West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Oct 1939, p. 3

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M i S l S i r J>-oy■̂ S..-l•«4> ■ 5, M THE > WEST VAN NEWS 3 Au»P>c«?« West ?»iM»«ifi^^tf»ltfirt3k««rcll W* A. Thaiiksgiviiig A ^ e rsa ry Sapper St 6s80 p.m. Spf*Ĵ^.. 1{,,V. W. H. Willan Musical Program AdmisaioUp 35 cents Jim - Cornkh .̂ -̂ô^̂ the lU>yal' Bank in Courtenay, B. C., is spending a holiday a t his home» 1713 Gordon Avenue. " Mrsr W. Golclough has-moved- from 2594 Bellevue Ayenue into the Fraser house a t 225 28th Street. M o o l o f Speech ^ r t s '" ^ / ovAIC " TtjkllAVtmA vnriiiM';'2365 Bellevue Avenue . OPENED 2nd OCTOBER' <;i»EBCII AIM'S ' ' ' ' Mrs. .Marjrery IJ. Clark, **A "few* vHcancles open for students. .. West 468-R DRAMATICS Gi Gautier Miss Jotan Gourlay, 2322 Belle­ vue Avenue, retum eti last Thurs­ day to her home here from England, where s(he has been spending an exitentled holiday. On Sunday a number of her Triends called on her to welcome her back and also to congratu­ late her-sister, Mrs. H. J. Bibbs, who was recently married.* * ♦ Mra» Margery R. Clark, Prin­ cipal of the Sehool of Speech Arts here, will resume tomorrow her elocution classes a t the Anglican Theological College, U. Saatton's BAKERY HOME-MADE --BREAD-- FRBSH DAILY Ton variotica to suit every taate Meat Plea -- Cuoklea Eccles Cakea . Paatrlea Buna and Rolla B.C. Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 YOUR l o c a l LIBRARY! Mrs. Brine and her son, Philip, left last Sunday for Long Beach, Oalifornia. Fnjoy KO'>') reading this winter. Get the .books .you want at D O N O A R A V E J L I B B A R Y - - ^ _ - 2470 Marine Drive Daily Rental Fee.... ......... ............. 8c - Minimum.................. ........... lOc .. Monthly Rate ..........................,...... 65c nvum YOUR ENGLISH PAPERS AND MAGAZINES HEREt/lVl/Lil* ■ 1 < . V. 11 ..1. ..L .1 T > -1- . YirmmL V* M ...The Oldest Established Library in W est Vancouver H. G. G arrett, 13th and Mar­ ine Drive, has -built a rowboat te n J e ^ lo n g wWch in tests has. \di itself'" remarkably sea- , I t was constructed to iel of a plan adopted for the S ^ Scouts in six or seven States,\ and can be seen a t Ambleslde Dock. mrtl the. S.H:SltIGLEY PAINTER AND DECOBtATOR announces he has changed his'business" address to 1 7 0 6 M A R IN E D R IV E Phone West 938 in , the Store occupied by The Florence Studios . Mr. and Mrs. Bentley, 24th and Marine Drive, have moved to White Rock, B.C. Burrowes--Baldock A quiet but very pretty wed­ ding was solemnized on Sep tern-, ber 25th at the Capilano Church, . North Vancouver, when Rev. J . Archibald united in miarrige Mary Phyllis, daughter of Mt̂ . and Mrs. Percival Baldook of Romsey, Kent, England, now re­ siding in Manitoba, and Rupert .Beresford Burrowes, eldest son... of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bur­ rowes, West Vancouver. The bride looked charming in a dr;ess of soft blue with h a t to match and grey accessories and catried a lovely bouquet of sweet peas. The honeymoon is being spent ■motoring south and bn their re­ turn the happy couple will reside a t their farm in Sardis. Mr; and Mrs. Jack\Bowden have moved into theii; new home on Creery Avenue, West Bay. red cross w o r k The W. A.. Canadian Legion are holding a meeting in the Legion Hall on Friday, 6th Oc­ tober, at 2 p.m. to discuss War. Work. This meeting is open to the public. Anyone wishing to help this worthy dause either by knitting or sewing will be made ivelcome at the Legion Hall on FYiday. LEGION NOTES The regular meeting of the W est Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Lfegion will be held to­ morrow, (Friday) a t 8 p.m. in the L e^on Hall. New members will be