' 1 ■* » / i : ; - p f t * i i * i i7. % 'li •I '■ t'"I ■ ;.v ■f ' 'is P.-. : I'̂ J i ! |i f ' f̂«.* I I , f->̂- f i r ^ - j r &' ' ll)\i u i i i V »;s ::, it'Vr 'uP- Ifj' t's ;'K KSt -H:} ■hit--' "tf rA I--. . ?5i:' I? I 0 '$.rA t l 8 i p P i | : ;r •y f' *"ii I-5̂ ,95 ,;t̂ ^ 1%'r,i ' 'C.i!? f l ' ' | m$ .& i-if. '5 lif. »•%■/'- !|;Sp,i:;|ij;SSji:t;: -Vvl 'W •T VAN NEWS WEST VAN, UNITED CBUECB Cor. 21*t A Etqalmalt Av®. " KEV. W. VANCE; B.A., MfttiwUtr 2047 Gordon Av«no» Sunday Servteas; I I a.m. A 7:30p.m. Btrangara and Viaitora are welcome Duart Permanent Waoea ( I BAmST CIIUECH . . . . "•■ ".-->'i'j|ji,|»ter Iter, W. I* McKay. E.A*, B.D. Sunday gtfrkea iOfOO a.m .-- C h u rch Bcboot in* e lu d in g A d u lt C lns* II 6.:a. A 7:30 p .w .-- P re a c h in g Servicea, A h e a r ty w elcom e to a ll ' Arif Hofl, luHliMK, lUHtrouK, und wltli our ini'lhod of h«lr*i.'Uttlng you will l»« nhle to droKH your hull in vaiiou« atylew through out tin; winter. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreatorH of ICaduHive Permnnettta, 1540 Marino Drlvo Wc«t 1 1 7 .................... HOLLVBDRN H A LL 14 th and D ucheaa I UIDAV. HVKNING. Nov. .3rd, at 7;ir> Young I'oonle'h .Service ' Subject: * 'Some InlervlewM of Our Cord ||!n«UMiei) i»y luntern viewa, Speaker: MU. CH4IG St NDAY, Nov. .5lh; at 10 u.m. SiJ/)(lay School and Young Î io|)l̂ '̂8 Bible CIuhb Stinduy EvcnlfiK a l 7:30 (;(.)SI'i:i. MF.SSAGIOS: Speakers: MKSSUH. MASON AND WOOD TUESDAY al 8 p.in. I'rayer and Ministry of the Sci'ipturoH WEST VANCOUVER XtriitiM Science Society KDlllCB 20tl ̂ and Eai|uin««H. iJdlyburn ' This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church ,'«'«( U ,. ... I._ ' ,.J. AThe Flrat Church of Chnat, Scientist, in Boston, MaaaacliUisett.? Sunday Service; 11:3U a.m. Sunday, N ovem ber 5th 8UIUECT: « "ADA.M AM) FALLKN MAN" Sunday School al 10:00 a,m. Testimony Mctfiiug Vvedueaday a t 8:15 |mh. The public ia rordiully in vited to attend our Rcrvices and meetings. i " ^ e l l i e y t a r n s o n A.T.C.M. Special Diploma T i a c t o c r ^ f l ^ J l o a i ^ ^ ^ lioio SIKK-H.SSFS:-- , • u V Musical Feativul-~lst place in Bach Pianoforte under 10 yuan Toronto (k^nservutoiy^^xaminations -- 0 F irs t Class Honors, .5 ilonora, 4 Pa».sca. , Kesidence S tu d io -195.5 Inglewood Avenue W m 1056.L DR. G. D. //. SEALE D.D.S.; L.D.S. DENTIST X-llny Hay Blocky 14th and Marine Dr. OlTIco Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment, '*n(i. Phone West 72 U N IT liD CH U K CH 21st und E squim alt A vc, Kov. W illiam Vance, M inister Sunday, November 5th. • J|);U0 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:()() a.m.--Morning Worship. .Siihieci, "Living in Expccta- WlEST VAN. 'I'ABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th Street. , ■ Pastor: ̂ ■ Rev. Robert H. Lirch. B.A. ■ ServiccH: Sunday School , 9:'15 a.m. Sunday Services ......... ;• and 7:30 .p.m. Wedne.sday Fellow.ship, 7 :30 p.m. Friday-- Children's Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellovirshii)-- Thur.sday ...........7:d5 p.m. Evangelical Independent Duncan .I^DV'Son C h a p te r , 1 .0 . D . E . - A N N U A L ' > > ' WINTER GARDEN PARTY aim DANvE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, in the ORANGE HALL Tea and Bridge 3 -5 p.m* ^aDcing, 9 p.m, Admission with tea, 25c ̂ * Admission, 50c Tea and Bridge, 35e. a .. .,. .Marie Abrams' Orchestra WILLIAM J. NESBllTPASSES I toil. DK. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours; 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. I860 Marine Drive *-.9We«t 432 KHtabliahed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) llARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Kirectors llollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 T T North Vancouver Parlors 122 West -Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parinrs 55 Tenth Avenue East . Phono Fair. 134 Vĵ .'jO i).m.-- Tho Dunbar H eights c hoir'of fifty; v o ice s'is'-to give Us a service of m usic. Program " How I.ovcly Are Thy D w ellings Fair," (B rah m e). "Sun of My Soul," (Turner) Sliprano Solo: Mrs'. W. Taylor. "'I'lic I,y)r(l's Prayer," (M alotte- I )ei/7 . ■ ... "Is^i^lreen Pa.stures,-" (Sander son). BAPTIS'I' CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 15^5 Duchess Ave. "Creat Is Jehovali," (Schubert), . Tenoi* Solo: Frank Wilcox. "I.iear Land of Hume," (J. Sibel ius). 'C(jine7tlhto'"Me,"-11^Tirbei-t)- Sunday Services; 11:00 a.m.--Subiect, "The Con secration of lufe." • Story for boys ami girls. 7 :30 p.m.--Subject, "The Chang ing Time aii(l till' Unchanging (jhrist." The "Lord's Supiierwill be ad ministered. Monday, 8 p.m. -- The Young People's Society will meet. Doris Lashbrook, Iris Moiters- head and Norman Willington will-present sliort accounts of ■ William John Ne.sbitt. one of the oldest pioneers of the muni cipality, where he was m ^ ly respected, passed tiway *̂"1;-,* day at his residence, i271 Clyde Avenue, in his 87th year, .Xhe deceased was born m Ontarioi and had lived here 27 yeai:,*s* He is survived by three sons: Cecil and Haryy here, and Robert of . Prince RiipeiT. Funeral services were held at 2„p.m, last Monday at St. Stephen's Church, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, and committal was made in „the family plot, Mountain View Cemetery. Except in two instances n damage w as reported done in tl; municipality over Hallowe'en b the young revellers. In the tw instances in question the heav ic^ cream sign on the roof c , Robinson's Store at Dundarav was cut down in the early hour of Wednesday, while J. Hayd Young's fence was daniaged. WEST VANCOUVER - CITIZENS LEAGUE The French Beauty Salon F or P e rm a n e n ts of la s t in g b e a u ty . W e spocinlize in lino, g re y and w hite h a ir . T'562' Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Soprano Solo: Mrs. Bert Stock- dale. Duct--"0 Lovely Peace," (Han del),"Mrs. J. C. Pulley and Mrs. . 10. Vuuglian. • ■ ; Choirmaster and Organist: ' ' ■ ' L. C. Stevens Piaiiisto: Mrs. J. C. Pulley. The regular monthly meeting of the Wbinen's Auxiliary to the United Churcli will be held oh Tuesday, November 7th, a t 2:15 p.m. in the chui-ch hall. Those W'ho have fancy work for the bazaar are asked t o bring it, to the meeting. Members and. friends are urged to attend ., The hostesses for tlie afternoon will be Mrs. Norman Harris, Mrs. H. Ostrom, and Mrs. A. T. Jolins. - three Uanadian Baptist Mtf sionaries. Wednesday, 7:45 Prayer Meeting. At 'a meeting held Monday evening in the United Church Hall the West Vancouver Citi zens League was formed to com_, bat the proposal to build a new hotel here, not because its mem bers were opposed to a new'hotel, but because the selling of beer was said to be involved in the and Better Values In Christmas Cards Than Ever Before 2 5 The monthly meeting'of the Mission Circle will be held in the- Church Tuesday, November 7th, at 2 :30 p.m. Mrs. .Willington will have charge of the devotional period. AH ladies cordially in vit. ed to this meeting. project. R. jn iam ilto n acted as temporary chairman and Rev.