» l <iî ■■#f- ■J '4 '; |i d' ̂ #'i OT > w M Ij; ff'4 fj4 ' i , ' !v,<■■j('11 ®.,»' 14" i|| i l ls 1 ' if.y, I'ii in-'-t-.;r, 'y, ̂ 1"'? ̂ M fe ii * V SI ;r* te* r 'ji Jt 5;' i THE WEST VAN NEWS S e p t« m b ^ 28. IftM S M I T H 'S M A R K E T A . ' H a « > i r ^ - 8 l l l i t h -- K u u ^ w m t t r F r iw DelUftrjr 8 « rY l« i « M o b UiI / Atcount lt«d Wliit« VVHK itABIUmiiltY JAM ................... A-lh, Un 45c CANNED FOODS /hlU COUIKN COJ 10c FKICES GOOD for FRIDAY St SATi;RDAy,.Hept. 29th & aOlh MEATS Free VfUv$ry ■ /: "Wiit StO.""'; All Mca(« In thla markei ajre Grade A Frcah Fleh Dally Full line of Dellcaicejieii S CO A lUJUllED COKNBD > «lUSKK'IV;'|per:lb. ..■,i,.-18c," SWEBr FICKLED TONG UKS, per Ib. ......... .,:...... 22c Ued ^ White GOUIKN COKN 17 «». Tin................ .......... NAIIOJI CUT WAX DEANS Squat Till................... 13< Ked A White CAUiUTTH A PEAS Squat tin 12c Ited A White PEAKS. Squat tin 16c Ked A White PICCHAKDS No, I Tin 10c CUIVEHGEAF CHOPPED CLAMS 10*/i oa. tin ................... 16c KAKO HYKUP 2 t>ound Un 16c PUFFED WIIEAT--Ouaker, pkt. 9c APltl('OTS*-~<>>iumbia, Me^um aised halvea Larxe 2*/i Un 19c K<*d A White JELLY POWDERS Eiaht'I'rue Fruit FlnvorN, 4 pkta 19c BARBARIANS' . vn lu n GIRU S' A l X iU A in The* October iru-̂ 'tinK of the Girls' Auxiliary to tin* Harbari- ans win bn hfeia at the home ol Miss Jean ^orsytli on 'luosuay, the 3rd instant, at H p.m. REGISTRATION OF WOMEN Anyone wishiaK to help in the Canadian Women's Voluntary reifistration booths for North and West yancoiiver please phone Mrs. Sydney Bowman, West 558-R-l. The h(M)lhs will l)e oj^n from OiTober 16th to 21st inclusive. NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN Service L U M B E R ^ Q u a it^ SASH & UOOKS SUINGLKS PLYWOODS LATH un oincTiTilTr pncnrriimNO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING FOR QUALITY Agtttta: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO. LTD̂ " 16th & Marihe Drive Plion« We«t 11 vPhone West 1151' LADV GODIVA COMPLEXION KOAP .............. 4 cakcH 19c FRUIT AU8TRAIJAN ORANGEB - CONCORD GRAPES............ WEALTHY APPLES ........... PEACHES -- Elherta No. L l>ttrii;e size................dozen 37c .............................. Baaket 45c .................................8 lbs. 25c .............................per box 79c ■Jesse Williums, 2589 King's Av(!mje, returned Tuesday from the North Vancouver General '̂ Hospital, where he has been a I>atient for the past six weeks. Little Ctirol Brown, daug'Hter o f Mr. ami Mrs. Dave Brown, 612 16th Street, fell off a swing on Saturday, injuring one of her arms badly. ENGLAND CALLING Engagement Mr.s. G. Alexander, 2539 King's Avenue, announces the engagement of her only daugh ter, Gemkiine, to Mr. Edwin R. Nelson of Vancouver, The wed ding will take place the latter part^of October.- BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY T he regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the Boys' Band will be held on Wed nesday. Ootober 4th, at 2;30 p.nV' at Pauline Johnson School. SENTINEL HILL NATIONAI, SERVICE UNIT : At. at meeting- held in the 'I'bis is about w'ar but not a call for men this time. Women are being called in West Vancou ver by the thousands upon thou.s- ands of helpless and innocent children in the heavily populated cities of England. You women of West Vancouver, who have [)een called upon so many times and have never been (killed in vain, lire today ,asked once more to I'ally around and purchase a 'new garment for either a small boy or girl aged between 2 years and 14 years. T(> you wonderful women, of West Vancouver we will not say;^Wili you do it? -- rather would we, say; "Please bring your small, but much