by free will is the oVly kind which in the long run oan withstand the """"Sc^erntag^this'freedom of ours. Othe^ nations do not uiideretand it at all, and som etim es-it Sgems that a few even of us do not appreciate the fact that there can be no freedom without responsibility, for that spells license, and at the end o f that road is servitude. j - j • in i/i iqiq Wp are fighting this war tod^y, as we did in 1914-1918, because the German particularly can not understand govern ment by free will. The brutal streak in his mental makeup mweiits him from appreciating any rule but that of force. Indeed his cleverest philosophers some of whom won world vide reputations, had the same blind spot in their minds. This idea of rule by force plus a claim of the Germans being supermen, although so far history records no superiority on thSr part over the rest of mankihd either in the arts of peace or of war, are in the last analysis the root causes of the present ^^"^Therefore, it will notA)e enough merely to destroy .Hitler-, because, after all, it is,on ly a lineal descendant of Bis- - m a T c k i s m - a n d - K a i s e r i s m -- And-a~raoe-which_can-disturb_the_ ^ . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MASONIC DANCE COMING EVENTS King David Lodge No. 93, A. F, & A.M., are giving their Eiglileenth Annual Dahoe to morrow (Friday), from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Orange Hkll. Miusic will be provided' by Gar den's Orchestra and refresh ments will be served. As admis sion is hSr invitation only, those desiring invitations are asked to kindly apply to H. W. Lang, West 588, or J. T. Watt, W est . ■ ' THIRD ANNUAL ' * "YULETIDE CAROLING** Thursday, Dec. 14ih -- Anglican Young People's As.stx;iationH of the North Shoixi in throe one-act plays at 8:15 p.m. in the Orange Hall, in aid of West Vanoouver Xmas Cheer Fund. CHRYSANTHEMUM ASS*N Reeve J. B. Ley land We have ascertained from The Staff and Students of the West Vancouver High '"Bchools are planning- th^ir third annual "Yuletide Caroling," to be pre sented in Inglewood Auditorium, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, December 13th and' 14th., The. program this year will be in the form of a ChristmasTTc i.cvvv ---. , - ill toe lo r iu ux a. vjiiiiBbiuao Reeve.Leyland that he will be a .pageant, depicting in twelve candidate for re-election. Reeve beautiful scenes the events of the Ley land has served two years as Nativity, A choir o f over one Councillor, one year as School hundred voices will sing the Trustee, and has held the oftice Christmas carols d^ar to the of. Reeve'"during the last ten, hearts, of all, adding their mes- 'Phe West Vancouver Amateur Chry.santhemum Association is happy to announce that the sum of .$113.03 has been turned over to the Red Cross Society. This reiiresenls the net proceeds from the Muni Show held in the Orange H a ll in Octobei;. The Assoc-ialion wishes to express it's appi'eciation to the public and to "the various bodies in the munici pality for their splendid support. 'iPhê Guides and Brownies were especially active in selling tickets for the show and tljie Association fully appreciates the work they performed. Being the first real show put on by the Association, the results 'are gratifying and they have every reason to expret a bigger and better show next year. years, being elected by acclama tion eight tim es. . This year the Reeve was Presi- dent of the Union o f British Col. sage of melody to the story un folded upon the, stage. The Auditorium will again be transforrhed into the likeness o f • Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. -peace of the world w ith three such examples of ^the same brutal and unmoral ideology w ith im less than a century m ust be so crushed in spirit and'material rieSdlirces" as t 6 be rendered impotent to do so again for at least another een tu iy . How Germany has ruled or will rule herself is strictly h ^ busiimss, although we can rest assured it will always be by force. But, when she tries to impose such a rule on the remainder o i tne wty-ld, then it becomes everybody's business. For whi^h reason there will be few neutrals before all is over. < . For ourselves, it m ight be well to remember if we wish to retain freedom, that fam ily quarrels are usually droppea for the time being when burglars are, trying to break into tne house, even if the door seems capable of withstanding their attack. BRITISH - ISRAEL Mrs. Cornish will give a Pyra mid Talk at the "regular Monday evening meeting at 25th and Marine Drive. Topic: "The King's Chamber and the Subter ranean Chamber." This special address will be well worth your - hearing. Prayer m a tin g Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. Bible Study on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. You are very cordially'* invited to those m eetings. "** FUELS Hv-P. Allen announces that he 5 carrying a stock of bush inside ir, mill inside fir, fire-place fir nd sawdust. For full particulars indly refer to the advertise ment in this issue.' ' ' u c x i 1/ . j j . ,-- - r -- ^ - 7 . x r c U i B x u i m e u i i i x u n i t ! i i i v c i r e o o , w x mhbta~-Municipahtiesr^and-Ha^ ir ^ M ^ ia e ^ l" Ca ̂ ^gaily recently b ^ n honored with a Lite ^̂ QQi*ia,ted for the festive, season, Membership in th a tc i'ganization. stained glass windows and The Reeve i s V ice-President of jnurals illustrating the Christ- the Greater Vancouver. Tourist mas story. Association and -also of the Those who have been priv- Automobile Club of British Col- jigged to attend similar presenta- umbia. tions by the students in the past Reeve Ley land's term of office wilPlook forward with pleasure has been notable for the con- to this year's performance which struction of the Lions' G a^ pj.omises to be even more appeal- Bridge and the British Pacific ^nd beautiful than those of Properties development, which previous