»W#ttl PROVINCIAL •""ClBFWtrT" ' Established over 18 years. A Weekiy Newspaper Established over 18 years. ....................................................................^ .........................^ ................................ . ̂ , . . ............................................................................ .......................................................... . . . , , , ................... Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Atnblesicie, Holly burn ̂ Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Cauffeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy Vol. XIV H'OLLYBURN P .O ., w e s t V A N C O U V E R ,, B .C ., T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 23i^d, 1939 No. 32 ' ■".i CITIZENS WANT COMMUNITY HOTEl. CX)IMlN(i' EVENTS NEW HOTEL FOR WEST VANCOUVER 1 P hiiili at Taylor Way and- Marine Drive, this 30 room hotel' will have a large convention hall ^̂ 'uitable for a multiplicity of functions. About 2 acres of groun ds will be beautifully landscaped. l e g io n w ; a . MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ThP usual monthly meeting of With h few exceptions possible -A rMmdian 1/egion, will candidates for municipal office tte Hair on. are not Yet' ready to definitely Monday 27th November, a t 2 announce their intentions this S c k sharp. Every member is applying to Reeve I^yland and ociocK bi a 1 ̂ -another resident lately mention- ■'T he W A." cL ad ian Legion, ed as a possible contender for the Lr̂ û mr a fpa also sale of reeveship. Councillor Gisby m- homeVTOking and needlework a t forrned us he would s ^ n d for V,™ af Mr«i M Phillips, re-eleotion, and Harvey Smith of n w ^ U t street oil Wednesday, the Red and W hite Stores, wifi. ■ ̂ A ! ? i „ o ^ ? S ^ d I t V for a -lo r Elgar has not. yet decided, the W A', m ust and K A. Ray Is, in Victoria, smd S rw ™ ill t h t teoubled world 4001(1 not Be cont^te(l, while J. ravpv - ' Richardsou has not yot mado upmore than ever. \fl?R AT ^MA^ 11 trustees, Mrs. O'Donnell, G. E. ^ALL B I 3 B r i le y 'And H. G. Barker are m ______ the same case. Police ^ m m is- sioner F. Dorchester will be standing for re-election." COUNCIL CONGRATULATE REEVE LEYLAND The Council a t their meeting on Monday passed the following resolution: , "This Council extend to Reeve J. B. Leyland, President of the U.B.C.M. for 1939, their congrat ulations a t the honor of a life membership in the Union being conferred upon him a t the Con vention held in Victoria, B.C., on -Oc-tober-25th--1-939t̂̂ --̂ -------- -- • It takes oonsiderable vision and courage to inve.si one hund red Ihousaml dollars in w artim e, yet that is exactly what a group of reliable business men jiropose to do in West Vancouver. The'se men like other large invosters in the Municipality, taking the long view, see tho West Vancou ver of the future, thetinest resi-' dential district in all Canada, served by modern .mores and a fine Community Hotol. When the hii'ge beautiful site for the llo tef was selected, manv citizens voiced their approval, any objections to having . a tavern near schools, I'osidential districts and beaches having been removed by the choice. Located at the gateway "to the city^ the site is ido.all/ situated to' oater to the tWivelhng public, especially the tourist who de mands exacting hotol service in this modern age. Included in the hotel plans is the large Convention Hall, per haps the district's greatest im mediate need. Hero fraternal and public bodies can hold a multiplicity of fiinoiions, clubs and organizations ciin arrange social events. Just jis the Van couver Hotel serves the many social needs of the Term.inal City, so will the new Community Hotel seiwe the needs of West Vancou- h'riday, Dec. 8th -- Saida C l̂aus (^avalcade in aid of Ihe West Vancouver Xmas (tlunir Fund a(y H' i).m. ill tho Inglewood , Audiloi'ium; MondayM)ec..l 1th, 8:15 p.m. -- , '(Ii'aml Evening ("oiicert by \V('s( Vancouver (thoral Soci ety in the Orange Hall. Pro ceeds to West Vancouver Santa Claus Fund. • .. . Wednesday and 'Pluirsday, Dec. i;iUi and l.lth -- Ynletide(iar-:' oliiig by the.W est Vancouver- High Schools, in (heilnglewood ' Auditorium, a t 8,: 15 p.in. All net proceeds,to tlie W('st Vah- conver.Saida Clans Fund. 