V S * ^ •4 4 * " l-!Wi , W . - ^ ' '* I " %' * ̂ ̂ (-,; » f V / -5 fi , , <fS *■»"' ^ n<Ktrflf.A-M - ,r <-«rt-*vj'•j tf»»'i ' ' "V ■*'̂ j ■• ^ , '.1 ^ f.i> • ^ '.« ^ , n f / - » v v A t-VWP5«,*^|. wMiii October 26. law r1 sfl' f '■ |||; Sis f '£ • *' ' ifc-'ifS'tS iii5® i i i ® I -fc =;>! 5r.m *T -i'->^' CP i i WEST VAN. l/NfTEU CHUIICB C©r; f l i t 'ft- l^!m*tt'"Av#;*"̂'"'"' EHV. W. VANCE; U.A^ Mtmivter 2047 Gordon Avenue . Hioimi w««t 244.R Sunday H«rvie««: IIa.m . A 7:80p,m. Stran«r«rs and Viaitora are wtleoma Comb I t . , Bruab ii. Our Permanenta Stay in. ftev. BAI*TIST CH U I^H S|>I >ie«r W. I* McKay, BA., BJ>. 10:00 11 a.m. A Sunday 8ervie«a a.m.--Cbiurcl»-S«lio«rf£«k*« dudinif Adult Claii ft 7:30 p.m.~Praathln(r Services, hearty welcome to all Jimtgim; the Joy of a hniratylc that holda ita aut between nhumpooa, aoft curia that aprinff buck into pluce -- oil bcciiutMi in udditlon to ' our exduaive way 'of. cuttiiijir thia new mode, wu boau it on firm,' luatinjif, Quulity. rermiiiient WttVfia..„.... Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators- of Kxclualve i'ermanenUi, 1S4G ftlarine Drive Went 117 HOLLYBURII HALL m b and Duchesa 1 HIDAV KViVKtNiNG, iitHtlff' Oct. 27tii, 'SiHcial Service for Youriif People Subject: ••'i'lic Life of Our lAtrd/' iliu^lJ'Mted by views. .Speaker: Mr. J. V. M. Altken >jwVn>7 SI .NDAV. Oct- 21»th, at 10 a.m, Sunday School and Y(jijiiff Peoplc'a' Bible Class Sunday Evening a t 7:30 rGO.SP.EL_ .SERVICE . „ _ Speaker: MK. J. u. B. McLaren ruB8DAY at 8 p.m. I'niyor and Ministry of the Scriptures * , W EST VANCOUVEB Science CHUBCU EDIFICE 20 tJi and Ekaiuinialt, Holly burn Thli Society is a Branch of The Mother Church - » The Pirat Church of Christ, Sckiithit, in Boston, • Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.ni. Sunday^ October 291 h, SUBJECT: "EVERLASTING RUNLSIiMENT" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetinif Wednesday a t 8:10 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meotingrs. u b r a r y • Exclusive Gi iate WeddluK, Shower and Cards fo r all Occasions; Cellophane she^t. Tyinif' Ribbons, Fancy Tissue"Papm,"l)ehni8bh^^ Creja*' i w Gift and Plain Note Papers; Stamp Albums and Supplies. " Agents for Remington Typewriters. FOUNTAIN PFlNS -- PENCILS* -- INKS) El'C. Bo-Lo Deinolwtratioim 4:80 p.m. Friday, by experts « W E S T VAN S T A T I O N E R S Sc L IB R A R Y 1644 Marine open untU 8 p.m. Phone West 687 W EST VAN. t a b e r n a c l e Cr. M arine & 25tli Street. ------------;-Pastor:'-; Rev. Robert IL Birch. B.A. Services: Sunday-School . ; ................. 9:^5 DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-llay Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office 'Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITED CHURCH- 2 Lst and E squim alt Ave. Itev. William Vance, M inister Sunday S e rv ic e s ............H n-m ' and 7:30 p.m. W ednesday Fellowship .... 7 :30 Horscsho^,,Ba5" and Vicinity Bible Fellowship ................ 7 :45 DANCING HOLLYBURN PAVILION, 17th & Bellevue. Bus Hudson and his Royal A m baasadors Orchestra (Sini?er.s and E n te rta in e rs)rk.».T nn nwith Ted DeLaire, M.C. HALLOWEE'N Masquerade Dance TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st. N O V E I/n iiS : -- " PR IZE S, E tc. The large.st Ballroom F loor on th e N orth Shore. Newly re-.surfaced fo r dancing. ' (Pavilion to R ent fo r Dances and P arties) "Your pleasure is pur business." Admission 50 cents. Dll. McIlAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Mcdical-Dontal Building llourB: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 1800 l^arine Drive West 432 ' Sunday, October 29th. Reform ation Sunday . J 0 :00 a.m.