M li " iw *-fl? ■ # 1iM '4 , s|: ' f f'-f'Y ? l! t' f *' -4 ' « ' ■i i **;̂i*,'Jt < > 4" t)t ; Li • P t ̂1 "i ■ Y f < 'f! V' 1 '4̂ . i'f ■I; ! ifl f ?\ t'Ll 1 . i.'i; u III l i ; i')'̂A s b •' /: i l l $ ml r'i " , A" -'if t l . 1 i # l i ; m i WAxr-mmA L' i-f: A l#lfSKl IwfSftlsi i l * i t m S i i i * % i 'f i 1 ' THE WEST VAN NEWS October 26. isjg !fi8ESWWIIpll|||l8WWÎ SMITH'S piw« we.t V8' ~ A. H anrcy Sm ith -- M sarw-tw Fr«* Delivery Servle* • Monthly Aceount W A E C H E S T CAM PAIGN C ol J . P. MacKi'nzie, Rvueral chairm an fo r We^t Vancouver ,pf G reater Vancouver W«rthe PIIICES G(M*I) for I'uiDAY & .SATl.'UDAY. Ocl. 27lh & 28lh IM * Wkllr JKU.V l■OWI»KIIK Kl«hl true fruit flavofN,. fi |»klM. 2!ie l(<̂ A White I'OM ATO JlIICK httrKt' 'l!i'tu, 'M il................... . lOe Red A While I'l'Ml'KIN No. 'iVi Tin ' lie MINCK.MKA'r 2 II>h. 2.'Jc U«'d A While Hritnd 1*1.(JM JAM Pure, I h*< 'l'la -l̂ c HJFrKI) WIIKAT Quaker *1 pktH, 2r»r HJItH I.AKD -- Swift'K Kilverleaf 2 l•il^ (!url«tia 2.'Jc lied A While Hrund HOUI'H Oenni of .MuHhoom, Oeum of Oyhier, Oxtail or Celery II tiriM 27c l*OI*riNO, COHN ll». He FlUJIT JKI.I.Y IJliANS i j ll>. 10c TOFFICK -- Mucintoah'M flaily a«- KorOnetil' F.ttKli.Hh imporled .lh. 2.5c M E /? lT S . 'Free' Delivery West 870 All MvatH in Thi» , S lor^ '^arc *rOP GRADE A f FRESH FISH DAILY I nil Line of Ddicaletwen. I'lvVM' I S -- Frenh roaKted ., Ih. 10c Hi;i» Al'I'I.K.S -- JonathuiiH . Medium size................7 lh«. 2.5c I'er Uox .......................... $1.2.5 H.d A While 'l O.MATOKS 2 No, 2*'/ 'i'inn-............. ........... 25c Hed A White THNDKH I*KA8 Sieve r» No. 2 Tin 11c Hed \ While IIOf.DliN COHN Itfiiltiini....................1,7.07,. tin 10c Cheat Cam paign .slated for Nov em ber 13, will be a.ssi.sted in the work of^canvaasing this di.strict on behalf of the H<jd Cross and G reater Vancouver Welfare fed-, eration by Mrs. NV'. B. Small and W. C, Russell. Ill view of the fact th a t the NV'ar Chest cam paign combines the appeals of two organizations instead ol m aking tw o separate drives lo r Red Cross and Welfliie funds a t • th is tim e, subseriber.s will, be asked to double their contribir- tions in o rder to meet this double need. In fact, "Give Double for Double Needs" has already been Service"' LIHMQBlIpR^Quality ' SASH A DOORS: SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH HO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT "BUmJERS»'^SDPPLiy7 ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE Agents s CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. V̂ EST VANCOUVER L W E R CO. LTD. 15th & Marine D rive Phone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S raLo for ClaJBiiiftd AdTortlsemenU li 1 cent* per word, mlaimniB 25 J l . U . C . p t l» the, » « of IfT taf r.««Ur ..e .unl., 0«1. . . . p.y»b!. .trIcUy l« *1' " ^Uemomher Claa*illed* in tho Weat Van Newa get immediate rwulta. su»f'iin t/u i a t THd Marine Building „ a. " NOTARY PUBLIC,'* General Cob. h e j ^ q u a r t o i", Wa"r " " r , "? o T L t a a " sc^suitable .slogan 1 9 » the w ai Vancouver any time by gi. appointment, West 403. _____ _ l»R(). REC. CI.AWSES W. C. T. U. Iri, rifsponsif to nlimerous daily imiuiries, loeal Ih'O-IU'c. instruo- tdr.s jointly aniioiiiR'i* the follow ing revised schedule of classes in th is ilis tr ic t: IN(H/EW()OD HIGH SCHOOL; .W omen--Tuesday, 8 p.m. Men-- Monday, 8 p.m. ' Mixeii-r-VVcdne.sduy, 7 p.hi. HARRARIANH' AUXILIARY At the last m eeting of the Cirl.s' Auxiliary to the Barbari-, ans Rugby Cluli.Miss Jean For-Rugby syth was appointed convener in charge of war activities. Miss Elsie J'artridge was' elecled as sewing convener for the Red Cro.sH wbrk