S ^ S S tS s - mmm twiBtiiiia T H E W EST VAN NEWS i-J ' 'lit'w\ i ! I'-S-* ;li ■-* * i i : i ' 1 1 ' ; 'i' ', * 'l'" ̂ 1 i [ *, 1 . -piiMii- w » r « '■ '" • ■ A ,- H a » w « 3 r « S m i t h - - M » t i* iw « t w«- Frfce l^eUverjr fkrvks * Mhutitly Acf«uat KITSIEANO |1ANI) ( ON( ER,T ^ '- nI'HICIOS <;(M>I> for FRIDAV & 8A TI HDAY, Oct. 20th & 21«l ■ i! \- £>v 'U I Iff |5'5' ' V#"iCi .; S-'S "■° 'J "' ■'{- "i# > i i i îy jtl 1 1 1 ! i t s\4>' I ;| f -p l® i 'if ̂ "i" . i l l i i i S 2 f* 'I w i® ̂ iv;"XV l 'ir rf̂! p p x f ( olunibiH Af'KR ( > m IIhIvce I.it rue So. 2 V/ Tin .................... 22c lUii Ik Wtiit« FHAH. Hi«vc 4 2 No. 2 TIiim .................. 2Sc t(cd & Wiiitc CAKHOTH and I'EAH IK o/.. T lnn ............... .,.. !2c riovrrhaf ( HO I'FK I) ChAM« ID*/, «/. Tin I5c ('llISM HAI..MON tall Una 10c MdNTOHIf A r r u e s .........fi liM. 25c IVr lU>x »l.40 SI NKIHT JIJICV I.K.MONH ti for 16c AllN'r AIAKV'H COFFKB ..... Il>- 36c, i{.d A wfiilc imwAKFAH'i'Co c o a ,'// ll». Till '...................... 16c I.AIlV (iODIVA CO.MFCKXrON H O A l * ...................... f ........... 4 caluai iIBc M E A T S>-t̂ ■ Free Delivery West 370 All ' McjiIh in T h b Store TOR GRADE A FRESH FISH DAILY Full Line of I)elicute88eii. are QIJM K ()A r s .................... 3 ll)H. 17c COK.N', .MMAI.--<iuakvr. 22oz plit. 16c JHKAJ.TII MHAI.-- M<'lof;ntfii ............. 2»lli. pkl, I9c COKN FLAKES -- KelloKK'H 2 l.)iri(c Jumiio pktK ................ 23c Those who turiii d t*ui to bear the K itsilano Baiul la.*̂ i Satur- . day, know,..\vhx fiiis ^ roup of young m usidaiis. under their capubie leader, Mr. Ikdamont, have proveil on<̂ of tin* ino-^t popular bands ever to tour Eng land. They a re capable of play ing every kind of rnuNic from sym phony,,to awing with <M|ual perfection. Many poinilur mim- ijers were given a.s encore.s. These included "The Flue Dan ube*' in sw ing, ami 'J'he Beer Barrel Polka in which the audi ence joined mo.st In artily. Feat ured on the progi'ain were .solos by Gordon Blythe, baritone, xylophone number-; i>y Mis.s Vera Delamont and accordion solo.s by Leo Cremini, SerWee X U M B E R ^ -IIlI ia il^ s a s h & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH . NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY AgiMitlit; . CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. MHLDIRS' 8UPi*LIEaROOPINQ *̂̂ *-*LS WALLBOARD TILE V^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive P hone W est 115 CLASSIFIED A D S . I hc rnUs for ClaOnifiwJ Adv«tls*niwi|j la 1 cento per word, mlnimua 25 cento. Except in the case of thoae having regular accounts, all dassl. Haijlu n rjs" IIMVaBIc ftlxictly lluVWIC0* « j ^ Kememher ClaaaifioiCi in the Weat Van Newa get Immediate reaults. Mr.. Farewell Party .and...M rs. .„J.uhiL Glover >rmi/.e mums': T heir only orna-; nents w<;re l(K'kets, gifts of the Hfuse, .......... AlLm K e rr his ^dtli and Bcllcvu.' Avcnue, at a Kerr-^('olpittH bn Of wid(* hrllerest th roughout mi (he Low(fr Maifihind was a"wed- groorii. Mr, Albin K err wa.s his ding which unite<l two pioneer broUH'r's ibest man arid Messrs. B.(/. families Saturday evening L. Ni^'hols and L. A rth u r acted a t the West V'arieouv<u* B aptist as nslK-rs. D uring the signing riiu reh , wIkjii Mary Elizabeth, of the register Miss M. Davies i . * flaiighter of Mr. and Mrs. R Pay- sang "Heeau.se," accompanied by Mi.ss Williams of the city. A t the reception a t the home of 'th e bidders parents, Mrs. tCdlfritt.s, r(?ceived^w crepe g<Avn with w hite touches at-, tile th roat, , toal acoessories aiuYcm suge of pink rosebuds, i(Sr aOUDON ItOUSON - - Solicitor. 