̂ R. J. McIntyre advised the meeting on the steps necessary to be taken. Officers elected were: "Chairman, T, E, W. Russell; Vice-Chairma-n, Theodore Mar tin; Secretary, G; E. Brealey; Treasurer, Miss I. McL. Philip. HOME NURSING CLASSES Sale of Easy Chairs OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ODD CHESTERFIELDS J a c k s 15H5 Marine Driye West 710 Dditald McAlpine Plant8t-&-Teacher CLAvSS and IN D IV ID U A L iN S T iu J c r r io N S tu d io : 23.3 31 S t S troo l . Phono M iss W ilcox' rosidonoo S a tu rd a y . W ost 367-Y-1 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd'& Inglewood Avc. , Rev. Father Van ̂ Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 Week-day Services ' Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. \ Saturdays Confessions ;_7j3P to .8:30 p.m. Two clas.scs have bcen_ay_._ ranged for the benefit of Regis tered Nurses who are co-operat ing w'ith tlie Red Cross and-act ing as in.stntctorg a t the .Home Nursing Classes. West Vancouver nurses, who have offered their,_Services in this connection, are advised that the two classes will be held in the Vancouver General Hospital Auditorium on Thursday, Nov- ^ember 2nd, and Monday, Novem ber Gth, beginning at 8' p.m. sharp. These classes are, in the nature of Refresher Courses and should be of great value to those- who intend instructing the many hundreds who will be taking the Red Cross Home Nursing Cours- C. J. Kinross, y.(3., of Edmon ton, who has been visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mrs' and Mr. W. R. Kennedy, a t 23rd and Haywood, .for "Two weeks, returned home last Synday. PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME for o n ly $1.00 T H O U S A N D S . O F CARDS THAT A R E W O R T H 10c, 15c and 20c E A C H O N S A L E a t ONLY 3c -- E A C H -- F o F "^ h 6 s e W h o ^ Early. REMEMBER THE NAME AND ADDRESS N itchell-Foloy Ltd. THE CHRISTMAS CARD AND GIFT STORE 522. Hastings Street West Opposite Spencer's OWING TO THE UNCERTAINTY OF MAILS, WE ADVISE MAIL ING YOUR CARDS EARLY. CSS. ST, STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and ^Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector THE West Van News T '̂ ubliahed Every Thuraday P ub lisher [ P, F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial OlUee: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 ' Sunday, November 5th. 8:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. -- Holy Cbmrmmioh and Sermon, 7:80 p.m.--^Evensong ^and Ser mon. ' Thursday, Nov. 9th -- Social Evening. St. Fnuicis-in-therWood, Caulfeild 3 :00 p.m, -- Evensong and Ser- , mon. . CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, AVest Van News. Dear S ii\-~ ln , regar^d., to the ■ proposed "new' "hofel with toeer tavern -to bo built in. West Van- coin'er at an estimated cost of $120,000, the residents of West ■ Vancouver should be under no misapprehension as to who will ultimately pay for it. It'will be paid for out of the proceeds of -the-den-ioralfz ing-ofT som e-of'our young i^eople and other money that rightly belongs to mothers and their cTrildren, needed t o buy- food and clothing. If the beer barons succeed it will stand as a lebuke to all those who vote for it. Yours truly, TOM RUSSELL. ̂ ni North Vancouver Office:123 Lonsdale Ave. -- I ■ n.OO a year by carriers 12.00 n' year - by mail - _ _- Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Caswell of Atlin, B. C., am ved on Sundav to 4Spend the winter in Vancou ver., At present they are the guests of Air. and Airs. F. M. Johnston, 2110 Argyle Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. Browmstvord entertained at an infonnal sliower. for a large number of le la tives and friends from Van- .Vafley. also «€st J aiicouvet a t their new home, 1165 14th Street. I