W ^ I c l y Established over 13 years.Establiahed over 18 years. • C i r c u l a t i n g i t i t h e D i s t r i c t o f W ^ e s t V a n c o u v e r '̂ A m b l e s i d e ^ H o l l y b u r n ̂ W /eston ^ ^ D u n d a r a v e $1.00 per year. C y p r e s s P a r k , C a u l / e i l f l , W h y t e c l i f f , E t c . sc per copy No. 28 BUS TRANSPORTATION Tile taxpayers of .W est V ancouver will have th e oppor- fimitv oil the 2 8 th in s tan t of vo ting fo r o r ag a in st a by-la^v In establish a municipal bus service to and from Vancouver. This service will be m ain tained ou tside th e ru sh hours on an hourly schedule to run concurren tly w ith a sim ilar service by ■ the ferries, or, in o ther words, th e re will be a b us olr fe rry 0 ami from the city every h a lf hour d u rin g th e se periods of I Jay and evening. In th e ru sh hours th e service Will be ..... fhe same aFarp^^^^^^ th a t is, a ferry* service' ONLY \to and from the city every h a lf hour. The above en largem en t of our transportation services, w hich is in th e n a tu re of an ex- A ttend the Public Meeting in th e Orange, Hall TO-NIGHT a t 8 ]>.m. re th e Bus By-Law. ' ' ' " '• v : ' ' •.' . \ .0̂ 5 s'vs v: 'n rXlŝ vs N ' .{s . V V . . S =. periment and can be cancelled if not found sa tis fac to ry ̂ rep re sents an honest a ttem p t on th e p a r t of th e Reeve and Council after long and- rriature consideration o f th e fac ts and figures of the case to accede to th e public dem and fo r a municipal bus service across the bridge. I t also bears th e unanim ous endorsement by resolution of a num ber of fo rm er reeves; councillors, school tru s te e s and rep resen ta tiv e citizens frbm ' all over Uie m unicipality a f te r hearing a l l th e tran sp o rta tio n figures at a Council m ee tin g ,;w h erea t th e .b y -law in question was later passed. Parking space b u t no city te rm inal has been arranged for, and it is not proposed a t p resen t to buy any new bus equip ment The fares will be exactly the sam e as those of th e Pacific Stages, as the Public U tilities Com m ission will not allow of two rates, the city buses connecting w ith th e upper level and West Bay services. The basic ra te p er passenger fo r motor«, buses th rough out this continent is 2 cen ts p e r mile, th a t being th e lowest rate at which any profit a t all can be inade. I t is 5.96 m easured miles, or.roughly 6 miles fro m A m bleside to th e Pacific S tages terminal in the city, and ]there is a b ridge toll o f 2 cents p e r passenger. In addition a-^further b ridge toll of; 25 cents p e r bus must be met, which w ith th e o th e r charges, gives a to ta l of 15 cents, providing th e average num ber of passengers p er bus is tweiity-five. As w e should say th a t th e average num ber of passengers per bus over the day and evening does no t exceed ten, to see how th e Pacific S tages^can break even or the m unicipality could charge less,^ even" if"1;hey had permission to do so^ ' - Hovvevei% th e 'pj^posed-new ^bua sep?'i(^ ap p ears to deserve a trial, though w h ^ h e r . o r hb" i f w m 'ed sf'th e t a ^ a y ^ money ̂ would seem to depend upon th e loyalty of oui* c i t i^ n s . There will be a certain saving; of course, as a re su lt of th e proposed reduction in the fe rry service, w hich under th e present- sched ule will make a to ta l deficit o f $30,000 fo r th is y^ear according to the figures supplied 'by. th e Council. And in this connection i t should be s ta ted th a t th e fe rry PRESEN TA TIO N TO MR. FRANK GUINAN The staffs of the Board of W orks and th e W aterw orks gave F ran k G uinan a surprise party last F rid ay evening a t h is home, 2496 M athers Avenue, when they presented , him with an easy ch a ir in appreciation of his s te rlin g qualities as a m an and COMING EVEN TO . .