510 W. Ilastlnga, hey. 4109 at West Vancouver any Unit by - - u iH)ointmcnt.JVefl.t,.4.03. . CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ran Sacks, Metala, Furniture, Stoves TAAld /if/* • n n f h t n / r li*/. k f______ 'Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, .son (,'olpitts, 120.'} Eultori Ave mas becaim* the bride of Mr, 'ITioma.s Ilaviland K err, son of Mr. aii(l Mrs. .John K err of Van- couvcM'. Warm v ibran t tones of aiUumn asters and mums form - <;d (h<' !ov,(dy seUing for th e ceremony, ^performed by th e Itey. \V. L. McKay, To the si rains of the w<?ddiiig march Farewell P a r ty giv<*n in honor of th e ir daughter, Margaret, who.so m arriage to Mr. .iarrie.s A. Me-., Donald took plac(« in Edmonton Pile* room.s were decorated with aiitlirnn . flowers and the |Siipi)cr table was artistically arranged and center ed with, a loW cut glass bowl of flowers and , a ■ wedding cake, which was cu t by the bride dur ing supper. The- toast to the h a n d y ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- School Supplies, Stationery. Wool, Notions, Needles, Cottons, I'lre- , works. _____ ■ -- CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Old Conn, try way? guaranteed; brick and atone repairs. Palmer, Canilano North 811-R-2. ® IIEFOUE BUYING Your Xmas Cards, see our wide selection of local views. ..Barclay's Photographers, 1518 Mar- " ine Drive. _____ •__________ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 408. RADIO SERVICE palr.s, ■ moderate guaranteed. J • 828. Ektiniates, re charges, ,i work L. Pettigrew. West HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - School Supplies, Stationery, Wool, Notions, N eedles,dottons, Hard- , ware. . churen on ncr ia iiie r.s arm p r c(mI<!(1 Ijy jic r HiHtfjrH, the Mi.sscH AgjK'.s and Ella (Jolpitta, an l)Hd<*.smai.d8. 'Huj bride, wore a p«*ri(Ml gown of gleam ing w hite .s-atin nn lrain , thtXniohhuhbodice encruHled with .seed pearls to niutch those in hoi* tudor .styled headdress. Clu.sters of orange bloH.soms caught the cloudy folds of her net veil, and .she carried 8ist(.*d'l>y M rs. K e rr in p h e a sa n t w as a b ly proposed by Mr. blue fnaik w ith w ine acce.ssories S ydney ^D aw son dml responded and corsage of w h ite ca rn a tio n s . b ride . Miss Koyc{, A ssisting w ere M esdam es H. ■ . w as pre.sen ed w ith sm all g i f t an d a lioiajiict o f urns by the bridc- COMFORTABLE ROQM For Rent •-- Close to transportation. West 824-Y , WANTED -- General housework, ex perienced, references; sleep West 44.5-Y. ___ _ out. d r e s s m a k in g -- Ladies' Suita, Coats, Dresses, Children's Clothes; specializing alterations, make-overs Robbins, West 619-R. played l>y the brlde'H couHin, Mr«. , G. Vyiiille, the bride (iiiterod the Wiiiiam.son; A. G. IlawkcH, and ^niall g u t i church on her fa th e r'.s arm pro- the Misses Gladys and Violet McNair, M argaret Fance, Hazel Brealey ami- Joan Afhton. A thre<;-tiered wedding cake cen tered the bride's table on a lace clot h, Qn leavi ng for the wed- ding~ trip to Los Aiigeles the brid(? \vore an A ir Forc'c ' blue tailored pin striped s u if riavy h a t and accessor arid a corsage of oroHids, On their re- a shower boiuiuet of talism an ttD'h the happy couple will live rose.s and grardenia.s, Mi.s.s Agnes in the Bonaventure A partm ents Dawson, Mr. and Mr.s. F. Hr