! m fit ■ i i t <; p -• | | U i'll .'i I >*'S 4 : 1 1 i f : !: T hj j ,'H, -f*? JV ! k-1. ! 'M , 4'i, (»•.'•;-fn p' l'•'■ i ' ' i : i' , > ':;Vi: , Jf ■' It mm " j . K'SJi'-S I * ̂liIL {4̂ ; ir .-,• pII'I' p j iP M i i;mM: im.., iwai i s * i f teiiiliisS §liillpMKA p ip p lmrnmM M'it V m,ibk * JP 11 . i i W Eirr VAN. UNITED CHURCH Cor, ZUt & K«(|uira«U Af«.' .flBV._W._VAN^ ' ' *kMt . Av'fBtt# Vhom West 244-K g&Adfty Hervicei: 11 «.ra. A 7j30p.m. Htrangers »rul Visitors lire welcome Sunday 8fnrle*t 10:00 a ,i T i ,- " t * h u r c h S c h o o l i n - ' c i u d i i t K A d u l t C l a s s 11 »,m. & 7:30 p.ra.--Preachinif S e r v l c e a . A hearty welcome to all D onU D e p lo r e th e ' C on dition o f Your H a ir ! DO h o m k t jiin i; a h o u t m Tin; Hum'HK of your ChristimiH [U'ririHfieMt dî jMfndH 'on the con- tliUon of your hair. If you have htMfM UKiiiK househohl houjjh or harsh HluiiripooHi your-hair wHl iiavo a iiirio aedimeut coutiri/yf the hair shaft, inakinjf'it tlilfi- ( ult to i>ennain*iit. Olio or two treatiiieiitK heforq your j»orm- arienl will remove this condition and malte your next iiurinuncnt a certain auccoKs. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBORN HALL 14tb und Duchess I IUDAV KVKNINC, Nov. 2lth, at 7 V<nio»< Peoplefrt ServlCjC illustrated by views ..Subject; ' I lie hife of Our I.ord-" h.vcntM Sub-coueiit to the ('nicllixlon. Speaker: MU. .lOlIN KAK SI NDAY, Nov. 2(>th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School'and Yuiiiuf People's Iliblo Class .Sunday Kvcnln« 'at 7:30 , CnSPKL S1CRV1C.K w' ' ' " SpeakijY! MU. iouk: h u n t TliH.Sl)AY at ,» p.m. Fi'fiyer and .Scripture .Study. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and BMiuintsI^ Uollybuni TbU Society is *li Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Misssachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 sum. Sunday November 26 th ,, SUBJECT; "Ancient and .Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmeri.sin and Hypnot ism, Denounced." Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony 'Meetinif Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. , The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and mcotiniBrs. < _A,,TC.Mj, Sj^id^Wplowa,, Teacher of Piano and Theory 1030 SUCCESSES:- jj' C. Musical Festival--l»t place in 13nch Pianoforte under 10 years Toronto Conservatory Ebtamiitatioas -- (1 F irst Class Honors, 5 Honors, 4 Passes, Residence Studio--lOsVi Inglewood Avenue West 1056-L V isit KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET FOR GRADE A BEEF. LAMB, PORK, VEAL & POULTRY AT R^?0l4ABLE PRICES, Free Delivery, Fhone West 10044 1531 Marine Dr. UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esiiuimalt Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister CrrutorH of, E xcIuhIvc Permanents, 1546 Alurino ̂Drive West 117. D R , G . D . I L S E A L E D.D.S,,. L.D.S. DENTlSir X-Hiiy Hay Block, I4th'a'nd Murine Dr. OiTico Hours 0 to G p.m. EvenlnRH by appointment. Phone West 72 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Modical-Dohiul Buildinir " Hours: 9 to 6 --; Evoninas by appointment. ' | 1H60 Aiarine Drive West 432 .ST. A NTHON Y'S- CATHOUC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood, Ave. Itev. Father Van ̂ " "^afitor Sunday Services Low Ma.s.s -- 8:15 a.m. Iligli Mass and Sermon -- 10:15- a.m. Konary and Benediction -- 7 :4,5 ] ) . m . Calechiam and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. - Week-day Services Ma.ss -- H a.m. I'Vidays--Rosary,-Benediction 7;4'5. ■ ■ Saturdays,--- Confessions; 7:30, to 8:30 p.m. ' - S.'diirdav. Nov.«11 .'8 :30 a.m. -- Sunday, November 2Cth. 10:00 a.m.--The Sunday Scchool. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Rev. W .L . McKay, B.A., B.D., of the Baptist Church will preach. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. . The minister will give the .second addre.s.s on ."The Youth of Today and the Redemption •of Tomorrow." , Tho Vesper Circlp will'!'hold it.s regular monthly meeting on Tue.sday, November 28th, at 8 p.m. a t the home of Mrs. M, Mc Dowell, 1160 21st Street. Mem GWENS GOW & SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive . Phone West 5G2 a n n i v e r s a r y s a l e a f t e r n o o n d r e s s e s , Sizes up to 40 also EVENING GOW^NS i -- Coats -- MILLINERY All at reduced prices . Come in and look around. "ABUNDANT LIFE INSURANCE" address by MU. JAMES BRECHIN Successful Insurance Salesman at . WEST VAN. TABERNACLE, Cr, Marino and 25th St. SUNDAY, Nov. 26th, at 7;30 bers are requested to bring along. T T H a H j f i f l l l B f l d S ([uilt patterns. Visitors are cor- " " B * * * * * " ? : (iially invited. , Eittahliahedi on North Shorib 25 Yeara Asaistant) HAIUION BKOS. LTO. funeral Slrectar Requiem Mjiss . WEST VAN. t ABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th Street. Pastor: Rev. Robert TL. Birch. B.A. Services: Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m.' Sunday Services........... 