West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Oct 1939, p. 5

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i#M|MM T O T i f m * " * * r a r w w r «MM " ^ V ancouver Al»& i««if ; F ir s t A n iiif*** *^*^*l*»*****" **v Jap an ese G l w y s a i i i c h e i i i i i t i i s OBAKGB'HALL^ F«i.AV, October m , 2 Tickets for 25 cents3 to to p.tn. Proceeds in aid of The lied Cross. Lojcal andiFersonal J L IT'S EXCITINGLY DIFFERENT life p e r m a n e n t w a v e now being featured a t » . lt'nnew -tlie only perroanent tha t imparts the full beauty of natural lustre und loveliness throughout the entire life of Ihe wave. |370 Marine Drive "Across from Safeway" ; Phone W est 331 by Classes n o ^ ,fo rm in g fo r ch ildren of all ages '.a lso p riv a te tu itibn . For Inform ation Phone Seym our 8238 o r W est 516 (MigMgMHM i i (iKimirai IF you are w anting a house to. r e n t ju s t give W est 2 1 a call, we have ^ com plete lis ting from Capilano to W hyteoliff (Furnished and U nfu rn ish ed ). ' Prices ranging f ro m '$12.00 to $100.00 p er m onth. Don't Delay placing y o u r Insurance. "'Tom orrow m igh t be. too late." Get ou r ra te s today. ' HOM E o r A CREAGE List that Lot, Home o r A creage -- we have enqu iries in our office at all tim es i f p rices a re r ig h t. s R. P. BLOWER & CO., LTD. K E A IT E S T A T E ^IN S U R A T ^C E ^P IN A N O IA IrB R O K E R S 1405 M arine D rive, W est V ancouyer Phones: W est 21 ; W est 204-M; W est 913-L. ♦3as®s.ss»^pffl®3ai3ra i Donald Me A lpine Pianist & Teacher CLASS and INDIVIDUAL ' INSTRUOnON . ' Studio: 233 31st Street Phone Miss Wilcox' residence Saturday. West 843-L ' S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive in the Store occupied by The Florence Studios Phone W est 938 W est 190 1578 Marine" Drive 1 W est 190 Friday and iSaturday SPECIALS DELIVERY Grade A Red Brand / g r a d e a Rump Roast ' 25c Ib. g r a d e A - . Cross-Rib Roast 22c Ib. GRADE A / Rolled Riba 28c per lb. grade a Short Ribs 12 c Ib: Sterling Tea S5c per Ib. i BUTTER First-Grade '3 lbs. 96c. BAKEASY 10c per lb. FletcheFs Grade A Red Brand Shoulders lainb 18c per lb. Breast Lamb Nd.'HBacon 15 c. per II2 ib . pkg. DOGFOpD 3 tins 2§c. 15c lb. Loin Pork 25c per lb. ~ Lean Roast Pork 20c per lb. stsS Mis.s' MiU'jori^ R. M cGillivray announces a new fea tu re of th e curriculum a t SL P a tr ic ia School by fo rm ing classes directed J U N E R o r a ; i i i B.C. School o f D ancing Branch Studio, 2 6 6 7 H ayw ood A ve. BALLET TAP ACROBATICS CHARACTER The H eadquarters Com m ittee " o f th e Red Cross S o d ety in W est Vancoi^ver Appeal for th e loan o r donation of a number*of item s fo r use in th e ir office. Among th e item s needed are ; chairs, various kinds, filing cabinet, desk broom, d u s t mop, pail, ham ­ m er, screw driver. Anyone who oan loan or donate these item s please call .Mr. Gemniill, W est 321. Ed Blacky 25th and M arine Drive, w ith two friends has le ft fo r a hun ting tr ip in the C ari­ boo. T he w inner o P th c B arbarians Rugby Club Clock Draw is Mrs. S. L. dagger, 1259 Gordon A ve­ nue. - t( ....................... ,« Mrs. F ro s t of W est Bay, has le f t fo r O ntario w here she vi/iil a ttend her fa th e r 's funeral. 6 * 6 ' ' In connection w ith th e 26th ann iversary o f the founding of All Saints* parish> A lta -V is ta , Canon G. C. d 'Easum , a fo rm er incum bent, and Mrs. d 'E asum , were g uests of Rev. J . P . and Mrs. Dingle Iasi Sunday, O ther W est V ancouver guests were M rs. Chas, Burbridge, Miss Joyce Burbridge, M rs. W alter Gourlay, Miss Joan Gourlay, and Mr, and Mrs. H erb ert Bibbs. * 4> 4> Mrs. Inglis of Regina, has moved into a suite in th e F o r­ tune Cup Inn.