w- UBRARY vicrroRiA, B.C. I ' ' i ' ' - Established over IS years. A Weekly Newspaper Established over 13 years. Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver^ Ambleside, Holly burn, Weston, $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, C m l/eild , Whytecliff, Etc. Dundarave 5c per copy ..Vol- XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th. 1939 No. 26 THE MUNICIPALITIES Timlpr Wr democratic system the sitrength or weakness f government is as the strengrth or weakness of its people. A«/i because the municipality from its very set-up is most îliiv'̂ deiitified with the'ordihary life of the' citizens, it mustClOSeiy «nrf i'ti V̂ux m n+ W nf tlio.rnti^sitv play a most important part in the matter of the 01 Ilv ** Î <̂yt>̂e\n MM 'M/vvnki«î orhvt4'Y\jp1 ,V\tr 4-Vî A%«n 1 Ck%nr]Lfmr«roverning forces as represented by the federal and Provincial authorities. The Provincial Legislature, for ex- SmDle frequently puts into the statutes the recommendations " . TT w A / T urhiVVi. i«i +.Vu» r.lenri'm y VinnoA n f th o m iin i'cinn.1-Jfthp'u.B.O.M.,-which is the clearing house.of the municipal Wcas wd munici^l wishes of the people. While this is true in times of peace, it is even more so when war or pestilence invades the nation. In the old back settlement life of Canada a strong spirit of co-operation was always present. It was, indeed, the base' on which such settlements were built and by virtue of which they were enabled to survive. The north breeds men, and nature there does not surrender her gifts easily to those who propose to carve their honies out of her wild lands. The settler learnt quickly that, however strong or clever he might be, he must yet depend for many things on, the help of his neighbors both for work and pleasure; For instance, bams were built by a system of mutual .assistance, there wias much loaniilg of agricultural implements, etc.,' and settlers were forced to gather together in order ,to have any social life in the absence of theatres and other plmjes of amusement. A wedding was'an occasion for joy as a death was ^ cause for mourning throughout the community. ̂ ' Much of this spirit has been lost in these latteryears of Canadian progress to thee status of a'great nation, and . particularly so since ^ e posf^war depression, which has made for suspicion, between man apd' his neighbor. And yet iFlsfliat spirit of co-operation which must be re-' captured if Canada is to do her share in the w;ar. Generally speaking, the back settlement has now been succeeded by the municipality, and it is to the municipalities that the federal and provincial governments lare turning for assistance in the present crisis. The question of special police measures for the preven tion of sabotage are much to the -fore, and representatives of the municipalities have already been called to the provincial jcapitaJs to discuss war time arrangements,, althougb^^o .far ,, the particulars have not been ihade .public. In this connection it should be noted that the '̂ ecution of the policies decided upon is in the hands of the municipal authorities.. Then there the very important work of the Red Cross and similar activities, which, it is to be hoped; will receive the united support of all citizens. , , , It is too early as yet to judge gust what effect the war, £-UTis-nnd-nther-muni= LEYLAND PARK COMING EVENTS The Council passed a resolu tion that the property designat ed as D.L. 1050, S.E.t/i, S.V̂ , ap proximately situated at 10th and Esquimalt Avenue (Little Moun tain), be! hereby, named ojnd hereafter known as, Leyland Park in recognition of the many services rendered to"the~munici>-' pality by the Reeve during his long, term of service in that capacity. The resolution was put by on<3 of the councillors and carrie<l unanimously. The Reeve after recovering from his sur prise expressed his appreciation of the honor conferred on him. ĥ iddny, Nov. 3rd. -- I. 0. D. E. 4>niuul Winter Garden Party and in the evening a Gala Dance, both, in ..the Orange Hall. ' tt MUM SHOW ;A ChiTsanilidminî ^̂ is THIRD ANNUAL HARVEST MOON DAN^E being held by the West^Vanqou- ver ChryaanihemunCAssoeration on 27th and 28th October, in . ,jtho Orange Hall. Any. wishing to exhibit must obtain entry forms from the president, S. J. Nasmith, the secrekuiy, A. Capon, or any of the members and send same