--1....:̂ .,.. Friday, Nov. 17th-~Tix- 11, \Vesi Vancouver B ranch's F irs t A n nual Ball in Hollyburn l*aviIion TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD AtAt an Executive m eeting hold at' "'Pile llighlands" on the 2 0 th ,instant, it was iHiported a sew- - ing club of 33 m em bers \yas pro- imred to work for the Red Cross, tlie oll'icors being: Pros., Mrs. E. N ightingale; vico-pres„ Mrs. A. E. Younjg; 'vsec.', M rs. C. H. P i t t ; (reas., Mrs. C. A. Blower. Com m ittee Conveners: Sewing, Mrs. A. Brooks; knitting ,, M rs.. A. Huggins; transportation, & sup plies, Mrs. H. O strbm ; inspec tion; Mrs.' E. N ightingale. A Red Cross N ursing Class will begin study about Novem- WilHam Corey Coming from the fam ous Meg- of h is ab ility and popularity lin S tudios in Hollywood, w here du ring th e m any years, in which -Shirley Temple and Jane W ith ers home of Mrs. F. C. ColS&an*'2008 ? he has been th e ir forem an. They obtained th e ir full dancing tra in - Bellevue The Sknioi?rapher Re- '¥ also ex ten d ed -th e ir good wishes ing, Mr. Corey has taken ch a rg e fresher Clas.s has commenced Shakespeare m ade by him self look a f te r the ballet departm ent; j.s the date set for the C harter out of p la s te r of Paris, both g ifts . ................ ....... 'Pea to be held a t the home of being, m uch appreciated by Mr. "MUM SHOW" Mrs. B. M. Grady, 24th 'and G uinan and his wife. A vfery - ---------- W aterfront. Mrs. Jam es G ray en joyab le evening \y4s spent in W est V ancouver's C hrysan- will convene, and tea will be cards and copim unity singing, - them um Show will be opened a t - served fi'om 3 o'clock. Volun- follow ing w hich ^Mrs. G uinan 3 p.m. F riday the, 27th, by J. R.^ -leers were asked to assist in th e ' served a bountifu l-supper, Miss Mitchell, P residen t of th e , R ed ' Poppy Day Campaign, also for Kidnell assis tin g in w ait- Cross.- Sponsors ing bn. th e guests. Mr., G uinan, w ho was superan- Reeve and M rs. Leyland, Mr. and. Cross 'JM ve in .Novenibef. The service will be cu t down to an hourly schedule except in th e "rush hours regardless of w h e th e r th e new city bus service isestablished or not. ■ ' ■ At the same tim e i t m u st never be fo rg o tten th a t th e basis of our transpoi^^ation system is th e ferries, and any th in g which hurts them will in th e long, run advpr.qAly affApf t.ViA whole systefh. ' ' Mrs. ' Gordon Robson, and D r. Guild Choir will m eet a t Mrs. F . ̂ n p a t ^ a t th e 6nd,pafi Sep tem ber and M rs. J . H aydn Young. R^- . / - - Coleman's each W ednesday a f te r tw en ty years se iy ice ,'rec- freshm en ts will be available afternoon iat 2 o'clock. The en tly received from th e Council th ro u g h o u t the show, provided P residen t was instructed to iii- a g if t and a le tte r of sincere ap- by .th e 'y o u n g ladies of the Bar- ̂ vite p \ s . A. M. W att, P resident p reciation of his long and fa ith - barian Club a t a nominal charge of. the "Country Women of the fu l. w ork. One of th e oldest which will also help to swell the W orld," to be a guest o f 'th e ' p ioneers here, he w as th e first funds of the, Red Cross. Guild a t an evening to be ar- con trac to r to build roads in W est . I t" is fully expected th a t a r anged during the nroposerl vi.sit Vancouver am ong th em M arihF record a ttendance will bFac^^ ̂ of Mrs. W att to Vancouver. D rive w est of W est Bay, and has ed th is y e a r - - F rid ay afternoon Aid. Helena G utteridge of Van- seen th e m unicipality grow from and evening, and all day Satur- couver will be guest speaker, a t a village to its p resen t 's ta tus as ̂ d a j . D istribu tion of mums to the regular m eeting-of th e Guild a residen tia l su b u rb .