in .whicli the Auxil iary is participating and Miss (iwen laingley in charge* of knit ting. Miss Jean L ettner will be in charge of the inspection of finished work. The Auxiliary eUnited Miss Dorotliy Dev'̂ iston _as_geuera 1 convener for the ten v\ nKjfiting was-held on Tues day, the F.ith instant, in the Cniti'd Cliiirch ve.stry. There wii.M II go()d"attendance of mem bers, the devotional being led by .Mrs. .). A, Vernon. Mrs. McKay and Mr.s. Muciiherson. gave re ports on tho iTovincial Conven- (ioti heliLat Victoria in Septem- bri', ;iiid a Ictfer was read from till- riov.ineial T reasurer outlin ing plans for the n e x t . year'.s work.' .F irst year books were ord('red. At the November nicrling the members are a.sked to n-meinber their "'tidings." FABLE TENNIS LEAGUE F irst Division "I'cam.s J ' W L T Pts .M.'Lplo l^cafs 1 1 0 0 2 W.V. Siz/Jor.s 1 1 0 0 2 . Dude.^ 2 1 1 0 2 Ciumdiens 1 0 1 0 0 Hillhillie.s ■■ . 1 0 1 0 0 Last week's'scores' t. Chest campaign. The d ec is io n ^ combine th e annual appeal m fhe G reater Vancouver Welfare I'<id- eration w ith the local drives ol the Red Cross branches in one m am m oth W ar Chest campaign ,in ajl th ree cities was recently reached by Red Cross and VVel- fare' Federation hotids. Signing the agreem ent for the West Vancouver Red ('ross Society was Jf. R. Mitchell, while Col. G. H. K irkpatrick and Mrs. Fred erick McVicar signed for Van couver and North Vancouver branches respectively. Frank J. Burd, chairm an of the Vancou ver W elfare Federation author ized, the combined appeal for th a t organization. R. H. Tupper of Vancouver will be campaign chairman for th is ten-day community appeal. W ar conditions demand at least $160,000 from the Greater Van couver area for iriimediate Red Cross needs while the minimum budgets requirem ents of Van couver's 47 agencies for 1Q40 total $350,000. BEFORE BUYING Your Xmas Cards,, sue our wide selection of V^ws. "Barcluy's Photographers, loio Mar- ine Drive. ' .... . CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, raa Sacks, Metals, Furniture, stovei T 'a /i1ci aFa • TiAfliintfv 4*a/\ k!.. i.Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, RADIO SERVICE - pairs, moderate charges, worK guaranteed. J. L. Pettigrew. West 828. , - ----------- CHIMNEY SVFEEPING -- Old Coun. ■ try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs;! Palmer, CaDilano North'811-R-2. ' f o r r e n t - Dundarave; 133-R-3. - Waterfront Cottage, fireplace, $20. West FOR 'RENT - r I^hrtly furnished 3. room suite; no children; near ferry tVest 521.^L. HANliV ANN SHOP, 2412 M u r in g Fireworks, Notions, Modess, Ste- tionery. Toys, Wool, Knitted Goods. FOUND -- On 22nd Street, a velvet drape and broken dish. Phone West 290-R, after 7 p.m. , - - GORDON ROBSON -- Barriatcr ft Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Scy, 4199 a t ' West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. WANTED LISTINGS of 3 bed rooms house, 14th St. to Capilano, with large grounds; small down payment, easy terms. We have clients wait ing for all types of properties. . ; Wanted good home close in; 4 bed- \ rooms, good grounds, up to $3800, Jeash. H». Fallows Realty, 1429 Mar line Drive. West 912, West 243-M-3. DRESSMAKING. . -- Ladies' Suiti, Goats, Dresses, Children's Clothes; specializing alterations, make-overs Robbins, W est 619-R. BOYS OUT OP SCHOOL - Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or register a t Club House. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estim ates free. J. H. Wedley. West 1022-L. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY -- Expert with children, good cook, housework (by day), very reason- able; references- West'Q27-L.' LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to , Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271; evenings, West 522-fi. arningenKjnts a t the "Mum" S!h)\v ̂Friday and Saturday in the Orange Hall, a.^nifitod by Mi.s.soH B arbara McTntyw* and Helen Edwards. The girls will .siirve tea during the afternoon and evening iii the lower lounge of the Orange Hall, and also sell candy upstairs... The next meeting of tho Aux iliary will be held a t Mias Ciwen Langley's, 1055 (^lyde Avenue, 'riu'.sday, November 7, \V. V. Sizzlers 10, D udes 8 . Second Division CORRESPONDENCE rBus-By-law- WE HAVE SEVERAL well located . Tots-at-VjeryAo-W-piicea. Bath_clear^ FOR SALE -- Electric train ffitk battery, good condition; ideal Christ mas present; cheap. West 768. 'IVams F w L T P ts Nqrvanitcs 2 2 0 0 4 Sockeyes 2 2 0 0 . 4 Hillbillio.s 2 1 1 0 2 Comets 2 0 1 1 1 Nifiie.s 2 0 1 1 1 Three Plys 0 vO 2 0 0 T^ist week's scores: • N orvanites 11. Three Plyfc; 7. Sockeyes 16, Nifties 2. TIillbillies 14, Cornels 4. Sir,--There is much misunder standing about the by-law. A few facts- may help to clarify the m atte r. I t is the intention of th e Council, if the by-law passes, to reduce th e Ferries to an hourly schedule outside the rush hours, and to run buses from. Ambleside to Vancouver at hourly intervals, so th a t there, will he e ither a bus or a ferry every lialf-hour. The argum ent , in flavor of th is is th a t it costs less to run a bus than a ferry, and th a t a bus can easily handle the traffic. The buses will not be allowed to d ia rg e any l,ess than the stage does now. There is little doubt ed and uncleared . ' ALSO ̂ TWO outstanding Values in four- . room houses. SEND JN .your rental listings. ■ LAWSON, WALKEH. & PRIDE, West Van., Pioneer Realtors, Est._ 1905_. 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 55. GORDON GRAY -r- Insurance, Fin; j Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tde- i phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. WEST . VANCOUVER MESSEN6EB SERVICE-i-7-Pafcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West j 700. , FOR SALE -- Child's. Crib, small tri cycle, scooter, kiddie - Kar. West ■ 422-R. FOR SALE -- Ford A Tudor, snap, _ can arrange termsf West«6^ -L . FOR SALE FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birb Building; Branch ' ine Drive; Offices: 546; I Residence, Whytecliff cary, o u i-bu«j dub nch Office, 1447 Mar* fices; Sey. 069|, West !e. WhvteclifF 546. Fawcett range_:with KNITTING and PLAIN SEWINGp Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine sawdust.hurner, cheap. West 524-L. FOR RENT -l. .Dundarave, modern six rooms, dinette. $30. West 380-Y-2. FLOOR SURFACING^-- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon AvenuerNortli'578j GIRL WANTED -- West 78- th a t people who cannot afford FOR SALE -- Moffat Garbage Burner J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phooe West 21, or West 663-R-l. YUICY^ perfectly-ripened', Canadian apples •I are in . . . frcj*li from Canada's uneat orchnrtltit Plenty of them, too--those th a t nor mally would be exported- overseas, as well as our own muinl, generous supply. And--thanks to the higher minimum grade requirements-- there are greater-thnii-average qualities of the liner, fancier, hifsher-grade tmting apples. So, nil tlmmgh tlds year's apple seosdn, order lilH'ral quantities of ('.aimdian apples . . . for .eatitig,.c|i><>king, enterinining and-for jelly ing and preserving. You'll enjoy them im- men»el\-l-and yon'll he doing y SEKViCE at tho siimc time* your country a And reuYember. Ximmlin'n.apples ore Goxwn- men! Graded. .