THK WEST VAN NEWS We«i Vancouver f i r s t A n n u a l V ^ I > i t i o i i o f ClW3rsaiithem unisJ a p a n e s e FRIDAY. October 27th 3 to 10 P«>n- ORANOB HALli ^ SATURDAY, October 2&th 10 a.m* to 10 p.m. ■ t Tickets f« r 25 cents - ■ ■ " ■' ~ Proceeds in aid o£ Tho Red Cross, The* H an d y -A n n Simp, 2442 M urine Drive, will close on Tues days and T hursdays only a t 7 p.m. * ^ ^ h \illo w ln f"* th e !r '* w t« ith 'W their homjymdon, Mr, and Mrs. Francis ftailkliil Fuller, whose niarriage recently took placse in ̂ the city, will reside a t 3280 Mai'- . Mr. and M rs, H . J. Miller and in^ Drive, M rs. Mayvillo m otored from * * • i i^ c r in g ShrnlM - Evergreens *̂ *nTun> siOisfuctionsee before you buy because good Shrubs uro never ' H O L L O T l f f i l i i 'I - O I l I S T S Agents for EDDIE'S FAMOUS ROSES 1680 Maxine Drive (Next to Bank) „„|b, »nJ Iteb Plants, a t City Price..______ ;-------------- West th e ir home in Vernon, B. C., and spen t a week a t *'Simlit, Lodge;" W est Bay. B ernard N ash, son of Dr. and M rs. A. C. N ash of 1897 M arine P rank Malliuaon. 10th and Inglewood Avenue, is a p a tie n t in the N orth V ancouver G eneral Hospital. ; , ■ - ■ ■ > ■ A cougar came down from the TIIK l a d ie s o p ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH are giving their AMNOAL _ _ X V a k E Y D IM M E R WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th , a t T h e ORANGE HALL, Dinner,, Served 0 - 8 Entertainment, Games Price, 50 cents. Drawing for Hope Chest D rive, w a s a d m i t te d lo th e B ar hills Monday afte rnoon and of B ritish Columbia on 10th frightened a t leas t one w om an. October, Suprem e Court Justice The la tte r in going along one of L. D. McDonald presiding a t the the sh o rt cu ts in M em orial P a rk enrollm ent. encountei^d th e anim al, w hich , * ♦ ♦ biu'ed his teeth and p repai^d to Mr. and M rs. Harold Edw ard spring when he heard th e foo t- P isher, who w ere recently mai*- * steps. The woman, who ra n back ried in New W estm inster, will < along th e path to M arine Drive, , on th ir re tu rn from the vyodding described the oougar a s no t q u ite .trip , take -up -residence a t 1972 Bellevue Avenue. M rs, E . Campbell, Elnora, A lta., announces the engage- full-gmwjiA. The 1393 Marine Drive Where Good Food is Served teas, l u n c h e o n s , d in n e r Private Catering. All Cakes land Pastries made on the premises. imoNR: WEST 671 ly of W est V ancouver -- to Mr. Raym ond C lare Gawle only, son of Mr. R. B. Gawley of W eyburn, Mrs. B ingham , 22nd S treet, is Sask. ' T he wedding will take a guest a t , th e Clachan. place a t S t. ■ M ichaels and All A ngels A nglican Church, Kelow na, on N ovem ber 9th. M iss E. M. Campbell is well know n in W est V a iicb u ^ r, as, she lived fo r som e years w ith h e r g ran d fa th e r, Mr. W; S. D raper, 2435 M arine Drive. E ngagem ent - Mr. and Mrs. E rn e s t W. FairT* _ _ less of N orth V ancouver, on- m ent of h e r eldest daughter, nounce th e engagem ent of th e ir E va M ary, of Kelowna -- recent- elder daughtdr, R ita E sth e r, to table t e n n is LEAG U E LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE Mortgage Protection A nnu iti^ Immediate and Deferred GEORGE GIBBONS M utual Life of Canada . 2347 Marine Drive, . West.Vancouver First Division. l W 1 4 0 0 0 L 0 0 1 . 1 . 0 T P ts 0 2 0 0 0̂ 0 2 0 0 0 Teams P Dudes V 1 Maple Leafs 1 Canadiens 4 Hillbillies^No. 1 W.V. Sizzlers Last week's .scores: Dudes 12, Canadiens-6. _ - ' , Maple Leafs 15, Hillbillies (1) " 3. - Teams P W L . T P ts Norvanites 1 1 0 0 2 Sockeyes • 1 1 0 0 2 Ck)mets . 