m» HlMlt itMHM WMtWlW THE WEST VAN NEWS ^ J«b er^ l938 S M I T H 'S M A R K E T »lif" l'< IV. V Ht ' I fiv I 11, „ '■ ■< l' fJ' t f',1 -̂'h li I V' f £1 '• V. ' V.? -j-' i5,;̂T"V -'. / rrt "i'--|,,.,,.s •„•. 0JWr'-i III® -c.„ t-t; 3f~iilfeli 'i'- f.srk i' i®islt? .?i"5?,tifsi P® ?w'\ f ® ®V' V t K 't f v v v £ j '!V V PSSSV'?lfi#S ppiip '̂h :*-s'. : I J t emmi lliS:;'. r 41 Uh ■ jf 'il' 'i'5 r. SSlife: I ";4. ; ii v<% I ■*'<'■ .St,V; ' '"' VvAr • «A.-;-"V̂'r>̂̂.','.'t. I f ill.- i j i ?ife- f !? ISi'SSSSfoilliiii If? w « » ' iVfi'V; W:Ci. ,1 If iIm' ilT0k. m'k î .fei®4s ■CM'Sfl ■ | ® '- » f \ r liif'feli 1 « . î luMMI > Wttl 46,-̂ ^Pr*e U«HT*ry Strvie* iAe.SftSSViy^" SUPdlSljl y, llpiih«fWt*i M79. ■• M oatliljr Acc<mttt TO DISCUSS c try bus S E E V U 'K FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCTOBKR lath and 14th. M EA TSHril A Whitf PKAH. B)«v« 5N ». 2 T in ...... M ............................ . H e i{«^ ^ WIilU* a U K t iS C U T H E A N H 17 o t. Till . lOe I M A W h ile IIA N T A M .C O H N .17 ojt. ' r i l l ..................................... lOe ll«>d A White liratid l{eaiJy>to*B«rv,e HOUI*8 -- VeKelahle or Tomato H | i i ta 25c pkl(. 10cH I I H K i n m ) W IIK A T ( ' ( H t S K n liK K K ........(In H e J A M -- Miirrii>*H HtrawrlK»rry o r UaN|>lM*rr>' w ith A pple..4> lh . t in SGc I 'lJ K K I .A II l) -- H w ift 'a S l iv c r ic a f 2 M h . C Ih............................................. 25c Hcd A W h ile M A flM A l.A D K .'12*«z, Jiir 2r»c{ -t-lh, 'r i l i - v 43c lied A W h ite H ran d F L O D It . 7*ll». S ack , . 2« c ; 21 -lh . S ack .... 89c IlM li, Hack .................... .......... $1 .69 l-'rev iJe liv e ry W e a t 370 All Meatn In Tlila Store are I'OF (iRADE A FRESH FISH DAILY Full Line of Delicsateasen. llitIKI) KUDITS < AUl OKNIA rUUNKH -- . Saiila ClaraK ................2 Ilia. 2')c AI .STKAI.IAN RAISINS , „ . , Si tNileNK ..............2 llw. 23c and Having'.$10,000, but in spiU SAIR liA'l'KS ................2 Iha. 15c of they hsul carried about The Reeve and Council invited a number of former rwven, oouneillora and school trustch?s, together with a l>od.v <>1 rc*pre- Kentative citizen. ̂ froin all sw- tions of the municipality to tne council meetinjf on 'J uenday night for the pinpo.He of laying before them fact.̂ and figures oi the transportation problem to date and asking their opinion on a solution,. ^ The Reeve on behalf, of the Council staU*d that it wa.s impos sible to find a .'solution satis factory to everybody. Since the last invitation'e.vb'iided to them, to discuss the problem the twen ty minute service had been can celled, thus cutting out one boat....,1 wiAiwin l.tif ir, umf/> S € f f V i € € SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUry Asmisi CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. PAINT BUILDERS* SUPPLlKs ROOFING W^BOARD TILE ^E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER £ 0 . LTD. 16lh & Marine Drive '* Phone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Claasiflwl AdvactiMinont* ia i conle per word, minlmBm 25 centa. Except In the ca»« of Oioo? haring regular accounts, all daaj! **'̂ ^temelE*'a a lS f i^ i" ^ Van Newa get immediate,result*. WHIT K r'KiS -- Unicraded..... lb. 13c ,N')'w --fliu*Nl flavor. Aii'.traliaii Niiycl ORANGES l„'irK<* IJ>0 Hizi*................. dozen 37c the »amo number of pu.s»eii(i:erH, gokdon kOBSON It wan figured (bat I ha total loan Sol ki t ^. W « » f bej;«»» $30,000, made up ol about- $lo,- ~ - ---------■ CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, nn. Sacks/ Metals, Furniture, stovei Tools, etc.; nothing too big or'tw small. Burrard Junk Co., West 9L VOLUTARY RICfilHTRATION OF CANADIAN Ŵ fJMEN ^ TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD * A capacity audience' of Guild 000 for operating co.sls and haULING -- Manure, Fuel, êpUc $14,000 for fiX(!