'riinrsday, Dec. H th -- Anglican - Young People's Association's of the North Shore im three . one-act plays at, oT.'lin. in ' the ̂Orange Jla.lT,yijn 'k ill of West Vancouver Xmas' (theer Fund. . EKillTEENTH ANNUAL MASONIC DANCE BRITISH - ISRAEL BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY BAZAAR Under excellent conditions and on what the players figured .was a well high perfect pitch the' new ' playing field a t Ambleside was opened on Saturday before sev eral hundred spectators includ- ,ing many die-hards from . ' . A m ost. successful b a z ^ r and city. . tea was held by thoi Ladies'Aux- While the All-Black Barbari- . jiiary to the Boys' Band last ans did not finish up on the win- Tuesday afternoon, in the Legion " ning end they had twd consola- Hall; which was attractively tions. The Reeve made the first decorated with a profusion of kick and Wilf Undsay,'"a;s."a autumn -flowers. During the John Graham of White Rock, will be the speaker a t the regu lar Monday evening meeting a t 25th and Marine Drive. Subject: "The Seventh ViaJ." You are ̂ . cordially invited to hear th i s ! very timely address. Prayer meeting oh Sunday afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. Bible study class with Mrs. Cornish on Wed nesday afternoon at-2-:30. ♦ sK ♦ : PARLOR-SHOW AND ANNUAL ELECTION suit of a determined solo effort, got th e 'H rst score. The visitors were perhaps a trifle lucky in rer taining th e ir unbeaten record, as it was not until late in the afternoon musical seleotions by Bill Simpson, Bob Sheffield, Geo. Brealey, Eric Lashbrook, Gerald Addy and Dave McLelland and readings by Marjorie McLelland ■ . Jl. ■■ ■ .'.-'T « 4-4-1 ̂ ' 'Tiyiirk ■game that they broke the 3 all were much enjoyed. Little Mary deadlock. C o n d o n drew the winning raffle Throughout the local forwards tickets, the first prize oi ^ hand- were every bit as good as the quilt going to Mrs. Gus Lomas but in the end the la tte r's Nyberg, 4046 Beatrice Streets more experienced backs produc- Vancouver, with ticket No. 272. ed the punch which earned, the. 2nd prize of a handmade rug day. Some high tackling on the by Mrs. A; Swanson,. part of the Barbarians, however, 2061 Argyle Avenue, W est Van- \yas partly responsible for this, couver, with ticket No. 191, and Despite the heavy rains third prize, a shawl, went to throughout the week the pitch Blair, 812 East 32rid ' was dry and fast and as a result Avenue' Vancouver.' a grand game was served up ' ---------- without quarter being given or asked. Unfortunately- Charlie _____ a mocif "n.? f encounter r^ e iv ed j this paper dat- a most painful knock on his left , \jr^Z.mhfyr 9th an item ap- of t f f f will keep him out Cross'Home Nurs- , I h S Classes-which were being team^ following was t ^ Iwal j regret the embarrass- Atw/VM-i J®' m ent and inconvenience -occas- ionetTby the West Vancouyer r S Jagger and m ie s Branch ofi the-C anadian Red andpr^^Q^^+L Alex-, an d -th e Townswomen's ' Cooper fAlf • Cluild for the omission th a t said Nert%atn4lf'^® a u l^ c e r o T S I D ^ c a n L aw ^unn .Saturday s game will be T O D B " I am solely ° iC ™ ¥ e ra tio n Park against tn ; . The West Vancouver Horticul tural Association"^ are giving a Parlor Show of chrysanthemums at 8 p.m. next Monday, Novem ber 27th, in the Legion Hall, for . which entries and admission will be free. The competition is for three bloom sprays cut or in pot. A t 8:30 p.m, each person attend ing will be given a ticket for a drawing to bebeld a t 9 p.m. The annual election of direc tors will also be held. Six. direc tors will be appointed according to the constitution, and the fin ancial reports will be submitted. All are invited to take part in the above. ' , ver. Guest rooms and suites will be equipped with the most modern, up to date fui*nishinj»'s, and will be in charge of a capable house-. keeper and trained staff. Thfe traveller can exj^eot excellent' service'-at moderate i*ates, with special charges and service to family groups. No less than th irty rooms with bath will he included i=n the first unit built. ' The Dining Room^and Colfee rooms will -offer the" finest .])os- sible in full course dinnei's aniK .short orders_,_.J[h^ .splendid fully modern kitchen vnlTTe in charge of a first class chef whose first duty will be to the hundreds of guests expected t o ' visit tho ■ Hotel.