1 0 0 4- -1' Nifties ,1 0 0 1 1 3illies-i(.2)-- 1-- 0 ^ 1 -- 0-- 0̂-- Mr. Robt. V W illiam Johnstone Piddes, elder son o f M r. and M rs; Robt. F iddes of W est V ancouver. The wedding will tak e place a t " 7;3(> o'clock on th e eveningfcxf November 17th, a t S t. Jo h n 's Church, N orth Vancouver. Mrs. C. Dery and baby^daughi ter, le ft fo r th e ir hom e in K am loops, B.O,, a f te r a th ree woeka' v isit w ith th e ir p a ren ts an d g randparen ts, Mr. and M rs. C; A son w as born on M onday a t B. K earns, D uchess Avenue, v , th e V ancouver General Hospital . to Mr. and M rs. Lloyd H untley, A.« C. I. Jack K earns, son o f H orseshoe Bay. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. K earns, 1248 / ■ ' . * * * . Duchess Avenue, le f t la s t F rid ay The H ollyburn F lo ris ts Shop., fo r E ngland, via S ea ttle and New have been appoin ted th e N orth York, a f te r th ree m on ths' holL CO R RESPO N D EN CE W est V an News. D ear S ir,-- ^In" reg ard to th e proposed hotel to be" builtv in W est V ancouver, if th e re is a d rink ing saloon to go w ith 4 t, Shore agen ts fo r Eddie's" N ur- day w ith his paren ts. He passed th en m ost o f th e .fathers and series. . \ from H alton S tation , Bucks, certa in ly all of th e m others will „ . ♦ ♦ ♦. , a f te r h is th ree y ea rs' apprentice- bppose i t . , Even though, i t has Mr. a n d M rs ; S h o rt of W est ship and will now -resum e d u ty 30 bedroom s and beautifu lly laid Bay, have moved into th e Lewis as engineer, 1st elass, a t an R. A. out; f o u n d s , th a t p rice is too house on Radcliffo A venue. F. s ta tio n n ea r Inverness, Scot- . m itch to p ay fo r th e endanger- ♦ land. ing of th e m orals of, o ur young " Mr. and M rs. J . L. D avidson * ̂ * ♦ ♦ people. ■ W e have, been very closed th e ir sum m er hom e ') a t Mr. and Mrs. Z ander of Van. fo rtu n a te in hav ing mien on our Gaulfeild on Tuesday, and are Council w ho have opposed any- tak in g an ap a rtm en t in D ouglas' th in g of 7this , n a tu re , and have Lodge fo r th e w in te r m onths. possessioi^Tuesday. tv,-- .-- , un iodpalityxkan ..-The..^TheyjwilI-be4oined43y-M i^ElleB^ ^ * .i couver, have taken a house a t 1352 Bellevue A venue, tak ing Three Plys 1 0 - 1 0 0 p resen t Council can re s t assured ̂Peiser, who has^been s tay in g a t Last week's scores: i f th e y continue th is policy th ey H otel Georgia. Norvanites 17, Hillbillies (2) will receive th e sam e support as ' ♦ * ♦ 1. th e y have had in th e past. » Sockeyes 12, Three P lys 6. . Y ours tru ly , Comets 9, N ifties 9. TOM RUSSELL. West 190 f rior> M c j r ^ e f s ir 1578 M arine rDi^ive LoeuvcRyJ ,Mr. and M rs. Thom as A. F ra se r have moved from Van couver in to a house a t 1809 Duchess Avenue. ♦ ♦ . ♦ W ord has been received th a t Mrs7"H ugh-H bdgson7--a-fo rm er- well know n-residen t of Dundar- ave, is' very seriously ill in Lon don, England. Shower B lair Clerk, 17th and W est 190 Friday and Saturday DELIVERY GraOe A Red Brand grade Romp Roast 25c lb. grade a Cross-Rib Roast 22c Ibi g r a d e a . - Rolled Ribis Roasts 28c per Ib;: g r a d e a Short Ribs. i ; 4 2 c 1 1 ^ : Slerling'Tea. 55c per lb. BUTTER First-Grade 3 lbs. 96c. BAKEASY 19c per Ib;; Fletcher's Nb. 1 Bacon ISc. per lU. lb. pkg. Fresb; Mnsbrooms 30c per Ibi Grade A . R ed Brand Shoulders Lamb 18e per lb. Breast Lamb 15c Ib. Mr. and M rs. J . Dodd Allen and Miss Joi^ephine A llen of W est Bay, have recen tly arrived from E ngland and. a re occupying a su ite ,at th e B ainsniore A p art m en ts in S h au g h n essy 'H e ig h ts . * * ♦ Golden W edding Mr. and M rs. W illiam H ardie o f 160 24th S treet, will celebrate Mrs. th e fiftie th an n iv ersary of th e ir M athers Avenue, gave a delight wedding on Sunday, October fu l show er on W ednesday after- 22nd, a t th e home o f th e ir son, noon o f la s t week a t h e r hpmc D avid H ard ie of 3940 12th Ave- in honor of Miss W innie Lane, a nue W est, Vancouver. T he recep- bride-elect. A profusion of gold tion will be from 4 to 7 p.m . and chrysanthem um s w e r e u s e d ' m any old and new frien d s will th roughou t th e room s, while