f! I .'i I: & > ' ' !./ "tt :d' 'N- f} '• .;V 11 V ̂ k * ;• ^\ -*'i "j *'** J i«'-■C,' i Q-Sp ! j ,.̂,1 m h ' i r - ; s r ' !■■ a S.j;^V ,Mi , . :i Ik Tk <' » -1 i A I'v, ft-fe.5 >" ■,' * A? i 4 'At \Si"- '%? I Ai : i\t.̂ iiAY- -'If" -.'tASi ' '" ®* i 'f r - a i ?i"'48i> -- wmi 40 A . H a r v ^ S m ith M e.u -w « t mo Fr«# IleWrerjr 8crvi«* - Monthly Account SU(;(iKKTIONB for nUOAY & HA'n UDAY. Nov. 21th & 25th th e reKuIar WonthJy meetinir ■ will lx* held Monday afternoon, 27th inatant, in the St- Stephen a Church Hall, at 2:30 p.m. A large tuniout of delegates is re- <i nested. Itôd & WhiU- TOMATOKS 2 No. 2Vt tluM 25r y. lOd & M'hiti* IIANTAM COHN ' \I7 o t . (in Hi>d & Whl(<- CAHHOTH aiid l*KAH ' Imoz. H<|UhI Tin ............ \2< CALII'OHMA (iHAl'KriaJlT l.arK«f Hi/.t< ...................... - ■3 for 10c HIJNKIST OHANOKS rainily hI/c dozen 2ric COOKINti ON ION H 10 Ih. auck 20c Apples ' S lb s. 2 5 c . OKI HI) FHOITB KANTA n.AHA FKljNKH l-arKf pfuntp oricH 2 Ilw. 2r>c Money Hnind lU-ACK FKiS 2 ll»s. 17c rnliforniu OHIHO I'MACMHH. lb. 20c (.HAIIAM WAI KUK.ited Arrow , ,1 lb, Olio pkl. IHc Ihvi & Wbito .MAH.MAI.ADK .12 o/.,- -Jar 2r>cHAVANKDOW.N Cake Flour . pkt. 27c m e a t s 'rompi Delivery FhonerWcal .370 MII-K FKD I^t;tJ|fC KOWI.... lb. 22c CCOVKU l-I5A> oV kTKHH. '/* pt. 18c SIIOI'I.DHHH Ol' DAIVIH (whole) per lb. , ................................ ICf IMCKF- (irade A Kleer I*()HK - - (irain IVd I.A.MH - lop (liiulity VFAI- ' Milk Fed, FKF.SII A: H.MOKKD FI8M I ('Ll- LINK DKLICATK-SSKN The West Vancouver United Church Choir <'ntertaine(l St. Stephen's Church Choir to a Social last Thuisday evening in the United Church Hull, when an enjoyable time wiut spent in games and . cornpetition.s. The <*vening closeil willt the of dainty refreslmieiit.H. The St. Stephen's Choir expect to return the compliment in the near future. LUMBER QwiMty SASH & DOOES SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITT PAINT BUILDERS' SU PPU ES r o o f in g W-ALLBOARD TILE Ageats: ' 4 CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. \^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phonp' West 115 TOWNSWOiMlCN' GUILD C L A S S IF IE D A D S In Vm Newg get immediBUi results. ALL IIWA.N, Kclli)««:'a .bir«c pkt. 20c JAMS SlniwlM'rry or HaMpberry with Api>lc .1 pound (In .'17c a i m ; .MAItV'S rOFFFIC lb. .37c COUNCIL NOTES Josej)li Hyatt, wrote the Coun cil re, ('xehange of Lot.s 15 & 10, ]lh>ek 21, D.L. 237. Me was ud- vis(?(l that the policy of the Coiiii- eil i.s not to exchange lot.s unless circumstances are very excep tional, and ilien only when It is desired to build on a lot not ac- ccHsiblif to public services. Union Estates l4td, wrote the (Council re ateount of $05.83 for removal of r(K;k slide I'arcel 1, Mlwk 51, D.I,. d.30. In reply the (.'•ouncil regretted they had no I)Ower to make any refunds in the case of expenditure on priv ate prorierly. followiiiiLsale of Ta.x,Sale |(jIv was, m;ul(! by the (knincil .siiljjcci, ll> the ij.sual terms gov erning Hiicli .sales: ' 1...I (), S.W.14 .D.L. 1()(>3, to llh* Sharpe Uralty Co. for a clnnit; Lot 12, lilock 31, D.Ij. d.'io to 11. Fallows K(?alty for a client. ' ' Townswomen'.s (JuihDwill hold a Social Evening on their regular meeting night, I'Yiday, Decem ber 1st, at the Clachan, to which member.s and their friends are cordially invited. Ladies of the Guild Executive will be h_o.stes.ses for the evening. Various' game.s will be in progress and contests held., Mrs. C. H. Beall will con vene refre.shments. Prospectiye. member.s are-reipio.sted to obtain application forms from Mrs. A. 3'. Cushing. ,GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastmga. be^ 4199 a t West Vancouver any time oy ' appointment, West 403. UNDERGRADUATE NURSE -- Dis- engaged; good cook. 3168 Bellevue Avenue, or Box 10, W est Van News. LOS'r--Sunday, Wrist Watch West Buy and Sherman. Ktward. Seymour 2046. • ______ '.. FOR SALE -- Pair beautiful blue Portieres; original cost $50; sell for $15; also -pair 'binoculars with leather case, $12. Apply 2347 Mur- FOR RENT -- 7'Rooms, large hvmg room, 4 bedrooms, modern sawdust v,nrruo'! V,. block from water, me. I burner; mediate % block pos.session. im- Rent $35.00.meUIUI-W J7UO.