wa.s in .sea foam blue nmrouis- i'> the city. rop, Mr. and Mrs. AV. Rathie, WTJUIS td fe rcHijngote oyej* ta ffe ta , w hile M iss Kila wove wdii.sper yellow silk m»t red in g o te o v e r ta ffe ta , elect in the absents- of ihe groom- elect. The evening was spent in dancing to - th e excellent music supplied by Mr. Douglas John ston, The singing of Auld laing Syne brought a memorable and enjoyable evening to a close. I'lie bride-elect .left for Edmon ton the following evening. The guests includede Mr. and Mi*s. S. Johnston, Mr. and M rs .'S . Mr. SPECIAL Until Oct. 31 -- Three 6x7 Portraits in folder.s; one tihtetrin oils. $3.00. Barclay's Photographers 1.518 Marine Drive. West 71ft. B O tS OUT OF SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or register a t Club House. LANGHAM CHESTERFIELD SUITE ■ TAPESTRY -- Made to order; will " sell for half costi ' West 62̂ 1-L; ■ . : PAINTING AND DECORA'I'ING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley. West 1022-L. WANTED TO RENT -- Unfurnished . modern five to six room house; ref erences. Box 91, West'Van News. DRESSMAKING -- Alterations and repairing; eiderdowns recovered; prices reasonable. 632 17th Street. FOR RENT - Dundarave; 133-R-3. - W aterfront. Cottage, fireplace, $20. West LISTINGS WANTED - Houses to Rent, Sell or . Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271; evenings, West 522-R. and M rs. A. King, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Young-, Mr. and R. Lowes, ..Mr. and Mrs: A. L. Wc- VACANCY'-- Experienced gentlemen Badminton players, mixed group- Box 90, West Van News. "NOTARY PU BU C," General Con- veyancing, "Valuator.'V Reginald P. Blower; 1406 Marine Drive. West 21. l)oth with m a tc h in g flowers in Uudr iiair and carry ing harmon- izing bomiuet.s of pink, mauve and while mums and yellow and T HOKTIClH/rURAL SOCIETY There will be no Parlor Shdw i n/r t /-i this m onth owing to the Ixigion I lull being (x:cuijied on 23rd G ray, Mr. and October F o il SALE Child's go-cart, good condition, cheap. Phone West 306-L GORDON GRAY Insurance, Fire, Burglary, ^Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or. West 92-R-2,, ictober by a mending of the m !.!'"p anaclian Legion Zone Council. v S ' r f WANTED --- Middle- aged housekeep er; 2 adults;* comfortable home; Whytecliff 506. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. BARGAIN -- A splendid family home on two lots in lawn and gar- OFCORPORATION _ _ rHE D ls f R lC r OF WE.ST VANCOUVER of West Vancouver to and within the City of Vancouver and from within the Cityi of Vancouver to and within the Municipality of Wc.st Vnncmiver. ^ 'h o ' coitulitions ami terms of Operation of the 8aid__mp_tor buses as aforesaid may be fixed and amondbd West Vuneouvor Municipal Bus Operation By-law. No. 831, 1939. from time to time by resolutioiPof the Council; 3. Dawson, Mrs. N., Newman, Mrs. A. Robbins, Mr.s. W. K. Wood cock, Mrs. E. N ightingale, Mrs. Huggins Mrs. F. C ,.'Page; th e Misses Royce Dawson, Agnes' KinJ?, Elsie and 0)ive Robbins, Gwen Furness, den; living room, fireplace; dining room, kitchen, full plumbing; 4 bed rooms, basement, and furnace; all in good condition and wdl located, with nice view; full prTce $1750. ■&harpe.RealLv, West 719, / "FREDERICK C AUBREY;Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -r ~l4rs; E. Latham, 2446"Marine' This By-law may be cited for all purposes a.s "West Vancouver A By-law authorizing Corporation of the DLstrict of We.st