West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Oct 1939, p. 1

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Established over tS years.Established ijver 18 years. jT^ Circulating in the District o f fVest Vancouver^Ambleside, Hollyburn^Mfeston^ Dundarave $1.00 per year. , CyprCSS Park, CaulfcUd, Whytecliff, Etc, > Bc per copy Vol. XIV HGLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B:C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5th. 1939 {JJ?- 25 THANKSGIVING DAY I. O .D .E . SHOWER '>4-1 Next Monday is Thanksgiving Day, when we of nominion of Canada pause for a few hours from our labors fn rouiit up and offer thanks for our many blessings. And his year we have very much to be thankful^ for. Tlie great prairie wheat crop, upon which the prosperity f Canada depends almost ihore than anything elsd, has been Tverv good one. Moreover, due tp the s ta te of wiar now Misting in Europe and which may, well spread to include other nations hostile to us, we are pretty well assured of sipll- hiiit at a reasonable price. This by itself gives promise of more prosperous days, in the coming'year^ and ̂no part of Canada w ith the exception' of jthe prairies themselves will profit more than this province of British Columbia. I f during the past tw elve months th ere has been much unemployment in the land and starvation in the m idst of plenty, we have np one to blam e but ourselves, since under our democratic system and laws we are in the-final analysis the arbiters of our own iiAdtinv ' So long , however, as we will persist in deserting th e country for the doubtful-blessings, o f "the bright lights," so turning our backs on a t least the living th a t a large and unpeopled land offers us, we cannot expect other than the apple pie bed we have made for ourselves. But our chiefest cause for thanks, of course, m ust be that we have lived-in pehcO in the midst of war, although-how long we shall continue to be so' Spared due to our fortunate ̂ geographical position only' the future,"can tell, seeing th a t we are now at war ourselves. For on the fa r side of each of the two oceans which protect us the two most barbarous wars in all history are being waged.- Time was in the so called "Dark Ages" when fighting men fought with fighting men, and, if occasionally the civilian' population of the unfit and aged „ and women and children , was slaughtered, i t was .incidental to the confiiet. Nowadays th e whole population is deliberately and systematically attacked, as we have seen;in the oases of Cze^hp-Slovakia and Poland in Europe. The horrors* of the siege h f Warsaw are still fresh in our memories, while in the Orient the fate of thousands of Chinese towns and villages has been equally awful. All these terrors we have been spared, nor is it at aU likely that "oiir land will suffer from a n ^ h in g but possibly sporadic attacks. ̂ " And so our prayers_of thankfulness should -ga Up to. ..the kind Providence, who has allowed us to ea t our bread in . peace, if not always in plenty. There are stem times ahead, as we send our sons to fight for our freedom now in foreign fields, in order that later they may not be called upon to fight for the same freedom on our own soil. . " ' Nor should we be dismayed a t this. Freedom ha;s always everywhere been won and maintained by fighting. From~tfae- Don't forget the shower to be given a t 8 p.m. tonight under the auspices of the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., in the Orange Hall to provide garments for the thousands of children who have been evacuated from the densely populated ai-eas in England. . VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION OF CANADIAN WOMEN COMING EVENi'S The project for the Voluntary Registration of Canadian Vfomeu (V.R.C.W.), arose out of discus­ sions by a group of women ^ho were interested in questions of defence. They .were convinced th a t something. ought to bq dqne^ t o insure th a t in the event of n _ crisis women willing to servo The special meeting held a t the their coulifiyWbuld be pu t to the Clachan on il^iday last, a t the tasks for which they were train- . <^1 of Mrs. A. C. Bruce, presi- and th a t a Friday, Oct. 20th -- Third An­ nual Harvest Home Dance by Girls' Auxiliary to the Bar­ barians Rugby Club in Holly- burn Pavilion. Friday, Nov. 8rd. -- I.O.D.E. nual Harvest Moon Dance by and in the evo,niqg a Gala - -Dance, both in Orange Hall. , TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD t h a n k s g iv in g ANNIVERSARY SUPPER dent, resulted in a record a t­ tendance. Mrs. 