---------- . w«--ip . . '» , , A J .V ̂̂ «- w,. ««J«i ? ^ ; i , , v i ') > , S > ^ S ^ i , : ^ ; . . < i a / ; : K , f e s ) , , * : y f j # ; ( i . j i ^ V ' | : V '^ ^ ^ rnmmKUmtm Tilev*'-fit 'VTS!i.'s«h.'*!>i»<̂f'aw«!'}tr»'5i>if'?»')f̂'!f'̂ > f̂̂^̂ f <̂<H.(;-»rT ' W " ^ * - < '< - l * l « ^ ^ © = 9 i , ( « / l ¥ « ( S t i^ S P ^ S J R S w l ! ! .. ¥•* ^ ........._.....„ .,,5f!S?i!|iitt*ff*g5ifPlSlf9lfi8 |̂<^ ,~i-.i.iir̂,'6̂'f'T?Wi,> >>l8lliliiiti««Ai^ ^ kWh MUfiM "'t mil i \ !I f . ,I f ' t ; I " K "' f ^< « J-ti f l f '« I 'l/ <) < 1 I ' : t,;I f "IVt f • y ^ l l ; ' I■L ,v. ! i,! » ■=" I 4' ■'» 1i ■'4 \ l ' I I f ; ;tSSi?1i- ? ■ PR' ;#S f i , : ' S S "f i l . V", - ■if it/a ,,- ' i ' - / ̂ ;' P' ' A i|lv ;'£.,j' k ; 1 • ,r .t , SiiiSs: 'SfM%;imS:i- i3?rf|l0e' # 9? ■ t-' ?>! '■V'1 :f /V-,} ' k -tf* / l# * p sv 1 1 * m m m €ktdt>er 19. 1939. WEST VAW. UNITBO CBURC0 4 ^ 'T J q u i i ^ r A m : " HHV, W, VANCft RA.. Mlttl»t«r 2047 Gordon Av«nu« Phone We«t «44.R Buml«y {Services: 11».ri. A7:S0pjn, 8tratiif«r« End VUitor* Ere weieom* Comb it Bru$h it,.. Our' Permanenta Stay in. iliill^ BAPTIST CaUECa fUf . w. U McKe/ . RA^ R R SundEr S#rirlc«e id'Oii E.iM.--Church Sebool in*' cludliur Adult CIees J i M.m, A 7:30 p.m»--PreEcblnif Herviees. A hearty welcome to e11 ImiiKifM* th«* joy of u hMlralyle fhjit hohlH it« H«t between «hnni|>ooK, Koft furJa that Spring, hark into place all becuuKe ill a(l(Jiiioti to our exduHivu way of cutting thin new rruKle, Wo banc it on finn. luuting, (Quality I'cnnunenl W«ve«. ............Gwendolyn V ■ ■ BedutySfioppe Oeutora of Excluaive PermanentE, 1040 Mntino Drive WcHt 117 H O L L l f B U R l I H A L L 14th and Ducbeaa I'HIDAV EVENING, Oct. 20Ui, at 7:15 , Young PtfopIc-'H Service . I Hunt rated by views Subject: ■ JcMUH the Wonder WorkeP' Speaker: MU, KUIC HUNT SI NDAY, Oft. 22nd, at 10 a.m- Sunday School and Vouiig Peoj)lo*8 liiblc ClusE Sunday Evening a t 7:30 (lOSPEL SEHVICK' Speaker: ■ MU. WlIiUAM MASON TUESDAY a t 8 p . r o . J'rayer and Miniatry of the Scriptures ____ W EST VANCOUVER C h r i s t i a a S c i e n c e S c M tis tv CHDHCH KlilFICE 20tb mud Eai|ttliaall. HoUybum Thti Society is a Uranch of The Mother Church . The F irst Church of Christ, . ScieutiiR, in SoBton, MtHEEChuiietts Sunday Service: 11 a.tn. Sunday, October 2!fnd, SURIECT: *i*llOBA I'lON A F J E U D EA TH " Sunday Schoolat/lOiOU u.m. TcBtimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:1D p m. , The public ia cordiiilly in- vited to attend our services and meetings. /JP. G. D. li . SEA LE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ray Huy lilock, 14th and Marine Dr. ̂ Otfice Hours 'll to 6 p.m. Evenings by oppointmont. Phone West 72 .. . DR. McRAE I D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Mcdlcal-Oekttal Building ̂ Hours: 0 to 0 Evenings by appointment. 18»0 Marine Drive West 432 ! : f '.' UAreerran.̂ • Established on North Shore . <€ 26 Years (Lady Ai^slstant) HAIIRON BROS. L ID . f t i i t e i r a l B i r e c t o r B llullybum Funeral Home 18th and Marino West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East -----------Phono Fair. 1^4--- -̂------ UNITED CHURCH ;2lHt aii^iiEaquimalt Aye. Ifttiv.'William Vance, M inister "Sunday, October 22nd. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. ' 11 :U0 a.rn.--^̂ Mbrning Worship. / ' Miss (oarroll, a m issionary on I'll rl (High from Japan, will sjicak. A nything about Japap irt inlurosting a t th e p resen t time. 7:.'{0 p .m ."^ Evening service. m inister will speak on "'riie Clash Between Age and Youth." Everyone welcome to our ser- vioes. ' ' 'i'he regular m eeting of the United Church Young People's Society was held in the Church Hal! on Monday, October 16th. Jack Grant, convener of th e Citi'/.enship group, was in charge, supported by M arjory O'Donnell aiui Beryl Hall. A duet was given by Helen Vance and Doreen Addy; The highlight of the evening was th e mock tria l, "The G reat U m brella Case." ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH '23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. F a th e r Van - "^astoi* Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High M ass and Sermon -- a.m. . 