Establishea over IS yeaxa. Established over IjiJ, years. Circulating in the District~of West Vancouver--An/h/eside, Holly burn, Weston̂ Dundarave ji.oo per y«»r. ' Cypress Park, Caulfeild,Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2nd. 1939 No. 29 tE!faia iiia»ai!ai« THE w ;a u XX U io M sti-anire war. Two months have passed ancj" still baii^ ICS oi ,s on u f^ h ^ rro u se d ^ S la s ^ th o s e 's le e p in g dogs, w h o m he fo n d ly i n(3 __ ;«frw Q wAi.v.^avto'nf n rk im nn l/inp /i J ilin thebuttlVhas not been joined. Skirmishes on mishes o " CTcntuaT'dwm facing him; whntever move he mokea. „i,hea on the sea. skirmishes in the air, because everything ̂ ' the decision of a madman, who in spite of his mad- he had numbed into a perm anent somnolence, and noythey in a ring around him and quietly and confidently skirmishes have been with us. On the sea U-boats are being slowly but surely exterminated, while nn the laud the French arm y has definitely shown, the .superi- nritv of its men and- machines over those o t Germany, inci- ■ del tally a' superiority not unexpected, as the P>ench were known to have the finest army in Europe, In .the air the Kritish and French personnel and planes have had the edge on their opponents, which, has probably been responsible for the absence of "bohibing of London and Paris, lest a more awful fate be visited on Berlin and other German cities. The stalemate, however, cannot last for ever, and, re- ihembering the German fondness for what is known technically as "the enveloping attack ," it would seem likely, th a t before long the Nazi forces will stage three concerted drives--at the Maginot Line in the Saarbrucken-Moselle sector, through- Switzerland, and through Holland or Belgium. In this con nection it should be stated th a t this form of attack is the most difficult of all, because it m ust be perfectly timed to be successful, and' a large superiority in forces is required, which the Germans do not'possess. Offhand, one would judge th a t „the first two at any ra te would, if made, be doomed to failure. ̂ But outside the ring to which we have referred above indications are beginning to point to a lurking danger. We refer to Russia, who four or five years ago we stated editorially would yet be foun'd in alliance with Germany, and were . severely criticized for So saying. I t is doubtful w hether, anyone outside the inner Nazi and Bolshevik rings^ knows exactly what secret relationships, if any, exist between Ger many and Russia, but evidence accumulates th a t the la tter . is at least a potential enemy, for her own advantage, of course,- Keep your looney Circulating in W est V ancouver ,Vyesi Vancouver C/iamber of Commerce WELFARE ASSOCIATION f c S t i i i l i l Nellie Harri.son TO TEACH PIANO HERE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A ireat is in .store for the nicmbors of the West, Vancouver Chamber of Commerce a t the regular monthly (linnet meeting on Wednesday, November 8, in, the Clachan Hotel. Dinner will Willi a'Victorian Order nurse and a Family Welfare worker bringing valuable personal ser vice to an ever ineivasing num ber of West Vancouver's resi dents, lliis iminicipulity's Wel- fip'o Assooiation is becoming more and more i\x*ognized us an indispensable unit in community life. ' ' 11 is the support of these two brancheH of humanitarian work, helping those who need it most in our and also to fulfill West Vancouver's share in the country's national Red Cross ap peal tiiat, more than 200 i*osi- dents are now concentrating their efforts on making the (Ireatoi* Vancouver War Chest drive an umiualified success in Nellie Harrison, A .T. G. M. Special Diploma, announces the opening of her residence studio 'at 1955 Inglewood Avenue. Miss Harrison is ' well known as a pianiste and teacher of