'F , J. Rolstpn of Vancouver,, spoke on "VoliiAtary ' ; Registration, cwf Canadian Wom­ en," sta ting plans for this under- taking were laid in May of this year. Mrs. Sydney Bowman, who The ladies of the We.st Van­ couver United Churoh W. A. will serve a Thanksgiving Anniver­ sary Supper, in the United Church*Hall a t 6:30 p.m. next record of their willingness to serve, their training and, their qualincutions^ought to Octobe,-IXth,..T he noHv so as to be readily availabk , dinner speaker will be the in the event of such ^ n eventu- Kev. W. B. Willan of New West- wiFl be in charge of registration minster, and there will also be on the Nortii Shore, called for They found o u t,th a t in Eng- a musical program. Admission volunteers to work in the booths land the first step taken in the cents, with those who had volunteered program of air raid precautions fm m other clubs, etc.,, during (A.R.P.), was the registration of the a c tu ^ registration ^in the , all women who were willing to week of October 16th. Mrs. C. , give their services, voluntarily, SERIES OF WHIST DRIVES AND DANCES H. Beall kindly: offered to form fo r s u c h " p u r p ( > r e 7 'a r & ^ series of Whist Drives and a com m ittee^to assist in this ambulance driving. Are fighting, Oaimes .will be given every a i t - wiay.. Miss Frances I. Kirkpat- organizing, metropolitan evacu-. v v . ™ Chalet (formerly the Blue Dragon Inn), Horseshoe Bay, starting a t 8 p.m. There vnll be refreshments, prizes, and palmistry, also a grand aggregate prize at the end of the season. Admission 25 cents. It is hoped to continue this series throughout the win­ ter ahd spring up to next April. NOTICE times of King John on our forefathers had to battle for the 'right to live their lives in. the ir own way, only now it is dic­ tators instead of kings who have cha llenge th a t right. To us in this our day i t has fallen to hand on to our children .that freedom which was handed down to us. May we be worthy of the heavy charge th a t has been laid upon us. ÂfWENDY HOUSE SCHOOL ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER nek outlined the requirem ents, ation, etc. This scheme which for Home Nursing Classes, s ta t- started about May of. 1938 - was the aim of the Red utilized the existing women's Cross th a t all the ̂ women of organizations, although there the Canada should receive mstruc- plan from the beginning was tion im_the simple m e t l ^ s of sponsored and financed by the home nursing. tMrs. H. Ostrom government. A canvass of the spoke enthusiastically* o f th e - heads of w o m en^rgan iza tions ,_Home,.Nursing.45lass. w hich.sh e . .in C a n ^ a boro-out notonly ,their has been attending a t St. Paul's capability but their willingness of the to undertake the work of regis- Hollyburn Business College, of- tration. Indeed the reception of . fered to give a refresher course the idea was so enthusmsfic that a t her school. there was nothing.else to be done Prof. T. Larsen, M.A., F.R.S. but proceed with it. C., will be guest speiaker a t the . a provisional committee was regular meeting a t the Clhchan, get up and.this* committee, after October 6th (tomorrow), a t 8:00 fu rther consultations with heads p.m., his subject, "The Meaning of women's organizations, called of Beauty." ^ meeting for th e ,2 5 th May, October 9th being a holiday,, 1939. A t this meeting tentative the Book Club .ivill meet a t the. plans were discussed for tbc pre- --home-of-3yh?s.-Ev-T5ierrien,-918^paration-- of-l.-'a--:questionnaire-- ------- ---- ------------- ^ 20th Street a t 2:30, October which would elicit the sort of C;-Gladwin of North Vancou- 16th. Mrs. Sinclair MacKay will information which would be valu- ver, Will be the speaker for the S. H. Srigley, the well-known painter and decomtor, announces in this issue that he has changed -his business address from. "A rn b le s id ^ t^ Marine Drive in the store occupied by- the Florence Studios. • Phone West 938. BRITISH - ISRAEL A.jneeting of the Mothers' Dis- ' cussibh Group will be, held a t Wendy Houses Sbhool, ^ t h and Bellevue Avenue, on ̂ Tuesday, October JOth, a t 3 p.m. Mrs. V. Cianci andlSIiss Ruth Elliott will sp^k on "The Common Cold and , the Possibilities of I t's Preven­ tion." V ^ . Any mother of pre-sChool children is welcome. .The Annual Turkey Supi^r under the auspices of the Ladies' of St. Anthony will be held on Wednesday, 0(^bBe]r25th, in the O^range H ^l. Dinner will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admis­ sion 50 cents. review the "Letters of Gertrude Bell." able in the case of a crisis. It was soon realized th a t some of the information would also be "very valuable for social and com­ munity services quite'apart from a crisis. For example, it was proposed to ask whether the Dundarave Branch next Monday night, October ,9th, a t 25th and Marine Drive. His subject will be "The Reason for the Hope T h a f ls In Us." You are cprdial- ly.ihvited. On Sunday afternoon next at NURSERYCRAFT CENTRE SCHOOL OF SPEECH ARTS \ The School of Speech .A rts opened for the fall term -last Monday. Mrs. Margery R. Clark, principal, is conducting the classes in speech arts, while G. bautier been added to the staff to teach- dramatics. Mt. bautier has had a wide experi- this subject, having studied in'* Europe and Hblly- will teach the Holly­ wood method. Classes are held twice a week, and there are a few acancies fqr students. Any interested, are asked to^kindly phone West 