• LVAi , r ojt̂..̂ 1 fi^.^^fT ■,^_^.,iyfUffi^'f<^^0.jri'-̂llA ,*? ̂/ ;!*);■■ -■>■ ' I'" ■ >; " IMMtiHMiiMi #rv>*»v>.,~.»-̂ ■r-K . -> t . ! i ' i f, i ■'■■■ ,. P$ "U-'i I I'i 1̂ 'J. ':4u t l '- ; i .'I ' 'If lie f f,|i e / i I ", S .' "i;4-5-ii '-*>1̂ '.i fi ee- Siii ?Vt f'.e -!' *■ , - ' ' g;:iS(i:®ISKU ISilii li® ISlilE;ll#i•-'.#5 ■ r i ' J 'K'! W ';\'i ?# S i i sH;-* ?ni iiilfty L'0 VLM:. i' rr> u*ffelS'/'-::- ' /, ■ m §m m L MsmL$0 y • -5vi 1- '■ i 1 ,.t ' 41 : -Ir ' : ? 3? ilif --iJXM'̂f-' -"ri 5'* 'i >'i if --' e ' iW T T m imiTWI C B H rai C«r. U t l A Ea^dbafttll Am. EXT, m f Av«m f%fiii!St W wt 244-E -teliftf S<«ri4iMM£4liuBi.A Sm^MTCfl tlAfl %"lsit4$rt MM W«jbcHB# Kjcjr*. Don't Depiom the Condition of Year H a ir! . BAFTIST C » U « » I " If in,|iiirtii^ ' ' "W» ' SSidllEjî #' &iiiJlliii*ii ■"'fiLIPfek * S«iMlA|r S trfk m V)j/j susu^cOxmtk Scteol i*- . iiil|isg.vil4iiaiS, 'C3ssi„ t i $,.». & ItM p m ^ lh tm d d m . ■ ■ S«rrkm ■■■■ A lietrty » fS w »t to mil 1 > 0 S f i M K T H I N < ; A B f > L T I T ! TV.<̂> i«wc«w.3» of y«ur 'Chri**mA# pi*f»ar#e»t tlvffcfui* on th«* «<>«- dition of jW'Ur fc*Jr. If >'mU have 'U*rfi h£/UJeh<>td iOfiipi <or "h&r'»h vhAmfwWi#, jcoor hair will' havf II ism#* *e*iimefit coatiis*;' -' ih«* hair *haft» makmg it dUffi* cult to Krmaner.t. One or two , trratmerA^.ihefvre ,yoar t»rm> .arwent w;!I remove ihist condition and make y m t m i l pt-rm&nmt r a iiertajn sucee#*.. '»' Gwendolyn's Beauty "Shoppe Creatora of Kxdoaive Hermattenia, H46 5 I a r i i a e D r i v e Weat 117 H0LLY80RH HML 14 th aad twIaWMi KVENISG. Nov. Kth. at Ttl5 Y--«jr.K* fVop'e'v Service .! ',«** tra !r« J b y v i t w # , ' 'Sabject: '■ ' ■ 'I he PaMiofi of Oor l-4wrd" .il-*'»k*'r: Mt(. t , A H S m BENNETT •*1 S It \ Nov, IStth. at 10 a.w. . h ;sui ay Scisool and 's ■ if.*' iVopIe'i Bible C la» Sunday E ven ing a t 7 :3 0 noSBW,_ SFJIVICE ■ ^ , ' Sj'ieakirf;" MK. JOHN KAE MttNUt^ EVENINT,. N«»». 20, at ̂ p.m. S'*!: T'hark'ii il. Lacey will ac t'.tn "The Work of the Go*v :• '. ; ' :'a ,:hf Ldaŵ ii of the Car- sliuî tfated with views. ^ TLESDAV at 8 p.im i'ra} er and Alinistry of the w m t FAKCX)LniEE Chratiu Sdeace C « » « € i-E D IF M » M l m i XMpiiKalL MiAfhmm Tliia &»el«ty I* » Brsaci ef Tfe* MMlier Chsxrth -Til* F i n t CkwKh of OsTAt, Sd«*rtte, Bont«eu . If**»»d5»*ttj Sea«l*y Sekwe: llJtJa-ajL. Sunday^ N ovem ber 19th SUBJECT: **SOtX AM > BODY'* SotKlai Sehocl at 10:00 ajm Testiaiooy Mt«tss« Wedaeaday at' 8;IS p-m. Th* pttidk U cordially ift- rited to a ttend , oar servkea .aad .m eetix^ . N ellie garrison A*T.CJI. Bpedal Diploma^ Teacher of Piano and Theory^ f '\ i m SU<5CESSES:- E. C. H -ik a l Featjval--1st place in Bach Pianoforte under 10 years Tciccito Ccaservatoo' Examinations -- 6 F irst Class Honors, » , $ Hooof** 4 Piiasea. ItM ilaw Sa«»,^llSI lofl'oONt Atmuu . ' , . Wait JOit-i, ̂ vmt KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET for,<;radea BIZP, LAMB, PORK, VEAL & POULTRY AT REASONABLE PRICES Free Delivery, Phone W est 1004 1531 M arine Dr. D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., UD.S. DENTIST X-Ray Hsy Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Olfjce. Hours 9 to 6 p.m.. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 d r : .m cR a e D E N T I S T fonneriy of 705 kledical-Dental Building Hoonu 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointmeiit. 1880 Marin* Drive West 132 EhiablialMd on North Shewe -2S--Y*ajw- (Lady Assistant) IIARRON BROS. LTD. .ST. .