initiated and any wishing to join may do so a t this time. Mrs. Langworthy, who has been staying with her sister-in- law, Mrs. W. F. L a n ^ o rth y , 3555 Marine Drive, leftfTuesday on the Em press , of Japan to re­ turn to Hongkong. CORRESPONDENCE RADIO SERVICE (kt our estimate on your repairs You will appreciate our modern ate charges. All work guaran­ teed. J. L PETTIGREW Phone West 828 Editor, 'West Vahv News. I wouH like to express my appreciation to the Parks Board of this Municipality -for the splendid job they have made in giving access to the rook on Baby Mountain. The look-out from this point is wonderful and w ell. worth a visit. For those who wish to visit this spot, go along Esquiirialt Avenue to 11th S treet and then E ast to top of Mrs. Louise Livesley arrived on Tuesday from Victoria and is the guest of Miss B. J. Camp­ bell a t "Sunlit Lodge," W est Bay. « * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have moved from Vancouver into a suite'a t the Black Cat Tearooms, W est Bay.............. Backward Students .Spend your leVenlngs profitably. Special Tuition --s All Subjects BERNARD ETCOOPER West 23-L-3. Tull and there you will enjoy a ' view of the Narrows and Stanley Park. .' The- public appreciate this class of work and look forward -to further, park development. Yours, TAXPAYER. The Dickens [Book Club pre­ sented a. costurtie sk e td u iro m "Dbmbey & Son," under the dir­ ection of Mrs. J. Hamilton Smith a t the opening meeting of the V a n c o u v e r Fellowship last ThTirsdayi--Others~TakingnpaTt- Preseniniion Mrs. E. Young was a Tea Hostess a t her home, 14th and King's Avenue, Thursday afte r­ noon last, honoring. Miss Mar­ garet Helen- Glover prior to her leaving Saturday for Edmonton, where her marriage to Mr. James A. McDonald, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDonald, 510 Marine Drive, will take place a t the home of the groom's aunt, the middle of next .week. Mrs. E.-Nightingale made a presenta­ tion to the bride-elect' on behalf of these present and also ex­ pressed best wishes for her ■ future. The tea-table was cover­ ed with a. beautiful Madeira Cloth and the color scheme_^^used was yellow and mauve. 'Mrs. John Glover presided a t the urns. Among those present were /Mrs. John Glover, Mrs. E..B. Mc­ Donald, (mother of the groom), .Mrs. E. Nightingale, Mrs. H. Huggins, Mrs. M; W right, Mrs. W. E. Sewell, Mrs. H. W. Powell, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. D.-Rankin, Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY mul SATURDAY MATINEE Odober 5U», (ith and 7th I-OUIS HAYW ARD "The Duke of West Point" (Once only at 8 p.m.)" SATURDAY EVENING ONLY October 7th BETTE DAVIS 'DARK VICTORY' (Itette Davis was uvVarded the hijyhest honors by the Society of . Motion Pioture Arts and Scienees for her porformanco in this i)lay.). MONDAY MAT. & EVENING Thanksgiving Day,-October Dth DICK FOltAN "HEART OF THE NORTH " TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October lOth and 11th* ANNE SHIRLEY " A MAN ^TO REMEMBER " (O'ncc only ut'RjlT)) .also "THE MISSING GUEST" Keep Your Dog H ealth y were Mrs. Margery R. Clark, Mrs. M. Hardy, Tom Turner, W. G. W iltshire and M. Burgess. T0rs7-T7"L6wrie, Mrs. E._Dehihs- ton, Mrs. Beale,""Mrs. A. L. Wood­ cock, Mrs. P. Ward, Mrs. T. B. Turner. 4> ♦ « : _Mr.,,an(LMrs^._Flergusony"Oxiey- Street, have moved into the Snoddy house a t West Bay. -Arrangements are being-made^ West 190 1578 Marine Drive W est 190 PREE Friday and Saturday DELIVERY Snide A Red Brand lump Rioast 25c Ib. 