Vancouver- to operate Municipal Motor .Buse.s with in the corporate litnits of the District ,uf West Vancouver and within the corporate limits of the City of Van couver for the purpose of conveying passenger.s from the Municipality of West Vajjcouver to and within the <'ity of Vancouver and fn)m within the (!ity of Vancouv^y to and within the Municipality of West Vancouver. Municipal Bus Operation By-law No, I ' 1039 * '4! PASSED BY TilE COUNCIL on the 10th day of October, 1939, ItECEIVEl) the assent of the Electors on the • day of , 1939, RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED by the Council, SIGNED by Uie Reeve and Clerk and" sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, all on the day of A.l). 1939. ^ , B erth a Gray, Theresa Kerrisbn, /[^Hyllis Jack, Dorothy HaiTop; Mildred Bos quet, Lily B irkett, Mamie Ackin- •son; M essrs.. Forbes McDonald, Cecil Smith, Bob Rhodes, Doug las Johnston. Morgan Clark, Al bert McGowan, Ronald Grant, Jim Stevens, Robbie Brine, Peter Dawson, Ross Rathie, Bob, Don ald and Jack Glover. . COMFORTABLE T^urnished 3 Room Cottage, fireplace, $12,50 month. , n : E. WHIFFIN-AGENCY, 1312 Marine, FLOOR SURFACING - J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 SMALL ATTRACTIVE HEATER, good condition, $5. 1446 Marine- .$9.00 Comfortably furnished cot tage for rent; on beach; near ferry. West 350-M. " 1' OR ̂SALE--Piano, $25. Phone West >VK8T VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL BUB OPERATION . BY-LAW No. 831, 19.39. Reeve. ciork. CORRESPONDENCE Editor,. ^Vest Van News. Dear Sir^-- He the 8 per cent -tax: on electric power. A tax should not be discrim inative in YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by hour. West 440-R-l, WANTED --■"Part time girl for house- work. V West 897-R-l. HOUSE WANTED -- Client will pur- chase for cash, up to $3500, 5-room- ed house' near transportation and stores, 2 bedrooms, and large living room essential, upstairs NOT re quired; any district within walking distance of bus, submit listing to John Fox, Lawson,. Walker & Pride, West 55. " We have good buys in lots; get our complete listings of Homes, Estates,. Property before you buy. LAWSON,,WALKER & PRIDE, West'^ Van.'s Pioneer Realtors. Opp: Postoffice. West 55. TAKE NOTICE that the above is charjic^er, as plainly th is tax is u true copy of the purposed By-law We. in WpcC ....... '...u.: \\ HEREA.'4 the Corporatitui is pos- sesseil of a Meet of motor buses for pasuu'ugt'r transportation, ~ ,'VND WHEREAS it is deeme<l advis able to operate such Muhicip.nl motor buses within the corporate limits o f the Corporation of the District of We.st Vane.ouvor and within the cor porate limits of (he City of Vancou- upon which the .vote of the Munid pality will bo taken a t the Ambloside Hull, corner of 14th Street and Marino Drive, Amblesidc, AVest .-Vancouver, B.G., on Saturday, the 2Sth day of October, 1939, between the hours of 8 am. and 8 p.m. =- (Signed) WM. HERIUN, Municipal Clerk. .̂-•r •$| ,4V -?S-? IV'lW-'- .5: to- .a-. ver for the purpo.se of conveving pas. songer.s from^ the Municipalitv of West Vancouver to and within the -A^tyLof._Vjmcbuver_nnd-fron»-within ■ :» Vancouver to and within tho Municipality of We.