** §A "i* *' i ' ^it ' f i i '1 f t . ' J ' 'll ' ■fi»'i "5? h ' ' 4f L * II il - 'f; 4 ̂ ' T. ? ■ i' " ^ r . H V V'5 ? f <W"i P'f,' t r i I? ! 'II {I.:'-:.:... r J." '.'- 41 ' 'i i,- ̂ ' {,•41.:f f ̂ ■ I * i '/ ~ fel". i • :VMm S fl ̂ : V n f -H r WA .< f IMS? «f3V«■yffi ' , i ^^##î 4.v44l44-4^*«' ""V P li^ iP w THE WEST VAN NEWS November X€. 1089. SMITH'S MARKET ?*li^*'w«it ilT ^ i i^ 'l lS B E ir^ jr^ S lI^ ' ""iMettJi^Wis^^ 170 Fr*« Dellywy 6«rrk« ' MoaUiIy Aecoont KEMEMBKAN( K DAY SU(;c;KSTIONH for FIUDAY & SATURDAY, Nov. 17th & IKlh Hrd & WhiU- HAKINf; I'OWDKU 12 ot. T in ..................................... 17c WafTli* and I'ancakc l"l/OUIt • 1 lb. 4 ««. (I*«ckcl C)tily) ., !0c Nalwb MAH.B HYinJI* ITi'/j oz. boUii* ....................... . 25c '^^Auhtralian HKKDl.KHK KAIHINB 2 IbN. 22c AuMtralinn CliHUANTH 2 Iba' 25c ril.ACK CHKItltlKH il o*. O lio ( '»r<«n..................... 10c Kcifal 1)1 (:KI) MIXKI) I'RKL 4 o/.. (!fHo I'ackct..................... Oc I'AH'ntV FI.OIJK 7 lb. Miick 25c Kcd A While KAHTI.KIT FRAUB 2 17-ox. Tina ............................. 25c IbTrylknd AIMlICOrH 2 17-oz. 'I'ln»,.................. 27c l(id& White llrund i*tJUK JAM A|irirot or lliiH|)bcrry 4 lb. tin 45c (IKAPHFKUIT .......... CMliforniii OUANdHB Family hIxc ................ Furtte hIxc* . HODAH -- lied Arrow FnrKe Fuinily Fkl. ... 10 for 25c . dozen 25c .. dozen .'10c ............ 17c MOrOH MECHANICS CLASS j" 'A new daHH for iirntruetion in motor rneehanicH under Mr. W. (ironI ia beinj? formed and will meet on Tliiiraday, the 2Hrd in- Htant,'at lOth and Marine. All ladiea inten'eated pleaae phone Weat 92-U-2. , . -- --------- , ENCLISH RUGBY Weat Vancouver Harbariana mul North Shore All Blaoka' will be a t home to the undefeated Meraloma.s this Saturday ' on AmbleaideI'ark in the nratRujrby Union Rame to be played in We.st Vancouver. Kick off 2;80 p.m, Meralonma are undefeated and untied thi.s aetiaon while the joint North and Weat Vancouver team diaa won two and tied one out of hve Htarta.'^ , WfEATS Prompt lldivcry Phone Went 1170 MII.K FKI) IIO lU N i; FOWL. ,Ib. 22c ( I.OVKK LEAF OYBTKItH. »/i pt. IMc HIMMM.DKHS o f LAMB (whole) p»T lb................... ........................ I6c HKFF~T;r<i|dc A Btccr I'OICK -- (iruin Fed LAMB -- Top (tuulity VKAI, -- .Milk Fed. FKHHH & .SMOKi:iJ FISH r r i .L LINE DEMCATF.H8EN IIO.N'EV -- Manilobii No. I White.......... . I'/i lb. tin .52c nitOO.Mji;--Blue und White Brand A liV/iiulm weiaht 5-N(ritiK' br<M>m. Kaili . ........ ,...........; ........ -i?)c ItAinij OATS -- Bobin I I imkJ .Noii'I'remiiiiii . Larjie pkt. 17c SWIMMING & LIFErSAVING CLASSES . S)Mfcial men'.s 'an d . vvomen'.s awinimiiiK and. life-.saving cla.ss- eA will be inauKurtited by the Viuu'ouver Pro-Rec. (Xnitrea tit I lie ('ry.atai ' Poor next v/eek. - 'rii<' (!xact opening (late ia Wed'- jic.sday, "November 22nd, 'the limes': 2-d . p.m. for women; '1-5 p.Mi; for men ; tlui cost, a aub- nomimil chtirKe of .5 cents per jier.soti p('r chiss. __ ̂ g j _ _ _ A deliglj^tful mi.scelbmeous aliower was ifiYen by Mrs, Frank Marah, 1478 GJordon Avenue, la.sl Friday afternoon in honor of Miaa Marjory Hill, a bride elect, .i f̂r.a, 1'ed Miirtin poured tea from a table- beautifully decorated ' with bron/.e chryaanthemurn.a, Mrs. Jolmaon aasiatiiiK the host ess in. .serving'. The grifts were presented in a horn of plenty in , autiinm colors. A very enjoy able lime was si)ent by the gu('sts in games, for whidh prizes _w.eru-glveiu-._Among those pres ent were; Mesdame.s J. McC. Mill. Friksen, Hewitt, Fulcher, A, K. Martin, Gruteh, Rehberger, Bradshaw, Rrundrett, Johnson, ' -Young, Boult, Hill, T. Martin, W i l l o u g h b y , McDonald. A. Thornfield, E, Hope-.[b\con, the Misses Marjory Hill, and Caro line Marsh. BedurinK Class An oiricc worker in Hinj;hami)ton, N.V., wlio wan not fcdlng well, went, to a doctor lo liml out what was th(? matter. / . "Huy a car," said tluj doctor, "and. ffVt out" more. ou^ht to takci off jHiunds of tle.sh." -Tatcr' on, Im ' riuiortcd his succosic - "I hougirt a car uiul4gdT\)ut more," lie .said. "I got, out six-times between Ilinjflianipton mid Oswego, and took (jtr lies)] in four din'erent iilaees. Once I ffot out through the wind.shield, 'J'hat seemed lo take olf the most ilesh." The annual Rurnernbrance Dtty JJaiKiuet, ifiveiT, by . Hie legion W.A. under the convenersmp of their president, Mrs. F. Rivers, w'as one of the largest and mo.st enjoyable in th<* history of this outstanding swial function. .MemiKtr.H of Po.'