___ _ the holders of lucky--t-icket.s-will on November 3rd a t th e Clachan. ^be"miabe-~"on-^SatXin3ay evening. The m eeting will be in charge of The show com m ittee know o u r - the Civic.s° Com mittee. MISS ROPER'S DANCING CLASSES ANNO U N CEM EN T FIR ST W EST VANCOUVER SCOUT TROOP (S t. S tephen's ) , residen ts will n o t fail "to drop in a t th e Q range Hall Friday oj' S a tu rd ay and see th e magnifi- HOLLYBURN HALL . Miss Marjorie _R. M cGillivray in adding a dancing class under the direction, of Miss 'Ju n e Koper's School of Dancing, is of fering an opportunity to all in t erested to enroll fo r these class es only from k indergarten .to adult, if desired, a t S t. Patriciar^ whool. Classes fo r school pupils will be held a fte r school hours in CMnection w ithrthe school.- _Miss McGillivray in tends to ^ the study of piano, fnythm band'and singing w ith dancing, and in th is colla'boratibn both arts will aid in th e develop- bidnt of -natural pqise^ rh y th m nd--harmony, th u s g iv ing th e pupil the power to express la te n t y b d ities to a - fu l le r ^extents ^he study o f 'O n e to n c h * or as separate facto rs, or information about th ese a re now form ing, » h ^ e West 516, o r call I t 1ft *,„^ywood Avenue betw een B r I - 2 p.m . Also Rpqfi bchool of Dancing, ^ y m o u r8238 Î ANCING AT HOLLYBURN ______PAVILION There will be dancing a t 9 p.m . of th is week a t Hodtl w ith Bus '̂ 01*8 -Ambassa- U eLaire will A m ong th e -very im portan t da tes of N ovem ber to rem em ber is F riday , N ovem ber 3rd, th e d a te of th e I.O.D.E. Duncan Law» son,. C hap ter "W in ter Garden P a r ty " to be held in the O range Hall. ̂ The affair is under th e general convenership of th e C hap ter Regent, M rs. W. B. Small, and w illb e form ally open ed ,by Lady Lukin, Vice P resi- . den t of V ictoria League, of South A frica, prom ptly a t th ree p.m. C o^onvening a re M rs. R. A. Thom pson, deco ra tio n s; M rs. F red Bayliss,. hom e cooking; M esdam es K. B. Forster^ and Jam es "M cIntyre, candies; Mes? dam es A. J . Gleam and B. H oram novelty n eed lec ra ft; M rs. Philip C. (^hapman, raffles; M rs. H. B. G ray, fo rtunes and teacup read ings-, and Mrs. Gordon Gray, afternoon tea. G uests will be glad to know th a t from 3 tp 5 p.m. bridge will be in play. M rs. H . O strom will -be the-hostess-and-by-calling--her - a t W est 706 Or one of the a s s is tin g hostesses,' M rs. W illiam Dickinson, W est 484; M rs. B. M. C lerk ,-W est 500; and_M iss Jcan_ ^ u tc h lo w . W est 696-M-2, tab le reserva tions can I)e made. In th e evening, w ith M arie A bfam s' popular o rch estra in a t tendance dancing will begin a t 9 o'clock- A dm isision w ith tea. 2 5 c ^ B ridge 3 5 c ; D ancing 50c. ' . A special service fo r young people illustrated w ith lan tern views will be held a t 7:15 p. m. tom orrow in Hollyburn The • M others' A ux ilia ry will cent display of blooms, fully a m eet a t th e home of M rs. C. W. thousand of w hich will be on Addison, 2303 Inglewood Ave- show. nue, on Thursday, N ovem ber No b e tte r d isp lay will be seen 2 nd, a t 2:30 p.m. Officers fo r th is fall anyw here in G reater Hall, when J. Y. M. A itken th e ;Comihg year will be elected Vancouver, as we can testify will speak on "The Life of ()ur a t th is m eeting and i t is ' hoped a f te r