fi-î ltnh '_ "i, i.l̂ I' . i ~','R««(»',-N*,-{H}Ŝ̂>f r>i. '1̂,11 I * ** f . ■• ^ B̂î ««*»'~' w t « a Sî'S-̂'AWW'J-'V-'i-' h «fJ'»'Vf"9x6 HMM /v̂ ftber THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 MEN'5 C L 0 T JM N 6 ^ D FURNBHINGS »vi.'iFLl>'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR -- Button or «tvles: long or short sleeves. Per s u it ■ a«***)l**i**«***«V*«.»«K«»*,«M, IRTS AND DRAWERS. P MhN i;:: '; VI;,., p^]] w in ter Samples for Campbell's Made to button styles see Our New hal Moiin>ro Suits and Top Coats. McLEOD'S m en s W l^R Button or no $2.00 t,.*....|»,*4(' ,, 0 $25.00 to $35.00 1412 MARINE DRIVE WEST VANCOUVER «) H ■LiOGSiI ■" '■"■ ""*'*JPd; SOI1.3ll .̂... J*. A» Smith of 2390 Mathers - • Mrs. - Willoughby, 1895 Belle- Avenue. has a Passion Plant vue Avenue, has moved to 17th which has been blooming in hisIg it garden all summer. It is believed very unusual for these strange flowers to thrive outdoors m this part of the world. I * 4i ' d Bellevue Avenue. ̂ apd Mrs. McDonald have moved from 2379 Haywood^ Avenue to Vancouver.* « ^ and 1* Girls' Auxiliary to Barbarians' Rugby Club. -Third A n nual H arvest M oon Dance FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th, in the HOLLYBURN PAVILION Dancing 9 - 1. Refreshnionts Frank Barnes Orchestra Tickets, 50 cents At St. Stephen's Church on Sunday, October 8tli, the infant A, C. Fair of Sherman, late of H. A, Roberts Led. here, has daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. . rejoined the Royal Canadian Lewis, Vancouver, was christen- Mounted Police, ed Dorothy Ellen, by the Rev. * * ♦ F /A . Ramsey. After the cere- Mrs. McDonald, 2285 Jefferson mony tea was served at the home Avenue, has moved to the city. of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Groom, 2541 Marine Drive, Mrs. M, Weller, great-grandmother of the baby, presided at the tea table. " Mi*, and Mrs, ,tc. G. Bicknell, Ther<j will be a Bo-Lo demon stration by experts at 4 ;80 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), in the West Van. Stationers & Library. * « 4> The News T»/r a a -Mr re< e tin i , ............ . , , . ' V ' Ml', and MrS. L. Mallctt Of U txr ^ W ŵho were marri^ last Saturday Burnaby, have moved to West heaven, West-Bay, with Mrs. W. evening in the city, will on their Vancouver and are occupying C. Woodward and J. A. H. Irving, return froin a wedding trip on the Anthony homestead at Cap- B.C. director of the Canadian Kennel Club, is lending her patronage to the Alpha Delta Pi" Kennel Club show tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the city. Telephone Directory Closing Postponed u n til Octolier 16 All changes for the D^ern- ber issue of the Greater Vaheouver and New ■ West minster I}irectori€S must be made by this date. Owing to various delays and changes arising out .o f^ re se n t conditions beyond .e^i^fcontrol, it has been d'eemed^dvisable, in tl7e public interest, to post pone the closing of the directory until October IG. .TTie new directory will there fore come into use.,at midnight, December 2. \ - ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE Vancouver Island take up resi dence in Cypress Park. Mr.̂ 'and Mrs. D. D. Miles were married last Saturday in Va couver and are now spendin: their honeymoon on a motor ano. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have moved into a house at 38rd and Marine Drive, West Bay. Miss Betty Watson ̂ 990 22nd The first mating of the St. John's Ambulance Association will be held at 7 :30 p.m. tonight (Thursday) in Inglewood High School, . W^UST DRiyE'f4 ^ANCE ' Every Saturday Night a t 8:00 p.m. At the Chalet, Horseshoe Bay, (Formerly the Blue Dragon Inn) Admission, 25 cents >- , Refreshments, Prizes, Palmistry trip to-Harrison Hot Siirings •^street, spent the Thanksgiving and the Gariboo. On their re- „ holidays in Victoria, turn they will reside in Cypr<ess' ♦ ♦ ♦ Pnrk. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, 1972 ' * ♦ * Bellevue Avenue, have left for Herbert Wragg of Burnaby, Winnipeg, where they expect to who fell over a cliff while hunt- spend the winter, ̂ ing last Saturday on Gambier , * * ♦ Island, was rushed by fast o. B. Condit of Pritchard, B. cruiser to Horseshoe Bay, where C., visited with Mr. and Mrs. F.■ ■. . I ' l. '"i* J_ ■ ■ ̂ . t•an ambulance was waiting to, take him to Vancouver General Hospital. ' - '♦ * , ♦ \ Mr. and Mrs. John Easton of Bellingham, are visiting h r̂e. H. Chapman to recuperate after being a patient in Shaughnessy Hospital. A son was bora on Sunday at the North Vancouver General the guests of their daugh t̂er. Hospital to Mr. and Mrs.^W. W. BRITISH COLUMBIA J-ELiRHONEi-CO.^ VERNON FEED STORE A. e . SEARLE Phone W est 9 "Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood,. Coal, Builders' Supplies Mrs. Mary Newell. The Misses Joan and Rose mary Coltman of ' the city; spent a weekV holiday with their grandmother, Mrs. H. Chapman. De Cou (nee Rosa Anderson), of 50 20th Street. ■'iti ♦ ♦ Mr. and ,̂ Mrs. Ralph Gordon 9f Victoria,, spent the week-end in Caulfeild, guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. William Sulley. 4c I 4> 4r Jack Griffiths left to visit his parents at Coglan, B.C., after spending the summer., with Mr. Engagement Of much interest in the city is the announ^ment made today and Mrs. J. Patterson, Jefferson by .Mr. and-Mrs. John Easton of Avenue. Bellingham of the engagement Mr. and Mrs. C. Fr~P<3WeH" of their daughter. Mary Easton WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Repairs, '--■" "SawdustHBnmers------ ---- Phone West 39 I h T e i ^ i i r i P \'-S^~SZ2y/ i.M.„ M a r k e t s n aR€€ entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don Summers, Mrs. H. Gleed, Mrs. Sentence, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. . Barclay at bridge last Thursday evening in their new home. Mrs. Sumifiers won firsthand'MrrRCgr Barclay second prize._ , , ♦ ----♦-r'rUe Mr. Dickinson and daughter. Newell of West Vaiicouver, to- Mr. Gwynne Hurreil of Vancou ver. The wedding will take place in November. Bussi--Vance West I9fl 1578-Marine-Drive- West_L90- Friday and Saturday FREE SPECIALS DELIVERY C r a d e A Red Brand Gr a d e a Rump Roast 25c lb. g r a d e a X ross^R ib-- Roast 22c lb. g r a d e a i Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per lb.. g r a d e a Short Ribs _ J 2c lb. Sterling Tea 55c per lb. BUTTER First-Grade 3 lbs. 93c. BAKEASy 10c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 15c. per lU lb, pkg. Mnshroonis 30c lb. Grade A Red Brand Shoulders Lamb ISc per. lb. 2347 King's Avenue, have moved to Vanoduver.♦ * ♦ , Mr. and Mrs. Enni^'of Kew Beach, have moved to Vancou ver. Shower ■A very enjoyable kitchen ^ h ^ er was, given by^Mrs. W. R. Clarkna^t Thursday evening at her studio, 2365 Bellevue Ave nue, in honor of Mrs. Herbert Bibbs (nee Betty Gourlay), a Mrs. Busst wishes to announce the marriage of her son, Ernest, to Dorothy Maud Vance of Van couver. The wedding "took places in Vancouver at the First United Church on Saturday, October , 7th, at' 7 :30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Busst will reside in Vancouver.♦ ♦ ♦ Harris--̂Johnston A pretty wedding took place at New Westminster on October . 4th, between Ruby, third daugh- -te^ of--Mr .