<l t»b, Canadian lAfgion, and tlioir wives together with s|>eciai g u ests siit down ill tables loaded witli gwxi fiKxl and beautifully decoral<»d with chrys- antheniuniH and lighted candles nestling in grt*un cellophane. The .serviteurs were the daugh ters of I./egion and Legion W. A. meml>erH. Following dinner which ^was pj'eceded by grace by Rev. h . A. Ramsey. Vi(;e-I'resident L. E. Kyle, the t<i»̂ |,.stmaster of the evening, read lett<?rs of regret at their inabilily to, be pre.sent from (jJeneral W, W. Fo.ster, Dominion Ib'esident, ( 'olonel ami Mrs, Buell, and Magistrate and Mrs. (Jordon iiobsoii. The fol lowing-toasts w(>re I hen given: the King, Comiade F. F. Love- grove; Our Fallen (>jmrade.s. Rev. John Alkm, Private Buddy J'arker, R.C.A., sounding the Last l\)st and I he Reveille ; Our CJuest.s', Mr.s.' F. Rivers, Presi dent, Legion W. A.; the I.xigion, Mrs. 'J'om Turner, .Beii'i*, replied to by (Jomrad(' W. McKiristry,. ITovincitil President, {iml Com- riide MacNicol, Provincial Secre tary; Legion W.Aj.,.. Comrade Chas. S m ith ,. Legion President, replied to by .Mrs. MacNicol on behalf of th<j Provincial Presi dent; the Navy. Army and Air Force, Comrade W. Carley, le- plied to by Bernai'd CJrosby, R.C. N .; the British Empire, Comrade Service LUMBER SASH & DOOSS s h in g l e s PLYWOODS LATH THCKE IS NO SUBSTITUTE rOR QUALITY 'PAINT**-'*-*' BUILDERS' ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE SUPPUES AIrcaiLi: ' * . • CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO-LTD. 15th & Marine Drive , iPhone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Claaalfiod Advertiaomenta ie 1 centa per word, mioimum 26 conU. Except In the caae of tlioae havlnf reffular accounts, all claaai* *^*^VememlMtf**Cla'i^^ ̂ in the Weat Van Newa get immediate results. GORDON KOBSOjJ -7 Da^Hster & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. ; DROPPED on Friday gray squirrel fu*' I ■ Keith Road. Please phone West 928. I.Oii'r--Sunday, Wrist Watch l^tween West Bay and Sherman. Reward. Seymour- 2046. ■ FOR SALE -- C.C.M. double bar boy's bicycle, $12. West 490-L. FORI'RENT -- Garage near 26th St. . Also for sale -- Violin and case. West 181-L-2. WANTED -- Reliable girl, general housewoi^k, $16 monthly; sleep in. West 9G5-L. __________ ______ WILL THE LADY whi> took velvet ovei'shoes, size 8, in mistake for her own, sizGj 6, a t Townswomen's Guild Tea, last Thursday, kindly phone West 758-Y-3. IT T 4 I • o 4 FOR SALE -- Chesterfield and chair, II. J . I b lit, L(igioii kSeci e ta i y , good condition, $35.. West 879-L. the Municipality o.L-\Vcst Van couver, Reeve J. 4L lyeyland. Mr.s. \V. B. Small, Regent of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, ,I.O.D. E., brought gn'etings ■ from the (Chapter, and brief addresses vvere made by Comrade Towns end, Zone Repj'esentative, Com- -i4wl ̂ Br--IL--H^iq"isen--life-mem-- ber of the. Legion Branch, J. R. Mitchell,' Pi"t'.sTdent of the Red Cross Society here,' and Mr. FOR SALE -- Four hole Fawcett cookstove, $7.00. .We^t 520-R. FOR RENT -- 7-Rooms, large living room, .4 bedrooms, modern sawdust burner; Ms block 'from water, im- mediatb possession. Rent $35.00. _ A. E. -Austin & Co Ltd., 833 West Hastings St. Se^.-9131. Evenings; ,,FOR SALE -- Nearly new eight room ' house, hardwood floors, best finish, Price $5,500; cash payment $2,000. Also two very large lots anti four room house. Good location, $1200; ail cash. Rent, some good houses, suites. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, West Van. Pioneer Realtors, Established 1905 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 55 UNDERGRADUATE NURSE -- Dis- engaged; good cook. 2168 Bellevue Avenup; or Box 10, West Van Npws. FOR SALE •-- Pair beautiful blue Portieres; original cost $50; sell for $15; also rpair binoculars with leather case, $12. Apply 2347 Mur ine. . . . RUSTIC COTTAGl^On attractively developed lot with good view, close to bus, 4 rooms, modern, $1700.00. Good high view lot on bus line, in district of good homes, $350.00. . We have several small homes for , rent, Cypress Park, Sandy Cove and »Caulfeild. H. Fallows Realty, West 912? West 243-M-3. CASH FOR JU N K --- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., We^t 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palm er,O apilano, Notth 811-R-2. West 548-M: "■Estimatesr re charges, work A solicitor seeking adverti'sCMuent.s for a local pain-r called at the village grocer's. ---'Upon presenting his card he was surprised when the gray-hair ed proprietor said, "Nothing doing. I've been estubli.shi'd eighty,years and I've noyei* ndverlised." • *'Excusc'"me, sir, but Avhat is that building on the hill?" i(sked the trav eler. , I "The village church," replied the grocer. "Bo.en UuMo long?" asked the other. "About 300 years." "W(41,"* WU.S the reply, "they still ring the bell." BEER PLEBISCITE At Now Westminstor ii promise was made that a $250,000 Hotel would Int built if a plebiscite was carried in favor of -- "Beer being sold by the glass." -- Largt} / pieture.s of the propo.sed llottd were displayed and together wHh bine prints, wert ̂ submitted to the City Conncil. Promises were made that all local labor would be used anti for the vStaff. " On the,day befoix' the Poll a large picture of the Hotel was on view, with tliese'words beneath -- "If the plebis cite carries tomorrow, work will oommelice next morning." --The plebiscite carritHl. 'Hie prbnioter refuses to build the Hotel, 12 applications have been made for license.s and np lo November 9th. G have been granted. If those opposed, to Boer Saloons lieing licensed .in West Vancouver refuse l,o sign the application for a plebis cite and "the Beer Interests arc unable to obtain 85 per cent of signatui'Cs of tluxse on the Provincial Voters' List, that will l>e a plain, logical and democratic way of demonstrat ing Beer Sakxms are not wanted in West Vancouver. ' If you have already signed the petition under a mis- appixdionsion, such as,---Mt was for the pui*pose of put ting you on the Voters' List.," or '"ICs for the punDose of giving you a ehiuice of voting against Beer Saloons," (as though the Beer Interests Would be paying to canvas names to give them a chance to vote against them),_or any of several other plausible reasons, and nbŵ wish to have your name removed from this application fo ra Beer Plebiscite, it can done t\v writing to the Hon. Geo. Weir, Pix)vincial Secretary. Victoria, B! G,, and ask him to delete your name from the petition, but please act . quickly. Publisheil by West Vancouver Cjitizens' League, formed for the pUTpqse of preventing the introduction "of Beer Saloons in West Vancouver. Chisholm of Vancouvei During the dinner some splen did vocal solos were given by Philip .Watts, ..the- well knbwn Vancouver bass-baritone, arid his pupil, Miss Margaret'4)avies,B.G. gold medallist, both^ having to give encores for each number. Miss Dorothy Williams acted as accompanist. Features of the evening were the presentation of past ,presi dent's j<̂ v̂els to Mrs. C. E. Bliar^ man by. Mrs. MacNicol, and to Comrade Peter Greer by Prov incial President McKinstry, also of a corsage to President Mrs. F. Rivers by President Chas. Smith. , Mrs. Rivers reported that $461.70 had been ^collected for the Poppy Fund this year, which, after deductions for the cost of poppies, would net the fund over $300. ■ ■ The remainder of the evening wa.s spent in community singing led by J. R. Mitchell and dancing,, for which Mrs. Tom Turner, '̂ mioi', official accompanist, and E. Tomey. supplied the music. ' Mrs. D, McLennan, Ih'ovincial' President \V.A., and Mrs. M6- Kinstry. Provincial _ Treasurer, ■arrived after the conclusion of the bamiuei. " ITADID SERVICE pairs, moderate _ , guaranteed. J. L. Pettigrew. West 8 2 8 . _________ _____________ 4 _ WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT l^AT- ROL -- Sure protection; reasonabjte rates. West 172-L-3. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work af\reason- able rates. H. Gaines, W est 167-L. BISMA-REX' quickly relieves sour stomach, indigestion, etc. This new discovery will make a new person of you. Get a package today at .McNeil & McCue Drugs,: Phone West 528. ' ' ± _____ WESTERN W OODW O^ERS-^Store A and house fixtures,'^wrning, glass, '<_jr;dzing. West 780, West 443-R. CORRESPONDENCE Dear Editor: After reading about the plans for a new hotel to* be built in the community where L live, and hope to roniain, it seems there can be no objection to giving them a license to sell.good beer. Our family who all enjoy a glass of beer in decent suiTC>undings, have no desire to meddle,,in other tieople's affairs; we pay pur ■ taxes, grocer, butcher, etc., and like all G(xl-fearing citizens want some liberty in this land of many restrictions, (jur boys, are nice lads, mentally "alert, we are not afraid they will go astray -- We Trust Them. We have ample faith in our elected representa-- tiyes to.be sure no more licenses will Ix.̂ granted beyond Taylor Life would not be-endur able, excepting^ for~its innocent pleasures. NATURAL PROGRfeSSn^E. HANDY" ANN SHOP, 2442, Marine-- Purple Heather, T iger,' Monarch ■ Wool, Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting . Jeedles, Books, Crochet-- Cotton. Hand-knit Baby Woollens. " ^ NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate, Insurance, Groneral Conveyancing, Valuators. R. P. Blower & Co. Ltd. 1405 Marine,, West 21, West 204rM, West 913-L. ________________ PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. FOR SALE;^25 Loads horse manure; ' 25 loads chicken manure. Phone West 527. "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- ' veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West 21._______________ - W ANTED . We have coifitinual enquiries for West Vancouver homes and properties. Let us have your listings for sale. y H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive. West 546 WE HAVE BEEN, ASKED to sell a 4 room summer cottage situated on , one and one-half acres of land. The location is ve:^ exclusive, some very unusual and attractive features. Reasonably priced a t only $4500; terms. LAYVSON, WALKER &, PRIDE, West -Pioneer Realtors. Established 1905 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. . West 55 DRESSMAKINCJ---Alterations, prices reasonable. 1474 Marine Driye. GORDON. ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 WL Hastingk, Sey. 4199 a t W est. Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suits, Coate, Dresses, Children's Clothes; specializing alterations, make-overs Robbins, West 619-R. BOYS OUT OP SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. ' Phone West. 718 or register a t Club House. LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to Rent, Sell or .Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271; evenings. West 5?2-R. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER, --Parcels, Baggage, light .transfer work, prompt service. West_ '700. FRIEDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister. Solicit6r, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; 'Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 646. Keep your , M oney Circulating in W e s t _ ^ V a n c d u v i^ West Vancouver ♦Chamber oF Comi^erce' KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine FLOOR s u r f a c in g -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 J. ^ W A R D SEARS. BarristeL Sol icitor, 1405 Marine D rive;. Phone West 21. or Wes^ 653-R-l. MARCEL SHOP -- ̂ herm iqu0 Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. l a w n m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d -- Special machine; repairs, parts* West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. (Ch im n e y s w e e p in g -- saw dusr buraers instolled ; furnace repairs. __G.TMeldriim, 1103 Lonsdale. North - 822.-- -I- *' / ' WANTED TOTBUY For Spot C a sh - household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers. North 89, Reverse "alb VASis, Chiropractor, kuite 4, ; Hollyburn Block. \ , _