■ 'I* ■"/ ' i ' ' f;'ifi 1, -A" h -'Yf " ' ' i l .s'if ' i ;1 1\ ii" ■ Jj "If\ ' 5 ■ :'#■1 ^' 11*' f »V ' T. fi ■ , ■!'; I'l ' .|i { ' fi . '• Xil '4 ' < Vli : t • 1* TT- / i'h . H S'< 5 IjiM. fci w ^ b 'W brV It' & 'uV ? f ' t-', ' i ?./f f '.f- );u. r ' ii;, ..rU.! "jl' f̂̂; 'V 1 '. '?, 1 ' '?! , ' ) '- ! i ;,' 1 ' :■ t'.n S'.V .';isv |# O i 5 d 'ij 'r i-m'r •< :' '■<••' sj- c> - ̂ -: ' -TK -'•r 'i Ilk ^Ms:" s,fis l#P,'<■:-. / r J , 'K « tM V ' S 2̂̂%' 1 '■ /r'fek-'if. 5 M;; , 'kiKf-'ll'Jti;. ■ i . tH K WEST' VAN NEWS N o v e m b e r 9, i §3 4*,a jkimmmi W fv t 4§ - "̂* ■'■■ S i x E i t l i V. ■ j^i*ti»««-->wiwiS7o FrM D *lirM 7 8«rvU« <• Mowthlx Aecoimt l»HICES GOOD for TIIURSDA V > FfUDAY, Nov. »th and 10th C O K K ESt'O N D EN C E ru-d & Whit© I» K A » ~ I HI©**© 6....2 tin© for 22c; 6 for <*-V K<d & Whit© tiO LD K N COHN 2 17*031!. tin©.......... , 18c; 0 for r>.!c Hod & W hlto TOM A'rOKH 2 No. 2'/i Tin© 25t; 6 for 7;ir Hcd & Whit© CAHHOTB & PKAH 2 Bi|u«l Tin©........... 21c; 6 for <i2r U©d dt. Whit© TOMA'I'O, JU IC E - toyi or. Tin© .fi for 33e; 12 for »»'h 2.5 03J. Tin©., 3 for 33c; 8 for <ir,c Ut^i & White Florida C H A P B F in i l JU I(.'IC-- 8weeti*ned or lJn©weeli*it«'<l l.arKc lft*oat. Tin© ,,.,.,..........2 for 17c .' Family Size r>0'OX. Till©...............2.3c; 2 for i'x (Unaweetencfl only) Red & White Hnuid Hendy-to*8er»e SOIJFB -- Tomato or Vci{etHi)lc 3 tin©.................. 26c; or dozen '-*')c AFHIC'OTH-- Columbia, Golden hah cm l.arK© 'I'ln© ................2 Ic ; 3 for <»1c NulMib KKl) F I.U M B BquatTin© ..... .......... He;. 6 for r».3c MEATS Fr»m|)t Delivery Fhotte Went 370 m ilk FKD b o il in g FOWL,...lb. 22c (XOVKR LEAF OVBTERB, pint 20c SmUILDERB OF LAMB (whole) per lb. ............... ...... <•;......... . BKKF--Grude, A Steer I'ORK -- tiruiii Fed I.A.MB -- Top Ouality VKAI. -- Milk Fed. FRESH & B.MOKKI) FISH f u l l U N E I)KLICATK.SSKN 10c Red A White ,FURF; STRAWBERRY JA M ........... ........1 ll»« tin 49c Red si While l»t)RK & BEANS . 3 IH-oz. 'I'in© ....... 29c; (i for 57c With 'I'omnlo Sauce--JuHt heal and Kerve. APPLES»>^per b ox $ 1 .0 0 SIXTH ILC. SEA SCOUTS AND WOLE CUB BACK , AUXILIARY (Went Van. Group) TOWNSWOMEN'S (iUILD To the EHitor, West Van Nevv.n, ,H fr-'"A 1tendingr^ "'the " meeting at the U*gion HaU on Monday evening' to hear the pos- establifthiMi in We.st Vancouver, I etiiblished in U'est Vancouver, I was very much Hurpnsed of the*Kpeakens suggesting that the majority of the iiersons sign ing the petition to the .Prov incial Covernmeiit for a plebis cite to be taken, did so witimut knowing what they were sign ing. Afi one of tho.se that signed the pelitidn I wi.sh to say that being able to read, and quite a- ware of tlie eontent.s to lie sign ed, it is my desire that a plebis cite Imj taken, a.s only by this method can the wishes ol the people be known. , i Being pei'sonally opiitj.scd to the estliblishmeiit of either one or mprt! lieer parlors m West Vancouver, and tally confident' that if those entitled to vole, do so, the project will be so badly beaten, that it will be many years before it riso.s from the dust. . . \ . If, however a plebiscite be not taken, we are apt to havef it thrown at u.s again and again, till those opposed,. become apa thetic, and iliow it,.to get by. I t was iilso interesting to hear the. attitude, of several of the Service LUMBER SASH & DOOKS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH TH5RE IS BUILDERS' SUppJ NO SUBSTITUTE WAIXBOARDFOR QUAUTY AgWtttS! 