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 1393 Marine Drive In response to many requests we are now prepared to fill orders for CAKES - PIES - COOKIES Individual Filled, Pies, Etc. , .. PHON?3 WEST . 671 _______________ „ ___________________ _________________ Wednesda^y-iPrjiyer Meet-- ing ....'....7:30 p.m. Friday--Children's Meet- -V in g ............. ■............. ..7:00 p.m. Horseshoe Bay . and Vicinity Bible Fellowship-- Thursday .......... 7 :45 p.m. James Brechin, representative ^for a leading'Canadian Insurance "'Association, will speak on Sun day evening. His subject will be "Abundant . Life Insurance." There is a policy which provides for security in eternal life values of faith, hope and love.' Christ said,- "I am come thalrthey^iight- have life and have i t more , abundantly." ilollyburn Funeral uojue ' 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlora 122 Woat Sixth Street 4'hono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avonuo East Plione Fair. 134 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCIF 22nd and Fulton -- - ^RevV F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday. November 26th. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 )).m,'Fven.'<ong and Sermon. Tuesday,'2:30 p.m.--W. A. Study Group. Thursday, Nov, 30, St. Andrew"s Day, 10:15 a .m, -- 11 oly Com- nninion, ' St. I*Yancis-in-(hc'-Wood, / Caulfcild 9:45 a.m. -- Holy Communion. The French Beauty Salon For P erm anents •of iastinj^t beauty. W o ttpocinlize in fine, jfrey and white hivir, 1562 Marine Drive 'Phonc'Wl 212 BAPTIST CHURCH ' Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, . Builders* Supplies Sundays are saving days oh Long-distance calls 'Any time any Sunday is a good time to use the long-dis' tance .telephone, for the rates are cheaper then. ------- -- . Sunday rates, which are the same ; as the low night rates, --are-in-efFect^very-week-end- fepm j 7 p. rn,, Saturday, until 4.30* a.m., Monday. Call on Sunday and save.-- A number of cases of the theft of spare tires from autos has recently occurred in the munici pality. One or--twiQ attem pts-to break into houses are also said to have-been made. BRITISH COLUMBIA L TELEPHONE CO. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Sunday Services; lll^OOa.m--'rhe Itov. W'm. Vance the United Church will Donald M cAlpine Pianist & Teacher ' G L A . ^ S a n d I N D I V I D U A L . INSTR.UanON S t u d i o : 2 ,'I3 31» t S t r e e t P h o n o M i . s s W i l c o x ' r o s i d e n c o S n t u r d n y . W e s t 367 - - Y -1 7 :30 ri^^^^Opened /'H h '. bright sing s{m^fegg;T^[jjg^aslor's sub ject will be, "Refreshing Chri.?- lians." 10:00 a.m. Church School. Classes, for all, agCvS. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's .-^^ciety. The progi*am will take ' thb form of grouj,) discussion. - Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. MODERN FUELS W E S T 1 0 3 2 B U S H l N S l D K ' F n t _ ^ $ r ) . 5o c o r d M I L L I N S I D E F I K .. 5.00 c o n i P I U E P I . A C K F I K L O O . c o r d SAW U11 SI""--GuarantihhI 200 cubic feet, !00'/t Fir ,, $3.50 H. I*. ALI.KN THE West Vim News iPubltahcd Every Thursday DEATH OF IHRS. JOHANNA THYGESEN Ctible advices have been re- ceiveti by her husband of the death o n . tho 18th Instant, ia Sweden, of Mrs, Johanna Thyge- sen, wife of P. D. Thygesen, 947 22nd Street. 'Die ■ deceased left here on 4th April to visit her m other and Ixrother in.CoiHui- hagen, also a sifter residing in Lund, Sweden. Surviving her, besides her husband, are four- sons: John, Paul, Carl and Ernest, "ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY, AlAAS MES MERISM AND H Y I^ T IS M , DENOUNCED," will be th rsu b - ject of the 1 wesson - Sermon in all C,hurche.s,of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "Wheh_ they shall .̂ ây unto you, Seek unto them that have" familiar sp irits ,' and unto wizards tha t peep, and tliat m utter: 'should not a. people seek unto their . God?" (Isaiah 8; 19). Among the citations which comprise!the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." (Rom ans 12: 21). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker-Eddy 'T h a t evil or m at ter has neither intelligence nor power, is the doctrine of absolute U^hnstimi,., Science, and this is ̂ the great truth which strips all disguise from error." Publisher F. F. LdVEGROVE _PhoiuLWest_363 Mr, and Mi's. Williams of Van couver, have moved into a house a t 3252 ^hirine Drive._________ Business and Editorial Office, ' 1704 Marine Drive- Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave, tl.OO a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by . mail - ,) Mrs, S. C, Sweeney, who has been a patient in Vancouver General Hospital, has returned to her home a t 2991 Mathers Avenue.. ' ^ . S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive in tiie Store occupied by The Florence Studios • Phone 9 ^ ON m MAKE BROWN & MUNTON <$42 MAAINC ORIVK WCST 3S0Mwnlxnn of B.C. t . 6wri9'39|