(i ohargc'.s. The Tanks and R/ckP'ts and number of passeng('r.s carried by cleaned. West i«7- ---- --------- CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Old Coon. mteed; ' In British (;(dunibiu the wcKjk of OcIoIm'I* HJth luiH IxH-'ri set aside for Ihif Voluntary Regis tration of ('.anadimi women. The object of V.Ji.C.VV. i.s to obtain a survey of tin* capabili.iles of Canadian women, and to list those desirous of securing specialized training. The sur vey will afso discover the num ber of (.'anadiaii homes available, if Ij. sliould be decided to evacu ate children from the United Kingdom. It i.s a plan to organ ize the women power of Canada ■for national emrgeney. All women between the agesrof 1C aml 'Cn,, of any race, may regis ter, provided only that they are t'ariadian citizens. Booths will be set 'up in all electoral districts and. (luostionnaires. .provided, R(.'gJ strati bn i.s not compulsory, it does not neces.sarily commit the . volunteer to any definite future course of action, and reg istration <ibo.s not clash with inembership in any other organ ization. It take.H the form of a cen.sus of what the women of-- {'anadu are able and willing to do. iiMMiiberK at the Clachan on P>i- d.'iy evening last, followed with JiiU'iissf the address of Prof, T. J.sr.sen, guest .speaker, who was inij'oduced by Mrs. E. Therrien. Mr.bf. .Sinclair MacKuy was win- t, passe ng(: the ferries for tlie first nine months of the year were as fol lows :*-- 1937............ .........768,916 ,1938........................... 825.365 1939......... 1563,615 try way; guarafftoed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Caeilano North 811-R-2. ' HANDY ANN SHOi*. 2112 Marine - - School Supplies, Stationery, Wool, Notiops, Needles, g Cottons, Fir®" works. _____ ' IA)ST -- Radiator Csjp, Mountain Sheep. J. "E. Condon. W est '890-L. GOKDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W*. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver anyHlme by appointment, West 403. net- of the evening's competition, and for. the-summer months -- and eleven new members were 1937.................. ' ..... 550,480 wclromed. ' ■ 1938....................... 585,365 Mi s. L. MacAulay advi.sed that 1939............................ 390,275 a Si, John's Ambulance class They had now .secured agree- uiidei- (h<i direction of .Dr. A. C. ments both wth Vancouver and Nash would begin study in the the Victoria authorities to run I-T),R RENT OR SALE Rental Rasis-- 5 • room bungalow, 1 i acu'u garden. West 148-M-3. "' ̂ _ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Mariiio^ School Supplies, Stationery, Wool, Notions, ' Needles, Cottons, Hard ware. - ,■ WANTED -- Small furni.shed bung|i- low or suite preferably with lurnace i for 3 adults. Box 80, West Van News. „ ______________ Jjiglewbocl. High School Library, buses to the city, having had before BUYING Your Xmas Cards, see. our wide sele.ctioa, of local views. Barclay's'Photographers, 1518 Mar ine Drive. ' 'I'hursday" (tonight) at 7:30. A alko inserted in" the agreement (Jiarter Tea will bo held at the, with thebridgeconipanyaclau.se honu.*. of Mrs. B. M. Grady, the giving them authority to run dale to be announced later. FAMILY WELFARE BUREAU COMMITTEE MEETING 'I'he reguIaiMTionthly meeting of the West-Vancouver Commit- t<M' ()f the Family Welfare Bureau a reasonable profit. During the was heltl at the offices, 17th and ' tfen years preceding the opening buses over • the bridge. The Public Utilities Commission,- however, had refused them per mission to charg'&̂ i'il'lfcaper rate than the Pacific Stages, stating that, company were entitled to HUNTERS -- Truck owner going moose hunting about' 20th, has room for two; good moose country. Phone West 68. BUSINESS AS USUAL -- We some good -buys in homes, very J good term s; small down payments. '* Building lots, excellent views, west of 24th Street, a t prices much below their true worth. - Several good places for rent. LAWS.ON, WALKER PRIDE, West Van. Pioneer Realtors. Established 1905 0pp. Hollybum P.O. West 55. RADIO SERVICE -- Estimates, re pairs, moderate charges, work guaranteed." J. L. Pettigrew. West 828. SNAP '-- 50' Cleared Lot near water front, $200. . ,5 Room Bungalow, full plumbing, one block from Marine, $1200.0lj. ' Sharpe Realty, 1395 Marine, West 719. Maidiui Drive, Friday, October of th e bridge the Pacific Stages LOST -- Part Scottie Pup, black with /** i 1 . ^ H -. 