'L ivenib r̂jjj; 1939. -TOE W ESf VAN NEWS ' ^ M t M o w ! ' : ' - ' '9 » S S ! £ S S » R 9 a e a i 9 8 » : 2 » S YiiiKif.^ l iiSI i i f l l i i t t f t ' €2 luP iiitiii3 s C a r d s f o r f l v e r s e a s ! .fj have & large stock of Enguth and Canadian Cards, Better than '^cver," both in value and scicetiorfi See Window showing. w v « » l l A W V monthly ,y^ . .I ^ I B R A K * 3 cpe rday Up-to-date WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY ]Si4 Marine ®P*" ® P*®» Phone W est 687 4„fiot< Koolenpave Method The Machineless W ave with No Pads at all is being featured at I 1370 Marine Dri^e '^Across from Safeway** Phone W est 331 C ons^uenl on h is , having Mrs. J. Hose Of Pioneer, B. C., joined the Seafortii Highlanders arrived in the city Wednesday of Canada, Mr. Cameron and his evening, and will spend 'th ree wife ^old their business, "The weeks visiting a t the home of Vitamin Lunch,' and* have her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. moved to Vancouver. Fairless, West Fourth Street. * ♦ * North Vancouver. While here P. E. Paulson of Vancouvei*, she will attend the wedding of is having a new home built on ii«r sister. Miss Rita Fairless. Sentinel Hill. "" ♦ ♦ * ♦ * ♦ The Duncan Lawson Chapter, Mrs. Mary Newell was hostess LO.D.E.,* asked permission of the on Saturday afternoon when she Council to hold a Memorial Ser>» ijcrfiitLioii s tSAIkfiutC jl i m i a w^tBi - ̂A'MtUr i y iyiBi» FKBSIl DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies , --< Cooklea Kceles Cakes --<• Pastries Buns . and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 have "The Mrs F. H. Chapman is a pati- lent in North Vancouver General jHospital. COUNCIL NOTES entertained a t her home here.a a 4*" Mr. and Mrs. Gibson moved into a suilo a t Gables," West Bay. * ■)< * Orr's Stores are building two stoi'es on! the south side of Mar ine Drive between 24th and 25th Streets.", -- . *'■. l|<̂' Miss Della Husband of Paris, vice at the Memorial Arch on 11th November. Permission was granted. Lewis Orr of Vancouver, has joined the staff of H. A. Roberts Ltd. here, and in future L. E. Kyle and he will have charge of West Vancouver sales.4< * 4i Long-distance calls are cheaper after seven Long-distance telephone' calls are ' cheaper every ' night afterjseven. , The low, rates also apply all day pn', any Sunday. , ■ Night and Sunday rates, which are the, same, are in effect on week days from, 7 p.m. to 4:30 a.m., and on week-ends from 7 p.m. Sat-- urday, to 4:30 a.m. Monday. .Save on Sundays and any , night after seven. • 7^ A petition signed by fifty-three persons was presented to ^the Council re zoning Lots, 5 and 6, • Block 5, D.L.' 582, as a perman ent commercial zone. Referred tp the Town Planning Commis sion for their recommendation.ill, ♦ , ♦ The Council received a peti tion signed by eight persons for , .i - r i.1. 4. a str^ t Ii?ht at ttie ,in teW ib n T . . S * of 11th and Esplanade; Refer- H. Markham of Singapore, has purchased the Rudolph____________ ____ .......... ih p r o p - is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ^fhow;s Allan Archer,. West Bay, ami is acted for both parties. planning to spend a month a t the Coast. * ♦ >i< ■ • ' Philip W atts of 1669 Street, the well known 24th bass- red 'to the light file for consider ation in the fall when similar applications are dealt with.>. 