•r . 'V i w^Wtt ̂ĉ pwm* •AiMiiiki W>? •I' i '\ r ? -; f li u "' ' ■ T ¥>■ f,:' ■;' p >"* ■».' t .,,(r."F s. 1* .a ': s.'-. 1 ; 'A fevSK » i i l : fêsSjv'Saii'R: ■}> .'i; f>'S|' -1 , J.*' f 'A/.. i ■';? is-, j- j' » « THE WEST VA N . NEWS November 2, 1939. SMIXH'S MARKET i'.'i;iirw «t Ts"'"" ' 'A ." 'I i a i? t ie j r ' S 0 i l t h ' - ~ M ; s i z w S t W imiTfSH ■ ISKAKI Fre« Delivery Service Nootlily Acceuat 8u*f«:eHtlonH fo r T hurK day, F r id a y and S a tu rd a y , N ov. 2, 3 & 4 C - ' 2 il>N. 2;k . , ll>. J3c 9c 2 for »f lOc 17c SKKDI-I4S8 UAIHINH-- AuMlralian . ... (1'UHANTH --lU-cIcanod AuHtralian ,. CIACK CIimmiKH--lt«vl .'l*ox. O lio I'Hckct.......... IMNKAI»I*U4 UINOH AhHorU^ ciilorH ...... DICKD MIX HI) r i i l i l / - 4'oz, Cello I'lickH ' ., ... WALNUT MHATH--l.lKht |»lfC4*« '// ll». ............................................. (•()(() A NUT -- (Vyloii Mf-diuiti alirtnl .......'// II). lOc l(<'d A VVliHi* .MOI.AH8H8 20-O/,. tin H r; No. 2'/ ̂ fin 2;ic iiuow N h u (;au ..............a iiih, ioc OKANUK.H -- rmnlly hI/.c* ,doz. 25c Hxlro (im- lliivor. ■ JONATHAN Al'IM.KH........ 7 llw. 2.5c Krd A Wliilr IIAKINO I'OWDHK 12-0/., till I7r; 2 '//-III. tin, .. 53c "Hiivr Uir Cou|»oiiH for Vnluiiklc I'miliUMIM. I? M E A T S Free Delivery We«t 870 All Mcatg in T hb Store are TOP GRADE A FRESH FISH DAILY Full Line of Dellcatcasen. Ileg'ular Monday night meet ing a t 26th and Mta'ine November J th , at H Speaker: IVfr. Braddak. Subject. " The Four Horsetneti of the Apocalypse." You are very cordi ally invited tp hear Ihi.s address also attend our Prayer Meeting on Sunday afternoon at 3 o dock, for one hour. S|K-dal prayer for our lighting force.'!. MUNICIPAL HI'S BY-I>AW PASSES' . S e r v i c e l u m b e r " " I J n a l i t y SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PATMT j * BUILDEES' SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE Agenti* CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 <'OOKINU ONK)NH-^Mi*dium hIzc lO-lli, McmIi Ruk ....................... [{('il AL Wliitc FimmI Produftw FLOUR 7 III, Hnck 2<)c; 2 HU; Sack . 89c lit III. Sack ............................ $1.mJ It I,Nr: s u e A l l ...................2 llwt. 15c La.st S a tu rd a y th e M unicipal B uh O p era tio n By-law carried by 63 votcH rnorl*' than th e th ree - f if th s to ta l requ ired liy th e A ct, th e iigurcH being a.s follow s: In favor ,. 484 . Against 217 Spoilt .. 1 CI.ASSIFIED ADS Th*. rmu fo r ciaaBifiod A dv«rtlB «m ent» la . l . c c n U p e r w ord , minimuia 25 tm S . E xcep t in , th e caac of U ioo . h a v in g r e g u la r a c co u n ta . all c U „ i J OodN are payable atricUy^ In "4vapc^ Romctnlir Claaaifloda in the W«at Van Newa get Immediate reaulta. Lynn iValley 2 Hquat tin a 27c aerv ice cat) be put in to I'K.NCMKS lllllvi'H ,S 111 )K'I' KN1N U-- Hri m f ull, Purdy \ (.jM ialilc . 2 Ml). Cartoim 25c Ks|,Vrially giw>d for deep frying or for iianlry. Number required 421, It will be Home'wtHiks before GORDON ROBSON Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, bey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by aPDointment, West 403. "NOTARY PUBLIC,'* General Con. veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1406 Marine Drive. West 21. oi>eraUon ow ing to th e fac t th a t RADIO SERVICE c e rta in a rra n g e m e n t.'! , will have pidi's, moderate c to tw made whiel, could not ),o Esiimales, re charges, work ;ttigrcw.. West e n te red upon un til it w as know'ii CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ragg, ' Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, l|j|i|lp>yv'oii Party ,faek o' I.anleniH, black cata, pumpkin.s and autumn flowera with tile <iuaiul coHlumes of the litlhN gueaf B wa.a the real wpirit W. C. T. U. 