need ed garment, to the Orange Hall on Thursday, October 6lh. Lady Rijading, in charge of the Evacu- - aiion of:-these kittle - children in England has submitted this urgent and frantic appeal to all I.fl.D.E. branches throughout the Empire. liegent, Mrs. Small, allied the members together and issued the rexiuest to each one. The immediate response,has been rerharkable but there are many who will want to ty)ntrihiife their The monthly meeting of .the North Shore I/>cal (k)uncil of ■ Women was held in SI. Stephen's Hall when reports were heard from various eonvener.s. Mrs. D. Hartley of tin? Housewives' League, gave an inU'restiiig ac count of the activities of the League and intimated that a public meeting was being held in Moose Hall on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock. As the result of previous ixnn- munications, the Migration Con vener, Mrs. F. A. Walker, pre sented the following resolution which hail been sent to National Council"?V"Whereas the present war may be a war of extei'inilla tion and hence the vital neces sity of preserving British stock; Therefore Be It Resolved, by this North Shore'(.Viuncil. that the National Council ask the Government of Canada, should the need arise, to offer a.sylum to.the menaced children of Great Britain and, in the event of such Goverhnjent action being taken, to include in. any (luesiionaire submitted to Canadian women this question, "Are you prepared to take into your home a British child?" Another resolution from North Vancouver Library W. A. is being-sent-out-for-the endorsa-- tion of the affiliated societies. A peHtion was received from the Albiikman Pass Highway As. sociation of Vancouver and many signatures were obtained. Mrs. Brimacombereported onprogress in connection with th^ "Neigh-., bor House" scheme' ŝponsoreil by the Council. Since the need is C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rale for Claasiflwi AdverUMmenta ia I cent* per word, iniulmum •zr, ctmtM. Eicept in the caae of thtme having regular accounta. all clwii. nro flivable atrictly in advance. Kcmenilfer ClaHsifieda in the Weat Van Newa get immediate reaultfl. V.__ A GENTLEMAN wishes 1 or 2,hc4t<vi GORDON ROBSON •-- rooms,' furnished or unfurnish^ Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings bey. 4199 pa rticu la rs . to ' S>4 61, S T at West Vancouver any tune oy xt. ' ' « n appointment, West 403. __ News; 1$ ClibARLl) V lL\V j.. able" arid trustworthy,' desires post ,()d location, reduced to housekeeper; plain.cookinif er very large cleared lot 1J^75, . ,, pj ̂ W est-892-1. ' ^. ...............r KfMii in liii.m-' _________ r ----- ^ ^ RELIABLE YOUNG. WOMAN, m . c h o ic e CIJiARBl) yiE\y --------..*,.1 ► ""P (in good lanother .v,v - - o - - , , cottage, '1 rooms'ancTibath, iii-uusi; ---- _ --------------- ---- , ness zone, $1700; good 'l - r o o " ' S M A L L HEATER FOR SALE-Ptr,' & l " w S ( E l i 'T p u f u r ' ■ West Van. Pioneer Kealtor.s, .. f)|u)YlIollvburn P.O., West 55.___ BOYS OUT OF SCHOOL -- W ant^ for cnddie.s. Phono West 718 or register at Club House, WANTED •-- boan of a typewriter for Ked Cross work, Mrs. Allen, West 005-L. ______ _ 1 FOR SALE -- 2 double beds cpniplete battery radio, electric heater, cheap ■ West 416-K. ■ FOR SALE -- 12.') Laurels, 3 to 5 ft. high. Best cash offer. Wc.st 56G-R-1 FOR SALE -- Piano, good.£undition, ■ $30. West j3G-M-3.______ -■ ■ UAUMINTON COURTS available at ; Orange Hall, Phone West 85. FOR RENT 7- Two room nfodern.. suite. Suitable for_joffice, Orange Hall. West 85._________________ PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H; Wedley, West 1022-L., • DRESSMAKiNG Alterations and repairing; eiderdowns recovered;. prices reasonable. 