3 Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :4o p.rti. ■ Catechism and Bible CIa.ss--2:00 ■ p.m. ' ' /-W eek-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. F ridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. S atu rdays -- Confession.s; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W ilfrid L. McICay 1545 Duchess Ave, W EST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. M arine & 25th Street. ̂ jPfiustoi* I Rev. Robert H. Birchi B.A. Services: Sunday School .................... 9:46 Sunday S e rv ic e s ............i f a.m. and 7:30 p.m. , W ednesday Fellowship .... 7:30 . H orseshoe Biay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship ................ 7 :45 Continuing t h i s S u n d a y -evening a series of addresse.s on th e propheoies of the Bible relative to p resen t day events will be given. I t is intended th a t these should be a guide and help to all earnest th inkers and seek ers today. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Donald M cAlpIne Pianist & Teacher CLASS luid INDIVIDUAL INSTUUCTnON Stiulio: 2iUJ 81 si Stroot Phono'Mins Wilcox' rosidonco Saturday. West 843-L The French B eauty Salon For P erm anen ts of tasting beau ty . Appointments at short notice. Two qualiftocl oponitors. We spocialixti in flno, grey and white hair, 1562 Mstine Drive Phone W. 212 SPECIAL Insiilo Fir:-- ̂ from HhtHi-*:;s.,..$5.00 per cord from mill .... ...$6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 pur cord Slabs A Edgings $3,76 pur cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North ^ . Sunday, October 22nd, The seventeenth anniversary of th e church will be ccleb^*ated. The Rev. (3eo. A. Reynolds of --th e F ir s t B ap tis t Church, Vic toria, w ill preach both m orning and evening. The choir will render sj^cial mqsic. Charley W atson will be th e soloist in th e evening.- The church school will m eet a t TO o 'clock. Monday, th e Young People's r Society m eeting will b^ vyi^h- (Irawn to p e n n it the young people to a tten d the city Rally in Jackson Ave. B ap tist Church. W ednesday, 7 :45 p.m.-- P ray er m eeting. The Rev. H. P. Hum phreys, a fo rm er pastor, will con duct th e p ray er meeting. ST. S T E P H E N 'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F . A. Ram sey, Rector PRINTING -- F or all kinds of p rin tin g phone W est Van News, W est 863. THE West VariNews PubBahed Every Thursday Sunday, October 22nd. 8:00 a.m . -- Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m . M atins and Sermon. 7 :30 p.m .--^Evensong and Ser mon. Tuesday, 2 :30 p.m. -- W. A. S tudy M eeting. _ S t. Francis-in-the-W ood, CauReUd 9:45 a,m . -- Holy Communion. " P R O B A T I O N AFTER D EATH " will be th e subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of C hrist, Scientist, oil Sunday. The Gkilden T ext is: "Blessed is the-m an th a t endureth tem p - U ition:'for.w hen he is tried, he shall receive the crown, of life, which th e Loi'd h a th promised to them th a t love H im ." (James 1 : 1 2 ) . . Among the citations which compri.se the l/esson - Sermon is the following from the " Bible: "He th a t overcometh, the same sluiJl be clothed in white raim e n t; and I will n o t blot out his name out of the book of life, bu t I w ill confess his nam e before my Father, and before His angels." fRcv. 3 : 5 ) . The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the , following passage from the Christian Science text- boi^k, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures" by Maiy Baker E ddy: " Existence con tinues to be a beliefs of coi'pofeal sense until tlie science of being is reachetl. E rror brings its own self-destruction bo th hei'e and hereafter, for m ortal mind cre ates its own physical conditions." MRS. A. M. W ELLER PASSES if 'ifi/ ■| | 1 ^ |f,. S if* :| | f 0 , ■ 4, .-'t̂.p\'f ---- - % ' I M i i i >f" ' fk Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone W est 863 . Business'and Editorial Office 1704 Marine Drive Phone W est 55 t^ r d o n K eith and his daugh ter,, M iss E th e l K eith, have_ar- rived fro m th e R iv iera and \m*e th e week-end g u es ts of Dr. and Mrs. ,W. H. V ass o f th e Holly- b u m B lo c k ,1 6 th and M arine Drive. M n K eith some years ago w as th e recip ien t or the N obel prize.. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. •LOO a year by carrier: |2,()0 a year by mail REV. STANLEY SAIITH (North Vancouver) IVEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Sunday,' Oct. 22nd, a t 11 a.m. *'A Stirring Call to-Paitb"---- Rev. Smith leaves for Jap.vi on November 2. CORPORATION OP THE- OISTBICT OP ■WEST VANCOOTW'-- VOTERS' LIST, 1940 Voters' List now in c(»urse of preparation. See that your name^ is imludod if entitled to vote. Householders, Lkence or Poll Tax Holders m ust file a declaration (wiiich may bo made bt-foio a Notory ^Public or the undorsigiud). l-'orms may be obtained ut the Municipal Hall. Holders of ufiregislered U c^s or ^ re e m e n ts must register their d,K'umentH in the I^uid,Registry* Office, Vancouver, B. C.. otherwise they will not <iualify. Wliere A^'iecment is registered. Deed Holder cannot vote on same property. . . . . , A ('orj)oration the name of which is on the voters' list shall vot<. onlv hv its duly authorized agent, .whose authority shall besfiled with I t CjJrk of the MunieipalHy. The Agent shall U n resident of the Province and a British Sul.ject of the full ngp of -twenty-one yems. .Sucli agent shall be enUtled to Vote for the corporation from year to year until his appointment as agent is cancelled and the Clerk ha,s iiotic'-e of the cancellation, 'I'he List is Closed on S lst October, 1939, and the Re<iuiremenla Mentioned Above Must Be Complied With Before 5:00 p.m, on Tlial Date. ' WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk.Ilpllyburn, H. C. 12/10/80. ........Mrs: N. M. T h o fn to n cu te r- ' Nellie H arrison ," vA.T.C.M /. tained informally a t th<; tea hour Special Diploma, has moved into ' last Friday afternoon at her h e r new home a t 1965 Inglewood liome in Caulfeild. Avenue. LCT'S KEEP" in a neighborhood RECREATION CENTRE FREE Conditioning Activities for|,Everyone over 16 years. INGLEWOOD HIGH S C H D G 'L :^ Monday, 8 p.m. -- Men's Class. Tuesday, 8 p.m . -- W om en's Cliass Wediie.sday, 7 p.m. -- Mixed Class. S.H..SRIGLEY PAINTER ancl DECORATOR announces he has changed his business address, to 1 7 0 6 MARINE D RIV E Phone West 938 fn the Store occupied by The Florence Studios NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD, DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in Ahe-Chatelaine ° " and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone W est 782 and D river will call. Asphalt: Prenrtsr'SreEWAYs ! ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED . 1Phone North 1141 or ■ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y -Funeral ,<iervices fo r Mrs. A nna ; IVLiric Weller, 90, o f 1678 Marine -Drive, were held S aturday a t St. S tephen's Church, w ith Rev. F. A. R am sey officiating. Born in England, Mrs. W eller came to B ritish Columbia twenty-seven years ago and had lived here-for twelve years. She is survived by two daughters, M rs. A. J. Mar- ^ Img lesiding here, and Mrs. M. r y ? " ®T ^Iasset,'^_g_ueen Char- lotte Islands: tw o sons,- Jam es . in England, and HoW arth of Van- couver. Also surv iv ing are eight grandchildren and t h i r t e e n gi'eat-grandchildren. ^Mi*s. Ross.Jordan is occupying a house a t 2536 BeUevue A v^iue. 1 / __ The average fa m ily spends per. y e a r : on chewing gum and can d y... $ 1 0 .3 0 on c o sm e tic s , perfum es, e t c . 1 6 .5 0 , on am u sem en ts............w. . . . . ; 2 4 .2 0 . on cigaret1res-^"n d "td h a ^ o ."." 5 8 .6 0 on g a s o l in e .......... .. 6 5 .8 0 BUT O^ELECTRICITY o n ly $ 3 4 .8 1 These are U .S . f ig u r e s --in Vancouver1 the average e l e c t r i c i t y > i l l i s o n ly $22TVs p er annum B R I T I S H - C O L U M B I A " E L E C T R I C ♦ R A I L W A Y C O f ^ P A N Y L I M I T E D J