--and-Mrs. - Johnstoh,-- l l i l Nanaimo Street, and Noel Harris, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. C. Harris, 2145 Belle vue Avenue, West Vancouver,- foraierly of Brightlea Ranch, ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE HOME NURSING BreastTam b IS clb . recent bride. The guest of honor was the recipient of many ^ ' ' useful' gifts, and was presented by the hostess with a lovely cor sage of roses and oarnations, in which was hidden a verse direct ing the bride to the studio table: Under , this was a huge ball, to ,whioh .the gifts were attached by colored ribbons, some of them from friends unable to attend. Following the serving of dainty refreshments, the remainder of the evening was spent jn games under=^he_idir t̂ipjrCpi^^ A meeting of all those inter ested in.forming a class in home nursdng under the St. John's Ambulance Asspeiationns- called- fpr Friday evening, October 13th, at 8 p.m., in the Council Chamber. It is proposed to. hold the classes in the Council Cham- Stratton's BAiCERY HOME-MADE -- B R E A D - -- - FRESH DAILY Ton vnrletlea to suit ovory tnito Mont Plon -- Cookien Kecloa Cakoa -- Pnatrloa Buna and Rolla Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY mul SATURDAY MATINEE Octobor 12(h, 13th und Mlh PENNY SIN(iLETON **BLONDIE'* also .. .... "THE th r ee MUSKETEERS" SAT. E v e n in g and m o n d Ay October 14ih and 10th HASIL RATHBONE " The Hound of the Baskervilles " ! also "QUIET, PLEASEp»» TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 17th und 18th ARTHUR LAKE " BLONDIE MEETS THE BOSS" (Once only at 8:15) .V ,, also " The Strange Case of Dr. Meade " keep Your Dog Healthy w ith A.B.C. D O G - FOOD C ontains V itam ins A. B. C. D. and G. Also M in era ls . . Calcium and -- P̂hosphoTUs-̂ - .PACKED BY Aaglo-British Columbia Packing Co. Ltd. in 14-lb. tins and 1-lb. tins. E. Slater, fiiciud^d-among the" !^™-W^ednesdar-evening^afr guests . weî e: to .' and M ŝ.! P;^ and this meeting is to Herbert Bihbs, Mrs. A. Morris, ^ discuss all other "̂115 0 .QiirKno TMTAnriQ T?zixr ' q ^ Wood,^ Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES W est 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ̂ GRAVEL -Bush F ir, Inside.............. $5.50 CJord Mill F ir, Inside................ 5.50 " Fireplace F ir..... ............. 6.00 " Green A ld e r .................... 5.60 " Furnace Blocks ............. SPECIAL-- No. 1 F ir Edgings..... $8.75 Cord Slabs & .Edgings Barky ................... 3 Cords $11.00 B a rk ................................. $6.60 Cord ii Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................... Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON J6 th _ S tree t________ Office a t 133i5 Marine Drive Roast Veal 20c per lb. JBreast Veal 15c per lb. Misŝ Sylvia Morris, the Rev. aifd Mrs." ,E.' Slater, ,Mrs, Walter Gourlay and Miss Joan (Jourlay, Mrs. S. Barnden, Miss V. Whipple, Miss Eve Smith, Miss Lucy Smith, Mrs.. Dawson, Miss Peggy Clark, W. R. Clark. LEGION W. A. K-9 DOG FOOD 3 tins 25c. E X P E R T W atch ana Clock L REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly_ with_Birks Ltd.; M ontreal)^ 1522 Marine Drive The Legion Auxiliary group of the Red Cross met last Friday; October 6th, at which it was decided to commence work by -making and Afghan. . , The next meeting will be held Monday, QctoBer 16th, at 2 p.m. in the Legion Hall club rewm.. It is urged that as many Iswes; For RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, and RUBBER FOOTWEAR -for the whole family. A t Lowest Prices, come to Elliott's Shoe Store 1462 Marine Drive PRO. REC CLASSES ' , These classes will be held at . the Inglewood High School as of West Vancouver as .possible--followsM on d ays. 8-10 p.m. ' attend, as^hTs is a; worthy cause Mixed Classes; Tuesdays, 8-10 and it is up to everyone as-an p.m,, Women; Wednesdays,7-10 individual to do her bit. p.m., Mixfed Classes.