'V'lr 11̂ ..-.. i..,-.. ' .1. _1>'% £\ ' 1 ̂"V 4r A ̂V* laL , mwtn 4 . frrftv hair o n a n d tail: erreen61 h. Mrs. W. Muntoni bhairman, had lost money, but it was not ^"Robbief" ^ w S t 3̂ ^̂^ Mr. and Mrs. Eniiia of; Kew Beach, have moved to Viincou-- ver. : • . 'i presided.;--Rev. F. A. Ranisey known how they had fared since g*ave a brief report on Red Cross then. wartime activities in West Vam After a thorough, investiga- couver. The, Work Report for D'on of the problem the Council the month of September was had decided; given by U. Knipe, District Vis- 1- -That they could not 'cut itor. The Family Welfare. Bur- oat the ferries'and put on buses eau made 43 vi.sits during the on account of the cost of new month and ,17 office interview's ̂ equipment necessary and also ■wece-held,____________________ because a large number of re.si DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suits, Goats, Dresses,; Children's Clothes; specializing alterations, make-overs Robbins, W est 619-R. ____ , STRAYED -- Half grown black se tter' with collar, name "Parson,"' West 510^Y. RPYS OUT OF SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or register a t (Club House. FOR S A L E ^ h ild 's "Pedigree," fold-,, ing go-cart with springs; good con dition. West 201-M. , ' PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley. West 1022-L. COMFORTABLE ROOM Rent -- Clo.se to transportation. West 824-Y DRESSMAKING -- Alteration* and repairing; eiderdowns recovered; ̂ prices reasonable. 532 17th Street d m R s c o i n ^ PR IN TIN G -- F o r ^ k in d s of LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to CORPORATION THE DIS:mjG31 OF OF WE.ST VANCOUVER Went Vunoouver Municipal Bû Operation By-law No. 831, 1939. of West Vancouver to and within the City of Vancouver and from within the City of Vancouver Uj and vvithin the Municipality of West-Vancouver, _ 2, The- conditions and terms, pf .operation of the said motor buses ns ufore.snid may be fixed and amended from time to time by re.sulution of the Council. 3. This By-law may be cited for ail jmrposos as -"West Vancouver fares over the bridge. 2 . That they could not eour tinue the present ferry schedule., , Two alternatives remained: ~ 1. -To maintain a half-hourlv ferry service' in the rush houys and an hourly service the rest of. the day,-which they did not recommend. 2 . To maintain a' half-hourly printing phone West Van A By-law authorizing Corporation .o f the District of West .Vancouver to opmile Municipal Alotor Uusch with in the eorporalo limits of iho i:»isu ict of Wo.st Vancouver and--within tlie corporate limits of the City of Van couver for the puj'j>i),se of conveying passengt'rs from the MunieipuHlv of West Vancouver to and within' Uie Municipal Bus Operation By-law No. forty service in the rush hours, 83L 1939." and for the rest of the day both ..,V̂ Vancouver and from within the City of Vancouver to_ and witliin 4, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL bn the 10th day of October, 1939, RECEIVED the a.sseiit of the Electors on the day of , 1939, RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED by the Ckmncil, -SIG^NED by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, all on the day of' A.D, .1939, ■ u an hourly ferry and bus service over the bridge to run alternat!e- Rent, Sell o r Buy. Pembertons,.: Trinity 1271; evenings; West 522-R, "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginalds Blower, 1405 Marine Drive, 21. . GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire; Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. Shower In honor of Miss Helen Mah- WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. . " - Iv I Vi i f io >---------- • uuiiui ujL m iss n e ie n Man- half h o u /e ifS to Mr. to and froin̂ D̂ ^̂ ̂ Raymond McNair takes place onto and Horn the.city. The West October 17th VioW MrNnir nnz. Bay and upper level buses would ^ the bride's a t S S eî ter connect with Ln+Vi s attenaants, entei- FREDERJCK C. AUBREY. Barrinter. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Biila Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive;'Offices: Sey. 0691, West 646; Residence, Whytecliff 546.* the Municipality of West Vancouver. RcCVe. t h r ^ ' -S-* ■ - ̂ '^hina Shower, at-her. wotld'Vat Esqmmalt- Avenue, W lis r VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL BUS OPERA'nON BY-LAW Nm 831. 1939. Clerk.. WHEREAS the Corporation is pos- „HesHod of a lUvt of motor hii.-Jes for pmosenger trnn.*<portntionT AND W HEHEAS it is deemed advis able to operate such Municipal im>tur buses withm the corporate limits of the Corporation of the- District of West Vancouver and within the c<n- porate lim iu of tho-eity-of Vancou ver for the-purpose of convovinjr pus sengers from the Municip.alitv «f Meat Vancouver to and within the ^2"fbuvor and from within the City of Vancouver to and within the aiumopahty: of_.,Wesf^\"«T>eeuver TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the propo.sed By-law upon which the vote of tlio Munici pality will be taken at the Ambleside HalL cor. corner of Mth Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancou\w, B.C., on Saturday, the 28t October, 1939, lietween the am. and 8 p.m. (Signed) WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk; the natui?" V e x S i n t ""se Petals filled-with and. need L L >e™ly gifts. The dining KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING - . Apply Mrs.-E. Ilatham. 2446 Marine FLOOR SURFACING --. J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon-Avenue, North 578 FOR RENT -- C o ttW onW^terfr^^ | ■ comfortably furnished; "̂ near ferry* West 350-M. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, So) icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phon* West 21. or W est 553-R-l.' +1, V , - packing space in b̂e city -iind no terminal. Considerable .discussion en bride's mother, and Mrs.'jVIar- garet. McNair, the 'aunt of the - Thermique SteaB' only best material* ____ t ' operators. PhoDi West 304, Royal Bank Building/ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER sued and seveml of those present Dainty re-vmVoA ireshments. were served and avoiced their oninimm hnf Snoiu . were served and a a . m o t i o r i p S ^ the Coul ̂ by LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED r- Special machine; repairs, West Vancouver Machine Shop, Marine. NOTICE TO ELECTORS s action \vas proposed by F. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- AND-WHEREAS tiio City of \ nf , M corporate limitsox the of Vancouver NOW TlXK'iJx.'i.v'kot." Ai' above By-law a t the Ambleside Hall w rner of Wth Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Vancouver on Saturday, the 28th day of , , „ ... October, 1939, between Uie hours of FObliOW^:--, o'eltwk a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m/and berehyL^oianted for - ' ' *b'«*BJ|errm has been appoint- of Mmncipal motor huse< Returning Officer to take the Ol Uie Corporation within the corpor. votes ..of such electors with the usual Mrs, Isaac ̂Graham wdshes to frienrf^ ̂ f thanks to the many granddaughter, Mar- S kindness showr i f bor during her recent bereave- - 'the death gf -her fatKen cJ of w of the bowers m t District of W e^t Vancouver and with- (Signed) in the corporate hmita of the Citv or Vancouver for the purpose of convey* ing passengers from the Municipality that behalf. J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. (Signed) WM. HERRIN, erk. Hawkes, A. Hibberd, F Knight- , USTINGS WANTED Lamb^; J. West'»Real E state Specialists. 1447 ine . Drive. W est 646. The News : -̂J^^ddlemass, A. Provin cial, J. Reid, J. Ross, W. Swanson W. Walker (the .grand- WANTED TO BUY^For Spot Cas^ mother of the bride to h e ) r ' household furniture. Hewett, Auv .WiMIe, J. Mahoney and I^ gar: North 89, B everse^ Misses Nora a'nd W. H. VASS. Chiropractor, Suite Winnie Bovvman, Evelyn and ̂ Hollyburn Block S r i • (^«wson7 ~Gross, Norma GemI mui' Eleanor, Lennox, C. B. Uladys McNair and Ina McNair, WESTERN W OODW ORKERS-f^ Fixtures, House Fixtures, Tuiiiing, Glass and Glazing. work o f-a il descriptions.^Pkoj*^ Ih is u 0 h ti ti p a F U b In fli sf fpi re 1th West 740 and West 443-R. Clyde Avel r; - ' f X,. " .A -■ ' 1