-.VO.-.V,... '* u . . .^ v n r A. E. Austin & Co Ltd., boo west Hastings St. Soy. 9131. Lvenings, West 548-M. ^______ jg_ CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Biirrard Junk Co„ West 91. T A B L E T E N N IS L E A G U E Mr.s. .1. Shca.sgr<?ciLwa8 the of- liciid dcIcgaU; iVom the Crippled (ddldrcii's ho.spital a t a Vernon and Di.' t̂rit'l, conference' held at Vcnioir- recentl)'.H< ♦ ' <v RADIO SERVICE ~ Estimates, re- - - pairs. - moderate, charges, ' guaranteed. J. L..Pettigrew. West 828. - ' ............... -̂--- CHIMNEY SWe IePING Old Coun try way; guaranteed; bridk and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 81 l-R-2. r I\lr, and Mrs, S, (J. (,'arl.son have m oved from 1215 Clyde Avemu; 1o 22Dr) Fulton, First ̂ )i vision .Team s W. V. Sizxlers Canadieiis Maple Leafs Pudes Hillbillies P 4 4' 4 4 4 W 3 9 2 2 0 L 1 1 1. 2 4 T 0 1 1 0 0 Pts 6 WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT P - ^ ' ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 172-L-3.____ - 5 5 4 0 PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at ̂ reason- Rble rates> H. Gaines, West BISMA-UEX quickly relieves sour stomach, indigestion, etc. This new • discovery will make a new person of you.. Get a package today at McNeil «& McCue Drugs; Phone West 528. No matcTies played last week. Second Division WHSr VANCOUVER L. S, F. Uf Hoy wrote the Council n* aewss lb Block 124, D.L.55G. -The Council in reply, -regrctttrd--Hi a t--(rl lore--\y§i:C!--no- Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners ;,,:Toams Sockeye.s'. Norvanites . 'l"hree Flys Hillbillios Comets P G G G 6 G W G 5 L 0 1 3 2 0 3 4 4 T Pts 0 12 0 10 0 6 0 4 2 2 $18.00"--- Cosy furnished 3 room mod ern flat, Ambleside. $27.50. wateiv front furnished modern .house, con venient'. H. E. Whiff in Agency, 1446 Marine. Eves. West 693-Y-l. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning," glass, glazing. West 780, W est 443-R. DRESSMAKING--Alterations, prices reasonable. 1474 Marine Drive. funds available at pi;oscnt for thc opening of roads. Phone West 39 4 2 ' 2 J. Ritdiard.son et al |H*titioned iho Council for a street, liglit at the corner of 21st and Haywood Avenue. Placed on the light life for consideration in the fall with similar application.s. J, M. Baxter was appointe<l a member of the T'own Planning Commission for the term.ending 3rd November, 1912, and that a SPECIAL Inside F ir:-- from shed ........$6.00 per. cord from mill ...... $.5.50 per cord. Slabs with Bari? $4.00 per cord .Slabs & Edginif.H $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL \ Phone North 620 Nifties 6 '0 Last week's score.s: Sockeyes 10, Three Plys 8. , Norvanites 11, Hillbillies 7. Comets 9, Nifties 9, . The Big Ten Plavcrs : P W G. Bhadlev (H) 30 26 87 M. McDowell (S)-- ^6--SI-- 86 HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442, Marine-- Purple Heather, Tiger. Monarch ' Wool Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting Needles, Books, Crochet Cotton, -:Hatld-knit~Baby Woollens.______ _̂_ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey; 4199 a t W est Vancouver any time by ' / appointment, West 403. PAINTING AN D DECORATING -- Estimates free: J. H, Wedley, West- . 1022-L. __________________ DRESSMAKINGT -- Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Children's Clothes; specializing alterations, make-overs Robbins, West 619-R. WANTED We have continual enquiries for West Vancouver-^homes and properties. Let us have Tour listings for-sale. - H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive- West 546 BOYS OUT OF SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or ) register a t Club House. 