------------------------------- --- ..... ......... . 'V-l*̂"' J-'l.tfvgJ-.̂ 'J- <>]?„ 'i t JS»Vi, ,9„'̂«l"«̂-J-Ji f .........r - fc !i> 1 ...a*.j#|te4. November 9. I a: ,s; !'■ ■ m • \ 4'̂* V* " 4 ? .iffcsa\:|£S5:Ŝ-' Is p i p i;P 'iL:'* S i l l m m i i i i i w i'■f;» « w uar VAN. uNiTBp c a u iic a, UN ITBp ^^C»rriMliir'&'Ki4u»«iN"-̂ »̂ *: itav . w . v a n cb ;, a A .. MiAiit«r 2&i1 Goittoa Av«ttttt Fli»«#» We#t-«44*R ŴSSUpW-û Sutul«r S t i r k f i ; ] 1 K>ni« A 7:80p .m. Strftnireri and Visitor* are weleom* 'I : Duart Permanent W aves BAI*TI8T CHUaCtt It**. W. I* McKay. a X .. a » . Httoday Sarvkaa 10:00 *;»i,-~<;barch "Sebdot i» dudifi« Adult Claaf 11 *.«i. A 7;30 p.m.*-rr«acJilfijt ■ 8«rvicea. A hearty welcome to all An- huft, lu«tinif, luntrouH, und with uur nii'lhod of hulr-cutling you will he uhlf to drcaiNf- your hair lir"vanouK atyiea ihrouifh- out tin; winter. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe j' J ' ' "f' '.r . . I P Jt-plff MfSSP': 0^- Creators of KacluNlve rermanenta, 1540 Marino Driye , WcHt li7 HOLLYBURlf HALL 14th and Duebesa MtlDAY KVKNINC, Nov. 10th, at 7:15 VounkT l*eot»leV .Service .Subject: ■' Ksther, the tjuwn" .Speaker: MIt. tllCOKCK SMITH SI NDAV, Nov, 12th. at 10 a.m. Sunday Scho(d mid Vuiirij.; I'eople'a Iliblo Class .Sunday Evening at 7:30 COSPFL ADDUESS Speaker: MIt. A, y. I*. AITKEN TUESDAY at 8 p.ni. I'iayer und *Minislry of the Scripture.^ WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society^ ■ f ' * "8blr 1 |K®W' alTŴ' ij' '■,v̂ , CUUKCU KIHFICB 20th awl Baquinalt, HoUyburu This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church Tlte P irat Church of Christ, . Scientlat, in Boston, Maanaebu-setts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, November 12th SUBJECT: "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. , Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. " , ^ d l i t S f t a . t n s o n A.T.C.M. Special Olploma Teacher of P lano anti^Tl^eory 1031) SUCCESSES:-- B. C. Musical Festival--1st place in Bach Pianoforte under 10 years Toronto Conservatory BxaminaUona -- 6 F irs t Class Honors, 5, Honors, 4 Passes. Residence Studio-1955 Inglewood Avenue West 105G-L ̂ . D k . G. D . / / . S E A L E IJ.D .S., L .D .S . - DENTIST X-Ilny Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.nt. Evenings by appointment. , Phone Weat 72 , HAPTIST CHURCH Kfv. VVilfyid L. McKay 1545 Ducheas Ave. J)R. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine D rive Weist 4.52 ; Suhday Services: 11;U0 a.m.--Subject, lM*ial.iv(.' that we protect our (•ommunity against the intro- ----------------- (liirtion of the sale of beer by, ;it 7:30 p.m., in Uu; Orange Hall, thc'gla.s.s?" ...Rev, Arnold Bemictt of Vancou- 7:30 fî ni.--Subject, "The King- ver will show moving pictures of WEST VAN. TABERNACLE . Cr. Marine & 25th Street. Pastor:') . Rev. Robert IL Birch, B.A. Services: Sunday .^chool . ...;:. 9:45 a.m. Sunday Services ........ H and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship, 7 :30 p.m. Friday-- . Children's'Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Follovvship-- ThunW y .................,7:45 p.m. FiVan^ lio a P ̂ Indejpendent On Saturday, November 11th, V i t t t KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET Mk BEEF, LAMB, POBJC, VEAL £f POULTRY AT REASONABLE PRICES Free Delivery, Phone West 1004 1531 Marine Dr. UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister Announcement Eatabliahed on North Shore 25 Ycara (Lady Asalatant) HAIUiON BROS. LTD. fu n e ra l K im ta c s Holly burn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver I'arlora 122 Went Sixth Street . Phono North 134 (ium of Cod on Earth." TIh* in(*mbers of the local D.V, A. will attend the .service. 10:u() .-i.m.--Church School, Tia'S(l;iy.̂ 8 p.m. -- The Voung |N'oi)i("s Society will be the ■ of the Anglican Young ['cople. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Prayer .Meeting.. ..... the Coronation in London and Royal Visit to Canada, These picture.s .include views of the West Vancouver Boyvs' Band. .ST. STEPHEN'S^CHURCff 22nd and Fiilton Rev. l'\ A . Ramsey, Rector ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. RCv. Father Van - Pastor . Sunday Services Low M a s s 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Vancouver Parlors S3 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 The French Beauty Salon F o r P e r m a n e n t s o f l a s t i n g b e a u t y . W.e epccializc in fine, grey and. white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Remembrance Da.v' .Saturday, 9;.30a.m.--Hobo.Com- munion. Sunday •8:00 a.m.--Holy Commun.ion. 11:00 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 3:00 p.m. -- lUnnembrance Day. Service. 7:30 p.m.,-- Even.song and Ser- ; mon. l\iesday, 2:30 p.m. -- VI. A„ Wednesday. 2:30 p.m. -- Ingle wood W.A. meeting. St. Ffancis-in-the-Wood, 9 :45 a.m.**--rMatins and Sermon. 7:45Rosary and Benediction P.nm Catechism and Bible Class---2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8a.m .', I^idays--Rosary, Benediction •-■7:45. Saturdays.