'ITie nigular myeting of the W.C.T.U. will bo jield in the ve.Btrv of the United Church on that the by-law had pa.s.aed, al.so FOR RENT -- Waterfi the Act re<(uireH one full month nrcpluce, to elap.se between' thy implement- -- -- :--------- --- Waterfront Cottage, $20. West CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ing of a byrlaw and its pa.ssing. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT r o L -- Sure protection; rcii.sonable ratCB. West 172-L-3.' i - ■'. '."WEST VANCOUV^]R of liallowe'en at a party; given Thur.'iday, November 9th, at by MIhh Mary Edy, 1554 Argyle 2:15 p.m. As thi.s is'"Tiding.s" Av<uiue for her Sunday School moMtli, members are a.sked to m e r c h a n t s pHtvrOS FOR XMAS -- ,It's time to think of your friends Overseas, th a t th e Bardny's: 1618 Marine, We.st 710. GORDON ROBSON •-- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at. West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403.________ " pupilM 'I'licmday, Octolan' 31. At 5:30.idle children sat (fowd to a dainty table cen tered 'w ith a lighted Jack o' lantern and tall orange candles and laden with all .kind.H. of goodies. After■"gameH had laren enjoyed each little gnest r<.'eeived a gift. A, very plea.sant evening was brought to a dose witii a display of fire wor Slie reinemlxu' their subscriptions. Mrs. Banning, P.rovvincial Sup- It ! is to be seen MerchantKJwill hi; contenders for rjî yro maI.E ADULTS wi.sh member FOR RENT, $20 -- 3-room waterfront cottage, fireplace. West 133-R-3; top position iirt^n> V. & 1). div- isiofi in a very .'mort time. By ship in'Badminton Club. West 719. •rintcndenl, is expected to give handing the Boulh Vancouver an address. ('omo and bring, a friend. CANADIAN LEGION NOTES jMemorial Day Service team a defeat on Saturday at Ambleside the local team are now in 3rd place, with four points separating them from the league leaders. Saturday's game was well worth watchimr and the crowd FOR SALE -- A Westinghouse 8-tube Radio, like new, $12.r)0."Phono West 19-R - ■ _______ _ DRESSMAKING •-- Ladies' SuiU, Coats, Dresses, Children's .Clothes; specializing alterations, makerovers Robbins, West 619-R. « FOR HENT -- 7-Rooma. largo living room. 4 bedrooms, modern sawdust burner; % block from water; pos- . session Nov., 10th. Rent $35.00. A. E, Austin & Co.. Ltd., 833 West Hastings St. Sey. 9131. Evenings, BOYS OUT OF SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or register a t Club House. LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271; evenings. West 622-R.̂ For Sale--New West 913-L. GORDON: GRAY-- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- .phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. Jlimit i Tho.se pre.sent w ere:,M adge Aldred, Shirley--Sharpe, ^Shirley n n • i n .. .v, m v, Who after beating the full-backsfull m at 10 a,m. lU h Novem-. shot-.-md^scored^outVv-V-an- Murniiifc-, Fiiy Uicliardson, Piil.sy dpi.nru Oouver tied the game up a few .lamieaoa, blarmhc Summer,s, Umt headdres-s, medal.s, decoia- „ i„u tes befOre t t e end of the Betty ■ Bartlett, Pattie Lou ~ half. Cowper, Betty Jane Cowper, Po'ppy Fund ' i The second half opened with . 2442, M arine- Tiger. Monarch Wool. Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting NeetlleS'i--~Book s y~r :• Crochet----Cotton r- Hand-kni t Baby Wpollens. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage,Jight transfer work, prompt service. West -- 700̂ ------ :---- ^ ^ --------------- 1927 STA R s i x ; $75.00 -- l ^ g i n e in excellent c o n d itio n ; no licence. 1318 A rg y le A venue. Sheila Gill, Nora Dowling, Patsy Briefly, the succe.ss of the hard and the lvegg<?tt,,Elaine Barber, Margar- p^ppy Campaign is_clepeii- goalies geUing a real work-out. et Kol.ster, Mary June Jbnbm, dent upon public genero.sity for Towards the-end of the'garrie Barbara Holgate, Dolore.s Hol- ._gate,_Bai:bara_Kichardaon,, ___ * ' It i.s announced that Mr. ami Mr.s. 