W I 0 V » N 6 lA i:" f c f S R A B r EatablisHM w er 18 yean; Established over 13 years. Circulating in the District o f West Vaneccfiver-~Ambleside, Holly burn., Weston, Dundarave $1,00 per ye»r. Cypress Park, Caul/eild, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy Vsl. XIV H O LLY B U R N P .O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B.C., TH U RSD A Y , N O V EM BER I6th, 1939 No. 31 wmrmmm '̂ A T E R VANCOUVER WAR CHEST CAMPAIGN m... r ,V i te r Vancouver War Chest Campaign started in w™t Vwicouver last. Monday. Between that date and Nov- VVvSV o v ir? t i r r h t v i a n x x /i ll ^«d I 1 n ix î \Tî V\ ""jflWWimiyiiiLHn TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD COMING EVENl'S It (^Ilordinated here with the Dominion-wide appeal of 'rRiLli^iUied Cross to raise $3,000,000 for its immediate Hffmp needs, of which G reater Vancouver's share is firo OOO. The second object of the campaign is the raising LIONS' GATE BRIDGE F II^ T ANNIVERSARY -̂--- •'"'More than Oighty members Friday, Dee. 1st. ■-- Eighioontli 1,067,301 vehicle.s (including and gue^s attended the Guild Annual Dance by King Diavid Lodge No. 1)3. a !F. & A.M., in the Orange Hall. 26th two hundred men and wonien will call on every trucks and buses) uiid 2,916,130 Charter Tea, held a t the attrac- * S L s firm and home in the m unio ii^ jty m this drive, passengers and pedestrians tivc home of Mrs. B. M, Grady, f nTleast $350,000i for the Vancouver W elfare Federation, liPing the sum required by the la tte r organization to guar- the continuance of their community program next year. I niher words, Greater Vancouver is being asked to con- l i i a total of $510,000 for the two purposes for which. he drive has been organi^d . - ^ . The West Vancouver Branch of the Red Cross Society 1 nnHpr the control of the B ritijh Columbia Divisional.Office, J i h from time to time w ilrsend out a list of its require ments in the way of bandages,, garments, etc. The raw materials necessary for the making up of these supplies will n time be obtained a t cost through the Divisional Office. It is hardly necessary to elaborate a t length on the work of the Red Cross Society. The G reat War and all th a t th e ' Society did to alleviate the sufferings of 'the wounded and prisoners, also of the civilian population in the war zones, is still too fresh in the memories of this generation. But i t mkht be relevant to point out .that to our personal knowledge inone German prison camp a t least the British officers and men confined there depended entirely for any food-they re ceived on Red Cross parcels. A number of our young men have already joined the Canadian Force to be sent overseas, and more will go before the cease-fire is sounded, of whom some may suffer the misfortune of being taken prisoner. And it is too much to expect th a t the Nazis will be any more . humane than the Kaiser and his m inions,; The Vanebuver Welfare Federation with i ts forty-seven social welfare agencies, including the branch here, is active twelve months in the year right in our midst, where its good work and the needs which make th a t work imperative are plain to all. While the w ar will undoubtedly result in time in a certain lessening of unemployment, the depression has been ~tWwidesprea^"aiid-of-too-"long-standing-for-7the-new-condi-- tions set up by the present world conflict to make any appreci able difference. There are those, some of theni-in th is muni cipality, who through no. fault of their own will find them selves in evil case w ithout the help of the Vancouver Welfare Federation. . ' • - ' - ' We bespeak, therefore, th a t a t least , a courteous and a sympathetic reception be accorded