{M-enil)eL2ui222i THE WEST VAN NEWS M E N ' S _ 0 1 - Q l H I N a _ - f in e BLUB or GREY SERGE and FANCY WORSTED PANTS from all wool aultinga. Price.......... - ........... ...................... $4.95 U L WEATHER TOP COATS in fln© Herringbone Tweeds; sm art in grey and 'dark green ahadea; fliaea 86 to 44* 'Price . . r f 6.60 iVvour New Suit now, aa all clothing prices are going higher. See ,.r hrsre range of aamplea for Campboira Made4o<Mcasure Suits. All irurnients carry the Union Label. Orders completed in 0 days. pricO'*' $25.00 to $35.00, 1412 MARINE DRIVE WEST VANCOUVER I'llVV.! McLEOD'S MENS WEAR ». Mr.. .Brew v of , . Vancouver/ 4 U having a new house built at 22nd and Nelson"̂ ^ o n u t\ . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Soi^n- son, 20th Street, moved on Tues day into their new home at Sin clair and Inglewood Avenue. , IT 'S EXCITINGLY DIFFERENT l if e p e r m a n e n t w a v e now being featured at ll'iiinow- Uio only permanent th a t imparts the full beauty of natural lustre and lovelinees throughout the entire life of^the wave. 1370 Marine Drive "Across from Safeway'* Phone West 331 " Mrs. is oc<Jupyi)ig ollar of Oregon, Huite at the Fortune Ciip Inii. N O T I C E The following Barber Shops will on and after SATURDAY, Novom. iber -Itli, (iloae their places of business: as follows: , WEEK, DAYS (except Thursdays and Saturdays) - 6:,30 p.rii. THURSDAYS ,* - . - - - 1:00 p.m. SATURDAYS - - - - - 8:00 p.m. SAM'S RARBER SHOP, , ' LEW'S BARBER SHOP, . HOLLYBURN BARBER ^HOP, WILLINGTON'S BARBER SHOP , Mrs. Hacking has loft to join Victoria. )* ♦ / * Mrs. Sharpe of Vancouver, has moved into a .suite at "The (Sables.** ' ♦ ♦ •f Mr. and Mi-s. T, W, Worth have moved from the Fortune Cup Inn to North Vancouver. 4 Miss I; MeL. Philip, 2303 Bellevue Avenue, I 'e tu m ^ M t week from a visit to th^ OM Country, Mr. and Mrs' F. 11 Chapman, 14th and JefForson Avi^hiie, .are recovering from a severe attack of influenza and are able to he about again a fte r four week's illness. Miss K. Weninoth is having West Bay,' a new home erected a t 15th and husband, in Jeifer.son Avenue. H. Kehberger, 1457 Jefferson Avenue, is on a hunting trip up north. Stratton'i BAKERY HOME-MADE . , JKEJRtiHMnAAiP FUBSU DAILY Ton varlotloB to auit every taate Meat Plea Kkrcica Cakea « ' Buns and Cookies - Paatriea Kolia Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive Phone West 27 Miss M. Kane with two of her friends, Mrs. Nina O'Hara and Albert Seeds and Pat J. Rob inson were up a t P itt Meadows last week hunting and sccui^d a bag of ducks. Birds were not as plentiful as expecied. Mrs. Witturlcy, 798 11th Debtor Poska, a noted specialist street,^ moved yesterday to Vaii- Of Seattle, paid a week end visit coiiver. ' , ATTENTlON-^^Public M eeting LEGION HALL. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 6 th ,.a t 8 p.m. To organize against • BEER BY THE GLASS ' Come out and Save Our Youth. to her parents, Captain and Mrs. W. J. Kane of 1253 Marine Drive, Hollyburn. Her friends returned home Sunday but Miss Kane stayed until' Tuesday evening. They.came up by m otor.. ■ ♦ 41 mi The drawing for the Hope Chest raffled by the ladies of St. Anthony's Churoh, was won by Mrs. Grahame, Sherman, with ticket No. 87; the second prize a hand-made quilt, by PaL Welsh, 4031, Soiithwood Street,McNair--Mahoney Autumn flowers and foliage W^st Burnaby, with ticket No. . , graced Knox Church, Sapperton, , 2148., The third prize a cushion, a t 8 p.m. October 17th, when Mrs> C. McDonnell, the Rev. Gardner Dickie united Third Street Fast, North Van in marriage Helen Elizabeth; couver, with ticket No. 3004.