West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Oct 1939, p. 4

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rv"<^W0^'̂ r ; I t SMITH'S MARKET Vrm Otlivtrjr SctHm <■ MeatJU/ Accoimt l*i=:- •«t' A? I'W C EH GOOD fo r F B ID A Y & S A T U K D A Y , O ct. 6 lh & 7 th M E A T SXl€ I %i-' Ir ' I ' 1 If It" I '• li ■ I ii-̂ - HVNHI*VS HALAll IlKESBlNCi N ox. J«r... 19r; , 16 ox. J»r. HFMVIOA UII*K OLIVES Mt^lium.......................5 oz. tin 12c NAHOli STUFFED OLIVES 7 ox. Ix fttle ..................... ........... 29c Hrd A Whit« FUMFKIN Lurge 2Vt Tin ^...,. ■'...",......6e MINCEMEAT ...............2 IIm. 25c SWANHDOWN CAKE FIXHJK likL ...;................. ................ 25c QUICK Oa t s -- Ouaki-r , Nufi'prcniium . . . larjfc pkt. 19c IM A Whit* CATSUF 12 o*. kottli* ................. ,..(..;. 15c UhI a While CHILI SAUCE 12 oz. IhHIIc .................................. 19c Del Muiz CORN NIHIJ^IB tin 14c Nalxfh, Whole IIAIIY OREEN DEANS N». 2 (in ............ ..............::....... 19c r a B w B a r VAN NEWS G Y M N E.KHtBITIONS T w r r a t y - n ix l t i^ l i «■*"«' ■ p i c k < ^ ' ^ ■ thvlP ;' ,: ■iry.iilMiustic-" Rfovvess ■ ,,■ ■■ t h e Vancouver E xhib ition f on;-"the":'night::ot O cto ter ;.10. and ; :' th e 'a f te m c ^ n ,o f ' October 1E ac- '■■' cordlng.4d:-'a^^1oimb arrangcinents^ „.; ' .con ^ m ittee ̂ ;eorn|)rlw^^ ̂ '.son,:6ahi8h-'C onsub Hev. C. Sor- , e n se h , C» H m iseii, p resid en t o i th e D a n ish Brotherhood, and Ia n . E isen h a rd t. d irector o f th e P r o v in c e 's Phv.^ical K ecreation C en tres . I t in ixrm *ted th a t th e Hon. G. f M. V' r. M in ister o f E d u ca tio n , will deliver an ad­ d r e ss o f w elconic to th e young g y ih n a s ts anti their able leader. io*<l A whiu- TINY PEAS, Sieve 3.... A ll p roceed s from th e tw o [)er- . No. 2 lit! ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iGc fo r m a n c e s w ill go to th e D anish . .SurikiMi JUICY LEMONS C h u rch and the C anadian Bed .LarK«* Hize .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....4 for 10c ( 'alifornia ORANCES .MinJi'uiiI' Hize ................ dozen 25c Free Delivery West 370 All Meate In thl»'tnarkei ere Grade A IT 'LL LINK OF DKUCATES8EN FOR THANKSGIVING Turkey, Chicken, CaponM and Fowl ,/ All Grade A ________ Frewh Fiah Daily_________ Service ~ J L i P M g m ^ a % SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH . THERE 1S| NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY WALLBOAKDT II iB '.: '. \ Aseots: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Cltaaifted Adv^tlaam enta la 1 centa per word. 25 centa. Except in the caw of Uioae havinf regular accounts, all clul AmIh are oavable strictly lu advaoce. ^ Itimemher Classifieds in the W est Van Newa get immediate resulu. - A P P L E S f ' ' 'I WEALTHY roSII REDS........« ll>8. for 25c .............. per Dox......... $1.39 ,̂; ui...,,8 II>H. for 25c E V E IIV D A Y IS A T H A N K S C IV IN f; D A Y piVfrni.scH in th e ScripturcH fu l- p a r ts o f th e City will provide iill<Ml if- h e c o n tin u e s in th e accom m od ation fo'* th e variety * ^ F r w 1 S c n o t a t i o n C entres GOKDON '*""1^^4199 in G i ^ c r V ancouver wi I 1» S o h e n a r .W . BasU".