* ♦ ♦ T)vo inches of snow fell on the p la teau of Holly burn Ridge d u r­ ing th e w et period a t the begin­ n ing of th is week.* * >•< M r. and Mrs. Corbie of V an­ couver, have ihoved into the Read house a t Horseshoe Bay. 41 41 >(< « Mr. and Mrs. J . A. B arrie and son have arrived from Edm on­ ton Beach and a re occupying, a h o u se 'a t 1221 K eith Road. ' An arch itec t's draw ing in color of th e proposeid.new hotel as it will be when constructed can be seen in the window of Crawley & B ark e r's hardw are sto re a t 1648 M arine Drive. ♦ ★ * The nucleus of a m useum of Canadian A viation fo r d isplay a t th e Vancouver A irpo rt has been accepted ten tatively by th e Civic Aii'i)ort Com mittee as a g if t from F rank II. Ellis of the W est Vancouver municipal bus staff, who resides a t 1045 K eith Road. The collection is m ade up of six scale models of the firs t planes to be flown in C anada by B ritish subjects, the sam e being built to exact scale by Mr. Ellis from technical papers, old photo­ graphs, etc. They represen t sev­ eral hundred dollars' w o rth of tim e and work. Mr. Ellis, w ho is a pre-w ar as well as a w ar tim e pilot, is one 6f the leading world au th o rities on model aeroplanes, and a few years ago a book fro m his pen was published w hich is considered -a standard w ork on The tw o children of Mr. and I M rs. W ilson o f W est Bay, re ­ tu rn ed la s t week from England. the subject. . Shower Following; th e ir honeymoon tr ip on, Vancouver Island, Mr. and M rs. W illiam Joseph Mason, w hose wedding took place ^in Beaconsfield on 11th October, will reside a t 1488 Fulton Avenue. Mr. and Mrs; Douglas LeB aron Reid,-who Were rejcently m"krried in K errisdale, will on th e ir re ­ tu rn 4 rom th e ir w edding tr ip ta k e up residnee ^ t 2578 Nelson Avenue. ^ MacDonald-- Sm ith A t th e .h o m e 'o f Rev. W illiam Vance, th e officiating m in ister, th e wedding took place quietly F rid ay . m orning o L Miss A da Vera, Sm ith, d au g h te r of M rs. A da Chapman, and th e la te Miss Irene Gracey and M rs. Harold Mahon were jo in t host­ esses a t a Linen Shower a t th e home of th e la tte r on . Monday evening, October 23rd, honor-, ing Miss- 'Geraldine A lexander, whose m arriage to Mr. E dw ard -N elson--takes--place-on--Octobei^ 27th. The invited g u ests w ere Mrs. G. A lexander, M rs, R. Chapm an, M rs. R. M. Bailey, Mrs. F re d Young, M rs. E. T h e r - . rien, M rs. Hope, Mrs. K. Lopa- tecki, Mrs. R. Thomps|on; Mrs. F. Wiley, M rs. N. Woodbury, the Misses D. Chapm an, J.;B agley , - R. - B lair, - M .-Gracey, JE .-H arvey,_ F . Johncox, J . Leyland, F. Mc- Phail, A. McKinnon, G. Reid and E. Thom as. IMartihT^Smith, and Mr. Robin Bain MacDonald,- son of M rs. MacDonald, Mariiiej Drive, W est V ancouver, and-T he late Jo h n M artin MacDonald of P ender Is­ land. F o r h er wedding, th e bride wore a blue ensem ble w ith m atch ing h a t and"elroDlder"bou~ q u e t of gardenias. Engagem ent Mr. and M rs. William Harvey,- Carlin Brae;, Caulfeild, announce th e engagem ent of th e ir only daughter?., A gnes Edith, to Mr. H erb ert G reenhalgh of Vancou­ v e r , son of M rs. M ary Frisk, .The w edding will take place quietly Jn_No_vemher.