^ only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ♦ ♦ ♦ H. *W. ^Mahoney, and Mr. Ray- Captain W. U rquhart is seri F R E E M A N ' S G R O C E R Y 2490 Marine Drive GROCERIES, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY West 162' Free Delivery Dr. A. G .'Nash, 1897 Marine , t 1. i v . 1 -n t i.* i i>«Ko -m vDrive was elected president of Diond Leslie, eldest son. of Mr. ously ill a t his home, 1453 h ul- . . . . . . . ^ T Tl /r -- XT -- f . . .... 1̂ i. I;... . 1M J. .... II 4* A V T /̂■M «t the North Vancouver Branch of St. John Ambulance Association a t the annual meeting of th a t body. FLOWERS Carnations and Chrysanthemums PHONE WEST 940 __. Cacti in variety Hollyburn Florists 1680 Marine Dr.- (Next to Bank) J. C. McNair and the late Mrs. MbNair of West Vancouver. Given in m arriage by her father, the bride wore white lace over taffeta in redingote style, the full sk irt lengthening into a train. Her long veil was held in place with' a cap of orange bios ton Avenue. Miss Margaret M clntyic ,and Miss J.. Jervis are occupying a suite a t the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Buckeridge have taken a suite a t 2193, Argyle soms and a caryed ivory clip and' Avenue and are now in posses- S. H. SRIGLEY Painter atifl Decorator 1706 Marine Drive in the Store occupied by The Florence Studios Phone West 938 The H ighlands 1393 Marine Drive " ■ In response to many requests we are now prepared to fill orders for CAKES - PIES - COOKIES Individual Filled, Pies, Etc. PHONE WEST 671 "bracelet were Her only orn.a ments. Her bouquet was of white mums and. pink rosebuds. Hazel Lambert as matron of honor, wore lavender taffeta carrying bronze mums with matching hat of flowers, while Miss Violet McNair, as brides- sTon. Mr. and-Mrs.. C. Phillips of Ambleside, have moved into a house a t 1335 Clyde Avenue. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ami SATURDAY. MATINEE Nt)vi'mlH'i' 2nd, 3rd and 4th BRIAN AIIERNE " Captain Fury " also 'CLOCK WISE" < '1.. SAT. EVENING and MONDAY November 4th ami (Rh " ROBERT TAYLOR EDWARD ARNOLD 'The Crowd Roars ' Also NEWS, CARTOON, Etc. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 7th and 8th ■ HliTlTE DAVIS PAUL MUNI 'JUAREZ (Once only at 8) also "THE HOCKEY CHAMP" "CRIME RAVE" "BIRD DOGS' r« -'I ^UALT^ m e r e 1 7 1 i r i i vo„ M o r » k e i s irr, LoeuvfRyj West 190 1578 MaHne Drive West 190 *' Engagement Mr. and Mrs. John McCulloch maid, wore dusty rose taffeta, Hill, 1535 Fulton Avenue, West carrying rose mums with match- Vancouver, announce ' t h e en- ing hat of flowers.- gagement of their elder daughter The two little flower girls-- Marjorie Kearney,^ to Mr. Edgar M argaret and Alice Burslam -- _ Dorman Armstrong, son of Mrs. . were daintily dressed in peach Arm strong and the late Mr. -arhd--yellow--frocks and carried - Albert Armstrong," Of--V-ancoii- pink carnations, while Master ven The bride-to-be is a gradu- Joseph Burslam acted as ring- ate of the University of British bearer. Mr. Douglas McNair was 'Columbia and is affiliated with his brother's best m an; the. Gammi Phi Beta Sorority. Mr. ushers being Mr. Aimer'McNair Araistrorig also attended the of Stillwater, and Mr. James University of British Columbia . Mahoney, Mr. Kenneth McNair and, is a member of-Phi Kappa sang "I Promise You," during the Sjgma Fraternity . The wedding signing of the register,- a fter will take place' the evening of. which a reception was held a t November 24th>, a t St. Stephen's the Canadian., Legion Auditor!- Church,.