'V ■' I CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. \^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER £ 0 . LI 1 5 th & M arin e D r iv e P h o n e W est 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S Th© rat© for Claasified AdvwrUscmenta Is I cents per word, mil 25 cenU. Except in the caae of tliooe having regular accounls. „|| la the West Van Neva get immediate rest The Mothers' Auxiliary of Ua* above group and Pack met at the home of Mrs. Dickin.sun, October 19th. The meeting was well atteridetl and the following ofTioors were elected. Mrs. II. H. Wallace, presidcfit, and Mrs.' U Aid. Helena Gutleridge, speak- • ing* at the regular November ___ _ __ . meeting of the Guild on Friday speakers, opposing the measure la.st, outlined possible civip needs'"" "On behalf of the youth-.of West during war time, and "the dutyf' -Vancouver." ls a very of individuals .should emerg- la,udalblc attitude rto ta k e , and eiicie.s arise. Miss E. M. Philip, much to be commended. As one gave a brief de.scription of her who has taken a great interest recent trip from Italy under war in the young men of this mum- time conditions, and demonstrat- ,cipality for many .many years. Juck«on. Hfcretiiry, by acclmna- Tn The establishment of parks, flenl Mrs' n S S / t r c a s i ^ ^ ^ -J- Kickardsoi), 2094 Haywood .sports allractions,etc., th isap -. dent, Mrs. Dickinson, licaMiKi, Ayu„„,. „,as'Uppointcd Sick Con- pealed lo mo very much. -vener, succeeding Mrs. Bloxham W who ha.s moved to. the city. The fpster: iiild sponsor the athletic Book Club will meet at the home o f M̂̂^ Marine Drive, on Mpnda noonj November:' 13th. Mrs, J. Mrs. A; Lester Taylor, sonbil convener, Mrs. E; J.. A.lton, ofVer- ing to assist with secrettirial duties. The next meeting will be held a t the home of Mrs. Leavm.s, I4th and Inglewood Avenue, on Xw OV%;A. illlV i 0 |. /V i .V«*VK endeavors of our youth, not only iii this jirovince but elsewhere as well uml go to the length of advertising their,establishments- 'rhursday, November 16th, 2:30 p.m. at ■7 Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News - Puiive"ivili~review~^News~from:--aa--headqnai^ters--for--some--club Tartary," by Peter Fleming. or sport. - " 1 If the speakers are sincex'e .m ̂ their interest for the youth, my k suggestion is "As soon as the request for beer parlors is de- : feated" vve all get together and inaugurate a Community Hall ^ . with >, training facilities, club, games, i;eading rooms, jetc., and show that we are sincere in our attitude, and not fighting the liquor . interests merely for . fighting sake. As regards those "older than youth" they are well provided ^^£w-"by^Uch"Societies as -the Mas- - ons, Elks, Lawn Bowling;. Horti cultural, Ratepayers, Political and many others, but where is any non-denominational a t traction for the youth in West older men have ours, let the beer parlors, then, buckle ill and get thern what ̂ heed. Yours truly, --T. M. P. GORDON HOBSON Solicitor, 510 W» Uft?tinga,;Sey.