*'; by open ed th e Wix?k ol Octobei 16th ,...... Appointment, West 403. a cco rd in g to word received from ----- ---------- ------ «» th e D irector . It is anticip ated HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 ^ th a t n ea r ly 50 halls in dilTorent- School S u p p h ^ .h ta t^ ^ ^ W«»>. LOST _ $10 bill ,by pcMiw, Ambleside or Marine. IDJ4 Marin WANTED W RENT 5*6 unfurniahed „ moderjiJiouse,. prefjJ ably west of 17fu Street. Bo» 74 West Van News. ® Notions, ware. Needles, Cottons,,1 (i'Vom t he (.IhriMiian S c ien ce S en tin e l) 'V. Word, and g a in s th e u n d erstan d - o f P ro -R ec gyrnna.stic a ctiy itid s JJUSINESS AS USUAL'-- W« ,ing w h ich C h ris tia n S c ien ce in w h ich nearly. 30 ,000 per.son.s some ttood buys in homes, brings to th o se w h o see k th e p a r tic ip a ted th rou gh ou t Briti.sh A g ain tin* 'J'h a n k sg iv in g s e a - ou t o f hum an d ifficu lt C o lum bia la st year. .son app roach es, b r in g in g to .C h r is tia n S c ien ce r e fu te s h u m a n ity m an y jo y o u s e x p er l- Cie in.'n'dious s u g g e s t io n s o f th e Onces. K aniily t ie s are ren ew ed , •'̂ o-oalled m ortal m ind , and b r in g s loved ones are w elcom ed h om e, indub itab le p ro o f o f L ove s n ear- and fr ien d s g a th e r to g e th e r fo r ten d ern ess for all H is happy time.s. ' creation . I t is our G od -g iven If Im nnH iyv„ ju'ivilege and sacred d u ty , a s We have very SCOITISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The annual meeting and social of the West Vancouver Branch of the B.C. Scottish Country Dance Society was held Satu.r- --\ whiclrniankind is e.ver reaching understanding out. We rejoice, therefore, in eonsciousness is filled with <:',r k f * Hi' ̂- If f th e good ch<?er w e se e m a n ife s t ­ ed a t T h ijpk .sg iv ing tim e. 3'o th e s tu d e n t o f C h ristia n S cien ce ev ery d a y is a T h a n k s- gdving D ay. G ra titu d e is a sp ir ­ itu a l q u a lity o f th o u g h t, to be cu ltiv a ted and ex p ressed by each and ev ery one w ho is lea rn in g to d isco ver G od's k ingdom , here' and now . I f one w ould be tru ly happy, g ra titu d e m u st be upinn-- mo.st in h is th o u g h t a t all tim es. E or th e b ou n d less good th a t wo are cp n sta n tly rece iv in g , the the sunlight of Truth, which dis- pol.s the illusions of'error. fleers be retidned for another year, these being: President, Bruc« Clegg; Hon. Life Vicc- Pre.sident, Mrs, A. C. Bagley; Secretary, Miss Eileen Hampsoiia Treasurer, Di'. W. .11. Vass; Ex­ ecutive, Donald Rankin. A very trood terms; .smull down payments. Huildintf lots, excellerit views, west ' 'o f 24th Street, at prjco.s much below their true worth. Several irood places for rent. LAWSON. WALKER & PRIDE, West Van. Pioneer Realtors. '• Established 11105 Qpp. HollVburn P.O. West 65. s n a p -- 50' Cleared Lot near water­ front, $200. ' , , . 5 Room Bungalow, full plumbing, one block from Marine, $1200.00. Sharpe Realty. 1305 Marine. West .'• 710. : . • ' A'. w a n t e d -- Listings of furnished and unfurnished houses to rent; tenants waiting. Sharpe Realty Co. 1305 Marine Drive. Phone West 719 FOR SALE -- Large Franklin ,Heater West 217-M. - - ■ PIANO FOR SALE -- Good condition,. bargain. 2284 Jefferson.' ALL FELT MATTRESS, $6; man's tweed suit, size 40, $5. Wesf' 746-Y. - 746-Y.______ . . . ________ FOR SALE -- Two brick-lined heat­ ers.- West 184-L. i 1 REGISTRATION OF WOMEN T h e co ifim ittee in c h a r g e ^ f ____ the V o lu n ta ry R e g is tra tio n - o f en jo y a b le evening w as spen t in W omen .s b oo th s on th e N orth .