'led Joy, Jiin'r, of North Vancouver, have purchased a „ newJio.use.at 2384 Mathers Ave .subscriptions or the. purchase of ,thc-boys'w ere figM ing for a win STRAYED to 2360 Marine -Drive, Black and White Kitten. Phone West 689-R. ^ FREDERIC^ C. AUBREY, Barriuter, Solicitor, Nbtary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; OflFices; Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING - Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine poppies, -' 'riie-airns *f)f the cam paign will bo defeated unless poppie.s or wreaths, made by dis abled .veterans, .are purchased from authorized persons, jrhe-fim d Js-jadju.inistered gettitempers \vere it looked a s j f thelgarpe would end 1 to 1. [With nve- minutes left to pla}\ Doug Denniston beat his man to the ball and carrieil' it down the field where ntiri -NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate, ' ■ Insurance, General Conveyancing, Valuators. R. P. Blower & Co; Ltd. 14 05 Marine, West 21; W est 204-M, West 913-L. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 nue, and will_ occupy their iiew ^the Canadian__Legioiw.\\Tthout- home shortly. It is also revealed partiality for the benefit of all that Mr., and Mrs. J. Spence of V'^ancouver, have just bought the waterfront home of Foster at 2540 Bellevue Avenue. Both transn'otions were handled for all parties by L, E, Kyle, the well known West Vancouver representative for H. A. Hoberls Ltd. ' COHRESPONDENCE ex-service men and their "depen dents who are temporarily in heed of such assistanoe. General Meeting The next general meeting of the Canadian Legion wdll be held in the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. F ri day, 3rd Noyember, The Legion is dedicated ,"To , .see to tlie maintenance and comfort ^of those who re(iuire he pUf over a dandy kick right in front of the goal. Bob Fiddes ■ whs right on his toes and came in to head the ball in for the winning • goal. Masterman and Campbell, played a good game in the back field" for the home team. Next *' Saturday Vancouver Police play West Vancouver a t Ambleside anii this should be a good game,to watch. So come out •and lend your support. - . : (38134) \VANTED -- Housework by day or __hour. Phone_Wes,t_25.4:iBJ,.________ J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l; _ LEAVING COUNTRY ^ Will sacri fice 2 Jacobean Oak Tables, perfect condition; one can be used a.s Chesterfield table or^ full dining table w th extension leaves; radio and other articles. Box 1, West. Van new.s. - _ _ . Ma r c e l s h o p -- Thermique steam 'Permanents; only best materials =:used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. Tho Editor, West Vjin'Nows. Milch credit i.s due to the man agement of the recent Clirysan- -themum Show.. The acconiplish-- ment in one year is wonderful and Tm sure aiiprociated by all who attended. I sincxuvly hope that tl.iese^.shows will be ahi an nual affair and that .any support That .should l>e v<-quired will Ik'" n??ulily fortheomiiig. special treatment, of the dis abled, sick, aged and needy; and to promote the welfare of the women, children,, and others, their dependents." J, CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 4-ROOM BUNGALOW -- Full plumb ing: rood view; close in. $1400. A BARGAIN'^ Good 50 foot view, lot. ,$195.00. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW -- Fullv modern; nice lot, conveniently locat ed. Price $2,000. on rental terms. . Sharpe Realty; 1395 Marine Drive. West 719. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs,'^ parts- Wkst Vancouver Machine Shop* 1449 Marine. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call.. Canada and thcOEmpire 'hius MAN - wiU be the subject of other job for̂ ex-.service men Lesson - Sermon in all Churc the^ another job for̂ ex-.service men i-'Csson - Sermon in all Churches to,day. They can l>est serve by of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, signifying their willingness to ■ The Golden Text is: "Awake become members of the Canadian f i,,-,,, iv, Jxjgion. Write, telephone, or- FOR S^LE -- Pool Table, full sot of cues, ball.s, equinment, $50.. West 604. W. H. VASS, Chiropraetpr, Suite T. „ Hollybum Block. PAINTING AND DECORATINCk -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. epest, and arise from FOR SALE -- Portable Electric Sew ing Machine. -1516 Marine. West 710. • WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House " Fixtures; Woed; Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all-; descriptions.' Phones: ^West 740 and West 443-R. 'I486 "Clyde Ave. T -II REGINALD I?, BLOWER membership see the secretary or any mem ber about an application for Mp i l 't '.Pm msmm' i i l psjHisi t m it - I : PrVi f¥0l W 1 - it a , 7 A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver has taken the necessary steps for participation in the benefits of J Part HI of the National Housing Act 1938 under which' the .Dominion Government undertakes to pay to the Miinicipalit.V a proportion of the taxes levied on houses (not built for sale , or rent) constructed betwtvn June 1st, 1938, and December- 31st, 1940. the cast of which i.' -̂not oveF^4700tl:00r Further detaibs may bo luvd on application to the Tax Department at the Municipal llall. Hollybum. B. C., 2 11/39. W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk, the dead, mid (Christ shall give thee light." (Ephesians 5-r 14). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the. Bible: "Know ye therefore th a t they which are of faith, the same are the_c_hi]dreji_of j^braham .'l-CGal^ LOST--GioIIie Dog, year old; answers i to "Ronnie." No harboring. Reward West 361-R. ROOM ANDJBOARD--r Accommodate- one or two; close in. Box 2, West WILL THE LADY who bought W pots of English ivy on Monday afternoon please call ■ a t the -'itore or phone West ^ and oblige. Rod-* •inson's Store. Van News. LOST--Tuesday evening, hand-knit-. ted-red woollen mitten. West 222-R SALE --- Nine piece walnut din- cô T $65.00., Phone West Sermon also in- --59-L-2._______ ., 3 :7 ) . The Lesson eludes k the following passage paperhanging,_ Painting, Kalso- HAVE CLIENT looking for fairly new bungalow, 4 to 5 rooms; nius| be attractive and 'irx good' di-stnet with 'kdew and grounds developed. Price around $3,750. H. A. ROBERTS, LTD, __ ̂ . •1447 Marine Drive' West 54f> LOST -- Monday a t Ambleside, blu® "wood bead" b e lt Reward. \Vest from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The conceptions of mortal.,'erring thought must -fTye_wayrtorthe ideaLof-all-that- mming; first class work a t reason able rates. H. Gaines, West 167-L. 634-Y, 222G Bellevue. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the kind friends Their generous remembrance in aiy time of bereavement, •CECIL. NESBITT. FOR SALE -- Practically new bed, felt m attress, $10. Apply Haywood Avenue. IS i>grfect and eternal.. Through, miiiny generations human beliefs will be attaining diviner concep- tions, and the immortal and per- , feet model b f God's creation will and M rs.'A . C. ]Eedes nnally be seen as the only true Kachus and their daughter Bar- conception of being." para, of Calgary, are now resid-ir ing a t 1318 Argyle Avenue; * WE HAVE BEEN, ASKED to sell a -4-^om-suinm^r cottage sR one and one-half acres of land. location is very exclusive, sonie-verj. unusual - and attractive feaW/D®; Re^onably ^priced at only $-1dv » terms. . . ' . LAWSON,, WALKER & PRIDE, West.'-Vaii."Pioneer Realtors. Established 1905 ,r 0pp. Hollybum P.O. West w