\ ,V T H O N rs 'C A T H O L IC C H tlR C H 2;5rd & Inglew ood A ve. Rev, F a th e r V an '̂ as to r Sundaj; Services Low Ma.is -- 8 :1 5 a .m . High Ma53 and S ern ipn 10:15 ,a.m. ̂ I', .Ro.sary and B ened iction -- 7 :43 p.m. . C :.tts:hism and Bible C ia A s^ 2 :0 0 p.m. Week-day Services Ma-.s -- 8 a.ra'. PYidays-- R osary , B ened iction ' 7 :45. , S a tu rd ay s -- C o n fessio n s; 7 :30 to 8 :30 p .m . - S a l.in la y , Nov. 11. 8 :3 0 a .m . -- Ke<iuiem iMass. UNITED CHURCH 21st and Ave. Rev. Wffliam N'ance, Minister Sundaj'. Nb\ember 19th. 10:00 a.m.--Sun lay School. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. S u b je c t , '̂ e Might of a Mite*' 7 :30 p.m--- Evening Servnee. Subject, ^nrfie Youth of Today and the Redemption of Tomor r o w / ' , . ' • . , Welcome to these .^en ices. The regular mteting of the United Church \V. M. S: %vili be held on Tuesday, the 21st -N'ov CHARLES RIDLEYT ' , I , 1 ' , > • f . " I S * •' Wishes to thank all tho.-ie customers to whom he has been delivering milk, but" now announces with regret that he has been compelled to give up this part of hi.s buniness............. . He will, however, still continue to deliver ICE as formerly to olj customers and any other.<= needing this service. , 2877 Bellevue Avenue. West 456 -i RED CROSS cmb#r',|'̂ 'at 2 :1 5 p.m. • 'T h e . w ord fo r rb li cidl i s .............. .'M'ork.'* WEST VAN. TABERNACLE, funeral Sirecturs Holly bam Foserat Home iSdb and Marine West 134 North Vaneoorer Parlom T'22 W'eat Sixth 'Street Phone North 134 VaBcoaver Parlors • • 55 Tenth Avenue East Phoa* Fair. 134 Cr. Marine & 25th Street- Pastor: Rev. Robert H. Birch; B.A. Services: ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A.. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, November 19th, 8 :0 0 a .m .-- Holy Com m union. 1 1 :00 a .m .-- ^Matins and .^ rm o n . 7 :3 0 p̂ ."m--- Y oung People's S e r m on. St. Francis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild 3 :0 0 p.m . -- Eveh.-ong and . S e r m on. / S t. hYmicis Church Guild a re sp o n so rin g a te a a t th e hom e of M rs. J . H . Redden, C aulfield , on T u esd ay , the '21Y t i n . s t a » t r ^ ' i s in a id o f th e S oia iers C om forts . T h e re will b e b ridge, hom e^cook^ in g and candy . A meeting of the Glenarbour Unit of the West Vancouver Red Cro.ss will be; held On Mon day, November 20th, at 1 p.m., a t the home of Mrs. F. W. Smith, Balmy Beach. All interested are cordially invited. George Allen, | 1204 Keith Road, is now a petty officer in the Naval Reserve ht Esquimalt, B.C. MRS. EVA M, BLAIR Survivor of Athenia* Disaster will tell of her Experiences.and Miraculous Deliverance -- "A Testimony to God's Power." WEST VAN. TABERNACLE, Marine and 25th SUNDAY. Nov. 19th, a t 7:30. _______ AH--axe -Welcome_______ Bigger and Better Values j I In Chriatmas Cards Than E ver Before The French Beauty Salon FoT Perm anen t^ of lasting beauty . ■W« »p«cl&lix« ih &R*. grey ihd 'White hair. 15d2 H»rin* Drive Phooe W. 212 .Sunday Schoed ............ . 9:45<a,m. Sunday Seri'-ices.....I I a.m. and 7 :30 p.m . Wednesday Prayer Meet ing.:-.. .r „, . 7:30 p.m. Friday--Childrt'nV Meet ing...-.:. ................ ■- 7:C?i) p.m. Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship-- Thursday --:....> . . 7 : 4 5 p.m. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST '♦SOUL .-\ND BODY" wdil be the subject of the Lesson - Ser mon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "W hat? know, ye not tha t your body is the temple of. the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of. God, and ye are not your M- Blair. a surviver of 'the Atbenia disaster, .will -tell'of her expenrienees and miraculous de- o w n r JL C or. 6:191. liverance. Even in this day of LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE Prot^ctie® and InveisimeB: Short Term Esaic.wfiirsBt ,, Am^t ties-::, x»4, - ■ l>st y ^xmptioa CVvrra r̂. GEORGE GIBBONS Rrprrsrctati** M irrUAL U F E OF CANADA SS.iT MAfinr Drive , , war horrors, Christ's ^statements are evidently reliable. He said: "The very hairs of your head are 'numbered:" 'and "Mliaiso- eyer ye .shall ask In prayer, be- hering ye shall receive.'* BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L, McKay 1545 Duchess Ave, .... Sunday Services: n :00 a.m.--Siibiect, ."The Heart. • of the. F a th e r/' ■ --Tbe,.^pastor 'wiy-contin.ye the- Among the cRations which comprise the 'Les^n -'Sermcm is the foUouing from the _Bible:. ■"The Lord„ bl-ess" thee, and-,' keep thee: Tne L j f B make his face shine up«>K thee, and be gracious unto thee: Tl-e Lord lift-'umHis coiioteiiance upon thee, and give thee peace.'" (Numbers S: 24, , - - " ■ 'Ilie Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the C liriitlaa ScSence text- fo«k, "'Science-ami Health with Key lo the Scriptures*' by Mary Baker Eddy:' "Sou|, or Spirit, is _God, unchasft^fele and etem a!; 'and man coexists with and r e - i k c i s Soul -God, for map,'Is'* Gc f̂ig image/' _______ . . \ VOTERS' LIST COURT OP REVISION held at MUNICIPAL HALL West Vancouver MONDAY, NOV. 20th Opens at 2-p.m, ♦Be sure your name is on c the List" A West Vancouver .^Citizens'--^League--- PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME for onl3T $1.00 THOUSANDS OF CARDS THAT ARE: WORTH 10c, 15c and 20c EACH ON SALE at ONLY 3c EACH For Those Who Buy Early. REMEMBER THE NAME AND ADDRESS NitcheD-Foley Ltd. THE CHRISTMAS CARD AND GIFT STORE ' 522 Hastings^ Street*' 'West Opposite Spencer's OWING TO THE UNCERTAINTY OF MAfLS, lYE ADVISE MAIL ING YOUR CARDS EARLY. [SI Of Donalfi McAlpine Piamist & Teacher . C lASS a»d INDIVIDUAL INSTEUOnON _ _ Studio: 2S3 Sl« Street ■Pi&ane Wilcox" SaSsmiay, 3§'UY-l THE W est Van News I>yi«ltte4 Every Thawday story of Dr.,Geo. M". Carver to the boys and girls, 7 :30 p.m.--Rev. A . C l _Bingham. _of the Grandview ^ p t i s t Church, will preach, 10:0b mm.--Church &hooL ~ Thhre. are" classes for' eveiy age, indudi^g an adult mixed 'Bible Class, Mondaj% S pm i..-- The 'Young People's Society. Rev, M. A , 'Palnicdf will spettk on X om - muiHsm and Christianity - In B'ussia/*' ■' lYedho^ay, 7 :45-p.m: -- .'Prayer 'ineetiiig. FIST M EST TANCOU\'ER . SCOL"T TROOP (Sl Stephens) meeting, of the . ^^^otbers' A?ixillary was'held a t the home .of iilrs. C, W/Addison on Novemc-eY 2nd^ when s¥ e Y ^ lowing offkers were elected :>- Mrs, Regina: d A. B av i^ , presi-, D, A- Jay, vme. smesi- ifi d e n t : 'M m , J . R . L id s te r , se c re - raiyr3lh>. Ted SeweHy^omsurer; YIrs, H. G, B ark^ , soda! e m v m - : e r and Sirs. C. W. AddisoiL press. '■ -1 . io^l .i-- ' T^ahlishcr; F. F. LOVEGROVE Plume West 363 Bmdaei* iind EtKter|*a OfiS<«: 17M Mariaf Drive Phoaa Wesl-55- North VaDCourer Office: 123 A te, . iLOa « -y«*r by CMTfe':-12,00 « ytmr A N N O U N C E M E N T IMR. J, M. STiLVFSXJNa,-- M&TiiSe.-Drrcs', -Tarislaes. -tus- ̂ JE3S!as?B2ffle - '"'tis»ri'bf/5as Ejisiaess. aad cror^rtj JrifrN~ m BENNETT of Y'ancemv^r, aad would, wish lo taaak s3 S&ose '9(h& iawe ,p^trm ked Mm in the many wttka be h ts been ia ^ la West Vaeooarer: - He trusts they, isrili; cĉ s:i~&ŝ to pa.tz&&he tse wsw ̂ bwkeii ~ \ Hie askffigvt^yaluabl^bodH^ "bty le in L l |^ t Conditioning" , gives n ew d e v ^ m e i t s in iight^g, quaUties to look fesr in lam ps and fixtures, how to ' achieve th e best lighting effects. Phone or ; ESectiae, VamxjUTer, for your free copy! B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A ELECTRIC? R A I L W A Y c o m p a n y L I M I T E D /('... ■ _r" ̂ if ̂ 4 Bill Russell, 22nd Stroot. has Je ft for the Cariboo for a week's hunting.