viewing- some of the ex- L ord ." Sunday School and Young as m any m em bers as possible h ib its to be shown. Among the People's Bible Class a t 10 d.m. will be presen t. m a n y . varie ties were specimens n e x t Sunday, and a t .7:30 p.m. o f th e scarle t and gold B irm ing-^-the sam e day th e re will be a RED CROSS HOME N U RSIN G ham , B radford , Cascade, Quegp Gospel Service, th e speaker M ary, P ink V erm ont, Chieftain, being J . R. E. M cLaren. TuesdayCOURSE /Definite inform ation as to when reg u la r classes will com- W hite M onum ent and Citronella. a t 8 p.m. p rayer and m inistry M ost o f them w ere six fept in of th e Scriptures, height, and some carried 'as -- ---------- mence will be given in o u f n ex t m any as tw en ty -th ree blooms on issue fo r the benefit o f all those who reg istered , fo r th e Red -Cross Home N ursing Course th ro u g h the D uncan Lawson C hapter, I.O.D.E. one stem . H A RV EST MOON DANCE A N N U A L TURKEY D IN N E R ARMY APPOINTM ENT H ollyburn Pavilion, beautiful- "Lohdon G azette" gave notice ly decorated for th e occa.sion of th e following A rm y appoint- w ith au tum n foliage, corn stalks, m en t:-- and a scarecrow, etc., made a „ ,-T errito ria l Arm y . P re tty se ttin g /fo r th e th ird afi'- ---------- Koyal A rtille ry . -- W ilfred, nual H arv es t Moon Dance given Don't fo rge t th e annual T ur- fNicholson B urns Thomson (late la s t F rid ay evening by the* G irls' key D inner by th e ladies of S t, ' Officer Cadet, A berdeen Univer- A u x ilia ry ' to the B arbarians A n thony's Chui^ch. nex t W ednes- s ity C ontingent. Senior Diyi.sion Rugby C lu b .. There was a large day in th e Orange Hall. D inner O.T.C.) to be 2nd L ieutenant.-- crowd p resen t for t h i s . nopular "willdbe " ^ ^ d "fjom 6 to 8 p.m ., Septem ber 2 , 1939. social event, who spent a very and th e re will be en te r ta in m en t W ilfred Thomson, a ' ;son of en joyable tim e dancing to th e and gam es, also th e d raw ing foj^ C aptain and M rs. Thomson who excellen t m usic of F ra n k B arnes' th d Hope Chest. P rice, 50 cents, until a few years a g o ra id e d a t (>chestra,_ ancLit-was-one-o'clock-- ------------------------------- ■ 1345 F u lton Avenue, was a pupil before th e playing o f the Nation BRITISH ■ ISRAEL ̂ to f eIol" R egular weekly m eeting of th e Bt*udyin2"f o r h t be helH Dance ^ u novelties an d cents Tilaffic Officer (stopping c'ar^ dis playing Illinois license): "Where you fron i?" -D river: "Chicago." Traffic Officer: "Then what are you doling with an Illinois license? You're arrested." . . D undarave Branch M onday, Oc- - (^atn-i ) deorep -tober-30 ,--at--^5 th--and---M arine Drive. Several very sh o rt a d dresses by local speakers. T e a will be served, and you a re verj^ cordially invited. Don't fo rg e i th e P ray er M eeting on Sunday afternoon a t 3 o^cIock, fo r one hour. ' Special p ray e rs fo r our arm ed forces. __ : i The hotel clerk was growing impa- The Governor of the S tatf. was in.. oC tient Because lthe_ traveIler__took so long reading the names on the regis ter. "Ju s t .sign on that line, please," said the clerk. "Young man," retorted the pros pective guest indignantly, "I'm too old a hand to sign anything without reading-it." - , _ _ . ___ _ specting some of its institutions. When, he reached one of the insane hospitals--he received a message to call his ofKce' on an important matter. Not getting as quick service as he thought he should, he barked a t the operator, "1 guess you don't know who I am ?" , _ "No," replied the operator, "but I know where- you -are."-------- --- ------ I t :