E s ta b lis h e d o v e r 1 8 y e a r s . A W e e K iy N ew sp ap er Established over 18 years. Circulating in the D istrict of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Hollyburn^ Weston, Dundarave $1.00 p e r y e a r . Cypress P ark Caulfeild, WhyteclifA Etc. 5 c p e r co p y v ^ T x i v H O L L Y IB U R N I \ 0 . , w e s t V A N C O U V E R , B .C ., T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 9th , 1939 N o . 30 GREATER VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER WAR CHEST CAMPAIGN CITIZENS* LEAGUE COMING EVEN'I^S Two hundrotl nion ami women A public meeting was belli by throughout the district of West the West Vancouver CitiziMis Vancouver will lake part in the Ijcague on Monday evening in Greater Vancouver War Cliest the Legion Hall to protest Ca,mpa,igh. between . November against the sale of beer^ by the 13th and 25th. Covering the . "LEST WE^FORGET" Can we forget--now with another, war on our hands? Hardly, when we remember th a t those Whose memories we shall keep on Saturday died ahnost in vain, because we failed to hold high the torch they flung to us wth their dying,hands. There will never be a war, which will end war, as we ought to have known, if we had really studied human nature or believed our Bibles. Colonel John McRae, when he penned his immortal poem,, could not have doubted our victory, but what he did fear was th a t we would make a chivalrous peace with a people who know nothing of chivalry. ' Even now, while fully appreciating the mistakes made a t the first Armistice and in the Versailles Treaty, which was fa r too easy, we are only beginning to realize-rthe vein of sadistic cruelty th a t is part of the ̂German character. And it^took the horrOrs of the German (Concentration Camps, where German tortured Ger man, to a t last open our eyes to tha t. Such a nation is unfit for empire, for holding-sway over "the lesser breeds w ithout The law.'/~' C..V. ........ ...... V... .glass said to be involved in llu widely scattered district exieml- proposal to build a new holel ing from (^lapilano to Whyteclill* here. T. E. W, Russell was chair- and up the mountain side as far man, and every seat was taken, as the last house on the British Charles Baldwin, the first, P^icifio Proiierties, canvassers speaker, promised th a t the young will call oh every business firm people of the municipality would and ring the! doorbell at every do all in their power to defeat house on behalf of two worthy the proposal., , . ■ , causes, social welfare and Red Rev. R. J. McIntyre explained Cross. The drive will co-ordinate the procedure to be followed in here with the dominion-wide ap- such a carhpaign as the Li'ague peal of the Canadian Red Cross were now embarked upon, and which seeks, a t this timci' $3,- said that, if the hotel secured 000,000 to meet its immedif^te a licence, there was nothing to war-time needs. Greater Van- prevent others obtaining similar couver's share of this quota is privileges. $160,0(10. Rov. A. W. McIntosh of New The 47 social welfare agencies Westminster, the chi^f speaker operating through the Vancou- of the evening, who jWas intro ver Welfare Federation, need at duced by Rev.- !l^ia, related i least $350,000 to guarantee con- his experiences in-the unsucccss- j.-------- community ful fight which had resulted in Tuesday, November 21 si -- An nual Bazaar and Tea by W.A. « to the West Vancouver Boys'. Band in the la'gion Hall. Tuesday, Nov. 28th BazaaV, under the auspices of the W.A. of the United Church in the United Church lla ll ,- h^riday, D<?c. 1 st-iday, Dec. Ist;-- Eightoentl!yifl Annual Dance by King Davidjf* Lodge No. 5)3, A.F. & A.M., iu ^ tlie Orange Hall. ^ REMEMBRANCE DAY BANQUET The Annual Remembrance Day Bamiuet given, by the Legion W.A. will take place a t 6:30 p.m. Saturday, November 11th, in the Ijegion Hall. With the exceptibij. of tluxsb specially invited, the" guests will be the members of the Canadian M ^ion, Post 60, only and their waives. -- ' tinuance of their RED CROSS HOME NURSING CLAS&ES program through 1940. Seeking beer parlors being licensed in that ' W '■ ■ .................................. ...jo in t subscriptions to cover this city, although the promised hotel double appeal, War Chest ckm- had not been built. Stating that . paigners both here, in North the drink bill for B.C. fpr the Vancouver, and in the bity of year ending March, 1938, had Vancouver, adopted, the been $18,652,812, he gave in do- slogan: "(jive double for double tail jUst what lamount of food, needs." clothing, rehtals,.insurance, etc., Organization for this mam- could have been purchased for moth city-wide drive has m eant, tha t sum, from which the Prov- f.ViP Pnliatment of . more than incial jGcLvernmejQt_hM.. There a re a few scattered among our Great Common wealth of Nations who decry our history arid destiny, forget ting that the m ere fact of their being free to do so is more than sufficient proof of th e falsity of the ir charges. It IS a tru ism th a t history repeats itself, and its long story is for the m ost p a r t th a t of the rise and fall of g reat empires, going back into the dim past. Some have left no records except those of ruined cities lost in the jungles, but these are sufficient to prove their greatness 3;nd high culture. Each one according to the recofd had-apparently a certain. contribution to make to th e ' cause of civilization: Rome's . legacy, for instance, was law, as th a t of Greece was art. Each one's greatness,'too, lasted ju s t so long as th a t contribution ~was-maintaTned"at~"ar:high"^standard"and"no"longer,~"and" each-- -perished from the weakness-caused' by wealth and .internal corruption. And w hat is the contribution of*the British Empire? I t would seem to be the instruction and training of man in the art of self government w ith its freedom of the individual to ■ live his own life within the law. It is for th is-liberty th a t those whose memory we keep on Saturday gave their all, as it is the same cause for which we war today. And so long as-wb prove ourselves worthy of the liberties we enjoy, we need have no fear of the future. 3,00p citiizejis throughout Great- profit of- $4,006^0b0.^ In closing . . . ■• ■■ ■ . - • T : "T*̂ . YT. , m« « . ■ 1 ■■ ■ _ -.1 ___ _ ■ -- "I /M 1 TV Red Cross Homo ' Nursing Classes commenced here this week in the Recreation room at the home of Mrs. W. B. Thorn'as, 2748 Marine Drive. A class is held on Monday evening a t 7 :30 o'clock, instructor, Mrs. J. W. Lang, and one on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Instruc tor, Mrs. D: A. Jay. There are " -a--few^vacaTicies h r^clt~ clm js" e r Vancouver, land R. H. Tupper he made some comments about has undertaken the responsibil- the^ liquor question in England. ' ity of general campaign" chcair- Dr., Frank Dorchester during main. . the question period made a few Col. J. P. MacKenzie is chair- . remarks, in which he criticized man of the West Vancouver div- some, of the statem ents' made dsibn with Mrs. W. B. Small and, and expressed his disagreement ' W. C. Russell as vice-chairmen, with some of the views held by and registrations can be made by telephoning Mrs. Walter Gourlay, R.N., West G64-Y. WEST VANCOUVER UNITED YOUNG PEOPLES the speakers.' A vote of thanks to Rev. A. W. McIntosh, propos ed by W. R. Hamilton, and sec onded by Rev. W. L. McKay, was Women canvassers will work under the direction of Mrs. Cromar Bruce and Mrs. J. S. Lang, while Jack Richardson will ___ _________ ____ . take charge of a corps of men carried unanimously, workers. J7^Rv^MitchellT^pt'^si'^ dent of the newly organized West Vancouver Red C ross; and two other Red Cross officials have offered their services to the War TOC H FIRST ANNUAL BALL BRITISH - ISRAEL WELFARE CAMPAIGN The first Annual Ball of Toe H ox.wx ----------- --- . W ^ t Vancouver Branch, will be Chest committee and the use of held on Friday, November 17th, The Red Cross offices a t 194 Mar- from 9 to 1, in the Ilollybum ine Drive, as headquarters for Pavilion. Music will be provided West Vancouver's activities by a special orchestra under the throughout the War Chest Cam- direction of Sine Sheppard, and paign. Eight women team cap- there will be novelties and floor tains who have ̂undertaken to shows. The following have kind- canvass residential sections, in- -ly consented to lend their patron- clude: Mrs. Robin Bell-Irving, age to the occasion: Reeve and Mrs. C. H. PitL Mrs.- Angus Me- Mrs.- J. B. Leyland, Colonel and About sixty young people, members nf W.V, United Church Young Peoples and their gue.sts, the young people of St. Andrews, North Vancouver, gathered at the Clachan on Monday, October 30th, for their~annuaHiallowe'cn ' celebrations. - ^ "The regular meeting on Mon day, November 6th,- was con vened by the Christian Fellow ship Group. Mrs. Cromar Bruce was guest speaker taking as her subject "Co-operation and Fel- « lowship." LEGION W. A. _ Hamilton. Subject: "Figs and Grapes." P rayer Meeting, Sun day at 3 p.m.' fo r si>ecial prayer for our Empire. Bible Study Group on Wednesday a t 2:30. p.m. w ith,_3^s.