532 ,17th Street.- HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic ̂Tanks and Ilockpits installed - and cleaned.. West 187-R. LISTINGS WANTEDi -- Houses to Rent,! Sell or Buy> Pemberton's, ̂ Trinity 1271; evenings^ W e^^^^-R. WANTED --- Woman for housework and plain cooking. Sleep in or out Box 21, West Van News. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will look after children evenings." West 63-L-l. FOR SALE Circulating heater, \L new; W alnut finish, real bartral West 88-M. ■ - ........ LOST r-- Glasses in case, between 2Cth and 27th on Bellevue. Reward West 183-R43. '• __________ ' FOR RENT -- Furnished flat, adulta. 1638 Argyle Ave. FOR SALE--Bed Chesterfield, neirly new, sacrifice. $16. Phone West 60-Y. . WANTED -- Four room house modern close in, sriiall down payment; bal- 'ance as rent or would rent with ■ option to buy. Box ,60, West Van News. '. .......... .. .......... I III .pi.'........ .. V FOR SALE -7- Trailer, commercial, Chandler oixis, $15, or offer; also Hull, -ready for planking, 30 ft; beam 8' 9, raised deck, $50.' Bay- view 8064-L._____________ ' FOR RENT -r-. Modern, Unfurmshed; ' 4 rooms, $25; 4 rooms, $20; 5 rooms • $26; 5 rooms, $30; 6 rooms, $35; 5 rooms, (partly furnished), $25. R. P. Blower & Co. Ltd., 1405 Mar ine: W est'21. FOR RENT---- Small furnished suite ^ .,so great in North Vaheouver the ÊJ*1T1>}ALE Stajr f'Tir̂ ck/ fexM̂ ̂ one person; b̂̂^̂ .project is receiving considerable ...... support. The Council , also en dorsed the resolution of the W. C.'T.U. passed recently in Vio- -toria -asking-prohibition of the manufacture of alcohol for bev erage purposes in Canada during wartime, in the belief that "Manufacture of alcohol wastes the footl supply of the nation." Next meeting will be held in North Vancouver, October 23rd. m Silii I? lit- Sir W SSiM f e l iiia s i t . . , , ,V I ? ■ r- * Af imJ"' 'A~l .VrV'l A 3 V.-V ,<4 p->i-' *7 lijglowood Sunday School Mon- ikty afternoon, The "Sentinel- Hill National Service Unit" was formed for war work under the Ked Cross.""The following"of-L' fleers \Vere elected; President, Mrs. VVm. Dicken son; vice president, Mrs.-P". T Kichardson; secretary. Mr.s. II. F, Allen; treasurer, Mrs. (L Jack. Meeting.s will be held every Tuesday afternoon in the Ingle- , wood Sunday.'School at 1:30. All women who wish to give tlieir services knitting, sewing, etc., will be welcome. Wool will .soon Ih> ready for distribution. Num- iKjr eleven needles will be requir ed for socks. Anyone having a typewriter which they would be willing to It^n for Red Cross w-ork, please photto Mrs, Allen, West 695-L. ' portion in this world cataclysm Avho, as yet, have not been ap- ' j)ealM "lo ; ~ On -Thursday, October 5t!h at the Orange Hall, at 8 p.m. a -^Shower"-will be held-under the auspices of the I.G:D.E., at which Mrs. Frank Stead, Provincial President, and Mrs. K. Mayhew- Wlllis, Provincial Director, of Emergency Service Committee of British Columbia, will both speak. The garments, which must have a c.(ird attached to theni stating whether for a boy or girl, will be on view. Women of West Vancouver, this war be ing fought over there is for your fi'eedom,. liberty and justice and for the future maintenance of a true and lasting peace -- let us all help.̂ . running order. Western Woodwork- ers, 1488 Clyde.,_____ . TO RENT -- ̂ Furnis^^ house, six ' months or longer. West'290-L. "TO" RENT' -- Garage,. 2095 Argyle. West 6 4 5 - R . ____________ FOIi RENT -- Cottage on Waterfront comfortably furnished; near ferrv.' West 350-M: ________ "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald .P.-- Blower, 1405 Marine Drive: West 21. 