in by 28r(i Octob er, ' Miss Vera Delamont, Drum Majorette and Xylophone A rtist who will he heard Saturday night with -the Kitsilano Band.,-.Featured ouk.the same program will be Gordon Blythe, well known baritone. KITSILANO BOYS' BAND CONCERT The. famous Kitsilano Boys' Band under Conductor A. W. cipalities. This, 'however, is to be remembered, namely that It is the individual effort of its oitizens' which produces the action of a nation, and in the present catastrophe no Canadian IS so poor or unimportant that he cannot do his bit in some way for Canada and the Empire of which it is a part. Bright spashes of red maple leaves,. sheafs of wheat, and vivid autumn flowers will form the seasonal setting at the Holly- burn Pavilion the ' evening of Friday, October 20th, for the third annual Haiwest i Moon dance sponsored by the Girls- Auxiliary to the West Vancouver Barbarian Rugby Club. Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland have been asked to extend pat ronage with Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Black, and Mr.- and Mrs. Dick Wright to the affiair from which part proceeds will be donated to war funds, and the rest to assist in supplying equipment for the rugby players. Miss Lenore Beattie is-"'the general convenor, assisted by Miss Marion Blair, decorations; Miss Doreen Bernard, refresh ments; and Miss Pat Wallace, publicity. The auxiliary has joined as a Red Cross unit, and as its first REGISTRATION BOOTHS , Tile registration of wonien will take place on Octobey 16th to 21st inclusive. Bootlirf' <fire • located at the, following places ̂ and will be open from 9 a.m. to ' 7 p.m. <laily,.with the exceptions noted below. Ambleside--The Highlands Tea room, 1893 Marine Drive. Hollyburn--Vitamin Dairy, 1702 Marine Drive. Dundarave -- Hunter's Coffee Shop, 2423 Marine Drive. West Bay -- Brazil's Consolidat- . ed Store. Closed 1 p.m. Thurs day. ' - ■ Cypress-Caulfeild--The Cypress Park Tea Rooms. Fisherman's Cove--The Fisher man Cove's Store bn Friday and.. Saturday, October 20th and 21st, only. Horseshoe Bay -- H. Thorpe's Store, Friday and Saturday, October 20th and 21st, only. Any woman confined to her home during the week designat- ed from a most successful tour of England, are giving a concert at 8 p.m. on Saturday of this week in the Inglewood Auditor- 4um^-- 4Hhis--concent---̂ij ' ' venture will convene the tea at ed and desiring to register please the two-day Chrysanthemum, phone Mrs. Norman Lunn, West Show, at the Orange Hall, Frir l50-V-1, or. Mrs. Sidney Bow I. 0. D. E. LADY LAUBIER CLUB A special meeting of the Dun- A meeting of the North Shore will be Laurier Club will be held ?«^?^'^.®Tuesday, October - Mr,. I.eah» : ; t w the home of Mrs. Leah of Mrs. J. B. Leyland, 2848 Belle- Wright, 2774 Marine Drive, at 3 Vue. p.ml on Wednesday, October 18,. p.m* on vveuiiesuay, wcw/ young mothers . 1939. Tea will be served. Jn, the community are the I.O.' ' ̂ -̂-------- being held at the Highlands'Cafe com- rr Wednesday,. October P - P - m . These classes which take the form of a dis- NEW HOTEL? -As regards the news of a . -V* -- tiie lorm oi a dis- ^ cussion rather than a lebture, Wesit Vancouver, nothing further under tb̂ known than what*hhe capable ihstnic^ . seems . - fiii4v?̂ Copeland, R.N. For wa» ^ven in the press and over P̂ Ĵĵ ûlars please phone the radio. We hope to have flirs.-Bone, West 201-R. " "further particulars "next week. CORPORATION 4- OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST] VANCOUVER u ■ VOTERS' LIST, 1940 is course of preparation. See tha t your name « to vote. Licence or. Poll Tax Holders m ust file a declaration Forms nvnfr\ ^ before a Notary Public or the undersigned), may be obtained ^at the Municipal- Hall.H IH -----vue iuumcipai nail. documenfc^L^5i. " Deeds or Agreements must register ..their will not ® Registry Office, Vancouver, B. C., otherwise they Vote nn '̂ e r e Agreement is registered Deed Holder cannotA Pf®P«rty. »nly bv ifo% 1 ,V® ?®xne of which is on the voters' list shall vote the Clerk authorized agent, whose, 'authority shall be filed with Frovince^aJs " ® J '^ jc ip a l i ty . The, Agent shall be a resident of the agent shall 'OUCH acent cTtoii V -'" e i, rne luii age oi iwem,y-oxie yvaia.