-r- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, 8:30 a.m, -- Requiem Mass. CORRESPONDENCE . HARRY V. BELL PASSES Keep your Money Circulating in V ancouver West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Donald McAlpine Teacher C L A SS nmi IN D IV ID U A L IN S T R U O T O N S tu d io : 233 3 1 s t S.troot •̂ P h o n e M iss W ilcox' rosidcnco S a tu rd a y . W est. 3G7-Y-1 THE W est Van News West- Vahcouvqr lost one of her oldest pioneer citizens and â member of the original muni cipal hall stalT last Friday, when Harry Vincent Bell, 1105 Esplan ade, passed away in his 70th year. He is vsurvivod by two daughters, Marjory a t home, and Mrs, P. R. Reynolds here; also two grandchildren, n Funeral ser- vvices were held at 3 p.ni. last Monday from the Holly burn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. J. P. Dingle of- nciating, and internient' was made in Capilano View Cemet ery. • , ' * The deceaseti came here in 1912, as' a member of the engin eer's office staff, and from then on to his retirement in 1935. filled - that and various other positions in the hall. At the' time ofste^^d^th lie was a mem ber of the 'Town Planning Board of Appeal, The Council on Mon- day nijtht'passed a resolution of deep regret a t his passing and ap p i^ iiitio n . of his long and .valued seiAu'ces. pmi.i Pubiiahed Every Thursdny- hollvburn hall Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 ~ Business and Editorial Office; ___ 1704 _Martn«HDriye-- -- Phone West 55. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. 11.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year George Smith will be the speaker a t the Y'oung People's Sier\dce a t 7:15 p.mr tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall, his subject being "Esther, the Queen." Next-Sunday, Novem ber. J 2 th , Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will l)e held a t 10 a,m„ and a t the 7:30 p.m. sendee A, Y. P. Aitken wdll give a Gospel address. Tues day a t 8 'p,m. pKt!^r and min- Editor, \ ' W est'Van" News. , - - Sir,--Tliere are many new arrivals in West Vaiicouver these days. They are bringing new thot%hls ami new ideas to mingle with the fine traditions of the older settlers. Attending the meeting Mon day evening in the Legion Hall gave one the impression 'AVhat a splendid thing it would be if this Citizens' League could meet every Monday and endeavor in a friendly way to thrash out many of the problems that con front us today. The meeting on Monday \vas exclusive '-- some thing with a broader scope is to be desired. The abuse of liquor goes far, far deeper than prohi- > bition can cure. There are manj" other eciually vital problems pres.sing at our door.. Allow me to quote: "Unless we can have a full and' fearless publio inter course of minds open to all the world, our present enemies iiir. eluded, we shall n e v ^ be able to establish a guiding system of ideas upon which a nesv world order can rest."--H.GiW. " People can hot be legislated Ynto prosperity by their govern-, nients. They will have prosper ity only in proportion to the amount of servich they render individually and'-^collectively."-- J. A. Ha german. ^0 .--Relief will not cure our ills, neither will prohibition. Let us dig down to the root and cause - _of al] these hoirorsr--iL-is a big job. Let us begin now. M. S. S.'> ^Ir.s. Graeme King entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday afternoon at "^her" residence .rm Sunday, November 12th, Armistice Sunday 10:00 a.m.--Sunday-School.. 11:00 a.m.--Morning'Worship. Subject, "Our Church's A tti tude to War. Where Do We ' Stand ? Are We Divided ?" 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject, . "The Triumph of Faith." . VYe try to make everyone feel welcome to oiiY services. At a well attended meeting of the W.A. on Tuesday, Mrs. Ther-*' rien, Sr., formerly of the Round Lake Indian Residential School, Saskatchewan, gave a most int- fereStiiig and informative address on her work. In addition *to routine business, arrangements were completed for the bazaar to be held on Tuesdayj November 28th. PYdends are asked to keep this date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. BolUnK announce the marriajije of their younger daughter, ' Francy?s Mary, to Mr. Richard Bniclley of West Vancouver, on Satiirelay December 9th, a t 2:30 p.m. in St. Agnes Church, North Van couver. Miss Stokes, 14th and Jeffer- . son Avenue, is visiting her-niece -at-Kerrisdaler------- --------------- 7 Attractive Silk & Tapestry ' ' R em n ^ ts from 20c. Cushions from 50c Furniture Repaired, Re-covered and Polished jacks 1516 Marine W est 710 Bigger and Better Values I n C h r is tm a s Cards T h an E v e r B efore PEKSPNAL CHRISTMAS C ARDS PRINTED WITH YOUR NAiME for o n ly $ l.o 6 THOUSANDS OF CARDS THAT ARE WORTH 10c, 15c and 20c EACH ON SALE at ONLY 3c EACH For Those Who "Buy Early. ' ^ ' REMEMBER THE NAME AND ADDRESS Nitchell-Foley Ltd. THE CHRISTMAS CARD AND GIFT STORE 522 Hastings' 'Street West Opposite Spencer's OWING TO THE UNCERTAINTY OF MAILS, W E ADVISE MAIL ING YOUR CARDS EARLY.