- ThepTavern is being, modelled i along the same lines as those to be seen in every town aniL hamlet in England, beer by the glass will be served, as, is done by practically every city and town in Canada today. The management will faithfully fol low the exacting rules as set out by the government of the Jh'ov- ince of British Columbia. On completion, with ihe grounds beautifully landscaped, W est Vancouver will, be justly proud of its Community Hotel. ,'riu; eighteenth Annual Dance of King David Lodge No. 98, A. F. & A. M., will he held on Fid- day, Decemher 1st, in the Orange,. Hall, Garden's Orchestra has been engaged for the occasion, and. there will be (lancing .from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. , RelVeshnufiits will be served. AdmissioM_isJby_ invitation„only. Those' desiring invitations kin.dly apply to II. W. Lang, West 588, or J.' T: Watt, West 141. TOC H FIRST ANNIJAI. BALL !)< .!(< l(t UNITED CHURCH W. A. ANNUAL XMAS BAZAAR HOLLYBURN HALL I. O. D. E. Arts Club. l e g io n n o t e s against responsible for the - mistake -in th is item. (Signed) MARY.S. SMA-LCr ■Regent, Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. Mrs. T. A, Spencer, Westdean, . has kindly consented to officiate a t the opening of the United Church Women's Association bazaar - next Tuesday a t 2 :30- p.m. in the Church hall. Under the leadership of the president, Mr.s. A. M. O'donnell, a capable committee has arranged an a t tractive assortment of aprons, fancy work, novelties, candy, baby knitting and home-cooking- for sale. The hall and-booths wiJJ be artistically .decorated. A fter noon tea will be served,, for 'which a charge of 25 cents- will be made. A Young People's Service illus_ trated with lantern views will be held a t 7:15 p.m. tomorrow (Fri day), in Hollyburn Ifall, when the sub,ject will be "The Life of J )u r Lord--Events subseejuent to the* CrucifixionT" and the speak er John Rae, S u n d ay , November 26th, a t 10 a.m. there will be Sunday School a n. cl. Y o u mg People's B.ible Class, and at 7:.̂ 10 p.m, a Gospel Service with Eric Hunt-.as speaker. Tue.sday at 8 p.m., prayer and Scripture .study, : The first Annual .Hulj of T(x: 11, -West Vancouvci' Branch, in the _HolJyburn Pavilion last Friday .evening, was 'a pronounced sub-' cess, there being a larger attend ance of the members and their friemis. Crm.sidefable improve ments have boon made to the Pavi]i())r"itselfrwhich was pret tily decorated with the Toe H in.signia.. Good music by Sine ■-Shepherd'a Orchestra, a "good floor, and the * introduction' of novelties from time, to time kept everybody happy "and dancing until the playing of the National Anthem at 1 a.m, brought the ball to-an end. Refreshments by the Highlands Calfe were served in the interval, A pleasing and much .enjoyed feature of the evening was the floor show given lietween num bers by the pupils of Miss Betty Cavendish, in which Joy Cranwill was seen'in the Cossack Dancer ' June Penn and Helen-Jackson in the Spanish Waltz, and George Beck in tap dancing. Canon Harold-King later presenUxJ the young performers with boxes of candy, and Miss Cavendish was also the recipient of a gift. . WEST ^^AN: MERCHANT'S I. O. D. E. RED CROSS UNIT Of t'le West Vanciki- of the Legion are ' ' ------- evening' to th e A, team of cribbage players of DTI Women's Auxiliary ..the. Legion are going to play 8 Dm December 2nd, a t the Ai^bleside Club at 8 p.m. to_ 1. O. 'D. E. ' The .second class in Dietetics sponsored by the T. 0 . D. E. which was scheduled to com mence this week has been post- pohed-until- after Christmas----- ■. T h e . Duncan' Lawson Ch apter, 1^0. D. E.,_unitjqf the Red Cross ""wjII meet ^t~ tl!^T6(r"H " head- quarters, Dundarave School, 27th. Street, on the 2nd and 4th Mon days of each month at 2 o'clock. ILis not necessary to be a mem ber of the I.O.D.E, in order to join this unit, so come along and doyour-bit. -------------------- -̂---- . The local team received a set back last Saturday When they ■ played South- Burnaby, called "the winless wonders," having lost, all their games, and the locals figured on an easy two points. We.st Van. were beaten in every department, and except for H unter scoring a goal on a foul kick they m ight have, b,cen licked by a greater margin! . . . Saturday the boys play Richmpnd on their own grounds, AmbJeskie"Park. The last time ' these-two teams played, the Rich mond team played nine men-snd ' were .defeated . 5-1. The fa^is aire turning out in a groajAir njumber_: ; now they have learned thei brand of .soccer played a t Ambleside and, it is,hoped they will be out < in good numbers on Saturday. -- (NO.-38636) -