be on hand to ex tend congratii- whit;e and pink chrysanthem um s lations. H ailing from A uch ter- adorned th e teatab le . The beau- asder, Scotland, M r. an d M rs., tifu l g if ts w ere p resen ted by H ard ie w ere m arried on O ctober little A udrey Louise Downey, 22nd, 1889, a t H arvard , N ebras- and very dain ty refreshm ents ' ka. Coming to C anada, th ey were served. T he guests, w ere : farm ed fo r nearly th i r ty years Mrs. E. F . H uggins, Mrs. D. Wil- a t Lumby, B.C., and re tired to lington, M rs. R. Holden, Mrs. W est Vancouver in 1936. They Coles, M rs. W. Loueks, Mrs. H. have two sons; W illiam H ardie, G. B arker, M rs. R. M itten, Mrs. o f Billings, M ontana, and D avid Gordon Rpbson, M rs. D. Layton, H ard ie of Vancouver, a lso fo u r M rs. R. A. Ogilvie, M rs. D, Mc- grand-children. TavisK, M rs. C. L esh u re , Miss * * * Ruby Loueks, -Miss-Helen-LanOjits- E ngagem ent M rs. F . Downey, M rs. M, G. Ed- . Mr. and M rs. L estock Reid o f wards, M rs. J. Pearce. A ltam ont, W est V ancouver, an - .------------------- --̂ nounce th e engagem ent o f th e ir D EATH OP elder~daughter,~Gioely" Barbara^-- -- ^W ILLIAM 4F OHN^GA LE-- Roast- Veal 30c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per lb . to Mr. Jerem iah Cornelius Buck- ley, eldest son of th e la te M r. an d M rs. Cornelius Buckley of Donoughmore, County Cork. 'The w edding will take p lace qu ietly N ovem ber 8. « ♦ « K-9 DOG FOOD 3 tills 25c.' EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING _ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., M o n tr^ ) , 1522 Marine Drive W illiam John Gale, civil eng ineer, A.M.I.C.E., of Cypress P ark , , passed aw ay la s t S atur day in h is 73rd year. He is sur vived by h is wife,] two sons, W illiam E ., V ancouver; Henry . L., R egina; tw o grandchildren in R egina; and one b ro ther, A r th u r , in England. F unera l ser- vices-were-_held a t 2 p.m. last_^ Tuesday from th e Hollyburn F unera l Home of H arron Bros. Ltd;, th e Rev; P . A. Ram sey of- fipiating, an d in te m e n t was 'm ade in Capilano V iew CJemet- ery ." ' Stratton^AKERY HOME-MUUIE FRESH DAILY Ten, varletloa to suit every taste Meat Pies «-- Cookiee Eccles Cakea -- Pastries Buns and Uolla Note A ddress: 1 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 f* Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE October lUtb, 20th and 21st SHIRLEY TEM I'LE The Little Princess' (all in tochnieojior) Also NEWS, CARTOON, Etc. SAT. EVENING, and MONDAY, , October 21 at and 2.'{rd LOUNITA YOUNG WARNER IIAXTER "WIFE, HUSBAND FRIEND" . ■ 'V. (BaHod on- the book "Oareer in / C Major) Akso rW ys'^ CARTOON, Etc. ' TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Octoboi* 2-1 th and 2r)th TYRONE i*()WER " Rose of Washington Square" (Once only at 8:15) also "TH E NEXT TIME 1 MARRY" Keep Your Dog H ealthy w ith A.B..C.- DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C; b. and G. Also Minerals Calcium and Phosphorus I'ACKED HY Aiglo-British Columbia Packing Co. Ltd. in V z-lb, tin s and 1-lb. tins. :Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES W est 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16ih Street TOPSOIL ̂GRAVEL Bush Pir, Inside......... --$5.60 Cord Mill Fir, Inside............... 6.50 " ~ Fireplace F ir,................ 6.00 " Green A ld e r ................... 6^0 _ Furnace Blocks ...........r. ^ SPECIAL-- No. 1 F ir Edgings..... $3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ................... 3 Cords $11.00 B a rk ................................. $6.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS S ack ed ................. . Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON 8l2T6Fh Street Office a t 1336 Marine-Drive V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers'of All Kinds,* ^ ^ ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies