West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Oct 1939, p. 2

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f f i ^ iâ vt\»*v/), j> •■7̂ -̂iv.«i>Miii.i/ »* fj ; 1 ̂ tj ii ■■■■.« , . ,1 P c ■J ■1V ̂ i ' > I Cii !l>'! iS?> f i ; .S I ' i ^ ;.' r ; " 'V % r.:: -".i '■i 'f' 1. fu ' "' S - ' ?■ '-. ii\ ]>.,i S i -'Ct '} ?'iii < h . f ' f.t •?R is t V i p / 'o ' I l i m % fk . S-SJ' «i jA-̂,̂R I i \ ^ H ' r:?C isi ' 7?lrii!iUn0- ' ■ 5-;-iS5,t sc ■ilŶ l̂S ; ■ Wim-'-' 'r f i l l " - . : I• 5-̂t>. A «j?r- i--- -- -- I ; - # ;mW' -U'fA .__ fwl; •j'̂ i'-.f&lM t mm Ss- *!p SS-' TEE! WEST VAN HEWS October 5. iftM w jw ..V A a ,„vKrrip*,s»iiMJii CkKT. t l i t A Av*. UKV. W. VANCH, BUL, MI«f«Ur SSCMI7 Gordon Av«nu« '"" ~ '7Wfn«'W«ir244i»"̂ *̂" " Sundiiy SonrlcMi: llA.m. A 7:80p.m. SUriuigvrg nnd VUitorM nr« weteom* Recondition Your Hair After) Summer Sun BAFflST CHURCH f Miniftrr ■ litf. W. U McKny. B X rm P . Sunday 8«rTk«i ■" "'to'*"' eluding Adnlt CInaa a.ro. A 7:80 p.m.---PrnncWnir Servicea, A hearty welcome W nil Kvery diiy »murt women are thinkiriijr more of. h a ir . beauty and health. You' cannot have lovely hair unlerta you have healthy hair. < Our ne\V Her hex Treutinenla condition* your, hair ko it will ' take a Hofl laatint? permanent. Sculp diaordera are eaally cor­ rected with Iheae Hclentiilc acaip treatmunlH. Gwendplyn's , - Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kxdualvo Permanenta, 1546 Alarino Drive WcHt 117' OR. G. O. H. SE ALE D.D.S., L.D.S. .. D i ^ l T I S i : i X-Uay Huy Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office lloura 9 to 0 p.m. Kveninaa by appointment. Phone West 72 HOLLYBURN HALL 14lh and Dueheaa ------. I HIDAV I5VKNING, Octol>*!r 6, at 7:15 Younj,' Pe<ipk*'a Service (iiuHtraU-*l by lantern vitfwa. Subject: •■(mr Ix»rd'a Childhood and P,arly Minlatry." "*' III I - ---- r> SI'N'DAV, Oct. Hth, at 10 a.m. .Siiriflay School and ,Voui))f Pe<}|d<'*H Bible Claa* Sunday Evening at 7:30 (jusi'K L .m e s s a g f :s By the AIchhck. Ilae Brothcra. I'UKSDAY at 8 p.m. I'rayor and Miniatry of the Scriptures, WEST VA.VCOUVEK Christian lienee .,_„_!-,.,Society,-,.„____ CHURCH KDlKICK m b and Baqaimalt, Uollybum ,TAia Society is a Branch of ITie Mother Church ^ The Firat Cbur\;h of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MasaachuMetts Sunday Service; ll:3Uu.m. Sunday, OftoiitT Sth, SUBJECT: "ARE SIN. D ISEA SE, AND DBA'l II l lE A l.r Sunday ^hool ut 10:00 u,m. Testimony MeeiiiiB Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. UNITED CHURCH iJJ.sL and Esquimalt Ave. U<jv. William Vance, Minister DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705" Mcdical-Dontal .Building IldurN; 9 to 0 ISvenlnga by npnointmont. 1800 Inarine Drive West 432 Sundiiy, October 8th, * Twentieth Anniversary iicv. S. S. Osterhout; D.D., J»rti.sitlonl of B.C. Conference, will be* the preacher a t the morjiing .service, and Kev. H. E. Horton at the evening" service. Special Thank.sgiving music a t both .service.s. C)ji Wednesday evening the laclie.s of the church will serve the Anniversary Dinner begin­ ning at 0:30. Kev. W. B. Willan of New Westminster, will be the after dinner si>caker and musi­ cal iteribs will be,given. Everyone welcome. -ENtabliahed on North Shore 25 Yeara ____ (Lady_ Aaaistant) HARRON "BROS. LID. jFuitrral iirre ta rs iiollyburn Fuaerul Home 18th and Marine West 184- _ , North Vancouver l̂ orlora ,C7 ,122 West Sixth Street 4lhoi)e-4!4or4h-4M BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1646 Duchefia Ave. ) Vancouver Parlora 66; Tenth Avenue Eaat .. Phono Fair. 134 Donald M cAlpine m a n is t & Teacher " and INDIVIDUAL 1 IjNSTRUtmON . Studio: 2;JU 31st Street Phono Mi.SK Wilcox' residence Saturday. West 843-L Harvesi Home Sunday. 11:00 a.m. -- Subject, "'Being I'hankful." Story for the boys and girls? 7:30 p.m. -- liev. T; J. Hind, of . ..the West Point Grey Baptist . ' Church, will preach. Special Thanksgiving music -- fa^rthe~Ohoir .* Alexr^ioihrwili-^ smg a solo. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m; -- Mid­ week meeting for prayer and praise. nation from 6 :30 - 7 :30 on Sun­ day evening. W. C. T. U. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PE O PL E . T he French B ea u ty Salon For P erm anen ts " of h lstlng beauty. Appointments nt̂ short notice. IVo (pmiined oporators, tVo .specialiKe in fine. gr«y and white hair.'- -------- 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 l^ast 'Monday thc'-^Missionary' Committee of the United Church Young People's Union took charge of the regular meeting, .with twenty-nine present. As­ sisting Marjorie,^ Banks, conven­ er,. with the devotional, were Ha^el Martin and Kathleen Gray. Irene Martin sang a solo' and Doreen Addy, Sharon Fidler, Anne Hellings and Hazel Martin gave short .talks on the religions of Japan, China and India. CHURCHES OF CHRIST,__ SCIEmTST 1 SPECIAL .... v.SC.OO, per cord .......$5.f' Insido F ir;-- from abed from, mill ....... $5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Fdgtng^ $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAAPS FUEL Phone North 630 THE iVest Van News...... . , , . Pohliahcd Every Thuraday PubU&hcr F. F. LOVEGROVE T Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive ' Phone West 65 \ North Vancouver Office: 123 "LonadjileAve. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year -by n a il ^ 'ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND DEATH REAL?" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien- •tist, on Sunday, The Golden Text is: "Bless the Loixi, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who for^ giveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases." (Psalms 1 0 3 :2 ,8 ) . ■ Among the citations which coniprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: *'The statu tes of the Lord are r ig h t/ i^joicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes." (Psalms 19; 8). The Lesson - Sermon also in- dudes the following passage from thef^hristian Science text- . book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" bv Mary Baker Eddy: 'T he belief in sin and death is destroyed by the law of God, which is the law of Life instead of death, o f har­ mony in^ead of discoid; of Spirit instead of the ffesh." , A t the last regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. held in the vestry of the United Churoh, the worship period.was conducted by Mrs. Tinney. Mrs. G. Reid ex­ tended, an invitation to all pres­ ent to be' her guests in her home on the evening of September 26th. All who accepted this in­ vitation spent a most interesting and enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reid have lately returned from a trip to several towns, and cities of Ontario and the United State's, driving some ten thous­ and miles by auto. Some time was spent *at the Muskoka Lakes - resort. They -v:isited_^Axtliur,__Fergus, Pairy Sound, Niagara Falls and other cKies, staying a t the World.'s Fair of many wonders and cities along the way.. Picture post cards as well as photps and relics helped make the story of this trfp very, realistic. . ~ Refreshments were,served and many e.xpressions of apprecia­ tion . showed the hostess how rnucim ie evening had i ^ n en­ joyed. The next meeting will be held in the United Church vestiv on Thursda^v, October 12th, a t 2:15 p.m. Reports of the annual con­ vention held recently in Victoria will be given, ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, Ck:tober 8th, National Thanksgiving anJ v ' Prayer 1 ~ H o ly - Cominunibn. 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon. p.m.--Evensong and Ser­mon. - ^ p.m. -- W."A, bt. Francis:in-the-\V6od, Q ic 'Caulfeild 9.45 a.m. -- Matins and Sermon. * For Your Old R«»0r on A NEW SCHICK ELECTRIC SHAVER b r o w n & m b n t q n Modtni Homo Appliances 1542 Marine Drive v M m ixf a. it. t . or a.o._______ _ W en 366 WHIST DUIVE and DANCE E very S atu rd ay N ig h t a t 8:00 p.m .' at the CHALET, HOHSESHOE BAY a'̂ ornierly the Blue Dragon inn) 'UKFKKSHMENTS PRIZES ' PALMISTKY '(band Aggreguto Prize at end of spason Admisaion, 26 cents ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ..... ' _^rd-& Jngl c iiYPPtl A vt' • -- Rev. Father Van ■""̂aKtor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ' . Rosary and Benediction, -- 7 :45 p.m. . _ Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 ■ p.m. . .! , Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m: , Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. Saturdays -- Confession.s; 7 :30 to 8:80 p.in. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25ih Street. Pastor: . Rev. Robert H. Birch. B.A. Services; Sunday School................... 9 :45 Sunday Services...........H a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship .... 7 :80 Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship .........7:45 Continuing t h i s .. S li' n d a y evening a series of addresses on the ' prophecies of the Bible relative to. present day events will be given. It is'iiitended that these should be a guide and help to all earnest thinkers and seek­ ers today. The Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held., on Sunday morning. There will be a special 'gathering^<n~~prayerHFor--the- BADMINTON EQUIPMENT - CallJn uncUnspoct our NIC-ULSaXICK OF, BADMINTON • EQUIPMENT Also-our NEW-ami RECONDITIONED C.C.M. BICYCLES ___ fried JONES BICYCLE SHOD 1439 Marine Drive ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ Bwiler WEST VANCOUVER t a b e r n a c l e Cor, Marine and 26th ■' ' / PaHtor: Kev. K. II. Birch, B.A. Sunday Morning: Thunk.'igiving Service. , ' Sunday Evening: Prophetic Ad- dres.s. ' MacRae, Duncan & Clyne wrote the Council re certain W ter-righ ts on-WhytecliiT prop, e r ty .. RefeTr-ed to the Chairman of the Waterworks and Engineer . with power to act. 2ND WEST VAN. CUBS AND x SCOUTS AUXILIARY A mieeting will be held 'at the home of Mrs. J. W. Barnett, 1347 Marine Drive, on the 13th Oc­ tober, at 2:30 sharp. Will all members "try to be pre.sent. Im­ portant business. • ", 4 VERNON FEED STORE A. C^SEARLH Phone West 9. Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Builders* Supplies n e l s o n ^ l a u n d r i e s l t d . DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) " : ■ FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative. ' 1 Phlone West 782 and Driver will call. A sphalt Prem ix for your Phone North 1141 0RPEVVAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED dr- A L F ELLIS, West 160-y_