__________ Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald will reside a t 2933 W est Tw enty- e igh th , Vancouver. - Shower W EST VAN. M ERCHANTS L ast Saturday th e local team travelled to Richm ond and b rough t back w ith them a nice win of 5 to 1 . T he one goal th a t Richm ond had w as ju s t a p resen t from Norm' Willington_ in th e la s t m inute of play. A ngelo P e rr i and V ictor Rice each scored-two, while th e o th e r goal , w as scored by Scotty Campbell on k penalty. The locals played th e ir b es t of the ^ a s o n and had th e play most of th e gam e. T his S a tu rd ay th e boys will be p lay­ in g a t home. Am bleside P a rk . The visitors will be South', V an- . couver, second place holders in th e league. The fac t . th a t ' th e locals a re fa s t becom ing a th re a t in th e league a ssu re s anj^bne who com es'a good gam e, so i t is hoped all soccer fa n s will com e . and give the b o y s.th e ir support, k ickoff a t 2:30 sh arp . / No. 38,104. A n enjoyable miscellaneous show er w as given last Thur.sday in honor of M rs. Howard Wil­ liam son (nee J a n e t Thomson) by M rs_ J . N. Gillies a t her home, 1365 Clyde Avenue. The inany beau tifu l g if ts werei contained in a boat tastefu lly decorated in niauve .an d yellow, the presen­ ta tion being m ade by little Nor­ m an an d Gordon Gillies. The evening w as sp e n t in games and dain ty re fresh m en ts were serv­ ed. M rs; "H7:O strom and 'Mrs. W. , J . Thom son presided a t the ,tea table, w hich had as i ts centre­ piece y e llo w , chrysanthem um s w ith s tream ers of the-same_cDlor_ ex tend ing .from the chandelier - to -th e-co rn ers;--The-ser-vi te urs-- EXPERT W atch and Clock ^ .REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with-.@Birks Ltd., Montreal) ' 1522' Marine Drire j w ere th e M isses Gladys, Violet, Ju n e and InaJVTcNair, and H ertha -L eth-Paulsen .-T -he-guestsJvere M esdam es H. Williamson, W. J . B an le tt, D. W illington, N. Will- ington, W. Wilson, J. Reid, W. F. M errick, W. Thompson, N. S. Salter, McGowan, T- J. E lliott, . H. N esb itt, F . P. Colpitis, W ard, H. O strom , I. S tark , J. Wilson, . D. McMillan, A. Menzies, R. W. Pyne, C. A. W hite, T. G. Hamil­ ton , E . Bell, H , Foote, F. Daw­ son, J . W. Neil, J . Richardson, F . W. H arring ton , E. Grisedale, ̂ ' J . Duncan, J . N. Gillies, H. G. | | ^ N A u rg B ark e r, D. Baird, M. MaeVean, W. J . 'Thomson; th e Misses M. .Short and C. Dowell. . , Ua. M.M. > III *Stratton s BAKER i A WkiBi FRESH DAILY Ten varletlett to auli every U ite Meat PtiNi -- Cookie* Kcclee C*k«i -- PoNtrle* Buna and Holla Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Oc'tobor 2flth, 27th and 28th MICKEY ROONEY ' The Adventures of Huckleherry Finn' Ai.so NEWS, iGARTOON.'Etc. SAT. EVENING and MONDAY ' October 28th and 30th. . CLAUDE RAINS JEFFREY LYNN- ' 4U Four Daughters" NEWS, 'CARTOON. Etc.. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 31 at and N ovrlat JEANNEITE McDONALl) NELSON EDDY "GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST" (Once only at 8 p.m.) Alao one hour of shhrt aubjecta. Keep Y our Dog H ealthy w ith A.B.C. DOG 1 FOOD Contains Vltamlna A. B. C. D. and G. ' Also Minerals Calcium and - ---Phosphorus,-^ PACKED Ijy Aiglo-British Columbia Packing Co. in Vt-Va, tins and l-lb. tins. Special Winter Prices SAWDUST - WOOD - COAL A. DOBSON North 793-R-2 7 Reverae calls I Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 letli street TO jim iL ' GRAVEL Bush . Fir, Inside............ .$6.60 Cord Mm Fir, Inside.............. 5.60 " Fireplace Fir.................. 6.00 Green Alder.................... 5.50 " -Furnace-B locks------------------------- SPECIALi- No. 1 Fir Edgings.....$3.76 Cord Slabs .& Edgings --^Barky-v.ii>.,.ii..^...»8-Cord8-$l 1.00 Bark________ :..$5.B0 Cord Xiimited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS -Sacked ................... ^ Price reduction on 3 tmits* or more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office^htltSBG Marine Drive