^ dancirig^^^d^ re fre sh m en ts be- b h o re jareT $ ih g se rv ed a t. th e in terval^ M rs. - L onsdale,' dances. Thfe firstrrjractice of th e - FriVrnr ^^^son w ill'b e held a t 8 'p .m . on f o r RENT or LEASE -- 3 room xf " .S a tu rd a y week, O ctober 14th, in suite completely furnished; fi M^'S*. R e a ll; H o llyburn , M rs. M. 'th e G lachan, \ place and oil burner;;; suitable^f^^ . . . ... P h illip s ;D u n d a ra v e , M rs. M. V. „ ' ' • ___________ . two adults. West 758-L-3. ■ m a T ^ p u s u n fo ld in g o f s p ir i t i ia r M a.sterm an;___W est B ay, M rs. . illumination Provided d r e s s m a k in g - Ladies' Suits SU IV O ^ P h r t T n P - n T i n M " " t In a. Scotchrwulge i cobbler, a tee- C o S ; b S c e s , C h i ld r l ? C lo tL ^i, C aulfe ild , M is. R. N. M cD onald ; totaler was Dassine- local b , ,i r tO T i ®P®®̂ *̂'̂ "̂S: ^Berations} make-overs FOR SALE -- Walnut tea waro bridge lamp, pair blue velour pori tieres, silver'coffee tray; other srad articles; like new; reasonable M ply 2347 Marine. " 3 Ft. Hollies and Laurels for sa cheap. West 669-M, FOR RENT -- Four roomed furnlshei house on beach. 12lD Argylc Ave, w a n t e d Young girt for work; 9 to 3. West 367-R-3. FOR .SALE --• R.C.A. Victor Cabl Radio, late model, in excellent coni . dition, cost $196; will sell fork than hi original cost for cash. 645-L a fte r 6 p.m. FOR SALE OR. TRADE -- Two all joining lots on Cypi',ess"€re^. ap prox. 100 ft,^ creek frontage; part ally cleared and graded, value $16&. Woujd consider trade on̂ WestVan couver cottage and pay"some casl difference. 2368 Bellevue Avenû Phone West 737. 2 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS For Re» with board; n e a r ' transportation; Apply 1291 Marine Drive. FOR RENT -- Weil furni.shed 4 rooi| bungalow, $25.' Phone West 547-1] $1,650; $150 Gash--r 4 room mode bungalow^ or rent. Sey. 6652; B 6121-M. ""S V- Bay; Mrs.- i i ip i i i & r;m-M^ ; s thanksgiving l.o ih<» Giver of all Sm ith; Horseshoe (.»P(k1. . Thorpe But perhap.s, as this holiday * Any further volunteer for the season ^approaches, one may be booths please phone any one of _tempted to believe that ha.s the above committee. nothiifg^; l'o!*̂ vTncTi to be grato- lul. Seeming trials may, for the moment, luive dimmed, hi.s dear perception of the ever-present Chri.st, Truth, and material .sense' niay suggest that Love's care and bounty are lacking in 'his (experience. I^et this' one take' couragt* and 'not despair, for he will find the many beautiful Ironing Day Every Day A livestock farmer, who was ex­ tremely forebenring, suspected a Neighbor of foul 'play. W'hen he could stand it no longer, he sent the follow­ ing note across the fence: "Dear Jake, please'^don't leave your red hot brand­ ing irons around any more so ni.y cows lie down on them." mg a customer off the premises. "Here, John," called the grog dis­ penser, "ye micht gie this chap an airm ta his hoose." "Na, na," replied the cobbler, ""Ye should do us i do when I 've.feenished a guid job--put ^f~i'n'~the show win-, dow." ^ BOYS OUT OF SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or register a t Club House.__________ PAINTING ANDLDECORATING -- - - Estimates free.-' Jt H.- Wedley.--West- 1022-L. ___________________ - DRESSMAKING --̂ Alterations and repairing; eiderdowns recovered; prices reasonable. 532 17th Street. LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271; evenings, West 522-R. FOR RENT •-- 4 roomed bungalof| fireplace, large garage, 2500 Wo Haywood, 1st November, $25. -59-Y-3.