f f i ^ iâ vt\»*v/), j> •■7̂ -̂iv.«i>Miii.i/ »* fj ; 1 ̂ tj ii ■■■■.« , . ,1 P c ■J ■1V ̂ i ' > I Cii !l>'! iS?> f i ; .S I ' i ^ ;.' r ; " 'V % r.:: -".i '■i 'f' 1. fu ' "' S - ' ?■ '-. ii\ ]>.,i S i -'Ct '} ?'iii < h . f ' f.t •?R is t V i p / 'o ' I l i m % fk . S-SJ' «i jA-̂,̂R I i \ ^ H ' r:?C isi ' 7?lrii!iUn0- ' ■ 5-;-iS5,t sc ■ilŶ l̂S ; ■ Wim-'-' 'r f i l l " - . : I• 5-̂t>. A «j?r- i--- -- -- I ; - # ;mW' -U'fA .__ fwl; •j'̂ i'-.f&lM t mm Ss- *!p SS-' TEE! WEST VAN HEWS October 5. iftM w jw ..V A a ,„vKrrip*,s»iiMJii CkKT. t l i t A Av*. UKV. W. VANCH, BUL, MI«f«Ur SSCMI7 Gordon Av«nu« '"" ~ '7Wfn«'W«ir244i»"̂ *̂" " Sundiiy SonrlcMi: llA.m. A 7:80p.m. SUriuigvrg nnd VUitorM nr« weteom* Recondition Your Hair After) Summer Sun BAFflST CHURCH f Miniftrr ■ litf. W. U McKny. B X rm P . Sunday 8«rTk«i ■" "'to'*"' eluding Adnlt CInaa a.ro. A 7:80 p.m.---PrnncWnir Servicea, A hearty welcome W nil Kvery diiy »murt women are thinkiriijr more of. h a ir . beauty and health. You' cannot have lovely hair unlerta you have healthy hair. < Our ne\V Her hex Treutinenla condition* your, hair ko it will ' take a Hofl laatint? permanent. Sculp diaordera are eaally cor rected with Iheae Hclentiilc acaip treatmunlH. Gwendplyn's , - Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kxdualvo Permanenta, 1546 Alarino Drive WcHt 117' OR. G. O. H. SE ALE D.D.S., L.D.S. .. D i ^ l T I S i : i X-Uay Huy Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office lloura 9 to 0 p.m. Kveninaa by appointment. Phone West 72 HOLLYBURN HALL 14lh and Dueheaa ------. I HIDAV I5VKNING, Octol>*!r 6, at 7:15 Younj,' Pe<ipk*'a Service (iiuHtraU-*l by lantern vitfwa. Subject: •■(mr Ix»rd'a Childhood and P,arly Minlatry." "*' III I - ---- r> SI'N'DAV, Oct. Hth, at 10 a.m. .Siiriflay School and ,Voui))f Pe<}|d<'*H Bible Claa* Sunday Evening at 7:30 (jusi'K L .m e s s a g f :s By the AIchhck. Ilae Brothcra. I'UKSDAY at 8 p.m. I'rayor and Miniatry of the Scriptures, WEST VA.VCOUVEK Christian lienee .,_„_!-,.,Society,-,.„____ CHURCH KDlKICK m b and Baqaimalt, Uollybum ,TAia Society is a Branch of ITie Mother Church ^ The Firat Cbur\;h of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MasaachuMetts Sunday Service; ll:3Uu.m. Sunday, OftoiitT Sth, SUBJECT: "ARE SIN. D ISEA SE, AND DBA'l II l lE A l.r Sunday ^hool ut 10:00 u,m. Testimony MeeiiiiB Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. UNITED CHURCH iJJ.sL and Esquimalt Ave. U<jv. William Vance, Minister DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705" Mcdical-Dontal .Building IldurN; 9 to 0 ISvenlnga by npnointmont. 1800 Inarine Drive West 432 Sundiiy, October 8th, * Twentieth Anniversary iicv. S. S. Osterhout; D.D., J»rti.sitlonl of B.C. Conference, will be* the preacher a t the morjiing .service, and Kev. H. E. Horton at the evening" service. Special Thank.sgiving music a t both .service.s. C)ji Wednesday evening the laclie.s of the church will serve the Anniversary Dinner begin ning at 0:30. Kev. W. B. Willan of New Westminster, will be the after dinner si>caker and musi cal iteribs will be,given. Everyone welcome. -ENtabliahed on North Shore 25 Yeara ____ (Lady_ Aaaistant) HARRON "BROS. LID. jFuitrral iirre ta rs iiollyburn Fuaerul Home 18th and Marine West 184- _ , North Vancouver l̂ orlora ,C7 ,122 West Sixth Street 4lhoi)e-4!4or4h-4M BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1646 Duchefia Ave. ) Vancouver Parlora 66; Tenth Avenue Eaat .. Phono Fair. 134 Donald M cAlpine m a n is t & Teacher " and INDIVIDUAL 1 IjNSTRUtmON . Studio: 2;JU 31st Street Phono Mi.SK Wilcox' residence Saturday. West 843-L Harvesi Home Sunday. 11:00 a.m. -- Subject, "'Being I'hankful." Story for the boys and girls? 7:30 p.m. -- liev. T; J. Hind, of . ..the West Point Grey Baptist . ' Church, will preach. Special Thanksgiving music -- fa^rthe~Ohoir .* Alexr^ioihrwili-^ smg a solo. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m; -- Mid week meeting for prayer and praise. nation from 6 :30 - 7 :30 on Sun day evening. W. C. T. U. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PE O PL E . T he French B ea u ty Salon For P erm anen ts " of h lstlng beauty. Appointments nt̂ short notice. IVo (pmiined oporators, tVo .specialiKe in fine. gr«y and white hair.'- -------- 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 l^ast 'Monday thc'-^Missionary' Committee of the United Church Young People's Union took charge of the regular meeting, .with twenty-nine present. As sisting Marjorie,^ Banks, conven er,. with the devotional, were Ha^el Martin and Kathleen Gray. Irene Martin sang a solo' and Doreen Addy, Sharon Fidler, Anne Hellings and Hazel Martin gave short .talks on the religions of Japan, China and India. CHURCHES OF CHRIST,__ SCIEmTST 1 SPECIAL .... v.SC.OO, per cord .......$5.f' Insido F ir;-- from abed from, mill ....... $5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Fdgtng^ $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAAPS FUEL Phone North 630 THE iVest Van News...... . , , . Pohliahcd Every Thuraday PubU&hcr F. F. LOVEGROVE T Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive ' Phone West 65 \ North Vancouver Office: 123 "LonadjileAve. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year -by n a il ^ 'ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND DEATH REAL?" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien- •tist, on Sunday, The Golden Text is: "Bless the Loixi, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who for^ giveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases." (Psalms 1 0 3 :2 ,8 ) . ■ Among the citations which coniprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: *'The statu tes of the Lord are r ig h t/ i^joicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes." (Psalms 19; 8). The Lesson - Sermon also in- dudes the following passage from thef^hristian Science text- . book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" bv Mary Baker Eddy: 'T he belief in sin and death is destroyed by the law of God, which is the law of Life instead of death, o f har mony in^ead of discoid; of Spirit instead of the ffesh." , A t the last regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. held in the vestry of the United Churoh, the worship period.was conducted by Mrs. Tinney. Mrs. G. Reid ex tended, an invitation to all pres ent to be' her guests in her home on the evening of September 26th. All who accepted this in vitation spent a most interesting and enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reid have lately returned from a trip to several towns, and cities of Ontario and the United State's, driving some ten thous and miles by auto. Some time was spent *at the Muskoka Lakes - resort. They -v:isited_^Axtliur,__Fergus, Pairy Sound, Niagara Falls and other cKies, staying a t the World.'s Fair of many wonders and cities along the way.. Picture post cards as well as photps and relics helped make the story of this trfp very, realistic. . ~ Refreshments were,served and many e.xpressions of apprecia tion . showed the hostess how rnucim ie evening had i ^ n en joyed. The next meeting will be held in the United Church vestiv on Thursda^v, October 12th, a t 2:15 p.m. Reports of the annual con vention held recently in Victoria will be given, ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, Ck:tober 8th, National Thanksgiving anJ v ' Prayer 1 ~ H o ly - Cominunibn. 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon. p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. - ^ p.m. -- W."A, bt. Francis:in-the-\V6od, Q ic 'Caulfeild 9.45 a.m. -- Matins and Sermon. * For Your Old R«»0r on A NEW SCHICK ELECTRIC SHAVER b r o w n & m b n t q n Modtni Homo Appliances 1542 Marine Drive v M m ixf a. it. t . or a.o._______ _ W en 366 WHIST DUIVE and DANCE E very S atu rd ay N ig h t a t 8:00 p.m .' at the CHALET, HOHSESHOE BAY a'̂ ornierly the Blue Dragon inn) 'UKFKKSHMENTS PRIZES ' PALMISTKY '(band Aggreguto Prize at end of spason Admisaion, 26 cents ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ..... ' _^rd-& Jngl c iiYPPtl A vt' • -- Rev. Father Van ■""̂aKtor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ' . Rosary and Benediction, -- 7 :45 p.m. . _ Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 ■ p.m. . .! , Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m: , Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. Saturdays -- Confession.s; 7 :30 to 8:80 p.in. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25ih Street. Pastor: . Rev. Robert H. Birch. B.A. Services; Sunday School................... 9 :45 Sunday Services...........H a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship .... 7 :80 Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship .........7:45 Continuing t h i s .. S li' n d a y evening a series of addresses on the ' prophecies of the Bible relative to. present day events will be given. It is'iiitended that these should be a guide and help to all earnest thinkers and seek ers today. The Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held., on Sunday morning. There will be a special 'gathering^<n~~prayerHFor--the- BADMINTON EQUIPMENT - CallJn uncUnspoct our NIC-ULSaXICK OF, BADMINTON • EQUIPMENT Also-our NEW-ami RECONDITIONED C.C.M. BICYCLES ___ fried JONES BICYCLE SHOD 1439 Marine Drive ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ Bwiler WEST VANCOUVER t a b e r n a c l e Cor, Marine and 26th ■' ' / PaHtor: Kev. K. II. Birch, B.A. Sunday Morning: Thunk.'igiving Service. , ' Sunday Evening: Prophetic Ad- dres.s. ' MacRae, Duncan & Clyne wrote the Council re certain W ter-righ ts on-WhytecliiT prop, e r ty .. RefeTr-ed to the Chairman of the Waterworks and Engineer . with power to act. 2ND WEST VAN. CUBS AND x SCOUTS AUXILIARY A mieeting will be held 'at the home of Mrs. J. W. Barnett, 1347 Marine Drive, on the 13th Oc tober, at 2:30 sharp. Will all members "try to be pre.sent. Im portant business. • ", 4 VERNON FEED STORE A. C^SEARLH Phone West 9. Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Builders* Supplies n e l s o n ^ l a u n d r i e s l t d . DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) " : ■ FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative. ' 1 Phlone West 782 and Driver will call. A sphalt Prem ix for your Phone North 1141 0RPEVVAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED dr- A L F ELLIS, West 160-y_