-- S unday School. 11:()() a.rn.--M orning W orsh ip ., • ?^iihjedi "The Reformation, October 31st, 1517 -- Wa.s I t .lu.slilied and W hat Does It ]\I<>an to U s?" 7:30 b.m. -- Evening service. All evening with one of our " great liymn w riters :-- Fanny Croisby. lOverybcxly welcome. W E S T V A N . LAW N BOW LING CLUB BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. itetablished on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HAKIION BROS. LTD. jFunecal Bicectocs llollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Morine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 184 . ^ Vancouver Porlors 65 Tenths Avenue East Phone' Fair- 184 Dr. McLean of the Nootka Mission Hospital will speak a t The cu rta in was rung down on , a very enjoyable and .succcsssful season Saturday week. Tho func- " tion took th e form of a mixed draw gam e and an unusual fea tu re was th a t in.stead of win ning the prizes themselves' the high rink were given the privi lege of draw ing the"'names of th e lucky, winners of the hand some prizes donated by Presi den t Sam Fulton, out of the old "h a t." As a result of this Tmal ' till* Sunday Evening service. All gam e-a cheque has been sent to will be interested in ;this news a needy local .charity fund. The 11:00 a.m. -- Subject, "Jesus C hrist Our Emancipator." ' 7 :30 p.m.-- Opeped with' a b rig h t sing song. Subject, "The T rag edy of Neglect." The Church School meets a t - 10 o'clock. Monday-- The Young People will , be th e ,g u ests of the Young People's Society of the Ed-, mond's Baptist Church. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- P ray er . -meeting. . -- oi a splendid work am ongst the men of Zeballos, the Island's niost recent gold development. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd «& Inglewood Ave. Rev. FatheP Van '̂ astor ^ Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. H igh Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 ■ r' v-', ' v:' ■ " V ' '/tl- i i '" '! ' :• ■■ ■ The French Beauty Salon Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. j W eek-dav Services r / ' - 1 F o r P e r m a n e n t s o f la s t in ig b e a u t y . Appointments at short notice. Two qualified operators. Wo apQcialize in flno, groy and white hair, 1562 Marino Drive Phone W. 212 Mass -- 7 :0 0 a.m. F ridays-- Rosary, Benediction S atu rdays ---^Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m, C H U ilC H E S ^ F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Club's officers report a very sat isfactory season both socially and financially with a steady grow th in membership. Great cred it fo r much of the pleasure of playing th is gi*and bid game m u st be given to our" genial friend and green-warde,n, Jim Gray, his com m ittee, and our good friend, J. O'Brien, for his expert supervision and advice, for th e ir continual care and vig- ilenoe in 'p rovid ing one of the finest greems in the province. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. Fi A. Ranasey, Rector . 1Sunj^y„^^etpber 29th. • 8 :0 0 a.m. ~ "̂ Hbly" Co"miWnion7 1 1 :00 a.m. Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Sti Francis<*in-the-Wood, (jaulfeild 9.45 a.m .--M&ins and Sermon. You Save any Sunday pn lojng-distance calls.*. Every Sunday is a bargain day for long-distance, telephone , calls. T h e ratef are cheaper then. Sunday rates, which are the same as the low night rates, are in effect* every week end from 7 p.m., Saturday, until 4.30 a.m., Monday. . Send your "hello " when the rates, are low. COUFORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER " EVERLASTING PUNISH M ENT" will be the subject of th e - Lesson - Sermon in all C hurches of C hrist, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden T ext isr .