years, together with a reputation for ^ silver collection will be sound financial.._a_dmjnistratmp-- ^taken-at-rthe-door,_thelprtie.e.eds_ and a ^progressive community ̂ Qf vvbich y îll be donated to the spirit has brought W est Vancou- ̂ . ver to the forefront among out standing municipalities in . Can ada; ' THE CORPORATION OF 'THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER W est Vancouver C h r i s t m a s Gheer Fund. LEGION W. A. GRAND CONCERT BY CHORAL SOCIETY The W est Vancouver Choral The Canadian Legion W . A. Society are giving a Grand Even- held their usual nionthly meet- ing (Concert at 8:15 p.m.'Monday, ing la s t Monday with the instal- December 11th, in"~the Orange ation of new members and nom- jjall under the direction of their ination and election of officers conductor, G. E. Bower, L.R.A. for the .year 1940 on the agenda, m ., A.R.C.M., L.M.U.S. The Mrs. Travers Barker and Mrs. artirts appearing cn the pro- Marjory Thomas were added to gram will be Miss Frances Dut- the ever growing jnembership". mezzo-soprano; Carl Horthy, Resignations were received from tenor, both of Vancouver; Aub- Mrs. D, W. Graham, 2nd vice; rey Clarice,^baritone; and a violin Mrs. B. Rankm, membership and ensemble under the direction"of Miss Margaret McIntyre. The proceeds will go to the Vancouver Santa Claus -Fund. Tickets, 25 cents. Fay Land LEGION NOTES STUDIO r e c i t a l BY - ^ MISS HARRISON*S PU H L S ANTA CLAUS C A V A L C A D E - A Santa Ciaus Cavalcade of H a r r i s on , A.T.C.M. fusic and Wit will be-held at 8 -special Diploma, wishes to an- •m. Friday, December 8th, in- n o S r e a series of studio recitals, Inglewood Auditorium. An t h i r s t to be held at h er home neresting program has been ar- Inglewood Ave., om December f proceeds will go to 3 .̂̂ 3 p .^ . Included among the iferformers will be 8-year-old una. Admission, 25 cents, . _ Oor^hy Mae Armstrong, winner of the Bach under 10 class at the last B. C. Mimical . and winsome Fay Land, a talent ed little girl ^ho, at the age ot 7 years, has composed a iiivords -■ and mus.iCx Pptitled , l e g io n W. A. NOTES Mrs. 3. W. Barnett, press cor respondent. . Officers for the ensuing year are: President, Mrs. F. Rivers; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. T. Turner; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. T. L ittleford; secretary, Mrs, M. P hillips; ---------- treasurer, Mrs. ' E. S tok es; hos- social evening which was p ita l sick, Mrs. E. H owdle; local have been given by the mem-7 sick, Mrs. M. Morgan; member- bers to the l^ ie s of the W. A. ship, Mrs. S. Robinson; press, on Saturday has been bancelled Mrs. M. Partington. owing to tHe death yesterday of A hearty vote of thanks wi^ Comrade C. E. Sharman. accorded the retiring officers in All mepibers of the Canadian appreciation of the valuable ŝ er- Legion, Post No. 60, are asked vices they had rendered during to attend Friday's meeting at 8 p.m. Im portant-business to -be -brought up. ♦ their period of office. PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to" the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp- oration of the District of Wesi^ Vancouver,. B. C., that I require" the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni cipal Hall,-West Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY ----- the 11th day of December, 1939, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of ejecting per sons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing ■ three persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per son to represent them as a Com missioner of Police. The Mode "̂ of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: The candidates shall be nom inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elec to r s of the Municipality as pro poser and seconder, and shall be delivered to the._Returning Of ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination The said w riting may be in th e io rn i num bered 3. in thei-Schedule of the "Municipal Elections A ct," and -shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to iden t ify such candidate; and in the event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE l 6th DAY OF DECEMBER,-1939, WEST VAN. BUS STOP ON HOWE APPROVED suits of Poppy , -umpaign............... . *455.14 for-Poppies,- '̂ t h s . E ^ . !...... ^ 164.20 ice in bank Spring." Fay will sing hesr ̂ n g and play Grade 6, CToronto Con- The northwest corner of Howe _and DunsmuirHtreets_was-form_r_ FIRST W EST VANCOUVER SCOUT TROOP (St. Stephen's) .94 servatory) piano pieces at the ^ ------ ----------- studio recital. 'll'- and Mrs. ,L. Burley. 153 ■ *----------- ------------ ..v 'll Street, were the o f the degree to which you ^ R ev J M ̂ prove- yourself true to the modest a7 o . .7 * task o f today can you fifyou rse lf for, _A lta -V istar-last-- orinsp ire-6thers-to -intrust -you-vdth. ally designated by the Vancou- The Mothers* Auxiliary will ver City Council Monday, as the m eet at the home of Mrs. G. E. loading berth for the bus ser- Bayfield, 2004 Inglewood Ave- vice to be. started by W est Van- nue, on 'Thursday, December 7th,. couver municipality. The agree- at 2:30 o'clock. • i ment will call for a 30-day trial ' ------- -- ;-- ', per,i(^- Alternative suggested by Mr. W hittaker is building " a - council was on Dunsmuir Street . new liom e at 22nd and King's - ju st round- the_cqnierHrom J;he_.A.venue__ ______________ ____ ̂ j approved berth. between the hours of 8 o'clock aim. and 8 o'clock" p.m. o f said day "a t theA m bleside Hall, cor ner of 14th Street and M ^ine Drive, W est Vancouv^? B. C., -ofzwJuch-ever^rqpersonda^^ required to take notice and gov ern him self accordingly. Given under my hand at th^ Municipal Hall, D istrict^ p W est Vancouver, th is SOthy day of Novfember, 1939. WM. HERRIN, . Returning Officer. _HoIlyl;>um,. B.C.,____________ _ 30th November, 1939. "