by our residents to the two hundred men and women, who have volunteered to canvas the municipality in connection with the War Chest Campaign. Apart from the fact th a t tiiey are giving their services free of any, remuneration, i t is never exactly pleasant to ask for gifts of any kind, even for somebody .else. Not all, of course, are ima position to. give. For the rest, it is to be hoped' th a t they will dig deep into the ir pockets, realizing, as they must,- -that in so doirig they are relieving"much deep suffering not only here, but also in the w ar zones overseas. passengers and pedoslrians Dve home of Mrs. B. R crossed the Lions' Gate Bridge 24th and W aterfront, on the during the first twelve months' afternoon of November 9th. operation, starting 14ih Noveni- Guests were received by Mrs. A. ber, 1938. , Cromur Bruce, .pixjsident, Mrs. During the summer sea.son -- J* h«d. Mrs. J. Sheasgreen. May 1st to Octobei special evening rate of 40 cents ' car, driver and passe„„_-.,,___ "sold a t the toll booths of the 'JL Hooper; North Vancouver, Lions' Gate Bridge, the return Mrs. W. H. Lewthwaite, vice, portions being good over the presiclent, Pomt Grey Guild, and North Vancouver Ferries or and Mrs. E. L. Buokerfield, Van- Second Narrows. Ih'idge, where .M p. similar tickets were also avail- Matthews, accompanied by able to the public. An interesting fact is, that only sixteen horse-drawn vehic les crossed the bridge during the first year. The- number of weekly tickets a t the $l.i25 ra te has steadily in- ' creased and is now nearly double the number sold during the open ing weeks increasing on the North Shore The number of vehicles paying the full cash toll was only 291,638 and the average toll paid for all vehicles was- actually 17.75 cents per vehicle. . ' REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE .j'anged jointly by the Duiienn Lawson Chapter, I.O.U.E., ami Post 60, of the Canadian Legion'. The Rev. P. A; Ramsey was in charge, 'and the West Vancouver Mra. D. Bordos.m w crem uch eil-, joy«d. Mias E. M. Philip related iN.u.'iU "ail .il,"' recent cxperieiicea travelling i, from Europe through the war "f, "S'*. '̂̂ de A. H. (Aie of the Canadian ' Mrs. Jas. Gray was tea con- cIS ":;; cener, and the serviteurs-w ere avii ; Mesdames Wm. Partridge, H; G. 1 . n Rnrkpr D Downr S TnvW 'W the Rev. Gaiipn G. C. (I'Easum nber sold during the open- Wm "0 jftod. Our Ittlp in eks, indirating a steadily L M̂ Ĝ A a u « g . , > f l c r ing number of residents f;* -*^uney and iVi^. ij. placing of wreiith's^^Ai the read a porWon of ScHpjjiire/̂ ^Ĥ ̂ Rijv, W m .#ance recited a pray- is. ATTENTION! The attention of readers is Mrs. E. E. Buckerfield, presi dent Women's Section of the Vancouver Symphony, thanked the Guild for the interest and support which t h a t , body had given the Symphony Society. Current week's Guild activi ties include Red Cross Nursing -ClassesT-attendanGe-at-t-h€-A-me3> ei\ the Lord's Prayer w said iii uni.soiL- And then the' Last Post sounded, tile two minutes' sil ence starting ju s t "a.s the gun boomed ancl the^ 'ferry whistle signalled 11 o'clock. Following " t he sounding of the Reveille and drawn to an advertisement ap- Ballet and^the 7 e r r ira p o r t . '; - ^ ® /'S ■pearing in this issue entitled 'An ant business h f assistinc- in tfip'" Hearte a , Ihanksgiving Appeal to Reason" 'in connection Greater Vancouver War Chest said in unison, and with the proposal to build an Campaign, hotel here. executive meeting will be ; ̂ held a t the Highlands on Friday RECITAL BY BIDU SAYAO (tomorrow) evening when it is ---:----- hoped- to plan for a social even- It is almost unheard of for a in'g following the regular meet- young