1358 Clyde Avenue. Mrs. Thomas, King's Avenue, has purchased the Howieson house at 1760 Duchess Avenue. ONE CENT SALE WEDNESDAY 'Th URS. FRIDAY SAT •.< 7»l> M c N e il ^ ^ M c C u e - t h e r e x a l l d r u g g i s t s 1402 Marine Drive phent West 628 M i ■'I' ̂V;. iSSSi'SPii It:. i-Wl jpjjf WEST VAN i i O i m s 1613 Marine BIU. GROUT Phone West 268 , t h e ST.ANDAHD STATION . - - - - Loine in Now ahd-chooSc your New CAR HEATER and FOG or ROAD LIGHT Yes;^\ve have a full sun-k of them right here in West Vancouver THE SAME PRICE AS^OU WILL PAY IN VANtOUVER ' "'by take ,-your bu.'iiness to the city ? STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS BVOlEApY. PRESTONE g e n e r a l t ir e s and BAOTEBIES. - Complete Automotive Shop Service For word jn a hurry from far away ...telephoae! The voice route is the shortest route when yoii want word in a huiTy from a d isten t point. When you call by Iqng- d is t a n c e telephone, vou avoid waiting a long time for your answer, because in one telephone 'conversa- tron you. can ask questions and receive replies. -The matter is d is p o s e d of m'omptly. \For Word in a hu rry from fa r away, call by long distance telephone." BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to Rent, Sell or - Buy. Pemberton's, Jsv^Y^l West GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- • phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. m e s s e n g e r _ SERVICE--Parcels., Baggage, light ™ work, prompt service. West F to E R IC K C. AUBREY. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch-Office, 1447 Mar- me Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West a46; Residence, Whytecliff 546. k n it t in g and PLAIN SEWING -- _ Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine DRESSMAKING -- Alterations and repairing; eiderdowns recovered* . prices reasonable. 1474 Marine. ' j a nd, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS ' Mic!? xl' ^^sses, experienced. ' -- Muriel Stoneman.- West 667-R ATCRACTIVE room FOR RENT -- , to transportation; board optional.. West 824-Y ^ The News Judge: "Can't this case be settled out of court?"--------------------------------- Kelly: "Sure, and thaPs what we were trying to._dp, your honor, when -the,police interfered." ------ " CASH FOR JUNK ~ Bottles, ragi, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too; small. ~ B urrard Junk Co., West 9L ^ f M N E Y SWBEPiN^^^^lTCoiuK Jry way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ' GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 Ŵ . Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister; Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. E xpert operator^. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ^ Special machine; repairs, parÛ West-Vancouver Machine Shop, 14« Marine. _ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners i instolled; furnace repate* G. Meldrum,. 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ■ PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason- able rates. H. Gaines, West loidj ̂ , LISTINGS WANTED H. A .'^R obe^ Ltd., West Vancouver Real E state Specialists. 1447 Mar* ine. Drive. - W est 546. _ . WANTED TO BUY For Spot Caab- . household fdrnitare. Hewett, Auc tioneers, N orth 89, Reverse wl- VY. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite Hollybum Block._____ ■ ___ WESTERN WOODWORKERS-SJ^ Fixtures, House Fixtures, Ww Turning, Glass , and Glazing. Wow* work of all descriptions. Phon^ ̂ West 740 an d 'W est 443-R. Clyde Ave. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Mariw -- School Supplies, Stationery, W > Notions, Needles, Cottons, - ware. ^ WA'TCH AND WAIT for anhoun^ ment of One Cent Sale NeiFs Rexall Drug~Store, 1402 J»*r ine Drive. Phone West 528.