4i " >ti artists, a t the first soiree-musi- cale this season of the Philhar monic Club, which was held last Sunday afternoon in the lounge ^the Georgian Club. ir. and Mrs. D. A. Macdonald have moved into a house on Ox- A le tter was received by the, Counoil from Fitz M .' Clark re coffee shop in the proposiBd new, , . hotel. The Clerk was instructed l«y Avenue. _ to reply th a t the Council had no . , \«r - official, knowledge of the con- Any members of the West struction of any hotel in West Vancouver Schoql Band who Vancouver a t the present , time, Melbbume, and Brisbane, and but, if as a result of. a plebiscite them in before Saturday, some time on a sheep mi « A daughter ŷvas born on F ri day, November 3rd, a t the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Palmer, 29th and Palmerston Avenue. C. J. Archer Ltd. wrote the Council re an offer oî exchange of lots. The offer was not ac cepted. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Nina Gray, 26th and Mathers Avenue, returned last week from a ten months' trip to the Antipodes. During her three months in Australia she travel led .4,000 miles by train, seeing the Blue Mountains, Sydney, Hollylurn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY N ovoiiiber IHh unii lUlh TYRONH POWER " The Story of Alexander Graham Bell" (Oiu't'.only a t H:00) Also N E W S , C A R T O O N , E tc . SATURDAY MATINEE NovtMubor 11th " Judge Hardy's Children" ^n hotel was constructed, it would not be in the power of the ^Council to prevent th e . in clusion of a .coffee shop therein. ♦ ♦ ♦. Pemberton & Sons wrote the BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. . Council re.proposed exchange of $20',000. P.G.E. bonds due 1942 station in the interior of New Mrs. Nickelwn and daughter gouth 'Wales. She stayed in Joyce, and G. Felton, were week Wellington the greater part of end guests of Mr., and Mrs. months in New Zealand, Jam es Patterson, Jefferson Ave- but travelled a go(^ deal through ___________ _______________ Jilie .Noiih--and--Soxith--Islands.- fQUAU' Shower > fo ra like amount of'Province of,. Complimenting Miss R itaFair- . Manitoba's due 1940. The Coun- * less, November bride-elect, Mrs. cil replied th a t they did not wish W. Thomson and Mrs. Cyril to take adviantage of the offer. Jones were jointrhostesses, when , they entertaijm d^t a miscellane- G. T. S. Saundby wrote the ous showei^mW ednesday even- Counoil re ' Lot A, Ei/^, Blocic 3, ing a t theJhpniM if the former E. ,100 ft.' of D.L. 554. The on E a^ fT ^e teen th Street. The _____ ____ _______ Council replied th a t they had no guest of honor was seated in. a , g,Qg.g,.f. ™ T)respnl Gfl authority to make any allow- , chair in a garden of paper daisies with a lovely bouquet and ah and a large daisy was presnted ^ress of welcome. Among those tOjher s ig n ^ in g the ^o]^of pj^g^^t w ere Mesdames R. Ogil- frieni^. Litfle Peggy Tliomson McArthur, Weedeh; J. Muh- gaye her a book in which were _ for finding each On her return trip she visited Fiji, Pango Pango, and Hawaii. . ♦ ♦ * Mrs. D'AIton Allan, Radcliffe Avenue, entertained a number of her friends and neighbors Tuesda^y afternoon a t a tea in honor of her mbther-ih-law, Mrs. J. Dodd 'Allan, who has recently returned from England. --The nlHo "BLONDIE MEETS BOSS" THE SAT. EVENING and MONDAY Novombor 11th and I3th JA N m ' GAYNOR "Three Loves ̂ Has Nancy" . also "BLOCKHEADS" (LAUREL and HARDY) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ' '•November 14th and 1511!)' WARNER BAXTER " The Return of JhtrCisco"K'id"' (Drico orU.v a t 8 :15) h 1,s o "STRAIGHT, PLACE AND SHOW" ance. ■ n f (I (> r» M o p k e t s West 190 1578 M ^ihe Drive W e s t . 1 9 0 instructions^ present. The evening was spent . in . preparing a-m iniature , trous- • seau, the prize being won by - Mrs. PeltonT-A sing-song-follow ed, after which refrehm ehts were served by the hostesses. Those present were Mrs. E. W. Fairless, Mrs. F. Pruden. Mrs. Maltby, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. .D. Greenwood, Mrs. Pelton, Mrs. E. ray, "Tr Sorenson, W. H. Vass; Arkle. Mr. and Mrs. George Faulknor, .1344 Gordon Avenue; have loft tb"spW d'th^winter"in"Californiar" F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y S P E C I A L S D E L I V E R Y The Council passed the follow ing resolution; "This Council records its wholehearted appreciation of the rx -x, T»/r T 1 serviccs rendered by and itsSmith, Locker, Mrs. Hedley, regret a t the passing of Mrs. H. Carter, Mrs.. H.