'loss-Rib 'oast 22c Ih. Rolled Ribs ' RoasU 28c per lb. BUTTER First-Grade 3 lbs. 93c. BAKEASY 10c per : lb. Short Ribs 12c lb. Fletcher'̂ No. 1 Bacon -______ per lU lb. pkg. Grade A Red Brand Shoulders Lamb 18c per lb. Mrs. Wm. H. Green, who has been a patient Jn! St. Paul's Hos­ pital, '.returned on 'Tuesday to her home at 1035 Clyde Avenue. by St. J ohn's Ambulance to begin clastes in home-nursing. Fuller details will be given later. with DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and G. Also Mlrfcrais Calcium and Phosphorus PAOK15D HY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Short of West Bay, have re tu m e d ^ o m a visit of .several weeksr in^ Vic­ toria. Mr; and Mrs. Harry AdaYirMc- ~ Mrs.-Fred Bayliss, 2436 Belle­ vue Avenue, returned, home recently a fte r a year's visit to her sister, Mrs. James L. Flint of Glendale, California. » ♦ ♦ Anglo-British Columbia Packing Co. Ltd. in 14-lb. tins and 1-lb. tins. Galium, .^ho were recently m ar­ ried in the oity, will on their re­ turn from their honeymoon take up residence a t 3376 Radcliife Avenue. . . . - .*- Breast Lamb 15c Ik Roast Veal 20c per lb. Biroast-Veal 15c per lb. T^e Beatrice Stone Silver Medal, awarded annually for a painting in oil of a high merit, has this year been Won :by Jane Billaux ( l^ s . Hugh .^Clifford) for her portrait, "Madame Lam- boit." Born in England, Jane Billaux studied at the St. John's Wood School of A rt and the Westminster School of A rt in London. She has:,exhibited sev­ eral -times with the London Group in Burlington House. Com­ ing to reside in West Vancouver about six years ago, she h ad ,a painting accepted in the; B. C. Ari^ists'-ExhibitionrheM ih 1934r" the 1935 exhibition her por­ trait, "Robert V^lkinsoh, M.L. A.;" gained an honorable men­ tion ,and the following year she received a similar distinction for ' pieture-entitled-W eterant" ̂ ■ Lewis---Cove The wedding took place on 25th September a t St. Peter's Church, Revelstoke, by the Rev. E. P itt Griffiths, of Harry Sutherland, third son of Mr. F. B. Lewis of Cypress Park, and the late Mrs. Lewis, to Betty Sheila, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Cove, 4362 L ocar­ no Crescent, Vancouver. ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ , RED CROSS SOCIETY Subscriptions for the West Vancouver Branch of the Red Cross will be received by the tr^ su re r , H. Ostrom, at the local b r a n ^ ^ f the Royal Bank of Canada. Individual-member­ ship annual dues are one dollar: Groups of m em b^s who are "de­ sirous of jvorking as units may also subscribe by the payment of one dollar. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ̂ GRAVEL Bush Fir-, Inside„:.......... ,$5.60 Cord Mill Fir, Inside....... ....... 5.50 " Fireplace F ir.................. 5.00 " (Sreen A ld e r .................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks.--v........ SPECIAL--:. No. 1 F ir Edgings..... $3.75 Cord Slabs &. Edgings Barky ...... ............3 "Cords $11.00 Bark ...............................$5.60 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST s p e c ia l s Sacked ................... " Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Marine Drive LADIES'-SCOTTISH COUNTRY- DANCE SOCIETY The regular meeting and dance' practice of the Ladies' Scottish Country Dance Society will be 4ield=4n-the-Clachan on -Tuesday^ October. 10th, a t 7:45 p.m. sharp. Sterling . tea •Sc per lb. Mushrooiiis 30c per Jb. K-9 DOG FOOD 3 tins 25c. EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Burks Ltd.,' ' - Montreal)/ 1522 Marine Drive CUB AND SCOUT NOTICE For RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, and RUBBER FOOTWEAR for the whole family. _ At,, Lowest Prices, come to ~£llrott's Shoe Store -1462 Marine Drive The Cubs and Scouts who were disapi»mted in not being allow-, t o visit ^ e bridge will meet temorrow .at the same time and 'the same place. The required pass has b ^ n obtained._ The News