__C ornish in charge. Y ouarecordially invited -- to these meetings. **■* in the Legion Hall.. The men's division is specially requested to attend. ANNUAL WINTER -------- ------GARDEN PARTY n o r t h s h o r e l o c a l . COUNCIL OF WOMEN Mrs. Harold G. King, fh e affair will be informal, and refresh ments may be obtained. Admis sion 50 cents each ($1.00 per couple). The Duncan Lawson Chapter, of the I.O.D.E.; extend an invi- tation--to the members of the Canadian Legion W.A., Post 60, to attend the memorial service and placing of wreaths a t the Memorial Arch on November 11th a t 10:30 a.m. sharp. NEW MEAT MARKET OPENS Buckley--^Reid The marriage was solemnized yesterday a t St. Anthony's Church I Rectory by the Rev. Father A .^ . G. Vande, of Jere- miah-Cornelius- Buckley, eldest son of the late Mr.' and Mrs. Cornelius Buckley, Donough- ^ w e , County Cork,-Ireland, to It will be of in terest to a great ^ ■ . many people to know th a t the Party and Gala given last Friday for bringipk-^British chil- /*i: ̂ -i. : J + Vl A ̂ J ^ - 4- O V» O /I A 1 ^ / \ f The annual Winter Garden REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE afternoon and evening in the dren to Canada m 'th e event of Under the joint auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O.D.E., and the (Canadian Legion, Post 60, the annual Remembrance The scheme was first suggest- Day service will be held a t 10:30 ed to the president of the Nation- a.m. on^Saturday at the MemorL al Council, Mrs^George-SpericerfT-al-Arch--RevT-F--A--Ram s^vvill Orange Hall was a great success, an exhaustive war, originated in and in its entirety members oi the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E.,t sincerely appreciate . the kindness of-all who lent their by Mrs. Francis A. Walker, 2455 be m c h a r ^ . and he will be a ^ --------- PH7:̂1 winner<? were King's Ave., convener of Migra- sisted by Rev. Canon G. C. ____m ^e, County CJork,-Ireland, to ^ t ri A TVinn nf raidfeild tion,-North'Shore Local Council^-ldlEasur^RevcW T^^^ Gwly Barbara, elder daughter Mrs. J. D. A. "mpp of. Cau e , j^ater a t the time of the Munich, Re^^ Wm. Vance, and Rev. Lestock B. Reid holding No. 94, which gave her gj.jgjg ^ letter, outlining the plan. Father Van. The guajrda of Altamont. - the beautifully decorated fru it ' ' ........................ .. - Kennedy's Meat Market has opened for business a t 1531 Mar ine Drive in the new and up-to- date business block which has ju s t been completed, and solicits the patronage of the public. They offer grade A beef, lamb, pork, veal and poultry a t reasonable prices. PVee delivery. Phone West 1004. \ DEATH OF MARCUS EDMONDSON crisis a letter, outlining the plan. Father Van. The guards will be ________ _ ________ ____ was sent asking, th a t the Nation- provided by the 6th Field Com- oake donated by Mr. Frank Lowe al Executive bring it to the at- pany, R.C.E., while in .chargê ^̂ ô̂ ^̂ ̂ ■ president of the Canadian Win- tentwn of the Dominion Govern- the music will t e the West Van- * The regular monthly meeting Bakeries, Colin was, also forwarded in Septem -' fielHi^i 11 act as trumpeter, and of the ^ s t . VancouvL Y.W .G winning, the box of gorgeous of this year. A rt Cue as sentry. Y. w . C. T. U. me West-Vancouver Y.W.C. wimimg. ber of tnis year. " r - - T.U, will be held a t the home of chrysanthemums donated by Confirmation of this claim has All groups attending in a body t o . G. H. Reid, 1905 Bellevue B. M. Clerk. Other lucky guests been received from Mrs. Spencer and all wreath bearers m ust be Avenue, on Tuesday, November were -Mrs. j . W. Sowden, Mrs. who states th a t the North Shore in their places by 10:30 a.m. 14th, a t 8 p.m; All young ladies J. C. Oswald, Mrs. A. M. Sharpe, Council was the first Local Following .the service poppies interested in temperance are Mrs. W alter Gourlay and Mrs. Council to pu t a request or reso- and cro s^s will be placed on the _ cordially inyited.. Osbourne of Kerrisdale. lution in writing. . > ______lawn in f ront o f :the Memmn __, Marcus Edmondson passed away yesterday a t his home in Horseshoe Bay in his 60tKyear. The deceased, who was born in Lancashire, England, is survived by his wife;_one_daughter, Irene: and one son, John, a t home; also a sister and brother in England. Funeral services will, be held a t 4 p.m. tomorrow from the Holly- bum Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rey^'^FTASRam- sey officiatingr'm th committal in-Capilano. View-Cemetery.'