< r " ' ' " •^ nf ' H 4>- . ̂ * ,.-v^v *- t V " F ' 'lliAHJi ' W'j» iJ l.ri.-'i.-'/ * '» 4l^,UleA'Kr"<Sv «. o..V).ri„ PMMM iiWiHwi<»ii»̂ VAN N EW S ^tober 12. issq «-i*rti»,4 i*ifSfrn""*' ill =1 # l i WEST VAN. UNITED CEUttCB " c^rtiMt^M "i5i«ittfia<ir Att;'^'" K»V. W. VANCE, U.A^ Mlttfarttf 2017 Gordon- Avtnito Sunday 8«nHc«i: 11 a.m. Jk 7:SOp.nou fitrangara and Vbitora are wekotn# Recondition Your Hair After Summer Sun I ! 'h I i BAPTIST CHUBCH Iter. Wi I* MeKay, RA», B.D. Sundaf 8*rri«a |0;00 a.m.--Chur«b School la* eluding Adult Claaa U a.m. & 7:30 p.m.--Preaching Service#. A h e a r ty w e lco m e to all Every duy arnart women aro tliiiiking more of hair beauty ami health. You cannot have lovely hair unleaa" you have healthy hair. Our new llerhex Treatment# condition jy'our hair «o it will take a Hoft luiiling p^ttnanonl. Sculp dlih^rde/H are euBlly cor rected ■ with tht-Hc acientific Hcalp treatment#. " T' Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe hollybdrh hall I4th and Duche## rmOAV EVENING. Oct. 13th, at 7:15 Young People'# Service l!iu#traled hy lanU-rn view#. S|>eaker! ME. GORDON KAE H I'N O A V , o h . 15 th , a t 10 u .m . S u n d ay ScljooI.JH.id V'ouMg People'# Hi hie CIuhb Sunday Evening at 7:30 GOSPEE .SERVICE ..SiH',akerj. .MU. A, MOHNlNCi_ TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Mini#li7 of the Scrii>ture# W E S T V A N CO U V ER Carisban Science Society CHUECH EDIFICE 20Ut and EwmlroaH. HoIIyburo Thi# Society ia a Hranch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Sdentiat, In Boston. Maaaachusett# Sunday Service: 11:30 a.tn. Sunday, OdoHer 151h. SUBJECT: "OOCTRINK 01' ATONE.MKNT" Sunday School at l0-t>0a-»«; - Testimony Moeling Wednesday at 8:10 p-ni' _ , The public is cordially in- vlted to a t t e ^ our aervicea and meeting#.- UBRARY .»3c-^>«'~day- -to-dat* Exclusive Gift Chfna and Glassware Wedding. Shower and Curds for all Occasions; Cellophane Sheets Tying Ribbons, Fancy Tisaue Papers,^-Uennlson's. Crepe Papers'jtyjnj; --------- -•-- ----- ---- ■ | Gift and Plain Note Papers; Stamp Albums and Supplies,' Agents for Remington Typewriters. FOUNTAIN PENS -- PENCILS -- INKS, BTC. Bo-Lo Demonstralioiu, 4:30 p.m. Friday, by experts. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 Marine open qntll 8 p.m .________ Phone West 687 HOLLYBURN b u sin e ss c o l l eg e , ■ .......... . ■ ' ...................... <*■ .... Indlividual T tiifion Phone West 341 Hth and Marine ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH -- SSfri- '̂-InglewdaLLAYti....... Rev. Father Van T>oafnj* Sunday Services Crrulor# of Kxdu#ive Permanents,' 1540. Marino Drive WcHt 117 UNITED CHURCH 21.st and Eaquimalt Ave. Jiov. William Vance, M inis^ p: DR. G. D. H. SEA LE D.D.S., L.D.S, DENTIST X-Ray . liny Ulock, Mill and Marine.Dr. 0/fico Hours 0 to p p.m. ̂ Evening# hy appointment. ■ Phono West 72 KM •' i'!.:K<i| ■ i DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly qf 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 1» to, 0 -- Evenings by appointment; 0 MaI860 Marine Drive West 432 ?r;f iif ■fSl i-- Batahlished on North Shore 26 Year# (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. JFujtr/al i ir r e to ra Ilollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marino West 134 North Vancouver Porlora 122 West Sixth Street Phono N o rth '184 Sunday, October 15th. dOMlO ii.in.--Sunday School. - JJ ;00 a.m. -- 'Morning Worship. Subject: "Ih Jesus the Ileal .Messiah, or Should We Look lor Another?" ; 7 p.m. -- Kveniiig Service. Subject: "Trying to Grow Wheat, Amongst Thistles." Cood music and a welcome. 'I'hc reguhir monthly meeting of th'e "W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, 17th instant, when Miss Mc- Cargai'- of the Chinese Mission, Peiuler Street, will be the guest 8p('aker. , ' 'rhe woi'd for answer,, to ..the roll call will be "Wait." Being the autumn thankoffering meet ing, it is hoped the response will be generous and that there will be a_go_od attendance., Ther^yHl be a social half hour wheirtea will be served. Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. . High Mass and Sermom-- 10;15 a.m. rr ACRosary and Benediction -- 7:46 Catechism and Bible Glass--2:00 p.ml . ' Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Auspices West Vancouver Boys* Band KITSILANO BQYS' BAND CONCERT V SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th, in JNGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM at 8 p.m. , ' Proceeds to West Vancouver, Boys' Band; Tickets 25c BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. WEST^^VAN. tabernacle Cr. Marine & 25th Street. Pastor: Rev. Robert H. Birch. -B.A. 42£ht*Vl/*AQ * Sunday School . ......... Sunday'Services...... -- H a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7 :30 Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship 7:45 Continuing th i s Sund ay evening a series of addresses on the -prophecies of the --Bible relative to present day events will be given. It is intended that these should be a guide and help to all earnest thinkers and seek-- ers today. " Cement. Sand Navy Jack, Crushed Rock Drain Tiles, Brick Lime, Mortar' PROMPT AND .COURTEOUS SERVICE CITY. PRICES T E A R O E A S O N S CONCRETE and GENERAL CONTRAC'n N G 1427 Marine Drilte RHONE WEST 84 FERGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE FURNPrURE MOVING VANS AT YOUR DISPOSAL "A nBusin^s Built on Service" City Office: 164 Alexander St. TVinity 0429 ■ North Vancouver Phone North 1243-Y- W est Vancouver 1528, Marine Drive - West 85 • ^ Sunday Services 11:00 a.m.