singer-- n̂o liiatter what iug .on December 1st. . her foreign reputation--to walk into New York and get a Tosca nini invitation and a Metropoli- Toe H, West V :a n o o u v e r TOC H FIRST ANNUAL BALL the, service concluded with the Benediction by the Rev.. Father .Van and the National Anthem. Before dispersing those' attend ing the service placed poppies . and wreaths on .the lawn in front = of the Arch. Those placing wreaths were as follows: Municipal C ouncil and School Board, Sixth Field Co., Royal Canadian Engineers, Can- ■ Announcement. Charles Ridley in th is issue announces, with regret th a t he nas bwn compelled te give up flis milk delivery, but will con tinue to deliver to his old customers and any" others heed- ing4hat commodify. He- thanks all those who have been taking from him. - , _ --' .. . . HOLLYBURN HALL Tomeurow (Friday), a t 7:157 P.ni. there will be the usual' fnung People's Service illustrat- ™ by views, when Garnet Ben- will speak on "The Passion : M Our. Lord." Next Sunday a t ; a.m. Sunday School and loung People's Bible Class and . L30 p.m. a (lospel Seiyice : wth Johp Rae as 'Speaker. A t 8 I®, on Monday, the 20th inst., : fangelist .Charles E. Lacey will ^ k on "The Work of the Gos- p in the Islands of the Carib- , with views to illustrate «®e. Tuesday at 8 p.m. p ray er' ; ancT ministry of the Scriptures. BRITISH - ISRAEL Dominion Field Sec. WmJI n? British - Is ra e l, S Movement, will be the pvS; ̂ regular Monday th. Subject: "Is TTiisx ® You Armageddon ?" ^ invited to 'hear ' ^d ress . . P rayer afternoon afternoon at 2:30. ,*** BAND AUXILIARY BAZAAR AND TEA Arrangements have been com pleted by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the West Vancouver Schools' Band for th e ir annual Fall Bazaar and Tea on Tuesday,. November 21st, in the Legion Hall, to be officially opened a t 2:30 by Mrs. A rthur Delarnont. A sked 'to pour, tea are Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, Mrs. F; Rivers. Mrs. Wm. Green is general convener. Others assisting are .Mrs. A. Swanson, Mrs. A. Rippon,, Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. P. Trnssell, Mrs. J. E. Condon, Mrs. H. Robinson, Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Mrs. E. Lashbrook, Mrs. J. H. Hall, Mrs. H. Doherty. D.V.A. HERE WIRE VICTORIA The following night letter was s ^ t last night by th e D.V. A. ̂W est Vancouver, to the Hon. T. D. Pattullo: . "The D.V.A., West Vancouver Branch, wish to ^tate th a t they have taken no part in the contro versy on the statem ents made by G rant MacNeil, M;P., and Mrs. R. P. Steeves, M.L.A., on war aims. The rtatem ents attributed to; Mr, Winch, the leader of the C. C.F. Party, involving the West. Vancouver Branoh of the D.V.A. are misleading and unfounded. We ha w taken n6 partjifhatso- ever in politics and never a t any ttihe passed a resolution as s ta f fed J n the Vancouver Sun news paper. West Vancouver D.V.A. go on record as endorsing the stand, taken by the D.V.A., North Vancouver, in i ts expression of^ loyalty to the Empire." ta n invitation all in th e space of ~ -B ra n c h ,„ .a re ..-h o ld in g r th e ir_ r ir ,s t™ ^ ^ i^ --^ ^ j^ ^ j? ji^ ^ ^ ^ |R j^ ^ ^ e ^ o r e - t h a i ^ t w o m onths. T f i v X ) T V o llT u ra ' ' " Bidu Sayao, the Brazilian song- ^ G ^l GuWe Associatio^^ Boy - t r a u n d e r fhp. din^rt.ion n f Rine ' Association^,. St. Stephensbird who appears in the Van- under the direction of Sine couver Auditorium. Monday, .Shepherd will supply the music. Uiiited"" chum h OA+H I'c ;T V ie r.ft w i l l n la n , nn/1 . -U n U rC fl a n c i i i a p L l S l•There will also be novelties and floor shows. .The affair will be informal, and refreshments may be obtained. Tickets, 50 cents. HOLLYBURN HALL November 20,th, is the pretty young lady who turned the trick. Arriving in New York three winters ago, more or less un heralded in spite of stardom in European and South; American ______ opera hemses, the soprano m Evangelist Charles E. Lacey oqTh '^% 1?