# % ladies* Auxiliary, West Vancouver School Band Annual Fail Bagaar and Tea ^ ^ ^ K S n A Y . Nov. 2^>sC1n th e l^ E G IO N li* ^ a t 2:80 p.m. jtiiilral SchvtioiiK . .. Cup ,& C ard KoadiiiK % TOC H FIRST a n n u a l BALL 'i." ,#• i'-'t... (Informal) 1 rU)AY, NOV. 17lh, 1939, in the HOLLYBURN PAVILION Dancing, 9 - 1 Nov<»iyes » Sine Shepherd's Orchestra Tickets, 50 bents. . , Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. D. WoUen have returned to tiieir home at Gypi'ess Park', West A'anobuver, after sixuiding the suinmmoi:_pn their ranch in the North Okaha- »?»«• . . . See BILL GROUT at . w e s t VAtf MOTORS West 268 The Standard Station I6th & Marine . Anti Freeze FOR YOUR Road and Foj5.^Liglits H eaters and many other Winter Accessories. Wt Bptpialite in plca$lnit tho oustonttfi r HOLLYBURN b u s in e s s c o l l eg e ' In d iv id u a l T u ition Phone West 341 - 'Oth <md Marine ■yfr An Appeal to Reason: After years of progress--- years in which courage, enterprise and confidence \<^orked side by side -- W est Vancouver finds itself on the tlireshold of a new era of development and prosperity. - A group of reliable business men have undertaken to build a ■ community hotel, t,o serve the needs of the municipality, and those "\Vho~(]csirG~tO"Visit-̂ uSa*f----r-----̂ " In order to gain a fair return on their large investment, after paying large amounts in_ salaries, taxes and other fixed charges, the investor is asking for a favorable vote which wilL permit thcf"opening-of a well conducted refreshment room. . Experienpe has oproved th a t the most practical -method of promoting tem p era te is to perm it the sale of healthful beverages, such a.s good beer. ' ' - PreBettialion Mrs. R. L. Pelton was a ho.st- ess Thursday evening a t her I home a t Graveley S trw l, Capil- ano, complim<3iiting Mi.ss RiUi Fairless. During the evening the bride- elcct was presented with a com bined library table and book rack as a token of esteem and best wishes fi'om her fellow members of the clioir of Si. John's Anglican Cluirch, North Vancouver. > ♦ * * , Announceiuont The wedding of Miss Margaret Towle Taylor, eldest daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor of Kew House, Kow Beach, to Mr. John Howard Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wade of Buckingham, England, will take iDlace in the Church of St. Fran- cis-in-the-Wood at -2:30 o'clock on the afternoon, of'Saturday, November 25. Miss Taylor has chosen for her ,attendants her sisters,^Miss Kathleen and Miss Joan Taylor las bridesmaids,, and little Sheilah Madden as flower- girl. Mr. Peter Thbi'iiton will be Mr. Wade's best man. Shower Mrs. A. E. Young, Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish and Mrs. W. G. Johnstone were co-hostesses at the home of Mrs. Young, 14th and King's Avenue, on Friday afternoon at a miscellaneous shower given in honor of Miss Rita Fairless, bride-elebt of this week. The ■ rooms were tastefully-decorated with some very choice chrysan themums and the gifts were carried in to the bride-elect in a decorated willow clothes basket ~lW~MTSs~NmTcy"Bfllin^s"amd4ittle: Betty Johnstone. The tea-table was spread with a beautiful cut- work cloth, the centerpiece being flanked by yellow tapers in old Sheffield plate- holders and pre siding were Mrs. Robt. Fiddes and Mrs. C. H. Billings. - During the afternoon .Mrs. F. F. Lovegroye sang two delight ful solos accompanied by Mrs. • H. P. Tearoe. » The gne.sts included Mesdames : i ; * V West 190 Tr.on M o p k f ^ i s I 1 1578 Marine Drive West 190 Friday and Saturday FR E E SPECIALS D E L I V E R Y BUTTER^"^First Grade 3 lbs. for 96c. D. Allan, J. R. Allan, R. P. A l l ^ W. Blair, D. Barbour, T. E. Batchelor, C. H., Billings, C. J: Broderick, "W. Carley, . P. C. Chapman, J. Duncan, R. A. Davies,- W.-Dickinson,--G._D._El- gar, Felkar, R. Fiddes, E. Gam- age, S' Gisby,. J. Glover, W. Her rin, G. W. Kissick, J. E. Knight, F. F. Lovegrove,. D, . McMillan, R. F: Parker, G. S. Payne, L. Rodgers, F. J. Patterson) J. W. Neill, D. Sm ithtH . P. Tearoe, J. Thomson; M iss^A nn--Swartz, Mesdames N. Willington, W. K. Woodcock, P. Wait, A. Watson, the Misses Jean McTaVish, Gam_ age, Nancy Billings and Betty Johnstone \V̂ G. Drainer of 2435 Marine Drive, has retunied from a tr in to' KelbWiu^, B.C., whei^ he \vimT to be present a t the wedding of him granddaughter. Eve Mary Campl>ell, whoi; liv<Hi jyith him for somp years d t above address. * « • - Lnw.son, Walker & Pride have completed the sale of Block G, D.L..815, for parties in England. Price was not stated. Mr. Walker handled the deal for both paidios. Mrs. Graham Watson enter tained a t her Victoria home re cently a t -an informal dinner „ jiarty in honor of Mr, and Mrs. R. Young of Caulfeild, West Vancouver. A Santa Claus Cavalcade will be given under the ainspices of the West Vancouver Christmas Cheer Fund at a time and place . to be announced in our next issue. ,' 1 ■ " „ , . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carlson, 1215 Clyde Avenue, have moved , into a house a t 2295 Fulton Avc- , nue. <; j h . * ♦ ^ Mi-Vand Mrs. Colemap and , family moved ■ yesterday from 2008 Bellevue Avenue into a house a t l4 th and Inglewood Avenue. * * * Mrs. Ross Jordan and her son .2536 Bellevue Avenue, have moved into a house a t 20th.and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Alton, 14th and Inglewood Avenue, have moved into their new home a t 26th and Nelson Avenue.♦ ♦ .* Mr. and Mrs. Martin moved yesterday from Caulfeild and are now occupying a house a t Cy press Park. Miss Dorothy Boshier, 1125 --Joffer-son--A-venue,--has_accepled:^ a civil service "appointment in the Post Office at'O ttaw a, Orit. I t is reported offieially th a t up to the 4th instant, 8,175 men and women had registered a t . the - various public Recreational .Cen tre Classes in the province. . Greater Vancouver now has '15- women's -'regular" ;ol^.ses, 20 women's "keep fit" cla&se.s, 43 men's classes, and 18 speolal activities centres. Stratton's BAKERY 83LILF ntvJBi» I l K J C i / m l J Ten variotic'8 to suit evory taste Meat Pics -- CookiM EkrlcB CakoH -- Pastries Huns and Kolia -- Note Address: 1468 M arine D rive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AND .SATURDAY MATINKF , Nuvi'iubcr KUh, 17th iiiul ISth .lANH WITHERS "Keep Smiling" also • "PWEIWE CROWDED HOURS" SATURDAY lOVIONlNU ONLY . Novonilu'1' IHth IMADKUCINE UARUOl.h FRKD IMAUMURRAY "CAFE SOCIETY" mIho NIOWS, CARTOON-, MONDAY AND TUMSDAY Novomlu'r 2UUi and 21 h1, ERROL FLYNN " DODGE CITY" (Oiut» only at 8:00) ' also "MARCH OF TIME" WKDNUSDAY & THURSDAY Novonihoi* 22iul aiul 2;ji'(l EDNA REST " SOUTH RIDING" .2(Onc(! only at. 8:15) also "l i :t u s l iv e 10c per pkg. Rolled Shoulders Veal 16c per Ih. Fletcher's ̂ No. 1 Bacon 15c per hall Ih. Rolled Legs Veal 21c per lb. Shoulders Lamb ^15c per lb. Breast Lamb 15c per lb. Bates--Edwards A quiet wedding took place a t 9 p.m. last Friday in St. Paul's Church, when the Rev. Canon Harold G. King United in m atri mony Mr, Donald Bates, only son of Mrs. Alfred Webb, 1030 Har wood Avenue, and the late Mr. William Bates, and Miss Marjorie Edwards, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Ed wards of Weybum, Saskatche-. wan. Mil. James Ross acted as best man; 'The happy oouple have takei^up residence a t 2463, Mar ine Drive. * * * ^ r s . Stanley Boshier left last week to jqin her husband a t Dawson Creek, Peace River Dis trict. ■Shower Miss Caroline Marsh gave an, enjoyable kitchen shower at her h ome--1478- Gordon - A ven uc,-last Friday), when the guest of honor was Miss Marjory Hill, whose wedding takes place on -the evening of November 24th in St. Stephen's Church. The gifts were presented in a miniature wash tub decorated with towels, etc. A buffet supper was served following the playing of games with prizes, The_guests were: the Misses M arjory Hill, Mary Bradshaw, Peggy Allison, Aud rey and Doreen Todd, Jean Hill, Jean Simpson, Winnifred Jeal- ouse, Marion Blair, Irene Shir- law,. H attie Young, Caroline Marsh, Mrs. Robert Blpxham. W. C. T. U. Keep Your Dog H ealth y ;^v.w ith DOG -■. FOOD Contains vitamins : A. B. C, D. iand C. Also Minerals Calcium and Phosphorus PACICICD HV : Anglo-British Columbiir Packing Co. --- '-- ■ Ltd. in Vz -lb* tins and 1-lb. tins. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES W est 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ̂ GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside.l.......... $5.60 Cord Milf Fir, Inside....'.J....... 6.50 " Fireplace Fir...:............... 6.00 " Green Alder ................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ............ . SPECIAL-- Slabs & Edgings Barky ................... $:3.75 Cord Edgings .................. $8.50 Cord B a rk .................... :........... $5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................ . ' Price reduction on 3 unit,Sj.or more CHARLES THOMPSON . 812 16th Street jj Office a t 1336 Marine Drive T7 SMALL PORK SAUSAGE IjSc per ll>« EXPERT W atch and O ock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birka Ltd., Montreial) 1522 Marine Drive . The regular meeting was held on Thursday, November 9th, in the home of Mrs. Gillies, Clyde Avenue, Mrs. McKay presiding, and fourteen members and friends present. The worship period .w as led by Mrs. Mac- phersoh, who read a short leaf let on "the P rayer Life of Jesus." Miss Phillips agreed to _ look a fte r the making and plac- | | | 0 I i 6 WS ing of. the w reath a t the Armis tice Day-Sei^ice. Mrs. Lanning, provincial superintendent of , , W hite Ribbon Tidings, gave a ■ ■.., r , v . -2:: most interesting resume of. Red ,Cro.ss Group of the articles w ritten, and pom^^ ̂ Townswomen's Guild will meet the worth-while items th a t could , a 4 be u sed jn preparing papers for a t 2 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) "dthert meetings. The hostess and every Friday ^hereafter a t serve,d dainty refreshm ents and the same time in -the United a social half hour was much en-Church Hall.- Any m em ber-of joyed. Next meeting will take the Guild who is interested will the form of a Medal Contest. be welcome.