piano in Vancouver, and during recent years her many pupils have maiie a very creditable showing a t recitals, examinations and festivals. ■ Of the fifteen pupils taking Toronto Conservatory ex aminations in June, six received first class- honors, five.honors, and four passes. A t the recent B.C. Musical be served at 7 p'clock sharp and, ..................... following a short business., .ses- this locality, sion, the rnenibei^s will be ad- Already enlisted in the inter- dressed by-Capt. L. M. Hann, an campaign are many outstanding speaker and^ <>ne of Vancouver's most prom- whose services are greatly in de- incut citizens T ™ hT ■«>«'«>• the KCnial cliaii.m.lnahip and otheia. <>f Col. J. R. MacKcnzie, calivas- timely-Hubject and censure to be ^ t w e '^ T s o full of interest to all those Tor^ J m u ity ' ISrll^un r f l<t-̂ n̂or eiiHuisiasm. ' Business and professional men Richa.Hlaon as leader ol and women df West Vancouver announce.s the not yet affiliated-with this grow- , lollowing district captains: J j p ing ' organization are cordially invited to make application for district; E. Makovski, Dun- and not Germany's, except in so fa r as they coincide. Why ' Festival, 7-year-old Dorothy Mae tiarave; E. Chamberlain," Sandy for instance,-witlrthe G^miany navy_y^ak'Wd~nrach'̂ occupred,' Armstr()ng won'first place in the the Executive or ph(jhe .Gove; A. 'GT Archer, VVest B ay; jld Stalin be so insistent in p ro t^ tin g the_sea approaches "Bach under 10 years" class. secretary, ..West 614, for an • PaG'Goghill, J. Thorpe and Ted Included in. the studio activi" , or\pjipnfiQTi ■fQj.jYj Vaj'jQiiu not/iv- ^^wdl, Iloiscshoe Bay. IHis. ies are monthly studio recitals, o r m utual' benefit to the C rom ar Brucie and;Mr^^^^ should to Leningrad, if not against the B ritish and Frenoh navies? And what particular in terest should he have ju s t a t this.tim e in the peoples of the Near and Central E ast ,and the Balkans, also in the Dardanelles, unless he contemplates attacking the Suez Canal and India? We venture^to say that, if Turkey had not held out', the Russian arm ies would already be c)n the march for Palestine. Incidentally, w hat must Gladstone from the shades think "now of "the Unspeakable T urk ," the man who has-kept his word ? ' Thus, when we review the forces opposed to us and those which may yet be added to them, we begin to realize , why the British and Doiriinion Governments sta te th a t the war will be a m'atter of years. But, because we have ccimmand of the-sea, and a superiority in man power»and material, i t is not to state that any can afford to s it back and be idle. Above all, we must be united. I t is no tim e to play politics, either nationally or in^any other way, nor opportune to discuss the economic impasse. .For our very liberties are a t stake, which, if we lose, we lose all. Remember Poland! . ties whi(5h have proved a valuable Business community are under aid in maintaining a pupil's int- .^^nsideration as objectives to be erest and improving his public undertaken by the Ghambcr of performance. ; _ __ Commerce and the co-operation Miss Harrison will be a t home all those qualified to become every Thursday, commenccing November 9, and will be pleased to receive parents. For fu rther information please telephone W est 1056-L. members is sought. I. O. D. E. WENDY HOUSE SCHOOL A meeting of the Mothcr.s' Group will be held at Wendy- House School (24th and Bejle- Lang will take charge of collec-r tions made by women's groups. Mrs, Duncan Bell-Irving, Mrs. C. H. P itt, Mrs. Ailgu,-̂ McAllister, Mrs. D. H.:D. Beach, Mrs. B. W. M. Bone, M j]s: Fred Bayliss, Mrs. Harold Ostrom, Mrs. Blair M. Clerk and Mrs; G. Seon are al ready busy with preliminary or ganization. Last .year, campaigning with the single pui*pose of financingvue), on Tuesday, November 