̂* aw ay from you all your Jtrans- gressions, whei*eby ye have The co-operation of the Ladies Club also has very m aterially helped in the general enjoyment throughout the long season. well contested inter-elub match^ es both a t home and on City greens during th e season and was able to make a very good showing in these friendly com petitions. Tile annual competi tion fo r the "LeyJand Ti'ophy" consisting of tw o m atches be tween N orth and W est Vancou ver Clubs, was a very interesting event this year, and ,-as North yancouver were on th e long end 111 the end. W est Vancouver re- linquished its r ig h t tem porarily cast- ̂ to them of th is handsome piece of silverware. T he annual 'Club competitions resulted in the following resu lts: Club Singles BAND AUXILIARY 7 The -regular m onthly ■ m eeting of the Ladies' A uxiliary to the ^Sehool-Baaid-wrll'be^Held bn" Weefr nesday, November 1st, a t .2:30 p.m. in the Pauline Johnson Schbol. BRITISH-COLiJMBIA- TELEPHONE CO. (XTora will bo rocoivod by tho under- ' trr.,, « aignod up to mum on Np_vonLho_r_j>t]u and m ake >OU a ^ _______ itKiy. for the purchase of Lot 88, h e a rt and .a new sp irit: for Champion, Wm. Partiidcre • Oak ye die, O house of land Doubles Glhampions, Sam Fulton and.Jno. H all; Handicap Singles, F rank M iles; ■ Club Doubles, H. A. W." Colloni and m Britisl^ Pacific ^ o p h y j Riiik--^Wm. Partridge; Block « WH. D.L. 775, W- JOO Acres, known n»-100y Twentieth .Street, with improvements Uu'reon, ■ ' Hiirheat or any otVer not necessarily accepted. WAI. HEIUUN, ,, . Mimicipal Clerk. Holly burn. RC.. 26*'10/89. why will ye die, O Israe l?" (Ezekiel 18: 31). A niong th e citations which coriiprise the Lesson - Sermon is th e following from the Bible: "F o r every tree is known by own fru it . F o r o f th o n is men do skip, Alai D Godl^iDm annf. D-AthAr fiosj '^OulOlltOn, A than"What is more beautiful pretty girl to behold?" "Such grammar! You mean to be held." not g a th e r figs, nor of a bram ble bush g a th e r they grapes." (Luke 6 : 44). T he L<esson - Serm on also in- "cludes th e following p assage f ro m 'th e C hristian Science text- -THE bOok,___Science aiidLHisalth--w ith--th e wiiHier4 nf fKnto tlxe Sej-iptum- by Mary t " Gleam and W .. G. Sewell. The nienibers ai*e looking foi*ward to the Annual Sooial Evening to be held next month a t which, in ad dition to fun and en te rta in m en t; the prizes will be presented West Van. News PubU«h<'<l Every Thuropfay.___^ B a k e r E d d v »' "H atiw l AYcT YrTn ' ^3n*^ier an n o u n cem en ts o aK ei JiiU ^ . x ia ire a , e iivy , d is- o f th is ev en t w ill honesty, fea r, and so fo rth , make ' . " appear shortly a m an siok, and ne ith er m aterial L AST_mTES-FOIl m ^ ic in e nor Mind can help him ™ Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE Phone W'est 363 Buaine»#-and-K<litorial-Officei pem ianently , even in body, un- less i t m akes him b e tte r m ental ly, imd so delivers him fi-om his destroyers," MRS. M. PHILLIPS rFuneral services were held a t 3:30 p,m, last T hursday a t the 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 , Lonsdale Are. fl.OO a year by earriec; $2.00 a year by mail ' DTL"WrMcLEAN of the Nootka Mission-Hospital will speak a t the W est Vancouver Tabernacle cr. Marine & 25th S t., SUNDAY. Oct- 29th, a t 7 ;30'p-m. Dr, McLean ministers to the men. o f the Island's West Coast near to Zeballos and Cepecce. ^'ancouver Bros, Ltd -Phillips; chapel of H arron fc r M rs.^ M arg a re f J2i57 Clyde Avenue, passed away , on th e 16thwho i^er 79th year. She H daughter, M rs M ichigan; one and i b S ' Sibley officiated, « C e p ,