____________ LOST ~ Black and white kitten will long hair and short tail FinJe: please, phone West 292-Lf• ' f ili® 2 7 y e a r s a g o A young mother asked her .butcher to weigh hef~ Baby. "With pleasure, madam." Then, h a y in g exam in ed th e sca les, to r e n t -- Garage, 2095 Argyle l i r t e e n and a h a lf pounds, with West 645-R. . ' ' ^ ' th e b on es." __ .77711™---------- ---------------- ----- n o t a r y p u b l ic ," General Con- veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West . - 21. i Resident S Ol )\ ost-VaBCOu.vei: witnessed the beginning of a Realty Firm m du- the dnvyl'on of Geo. Hay;-- who has been honoured'by many-high i Iumctpal lumours--and has now retired. Today; this valuabli'imd reLons- 1 e imderinkmg is under the control and management of R P Blower who onirM uI,id;"m,v"® r'**' GKHlDiON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- phone Sey. 4991-or West 92-R-2. ""fST y ^ C d u V E R MESSENGER SERVICE---Parcels, Baggage, light, work, prompt service. West FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, -801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar- Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691. West 546, Residence, Whytecliff 546. CASH FOR JUNK ~ Bottles, n | Sacks, Metals, Furniture,., Stovei Tools, etc.; nothing too big or small. Burrard Junk Co., West! CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old^B try way; ^^aranteed; brick stone repairs. Palmer, Gapilsid North 811-R-2. ■ GORDON ROBSON -- Barriater Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4181 a t West Vancouver any time appointment. West 403. WANTED -- ̂ Experienced cook, gei eral. Caulfieild. West 697-M-3. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barristerj, icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; West 21. or W est 553-RtI. MARCEL SHOE-- Thermiqne Sb Permanents; 'only best used. Expert operators. West 304,.Royal Bank Buildinĝ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairs, West Vancouver Machine Shop, Marine. Non CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Sawi burners installed; furnace rê G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. 8 2 2 . ___________ LISTINGS WANTED'A BTg.'gag: a a a , ....s s ' . ^ S i s s r « , '» r s ' ■ine Drive, West 646.' W' f m. ■ --ii ' i l S f " Handle all classes qf Insurance -- Financial Brokers -- Notaiw Public -- (.overnmey. Valuators and the leading local Real Estate Agents handling prominent business and residential properties, Rentals p roS /^v M? ment; etc. We are also members of the'̂ ane^uv:;. R t l l l X u S ^ Your iMHiuiries are invited. . ^̂ ^̂ xenange. Waterfront ?°"^ortabIy furnished; near ferrv West 350-M, . And Breathe on the Windshield The owner of a midget car drove to a^hllmg statioh and asked for a pint of gasoline and two ounces of oil. Right," said the attendant. "And would you like me to sneeze in the •iffi . w a n t e d t o b u y For Spot • household furniture. Hewett, ' tioneers. N orth 89. Reverse W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Strife' Hollybum- Block. WESTERN WOODWORKBBS-Jto -- Fixtures, House/- F ix tu re ^ Turziing, Glass and Glazing. ^ work of all descriptions, rflo - W est 740 and- West 443-K, Clyde Ave. -__ 'J ~ t "v ivU-JSl-. - - I ' M ■■■ , ' v . f f i m . • i m k p ^ r d b t d r ^ REAlrESTATE ONE CENT s J a x m 1405 .^fjirine Drive, West \ ancouv^. Phones ̂ West 21; Wk I 204-J WEDNESDAY THURS. - OCT. 4th M FRIDAY SAT. hil Kl *'"• 6Ul 7th c N e i l & M c C u e - t h e r e x a l l d r u g g is t s 7,ĵ iie|Wel€i5 5th 1402 Marine Drive