468-R. • - • ^ h o l l y b u r n h a l l li-ljo™? People's Service il- , by lantern views-will P-™* tomorrow sS^l?K HoUybum Hall, the Lord's Child- Early Ministry." There and Sunday School S i n . ®i" e Class 8th Sunday, October Sunday ^ 7:30 p.m . by "given . A t a meeting of the advisory committee held a t the Nursery- c raft Centre on-September 26th, there was an election of new of­ ficers, th is becoming necessary owing to th e death ' of Mrs. I^slie Grant, president, and the removal from the district of Mrs. Leslie Brooks, secretary. On a unanimous motion, Mrs. Margar­ et: Clarke was elected president and Miss T. Clayton, secretary. TO CONSERVATIVES ' Conservatives are asked to de­ vote their time and energy to help the government and. the oduntry in its hour of heed. John T , Fox, s^ re ta ry -treasu re r of the W e^V ancouver Conserva­ tive Association announced today th a t all meetings have b ^ n can- until fu rth e r notice. UNEMPLOYED EX-SERVICE MEN KITSILANO BAND TO PLAY HERE On Saturday, October 14th, the West Vancouver Band is ___ .sponsoring a concert by the fam- womST answering the question- 3 o'clock, a prayer meeting will ous Kitsilano Boys' Band. This naire was employed. By separate he held, lasting onC hour. Special * band has ju st returned from a ing the cards of women who prayer will be offered for our very successful tou r of England, were employed we would have army, navy and air force. Your , where they played every after- the most comprehensive survey- presence would assist greatly.*** noon and evening to capacity of unemployed women ever und- ------------------ --- crowds. Five members of the ertaken in Canada. ' NOTICE West Vancouver Band made this One of the chief objectives of eventful trip and if is hoped the questionnaire as -it is devel- M. Stevens- wishes to inform everyone interested» in music oped, is to make a survey i)f the hi^ patrons th a t he is discon- will turn out to welcome these homes in Canada whioh would be tinuing his fish businesq for tbp boys back. A new class is being available under suitable super- present *** organized in the W est Vancou- vision to take in the British - ________ ' yer Band and is open to all boys population under sixteen and ̂ ~~ in Grades five, six and seven, over sixty* in the eventuality of- a f te r consultation with various Any interested a re asked to get a ir ra id s'in-Great Britain.-Tlris ex-service groups, social work- in touch with Mr. Condon righ t plan would Relieve the British ers, Canadian manufacturers, away. "authorities of the responsibility m ilitary authorities and other ---------------------- and difficulty of fe e in g this organizations which have.com -' population and would relieve the. p le M a sim ilar survey amongst children from the dangers Of the ir own members, malnutrition as well as the I t was suggested a t one stage CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The regular monthly dinner meeting of the West __________ _ _________ v. Chamber of Commerce will be nervous and psychological strain in order to get a oomprehensive held a t 7 p.m. next Wednesday, of war. Every ship th a t took survey it would be necessary to supplies or munitions across conduct a house to house canvhss could bring back , women and of the women of Canada.' But on children. " ̂ fu rth e r consideration it was de- A t a meeting held on the 2Qth cided th a t to make the voluntary d ea r October 11th, in th e Clachan. A business meeting will follow din­ ner, and the remainder of the evening will, be given up . to an informal dance, to wives ahd sweethearts bers are invited., In anticipation of a furthero and early call for men t a work on Department of Defense pro­ jects, all physically fit unemploy­ ed ex-service , men in the ...muni­ cipality should register with^the secretary, CSanadian Legion, a t 7i p.m. Friday, the 6th instant, a t the Legion Hall. which the tlune and attended by represen- aspect of the survey quite clej :s of mem- tatives of many women's organ- i t would be better to set up in izations in Canada a national every community registration -------------------- committee was formed for V. R. booths to which the women of Hollyburn - Pacific Ski Club C. W. ' the d istrict will be invited" to wrote the Council re rentals of A questionnaire has been pre- ~ come to register. Women from - Boys* Club ahd Girls' Club cabins ' pared afte r a study of the regis- the various organizations will be respectively. The Council a- tration cards u ^ in Great asked to ac t as registrars to take greed to reduce rental of the Britain and in Australia (where down*the information furnished Girls' Club cabin to $15 and th a t a compulsory registration of by the women registering or to of the Boys'* Club to $40,-provid- both men and women has ju s t hand out the forms and assist ,ed ih e arrangem ent did not been completed) and of those women registering in filline-tbem aifect the validity of th e l e ^ : used in Canada in 1918, and 'out. . ^ inning tnem .»»»* ■