-West Vancouver. Keep Your Dog H ea lth y w ith A.B.G. DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and G. Aiso Minerals ___ ^Calclum_aod___ Phosphorus 1'ACICKD MV Anglo-British Columbia Packing Co. • ■' r..ui. in '/2"lh. tins and l-llh'lins. Special Winter Prices F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y ■ S P E C I A L S DELIVERY um at' New W estminster which was suitably decorated for the occasion. The bridal table was tastefully decorated with an _arch.;of flow ers and wedding bells. The Nerada--Hunt A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized a t the. home of the officiating minister, Rev. SAWDUST - WOOD - COAL A. DOBSON North 793-R-2 Reverse calls guests were received by ' the Wm. Vance, Fulton Avenue, on G ra d e A R e d B r a n d g r a d e a Roast 25c lb. g r a d e a Cross-Rib Roast 22c lb. BUTTER First-Grade 3 lbs. 96c. Grade A Red Brand bride's mother wearing a dress Saturday. October 21, a t 7:30 g r a d e a Rolled Ribs Roasts jSc per lb. g r a d e a Short-Ribs iZ cT ib : BAKEASY 10c per Jb. Shoulders Lamb 18c per lb. Fletcher's No; 1 Bacon ISc. per 1 I2 lb, pkg. Breast Lamb 15c Jb. Chedder Cheese each K-9 DOG FOOD 3 tins 25c; Roast Veal 20c per lb. of beet colored velvet trimmed with gold and matching hat. She - was 'assisted by the groom's aunt, Mrs. T. McNair who wore a lilac triple sheer, dress with black accessories, both wearing corsage bouquets of white chrys anthemums. " ^ The bridal party was piped into the hall by Mr; J. Bihny, all guests falling in and forming the grand march and after the ̂bride and groom cut the three- |^ i e f e d "W7^eddffl^cake^i;he^bridaP tokst was given by Mr. Douglas' When the happy couple' left on . their honeymoon .to. Rupert, Idaho, the bride donned a blue frock with Japonica accessories and black top coat. On returning they will reside a t Powell River, C. C. p.m., when Rhoda Gertrude Irene Hunt, daughter of Mrs. J. j . Hickling, Oantuar, Sask., and of the late Pte. J. E. Hunt, Van couver, became the bride of Frank A rthur, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nerada of Swift Current, Sask. The bride looked - lovely in an afternoon dress of teale blue with, matching em-' broidered jacket, wine acces sories andc^borsage of rapture =rose>s^^SheAVAs-Atten'dedJb^L=EMie_ Nerada, sister^- of the groom, I Lean Roast Pork 20c per lb. -EXPERT W atch and € lock r epairin g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) .1522 M a rin e . D r iv e . weai^ing street length dress of < navy blue with wine accessories and corsage of talisman roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Albert Hunt, Straitor, B. C„ brother of .the bride. Following the ceremony a. re ception was held for immediate ; friends a t the home'of Mrs. Lil lian ̂ Tearoe, Vancouver, the groom's sister. The bride's table was neatly decorated with roses- and a wedding cake. Later the --_ bride and groom left for a s h o r t J |||g 116W 8 honeymoon trip. On their return the young couple will reside in - , West Vancouver. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES W est 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street ' TOPSOIL GRAVEL Bush F ir, Inside............. $5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside..........;......5.50 " Fireplace Fir................... 6.00 " Green A ld e r ................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ............. SPECIAL »_Np._l_Fir Edgings..... $3.76 Cord ~B̂ Tabs & Edgings Barky ............................$3.75 (Jord Edgings ...... ......t........................$3.50 Cord B a rk ...... .......................... $5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................... Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office W 1336. Marine Drive