\«k to nee the grade-mark on the container when you buy! HtttrhrUnf Service DOM1NIO.N DK*.\nT.MKNT OF AGRICULTURB, OTTAWA . M o n o u n h l0 Jam e* C, OsvdInsfV AfloUlsr' *5 SERVE APPLES DAILY AND YOU SERVE YOUR COUNTRY TOO 6i the higher fare will .still wait for the fe rry , a-iid i t is. very question- a b lew hethertherenyi 1 Lbe'eirotig h passengers to make the bus worth while. In such case .pre sumably the buses will be w ith drawn, leaving us -with an hour ly service of ferries, and also of l(x;al buse^. Contrary to the general as sumption, the fe rry traffic has kept, up rem arkably well. In spite of the glamor of the bridge, the, ̂ .convenince of the stages, curtailm ent of the. service and a bad season, the passengers carried th is year w ill be 70% o f 1937'and 1938 and 85% of 1935, m excellent, condition, 810 Sinclair Street. West 778-R. ^-^FOR-SALE- 6-hole kitchen range; ivory enamel finish, like new. West 449-R, MARCEL SHOP --■ Thermique Stem Permanents; only best material: used. ' l^ p e r t operators. Phone -- ^West~304" RnyaI"Bank Building. ^HNT -- Small, inodern, furn ished suite; central. Box 100, West Van News.: LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED " | Special machine; repairs, part- West Vancouver Machine Shop, Marine. f o r SALE -- $50, Duo Therm circu lating oil heater, cost $89.50. Good - as new. West 552-L, ■c h im n e y s w e e p in g -- Sawdust burners' iimtalled; furnace repaid G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. Norta 822. ~ Manure, Fuel, Septic tanks and Rockpits installed and gleaned. West 187-R. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- protection; reasonable rates. West 172-L-3. LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd.v West Vancouver Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar*, ine Drive. West 546. and the fe rry receipts will more b o a r d -- Private home than pay t h e % e ? a t h T g r ^ e X West 824-Y It IS true th a t the number of ROOM BUNGALOW for r e n t - passengers during th e day and ton^Avr'^Vpcf^^o Pember. evening is small, and th a t a con ------- -- west 148-M-3. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- - household furniture. Hewett, Aufrj tioneers. North 89, Reverse call. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor. Suite <. | Hollyburn Block. siderable saving could be made RENT - 4 Roomed Bfingalow by an hourly service. On the . other hand the fe rry service is 59- S ^ ^ 1st November, $25. WesV only assurance of cheap'our WESTERN WOODWORKERS-SW* Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wwl T u ^ n g , Glass and Glazing. Woô J work of all' descriptions. Phon»;-r West 740 and West 443-R., i Clyde' Ave. fransportation. and , oui^^ojily___^fs^Mam_,Smith,^ormer-lv- saTeguard against exhorbitant NewTVestminster. hsQ fa w, , ^ - - - exhorbitant W estminster, has taken charges by the stages. Only residnce a t 2436 Bellevue- afte r most careful thought Avenue, . should any step be taken th a t may weaken or discourage our Mr., and Mrs. T. H Goodwin tru ly , - have . oS •A. HARTOY SMITH Y oursfru ly , home a t '36^̂^̂^ W H IST D RIV E & DANCE E v ery S a tu rd ay Night ' a t 8:00 p.m. A t the Chalet,--Horseshoe Bay. (Formerly the Blue Dragon Inn) Admission, 25 cents Refreshments, Prizes, Palmistry SCOTTISH COUNTRY d a n c e s o c ie t y BUY BY GRADE-BUY WITH CONFIDENCE .The next practice of the W est \ ancouver Branch will held a t . 8 p.m on Saturday of th is w eek jn the.Clachan. All mem bers are ask^d to attend. NOBLE & CHADMAN 1844 MARINE ; i • wish to thank y o u ^ r Friday, Novembei- invite you to come in during the past'year New Fall and Wintpr ^ ^ ^^4 inspect tgoods, . Wmter Sto^^^ also early showing of Christ