^41Jy a t Went Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. KADIO SEItviCE - tmirs moderate charges, worK j lS n t c c d . J. L. Pettigrew. W,est 828._________ ______ -̂------------- -- WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- jjQ L_Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 172-L*'L i w r o s FOR XMAS - - I t 's time to think of y p u r friends Overseas., Barclay's, 1618 Marine, West 710. PAPERHANGING, Painting, mining; first class ^^rk a t reason^- able rates. H. Games, West 167 b. FOR RENT -- 7-Rooms, large living room, 4 bedrooms, modern sawdust (...burner; on" session Nov. 10th. Bsnt A. E. Austin & C o., Ltd., 8 3 3 West Hastings St, S e y , 9 1 3 1 . Evenings, West 548-M. . HANDY ANN SHOP. 2442, M arin e- Purple Heather, Tiger Monarch Wool, B e e h iv e B a b y Wool, Kmttmg ■ Needles, Books, Crochet Cotton, Hand-knit Baby Woollens. NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate, Insurance, General Conve^ncmg, Valuators. R. P. 1405 Marine. West 21, West 204-M, W est 913-L. , , , ____ Combining the 10th Annual Appeal o f the VANCOUVER WELFARE FEDERATION ond^,the National War Appeal o f the GreateVVancouver Branches o f CANADIAN RED CROyS SOCIEty GIVE DOgBLEibrbOIBlE REEDS GLENEAGLES GOLF CLUB On November 2nd, a ,Golf Club ^was organized a t the Gleneagles' Golf Course. The following of ficers were elected: Honorary President: R. J. (Bobby) Stuai't, Honorary Vice - President: - MacKenzie Matheson, President: Major W. R. Crit- chley,^ Vice-President: Rex McDonald Secretary - Treasurer:, Les Hughes, Captain: Morris Corkhill Name of Cliib: "Gleneagles' Golf Club." _Bobby Stuart donated a trophy to. be known as the Stuart Trophy, for the Club Champion ship. The Club is desirous of enrolling a-Tfew more members, and would like anyone interested to got in touch with Les Huges at Seymour 7820, or West 98-Mt3 The next m etii^ will be held . Thursday evening, November 23rd,_at8:0 0p.m. a t Clubhouse. -^11-interested a^e asked to fat- tend. Oil the agenda of the meeting, will be the ei'^ectibh of an ad d i^n to the Clubhouse, for the use of Club members, and the formation of vai'ious com mittees, etc. "NOTARY PUBLIC," GenerJ veyancing, "Valuator." Hcg Blower, 1405 Marine Drivi •21. PAINTING AND DECORATING --- Estimates free. J. H;;.Wedley, West 1022-L. : ___________ FOR SALE -- 6 B, R. pullets and rooster, age 8 months, $7.00.- 975 Mathers^_______ '-- .->■ /--- W ANTED -- Smart young lady to take orders for exclusive Christmas . g ifts.' Box 7, West Van News. -FOR RENT -- Furnished two-room basement suite, rent $15. West 525-L. ________________ _ WANTED---Responsible girl as house " keeper; live out; one small child. ~~ W ^ t ~439-L-3.. _____________ FOR SALEl--25 Loads horse manure; 25 loads chicken manure. Phone West 527.______________ : WANTED TO RENT -- 4 or 5 room bungalow, unfurnished, permanent, reEisonable. W rite '■ or \ phone Box 6,. West Van News. ̂ _____ WANTED We have, continual enquiries for * West Vancouver homes and properties. Let us have your listings for sale. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Maring Drive.