7ih, _ , - The regular monthly meeting a t 3 p.m, Mrs. W. E. Seager 'and our city's welfare program, the of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, Mrs. Nancy Butterfield will in- West Vancouver workers faced I. 0. D. E., will be held on Mon- troduoe the subject "Being the - a quota of $5,000. This year, al- day, November 6th, a t 1:45 p.m. Mother You W ant To Be." though a definite objective has a t the home of Mrs. J. W. Lang, Any mother of pre-school not been set, West Vancouver's 2997 Marine Drive. children is welcome. INNUAL WINTER GARDEN PARTY Dickinson, West 484; Mrs. B. M. Clerk, West 500; or * Miss- Jean Crutchlow, W est 696-M-2, table reservations for afternoon bridge can be made. Dancing will begin a t 9 in the evening. Admission with tea, 25c. Tea and Bridge 35c. Dancing 50c. The National W ar Memorial, Ottawa In a setting of lattice 'covered: dth winter foliage, scarlet ber- fies and artificial snow the an nual Winter Gardeft, P arty of |Vest Vancouver I.O.D.E: will |ake place on Friday, November LEGION W.A., POST 60 Lukin, vice-president The annual Remembrance Day t Victoria League of South banquet given by the Legion W. hica, has graciously consented A. will take place a t 6:30 on Sat- ' formally open the affair and urday, 11th ̂November, in the be introduced by the Chap- Legion Hall. We extend a wel- W. B. SmaH, come inv ita tion -tp -the Legion o 0 clock. Post 60 and their wives, pending their patronage fo r On Saturday, 4th November, 'f M^sdames F rank from 12130 to 4, Mrs. D. W. rn?p Lett, John T. Graham and Mrs. T. E. Batchelor 'avin̂ T̂>u' A. J. T. will be in attendance to-receive Bingham, R. P., poppy box helpers, also the ladies ^ A., Graham Elliott, who will be tagging in the street, A.^Adair, James Russell, Luk- to serve them with refresh- ro £ f Dallas Perry; T. A. m eritsT ^ cup bf'teaw iirb e"veiT- tswLm "d 4- Sargent, J . C. welcome after a busy day's work. !oir T A Cresswell, J. W. All Poppy boxes must- be re- L n Spencer, E. A. Mar- turned to the Legion Hall on Fri- »rav,r,« , Barbour, Harold day, 3rd November, between the Llovfi ' T ^-n^ston, E. A. hours of 2 and 4 in ofder th a t 5ishv' V Sidney the boxes will be refilled for tag- n f daintily appointed tea- . PUBLIC MEETING ver hi- presided A public meeting has been ar- irs T Cromar Bruce, ranged to take place a t 8 'p.m. knimiii ^ddes, Mrs. G. M. next Monday, November 6th, for A 'm Rivers, the purpose of organizing a .\ Hairm^Dn Mrs. ^ i n s t the sale of beer by the strbm Ail interested are re- West 760; Mrs. Win. guested to attend; contribution to the War Chest will be based on welfare needs, plus the necessary funds to cover our share of the national Red Cross quota. Working under Col, MacKen-. zie as, vice-chairmen, are Mrs, W. B. Small and W. C. Russell, while,J. R. Mitchell, president of the newly formed Vancou ver branch of the Red Cross and two other officials have been^.ap- pointed to lend every co-oiter- ation from that body. "Doubl(i giving for double needs" will be the slogan of the-day when West Vancouver's campaigners go out on the morning of November 13th to seek the support of citi- 2iens during . the mammotb ten- day drive. A blanket objective of--$600,000 has been set as a campaign quota covering Van couver, West Vancouver and North Vancouver. HOLLYBURN HALL BUY A POPPY There will be a Young People's Service illustrated with lantern views a t 7:15^ p.m. tomorrow (Friday) iii Hollybum Hall, a t . which Mr. Ci^aig will speak on"* the subject "Some Interviews of Our Lord." A t 10 a.m. next Sunday, November 5th, Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class, as usual, and a t the 7 :30 p. m. service the same day Messrs. Mason and Wood will bring Gospel Messages. Tues day a t 8 p.m. prayer and min istry of the. Scjriptures. " \ • \