5̂' letter <,>f uppreclatkm be forward-, ed to him' for .services already rendered to the municipality. ♦ , The (knmdl deidt with tlie Engiiieer'.s report.s a.s follows: L I'reliminarv estimale for tlie closing of S" pipe at Sandy (Jove bridge. Referred to the Chairman of the , Wnlerworks and the Engineer willi power to not. .......... ......... 2. (h'eory CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WUST VANCOUVER J.'Bradley (S) T. Cardinall (Nor) B. Millie (TP) 'A. Coy (Nor) .J. Masterman (S) W. MoiTitt (Nor) 3(i B. Pi ami! ton (N) 35 I. McLeod (TP) 24 36 36 36 36 34 30 30 28 26 21 22 16 11 83' -£z3e=>.8 r 78 72 62 61. 46 46 SEVEN ROOM STUCCO SEM I- ■ BUNGALOW, large lot, good lo(ia- tion and view,' $3200. Semi-Water front lot, 50x150, a sacrifice for cash ht $350. Sharpe Realty; 1395 Mar ine Drive. "W est 7.19. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, E t. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or W est 92rR-2. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE-^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. t - Avenue. Mr. Mne- ■donald's application. Clerk to in form applicant (Council regretted funds not at proaent avfiilahk' for exten.sibn-of Creery Avenue. - 3. ' Stroet light applications, Referred back to tiio (^liairman of the Lighf Department for re port. ' ,\ 4. Municipal Solicitor. Poch- in's'appiicatioirre Lot l(t, Bkvk 5/ D.L. 555. Thai this work be approved, cost not to exceed $73 providing an easomoiit is ob tained from ML Pochin, tfie said" .easement to contain a clause re lieving, the municipality of all future liability, ajul also .subjeot- to an incidental easement being - obUined by the Engineer from the owner of property. immedi ately opposite on the south,side of Nelson Avenue. -- C'anded, Councillor Dickinson dissenting. All person,'; arc h't'i oby notified that it la the intention of the t'orporation of the. l>i.strict of West Vancouver to construct the followinj' drains or ditche.s to collect the water from the highways' desigmiled and to convey to and <liselmrge the said water in_the._ natural waterway,<i dosij^niited, J. A drain or ditch along Ottawa Avenue fron\.tliT-""sonth-west cor- . ner of Block " B" of the N.E.»4 of District Lot lOS-1 ea.sterly S75 feet and dfscharging into a natural watircourse in District Lot 1083. 2. A drain or ditch along Inglewood Avenue front the south-west cor ner- of D.L, 1070 easterly 1175' fret hnd discharging into Broth- ers Creek. 3, A drain or ditch along Rosebery .Avenue front 26th Street easter ly Jl22i) feet iind discharging into Man- Creek. . Plana, and specilic.'ttion.s of the" said works may be inspected a t the otVice of the Municipal Cfierk, Municipal Hall, We.st Vancouver, B. C., and all claims for damngos or compen.'yition -wdsing out of or by reason of the construction, maiiitemtnco, operation' or user thoiTof ituist be filed with the said Municipal Clerk within one month from tlie 14th da.v of Dooember, A.D, 1939. W. HERRIN, __ Municipal Clerk.J FOR RENT ' $3r).00 -- Seven room house, large rooms, h.w. tloors; good location, .,$25.00 - - Five' room house on water front. Furnace, fireplace, range. ,?S.OO -- Three I'oom cottage, bath, Altamont district. ^ $17.00 . Four room house with bath. SI ove_ heated. $21.00 -- Four room furnished suite. "$-1t0o Dcvulfi'e "garage, ̂ lose in, con- WANTED -- Listings of houses and vacant lots. Phone particulars to our representative, F. Bayliss, West 522-R, Pemberton Realty Corp. Ltd:, 418 Howe St. Trinity 1271. i - n o t a r y PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. West 21, 204-M. • FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary^ 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447. Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey, 0691, W est 546; Residence, Whytecliff 646. K N irriN G and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine FOR SALE -- Garbage Burner,_firs_L class condition, and^girl's hiking boots. West 75-Y-l; mornings , before noon. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 Crete-'floor,'or one car, $2.50. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, West \ 'an. Pioneer Realtors. Established 1905. . 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. AVest 65 LOST -- Feliiale wire-haired terrier, small growtJh on stomach. Anyone harboring will; be prosecuted. West 56-L-l. J. EDWARD SEARS. Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21 FOUND -- Small key, wooden tab. West i 0-12-L, FOR SALE -- New. style walnut dresser, $15; cane arm chair, $3.50; camp cot, good m attress, $4. 2489 Bellevue Avenue. , . MARCEL SHOP ~ Thermique Steam Perihanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. LOS'r -- Spare wheel for Morris eight ear. Sunday afternoon. Re- ward. ;We.';t I38-L, evenings. FOR SALE^FaW cett Victoria Range. Phone West 556-R-3. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED,-- Special machine; repairs, parts'^ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ARTHRITIS or NEURITIS -- Get r_e_- lief overnight by applying Gouflay's Croams. Phone West 2, afternoons or .evenings. WANTED TO RENT -- Modern un furnished house, 2 or 3 bedrooms, close in. H. E 'Whiffin Agency. NOTARY PUBLIC (t'omploto Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405. Marine. West 21, 204-M. FOR SALE -- Easy Electric Washing Machine. Large copper tub and in good condition. Phone West 920-L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust, burners insfalled; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum7:1103 Lonsdale. North ' 822.. ' ■ BEER PLEBISCITE •Citizens of,A\!^t-Vi«uw.ve4-,-don't be fooled. Mo plebiscite- is netnled to build a hotel. This is only an artful trick of the Beer Interests to got you to vote for Beer-to Ih' .told by the glass, which mean.s the^ intixiduction'of Beer Snkxms in .our now clean Jlunicipality. I ublisherl by the West Yancouver Citizens' League fonmxl for the pui-pose' of . preventing the ^ duction of Beĉ r Saloons in West Vancouver. LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE. Children's Educational Policies arranged a t any age. •Also Short Term EJndowinent Bonds to . covenJMprtgage, or other requirements, GEORGE GIBBONS, Rejiresentative Mutual Life of CJanada Phono, West 835-M FOR SALEk---Tuxedo Suit with studs, size 38. . Men's skates and boots, size 9. Ladies figure skates, size 5. P u ll, set drawing- ihstruments, let- W'ANTED TO BUY For S p o t'C ash - household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. tering set and other instruments. Bo:^ 20, West Van News; W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned. West 187-R. WANTED-- General help, sleep in. West 956-L. TO TH E MAN w ho. borrowed my --Steel level, please return it. I-need- it. W. CJarley.f o r SALE -- Tools, carpenters and garden, canary and cage, two burn- ~l------- -------- ■ --------------- --------- / oil camp stove; reasonably priced. $500 -- Have cash fo r small modern ' West 411-L. bungaIow_ near bus; view; price WANTED -- By responsible p a r t ie s Special Winter Prices SAWDUST - WOOD - COAL A. D O B S O N . North 793-R-2 . Reverse calls small hou^e, moderate rental, option to.buy on rental basis., if suited. No $2,000,. Deal owners only. Box 23, -W-est-Vari News., agents. Box 22, W'est Van News. l e t US HELP YOU Rent or Sell .vour house, real estate, rentals, in- ^ rance, loans, conveyancing. Sharpe -Realty. 1395 Marine. W est 719 1395 Marine West 71*9 FOR SALE -- Bed and Spring, full ■ size, panel ends, $8.00; Idtehen table with leavesj $4.00; student table and . • odd chairs. W est 850-R. . FOR SALE -- English pram. Phpne West 53-Y-3. F()R RENT ~ Five roomed unfurn- FOR RENT---- Double garage, cement _--foundation.--21-11-Esquimalt.--West. 365-R. ' - '