^ ^ speak on "The W orkof the Gospel in the Islands of the Car- ibbean," illustrated with lanterh; views, a t 8 p.m. next Monday, November 20th, a t Hollybum .̂ Halljr"^__________ Church, Ladies of St. Anthony's and Inglewood W.A., King David Lodge, A.F. & A. M., and Naomi Chapter, O.E.S., L.O.L. No. 2990- and W.C.T.U., Horticultural So ciety and Band Auxiliary, Towns women's Guild and individuals. m cordial but the event--one in so many debuts of a winter--would have been forgotten had the singer, been anyone but little Miss Sayao.' Not so with Senbr- ita Sayao I ■ ' A t a party she met-. A rturo Toscanini who immediately re UNITED CHURCH XMAS BAZAAR The annual .Christmas bazaar of the United Church Women's 'Association will be held on Tues-.̂ RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION day, November 28th, a t 2:30 p.m. in the Church hall. A tempt- _ , . The annual general meeting of array of articles, large and called her from an audition in the West Vancouver Ratepayers" srnall, suitable for Christmas .Milan.' He was looking for some- iAssociation will be held a t the presents will be offered for sale. . one to sing'the name part in De- Legion Hall on Friday,'Novcm- Those in. charge of the various bussy's "Blessed Damozol" ber 24th^ at-8 p^m.-General busi-- stalls will be: Aprons, the Ve.s- which he was to conduct with the ness and election of officers for per Circle; fancy work, Mos- New York Philharm onicSym - the ensuing year. During the dames Edward Scott, A. M, phony Orchestra. He beard many evening a moving picture of O'Donnell, N7-TT-^Shirlaw,' J."Alli- noted singers, took Bidu Sayao forty-five minutes' du ra^« i will son, A. Chilton,-W. Blair and C.. who had never before sung the^ be given of scenes interesting to Cole; novelties, Mesdames . W. ' niusic. .1 ̂ I West Vancouver residents. , Tinney, Irvine Houston, C. W. - Her success was immediate; it --------------------- Addison, W. Crawford, T.' Mar- ~ paved the way for a Metropqli-, COURT OF REVISION tin,, A. Addy, W. Herrin and Miss tan contract. She returned the^ --------- Casey; home-cooking, Mesdames following year, made an enor-" A Court of Revision' of «the W. Partridge, D. Dewar and J. mous success in her debut as Provincial Voters' List wilL be H. Moncrieff; candy, Mesdames "Manon" followed by equal tri- held a t 2 p.m. Monday, 20th Noy- A, T. Cushing, W. T. Rush, E. umphs in 'T raviata" and "Bo- ember, a t the Municipal Hall in Therrien and .N . Harris! baby heme." . This year she has re- West Vancouver. , > knitting, Mesdames H. Ostrom ' turned for a trium phant third _ ---- ~ r - --------- . and George Bell;_ afternoon tea, - .seaso n ab inheritor of the, sn- "Miss Epson/* said the colored par- Miss I. P h ilip .______________ _ called "Bon" roles, as logical son impres.sively, as he led her into - ---------- _̂______1_J ^iicbessonto the great lyric so- the brook for baptism, "I 'se gwine to prano. * ' you out into this heah stream, ATTENTION!' This petite Latin beauty will an ' wash out every spot o' sin you's ,-The West Vancouver Citizens' appean h ^ e under the manage- ^ot!' » • , . ' ^ a g u e bespeak the attention of ment Hilker A ttractions. "Lawsy, pahson," giggled the erst- readers to their advertisement Seats are now being taken a t while frolicsome damsel, "in dat lil •^*The Beer Plebiscite" in this K elly 's on Granville. ole shallo^y creek?" I issue.w crei y