^LOTd, ^ served the.muni- the M iss^ cipality faithfully and well and M argaret Truax, Dora and Elsie a j^^ys with a view to the best Curiy, Blodwm Jones, Lucy (lil- interests of the citizens in vari- k e e p Y o u r D o ^ H e a l t h y w i t h A.B.C. DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and G. Also Minerals Calcium and Phosphorus P A C IC IC D H Y . Anglo-British Columbia Packing Co. Ltd. in ki-lb* tins and 1-lb. tins. «rade A Brand g r a d e a , . BU TTER- First-Grade 3 lbs. 96c. Grade A Red Brand j Hump Roast 1 __ 25c Ib. Shoulders .Lamb' 18c per Ib.BAKEASY 10c per Ib. 1 g r a d e~ a ~~ [Cross-Rib 1 Roast: 22c lb. g r a d e a Lamb Stew 2 lbs. for 25cRolled Ribs Roasts _28cjer lb. i l i i i i j h i i i No. 1 Bacon ISc. per l |2 lb. pkg. Loin Pork 25c per Ib rg r a d e a . Short Ribs _ 1 2 c lb. K -9 Lean Riypole Cheese DOG FOOD Roast PorkAik H JSc per pkgi 3 tins 25c. Zuc per lb. more, Muriel Bellman, Betty Sears, and Audrey Thompson: from West Vancouver w ere Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. Young, Mrs. N. W illington/and from Vancouver were Mrs. Charlton, Mrs. 'P. Dobby; Mrs. J. Dalgleish, Mrs. L. Robinson, Mrs. G. Inkster,' Miss Grac?- Fryer also Mrs. J. Rose of Pioneer. ous capacities from the date of its inception in 1912 until the d'ay of his death, |^ovember 3rd, 1939, a n d , th a t a copy of this resolution be sent, and the .sin-' cere condolences of the Council * be extended to the members of his family in the irreparable loss th e y have sustained. PRO. REG. NEWS JUNIOR CHOIR .. A request has-been made "for another Pro. Recreational Class for ŵ ĉ men here, there - being No practice of the Junior Choir will be held on Saturday^ on account of the holiday. A only on^ a t present, which meets regular'.practice will,' however,, once a week. The new. class will take place bh the following Sat- meet a t "2 p.m. Thursdays a t the Clachan, 25th and W aterfront, in which connection there will be a small charge to meet rental expenses., \ . urday as usual. CHORAL SOCIETY Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES ' West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ' GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside.......................85.50 Cord Mill F ir, Iiiside............... 5.50 " Fireplace F ir................... 5.00 " GSreen A ld e r ................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ............. SPEGIAD-- . : Slabs & Edgings . B a rk y .................. $3.75 Cord Edgings ........................... $3.50 Cord Bark . .....................,........ $6.50 Cord . Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................... Price reduction on 3 units or more . CHARLES THOMPSON .812 16th Street A Office a t 1336 Marine Drive EXPERT W atch and rCliadlE REPAIRING T. CR^STENSON (formerly ■with Birks'L td., Montreal) - 1522 Marine Drive The. recently re-organized West Vancouver Choral Society Have been practising for several week^ndqr_jkheir oonductorTG. E. Bower, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., RED CROSS 'A meeting of the Glenarbour U nit of the W est Vancouver Red Cross" will be held on Monday, _ November 13thj a t 2 p.m. a t the home <rf Mra-. J . P. Harvey, "By - pu t on their first concert eany • au in Decemljer. Proceeds will go' the^S ea," Marine -Drive.. All to the local Santa Claus Fund. - interested a re cordially invited. \