--Subject, "The Grace ch urches of CHRIST, SCIENTIST NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine sai^Mood Housekeeping) -- C. C. FIl^ifEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone^West 782 and Driver will call. Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Piione Fair, 184 l i •• V. W Donald Me Alpine Pianist Teacher CLyVSS-ntul INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCriTON Studio: 2.H3 31st .Street Phone Mjhh Wilcox' residence Saturday. Went 843-L Hi! I i i p 5 Mamsm T~y SiStSiS The French Beauty Salon For P erm anen ts of lusting beauty. Aiipolnlment# at short notice.. Two qimlined oiierntors. We apedalixe in fine, grey and white hair. lS 6 2 -M a /ln e -0 f iv e -- Phone W. 2 1 2 to Continue." There will be a story and hymn for tho boys and girls. 7:30 p.m. -- JlMio .servicê will begin with a hearty sing song, when favorit^r hymns will be sung. James MoConughy, who is on a business trip to Van couver, representing an East ern business house, will preach Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. Topic, '̂ Jlie German Church Problem," will be dealt with by Marjory Vernon "DOCTRINE OF ATONE MENT" will be the subject of Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F, A. Ramsey, Rector UVr.'A<i i M"f:ft' fssi. SPECIAL liKHido Plr:> from ahod....... S6.00 per cord .........if ■from mill .......$5.60 per cord >8101)# with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 Sunda}% October 15th, 8 ;00 a.m. -- Holy Communion. 11:00. a.m. Matins and Sermon. 7:80 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Wednesday, St. Luke's Day, 10:15 a.m.--Holy Communion. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. -- Ingle wood W. A. Meeting. St, Francis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild 3:00 p.m. -- Evensong and Ser mon, the Lesson - Sermon in. all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. , The Golderi'^T€xtH[s4--Jf^ny" man, sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." (l John 2 : l) . Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible : "Blessed are they that do His '"commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life,- and may enter in through the gates into the city." (Rev. 22: 14). The Lesson r Sermon also in cludes. the following passage from the Christian Science i^xt_ book7""Science andH^lfh with" Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The scientific unity which exista. between God man must be wrought.out in life- practice, and God's will must be universally clone." A s p l i s l t P i ^ m i x Phone North 1141 ROAD^^TERI^LS LIMITED '-'V • ft' .ft!' ■ !̂ "'h'ft A LP: ELLIS, West 160-Yor NO MORNING DEATH OF t HAJRVEY a ARMITAGE THE West~Vmrf'fems Last rites for 'Harvey Boyd Armitage, 2548'"Bellevue, who Shower Mrs. F. Huggins waa hostess at a kitchen' shower "given at her home, 1325 Gordon Avein^, in honor of an October bride-elect Miss Marie Colpitts, The gifts were presented in a unique large roIIin -̂pin and rolled into the room by Miss Shirley Kerr and Miss Ella Colpitts. The tea -table., covei-ed with-^-lacWcJoth- mi T^ttbliahed Every Thursday W: ipip?! mSmo: W If ..i'ft.V ■ Publisher " F. F. LOVEGROVE^ Phone West 3 6 3 __ Business and Editorial Office: __ . 17-6i_ Marine Drtr* mm S * i My « '■̂11 Phone West 65 ■ Vi- '■ ■ iV V3.f' ' North Vancouver Office; 123 L<m»dale Are. I » 1 11.00 a year by carrier: 32.00 a. year by mail died on Fi'iday at-his-home, wei*e held Tuesday in Ryerson United Church. Rev, E. D. Braden and Rev. J. G. Brown officiated and interment took place at Gapilano View CJeme- tery, Mr. Armitage was born in Port Olbome, Ontai-io, and was formeriy with, the Armitage TAimber Conipany in Edmontom He had resided, in this prorince for fifteen years; and was con nected with the Valley Lumber Company at the time, of hi§ death," Surviving are his,̂ wifte, three sons, two daughters, a brother and two sistere. was centered with a- miniature bride on a circular mirror, and pink and white streamers draped from tile chiindeIier:io.Xour cor ners of the table were tied with pink bows. Mrs. John Kerr and all's. F. P. Colpitts presid^. Among those present were: Mes- gimes F. P, Colpitts, J. Kerr, F. . -O--Ĵ aulkner. -Dress-in-comfort on cold mornings with one. of these practical ajrfiow electric heaters."" 'Justplug it in to any wall outlet .and you get-instant hcaC clean and dry. Inexpensive to operate too. Orderyoore today. $ 9 ^ 5 ?; Skeet, A.:'.Lash- EASY TERMS-MAY-BE-ARRANGED bmok. A, G. Hatvkes, A, H.-Hib- wm- N. Cole, N. y lUington, Wm, Swanson, W. L. McKay C. B. Greenwood, the Misses .^elcn Colpitts, Ella Co\- Lashbrook, Shirlev Kerr, Gloria Swanson. d}dOSlcctll€ S T O R E S