-•-- year-TiKtil ̂ - ^ r^ytitlcd to vote for-the-corporation-from-year--to ' of the canc^atio*^^ ^ffcnt is ,cancelled and the Clerk has RequTJlmliiS I f on 3 i a October, 1939; and the Befarl S S n ^ Mentioned Above Must Be Complied With Hollybum, 'B. C ■ * ' 12/10/39.' W Mr HERRIN, Municipal Clerk, ■"'sponsored by the West Vancou ver Boys' Band, to whoseTfunds the proceeds will, go. Tickets, 25 cents. The program is as fol lows :-- O 1 -- March> "Sons of the Brave," Bidgood. 2-- Overture, "Light Cavalry," Von Suppe.. ' 3-- Cornet Solo -- "The Execu tant,",(R, M.Endreson) by 4-- Vocal, "Dusty Road," (Rene). by Gordon Blythe. 5-- Selection, "The S t u d e n t Prince," (Sigmund Rom berg) . 6-- Xylophone Solo, " C r a z y I - Sticks," (E. Brigham), by Vera Delamont. 7-- ̂ Finale, from "The New World Symphony," (Dvorak).- 8-- Accordion Solo, Selected, by Leo Crimeni; 9-- Selection, "Sounds from Eng land, (0. Langey). 10-- Vocal, "Old Mam River," (Kern), by Gordon Blythe. 11-- March ̂ and Procession of Baccui from the Ballet "Sylvia," (Delibes). '1'2--^Accordion Solo, Selected, by Leo Crimeni. 12-- Interniozzo, "The Kiltie's Courtship, (G. MacKenzie.). 14-^Maroh, "Semper Pidelis," (Sousa).- day and Saturday,-October 27ih and 28th, sponsored by th e eiffum"Sdeietyr~™^^ The next meeting of th e aux iliary will be held Tuesday, October 17th, lat the home of Miss Gwen Langley. t man. West 558-R-l. Ayrange- ments will be made to deliver a Tiuesfiofmaire to their homes. BRITISH - ISRAEL HOLLYBURN HALL , The regular Monday evening meeting of the Dundarave Branch as usual on October 16th, 25th and Marine Drive. Speaker There will be a Young People's Mrs. Cornish. You are cordially Service illustrated by lantern invited to what is sure to be a views at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow most enjoyable and' profitable (Friday), in Hollybum Hall, evening. Prayer meeting on when the speaker will be Gordon . Sunday afternoon, 3 o'clock to Rae. Sunday School and Young 4, remembering.especially our People's Bible Class will be held , soldiers, sailors and airmen. You at 10 a.m. next Sunday, October, are welcome to attend this meet. 15th. A. Morning will be the .ing. , * . ' speaker at the Gospel Service . ------------- -- -- next Sunday at 7 :30 p.m. .Tues- JOHN WOODS PASSES day at 8 p.m., prayer and min- ---- :------- _ istry of the Scriptures, ' The death took place Tuesday at his residence 1080 Keith Road, DR. FRANCKS TO ADDRESS of John Woods, aged 72 years. EX-SERVICE-MEN- He is survived by his wife, two sons, Stanley and Sidney, here; The . Canadian Legion, West ^one daughter,'Mrs. l.Doris Glif̂ Vancouver Branch, has arranged' ton, Dawson Creek ; t̂wo sisters for Dr. Hugo Francks to address in Australia.and twa in England, a meeting in th^ Legion Hall at Funeral sfijrvices wilL-be-held-at 8 p.m,. on Friday/, October 20 th , 11 a.m. 'tomorrow from the to which all members of th e Hollybum Funeral Home of Har- branch and other ex-service men ron Bros. Ltd~ Rev. Wm. Vance resident in the municipality or .officiating, followed by ieremar elsewhere are invited'. tion. ' ' . Dr. PVancks, who was former- -------------------- ly Crown Prosebutor in Berlin, B. C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY "I want two pillowcases," " the and was driven but o L G erm an y , young man replied to the pretty sales will speak on life in fhat country girl's request as to' what she could do under JHitler. He has already for him. addressed a number of the most , "And what size, please?" asked the prominent orgai îzations in the giri-aweetly. -The"first-practice^of-the=3ea^ B. C. Scottish Countryson or Dance Society,. West-Vancouver Branch, will take place at 8 p.m. on Saturday of this week, Octob er 14th,/in the Clachan. Mrs. Bingham" Tvill be pmsent to ,in- -struct--and-a-̂ full: attendance; of- fmembers is requesteiL; ^ city-as well as_seyeral here on, "Why -- er --a h / 1 hardly know." the same subject It is hoped stammered the young man in embar- ^hA^t~there" wiIPbe- a rasament--'̂ But ,I wear a number tendance, to hear, him. seven hat." . ANNOUNCEMENT R. P. Blower & Co. Ltd. wish t o , announce that A. R. (Ted)i .'Hindmarsh, is now a member of -the-above firm, and welcomes 44/ any enquiries. ^Caddie," he wailed, "this is a terrible golf course." "Hoots, sir," replied the cad die, "ye left the course twenty minutes ago. Ye're iruMr. Mac- Andrew's back garden."'"--------- '■■■S"'* Mil