________ West 546 WE HAVE BEEN ASKED to sell a 4 room summer cottage situated on one and one-half acres ofJand. The location is very exclusive, some very unusual and attractive features. Reasonably priced at only .$4500: terms. ̂ ' ' LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, West Van. Pioneer Realtors.. Established 1905 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 55 A dinner guest in a Virginia home, was telling his host to prepare ham that would be even better than the famous Virginia ham. ' Guest: "Plifce the ham in deep pan " and then first day soak it in a bottle of rye whiskey and let it cook awhile. The second day add a bottle of Jamaica Vum and the third day a bottle of port \vine and the fourth day a bottle of . Bourbon." Host (turning to the colored cook): "What do you think of tha t?" Negro Cook: "Ah don't know 'bout de ham, but it sho' sounds like nvighty fine gravy." '. ' "Speaking about baseball, T 've got a baseball dog." "7 ~ ' . "W hat makes you call him a base ball dog?" "Because "" he wears a muzzle, catches flies, chases fowls, and beats it for home when he sees the catcher, coming." CASH FOR JUNK -- liottW Sacks, Metals, Furniture,! 'Tools, etc.; nothing too bi| small. Burrard Junk Co., CHIMNEY SWEEPING - ol try way; guaranteed; bi| stone repairs. Palmer, North 811-R-2._______ _ SEMI-WATERFRON'I' LOT, very light cleairing, splcruj tion.^ A sacrifice for cash] 4-Robm Bungalow, firoplaceJ ly located, good view, $140| Sharpe Realty, 1395 Marir West 719, or evenings " West 698-L. f , , HAULIN(3 ^-- Manure. Fuel Tanks and Rockpits instai cleaned. West 187-R. BISMA-REX quifckly relicrl stowiachi indigestion, etc. _ discovery will make a nd of you. Get a package McNeil & McCue Drugsj West 628. ' ' WANTED TO RENT - 4 oi , modern bungalow with buying. No agents. Box; Van News. WESTERN WOODWORKEF arid house fixtures, turniij ■grazin^T^W^t:780~\Vcst-4 DRESSMAKING---Alteratid reasonable. 1474 Marine" FOR SALE -- Lovely sol dining-table., and chairs, ' Wilton Ritg, $20. West 411 (jiRL WANTED -- Five iho 'week, 9 to 2. West 99-Y. FOR SALE --~Thomas chairs and table. West 75 GORDON ROBSON - Bat Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, | a t West Vancouver any appointment. West 403. FOR R E N T ,_ $ ^ ~ 3 -room cottage, fireplace. West 13 DRESSMAKING -- Ladie .Coats, Dresses, Children's| specializing alterations, Robbins, West 619-R. BOYS OUT OF SCHOOL for caddies. Phone West register a t Club House, LISTINGS WANTED - Rent, Sell or Buy. Fen, Trinity 1271; evenings, We GORDON GRAY --j Insura Burglary, Automobile, phone Sey. 4991 or WesL WEST VANCOUVER MESj SERVICE--Parcels, Bagg - transfer work, prompt ser̂ 700. FREDERICK C. AUBREY., Solicitor, Notary, 801*8 Building; Branch Office, ine Drive; Offices: Sey. - 546; Residence, Whytecim KNITTING and PLAIN SI _Jtpply Mrs. E. Latham, 24J FLOOR SURFACING - land, 2144 Mahon Avenue^ J. EDWARD SEARS. Barr icitor, 1405 Marine Dn^ West 21, or West 653-k-M MARCEL SHOP -- Theriwg Permanents; only best used. ̂Expert ,W est 3Q4, Royal B ank^ LAWN MOWERS SHARH Special machine; West Vancouver Machme« Marine^_________ _ CHUilNEY SWEEPING burners installed; fpm» G.-Meldmm; 1103 Lo 822. WANTED TO BUY For household furniture. J tioneers. North 89, Be? Hey W. H. VASS. C hiropracto r,j Hollyburn Block.