«>t Vancouver. CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER '»> " ' - - ii! h ■" i" ^ 'ancouver, AND WHERE.AS the City of Van- into nu agjx'ement ---v «« ^<>rporation of the District- -ing^__on of West Vancouver approving such -MnhJeif operation within the corponite limit?! of the City of Vancouver NOW THEREFORE the Council of die Di.strict of NOTICE TO ELECTORS in W est Vancouver, who have to pay 6 cents a kilowatt hour pay a g rea ter tax than the residents of \ 'ancouver City, who only pay 4 (?ents a k ilow att ..hour. ̂ \V,o use less power apd^ pay a- heavier' tax. Likewise the citizens of Ontario under, the Hyrdo Electric Commission, ot B ritish Columbia (who said -- J ov Quebec carried Can- l l ' obviously unfair FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW -- 1 acre p rd en ; rent or sell on monthly basis; Marine, near Pemberton Ave nue. West 148-M-3. FOR RENT -- Clean Barbecue, partly equipped on the North Shore near new bridge; young experienced people preferred or sell cheap, fully equipped. Apply 906 Seymour St. Sey. 4576 or North 817-M-l. ^___ OM _ HY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE WEST 368 __ ____ .UMiihors A.H.T. of B.C. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sob icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. MARCEL SHOP Thermique Steam Pwm anents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby- given that the vote of the electors qualify MW. |)x'operty situate ^ i th in " the ' iMMi t eK'MH; - ■ I -Municipality will be taken on the ■abo^H^lhwl^atatheSA^ corner, of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside,. West Vancouver, senibW. BSACTS A§ FOU-.OW S :- S o-cloc£,im .'and 1. Alilhonty is hereby gramc«l for Herrin has been appbint- oporation of Municipal motor buses od Returning Officer to take the aiid the tax maVfe more equitable. Ihe average cost p e r . kilow att hour shoujd _be.determined (for householder.s) and the tax placed on that basis. M §< m 'iillfe of the Corporation within the corport 1****̂® of the Corporation'of the pisUdct of West Vancouver and with in tho corporate limits of the Citv oT Vancouver for the purpose of convoy ing passengers from the Municipality votes of sucF electors with the usual powers in tha t behalf. (Signed) J . B. LBYLAND, Reeve. - (Signed) WM. HERRIN, - - ClerL ^ours tru ly , > ' O. F. POWELL.. WHIST DRIVE & DANCE Every Saturday N igh t * at 8:00 p.m. At the Chalet, Horseshoe '^Day; -(Formerly the Blue Dragon Inir) Admission, 25 cents Refreshments. Prizes, Palmistry LAWN MOWERS \SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parto- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 M arine;' CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdnst burners instolled; furnace, repaiw. G.'Meldrum; 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. WENDY HOUSE SCHOOL , , LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancoorer Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar ine Drive. W est 646. S p tc ia H tf i jB e fP r i i^ : WOOD . COAL A. D O B SO N North 793-R-2 Rtiverse calls X WANTED TO BUY Fpr Spot Cash- * ■ - -- Anc- Group will be held* a t Weiidy House- School-(24th and Belle- on Tuesday, October 24th, a t 3 p.m. Mrs. V. Cianci wiU lead a discussion on Dr. Helen Gibson ,H o ^ e s address, "The F ir s t Im- . po rtan t Y ea r^ " Any m other of ) pre-school children is 'welcome. tioneers. N orth .89, Reverse call. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. -- WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wow Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood- ju r k of all descriptions. W est 740 a id W est. 44S-R.. Clyde Ave. .€ e a cl 2( 1( B. 85 On Hi H( do en ■be Ha wi] th( Co -tra $io