West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Sep 1939, p. 3

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y rj» -h f,»9 5, <?" -Xf̂ '̂ Ĥ i, -W WĴ *!- .P'l̂ '- pw«.'i»'̂ ^̂ &«e. w-ji.i THE W EST VAN NEW^i :|«EN'S C L O IH lO E ^ l FURNI§«M6S. . . *11 WOOL COAT SWEATERS in a larg« r a n ^ of plain and binaiion colors; zipper and button styles. Price $2.U5; $3.95; $4.95 ffI"n\'s:iN -- Fine blue or *rrey serge and fancy worsteds. f r o m all wool su W b P i^ T rk e^ . c..it^ and Top Coats; hand tailored to your Individual measure C a m p U - l i ^ s - p ^ j j winter samples. Price $25 to $35.00 yit Guaranteed. M cL E O D 'S mens wear WEST VANCOUVER IKSE GIFT with a pound o f U p t o n ' s Tea )8,'Car&t Gold,'Border Cup of Knowledge , with saucer and Book of Instructions in the Aft of Cup Reading. NO RAISE IN PRICES d u n d a r a v e p ie r g r o c e r y r HOLLYBURN b u s in e s s c o lleg e In d iv id u a l T u ition I ■ ■ Phone W est 341 14th and Marine .. 'J B a c k w a r d S t u d e n t s Spend your evenings profitably. Special Tuition -- All Subjects BERNARD E. COOPER "'West 23-L-3. Have you h eard the latest Victor and Blnehird Records ' See your local dealer Brown & Munton's Store of Modern Home Appliances 1542 Marine West 366 Members A. R. T. of B.C. D onald M cA lpine P ian ist & Teacher CLASS and INDIVIDUAL _______INSTRUOnON____ Studio,: 233 31st Street Pkdne Miss Wilcox' residence Saturday. W est843-L Harfaottle's Jersey Products Ltd. PAINT Your H ouse NOW , Before the certain increase in prices. * ^ • ' Terms are necessary. 'Phone for Sfee estimStSTf" W . R. KENNEDY Phone West 159-L-2-* 0 fQUAUTVl A6AT5 > ■ / ,-.r \ . loeiwfRyj West 190 poon M o r k e f s I 1578 M arine Drive W est .190 Friday and Saturday SPECIALS DELIVERYFREE Grade A . Red Brand:---- -- _ _ _ __j___ Rump Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast..22c lb. Rolled Ribs R o u t s 28c per lb. Short Ribs 1 2 | j ^ Sterling TEA S5c per lb. Canned Salmon Red Sockeye 15c per tin BAKEASY 10c per lb.- , _ - r Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 15c. per lU lb . pkg. Chiu Con-Carne 15c per tin Grade A Red Brand Shoulders . ^ X a m b 18c per lb. Breast Lamb 15c lb. ^ Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per lb . K-9 DOG FOOD 3 tins 25c. Mr«, Colclough, Dundarave, iu moving the first of next month ihto the Fraser house at 226 28th Street, ̂ ^ 4> 0 0 # * • Mr. and Mrs, Matthews of . Mias B. J. Short of the Aluiii- 'cipal Hall staff, 1ms returned' from her annual vacation, which she spent in Victoria.* ♦ * , Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Butt (nee Molly Edwards), 947 Esquimult Avenue, with Mrs. A. M. Butt, Vancouver, are now occupying have moved to Salt Spring Is- Mrs. A. M. Butt's house at 975 land, B.C. Duchess Avenue. ♦ ... ... ' * . *w : Si Engagement , Mrs. F. S. M. Howden, 104G Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clements, Mathers Avenue, has moved into 13.78 Gordon Avenue, West a house at 947 Esquimau Ave- Vancouver, announce the en- nue. gagement of their second daugh- * * ♦ ter, Mart̂ r̂et Louise, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rose have Robert Harold jMould, son of Mr. moved froni the city into the Jam^s Mould and the late Mrs. Begg house at 1827 Bellevue Mould, formerly of Winchester, Avenue. England. The wedding will take ♦ ♦ ♦ place in Prince Hupert erirly in; Hugh Reid has purchased a October. , house at 1109 Fulton Avenue, - * -*-„„*-- ..... ....... C. J. Archer Ltd,, acting for both Mr.'and Mrs. Ronald Nyblett ' parties, returned Thursday from their * * ♦, wedding trip on Vancouver Is- Miv and Mrs.-J. D.'*̂ A]ihm and land and are guests at the home ,Miss Josephine Aiinn '-nf' w ŝd StratiQB^AKERY HOME-MADE FRESH DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Flos Cookies Ecriea Cakes -- l^aairlea Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Allan West Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCue, 1126 Esquimau Avenue,. have returned from a month's holiday on the prairies. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Miles of Horseshoe Bay, have purchased the Lawley house, at 2970 Math­ ers Avenue, through the Sharpe Realty Company. .They expect to take possession at the end of October. Bay, have arrived in Montreal from England. ■ iK *•* ... ...I .•: ■ ■ ■ • iv ) Miss Watson, formerly of Mr. and Mrs., Fred Eatock, 610 11th Street, returned on Sunday week from an extended trip to Sob them Saskatchewan.♦ * ♦ " Word has just been received that Tony ("Biir.')i Smallwood, of the latter's mother, Mrs. Wil- lian Sulley at Caulfeild. V « * * Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Powell,. 24th and Mathers Avenue, have moved' into their new home at 2710 Haywood Avenue. ■ f. V id Jack Howdle, 2064 Esquimau Avenue, of the Royal Air Force Administration staff, was trans- „ , , ferred last Thursday to Edmon- son of Mrs. Smallwood, 23rd and ton. „ ' Marine Drive,, left England for . . . France on the night of 4th Aug- The many friends of Mrs. F. ust. He is with the 103rd.Squad- X. Hodgson will be glad to hear ron;, R.A.F., and is probably the she has recovered from an oper- first West Vancouver or Van-, ation she recently underwent at' couver boy_to cross the.Channel St. Paul's Hospital and is stay- in this war. It is worthy of note ing for a few days with friends that his father also left England in the city. ̂ for France bn the night of Aug- ____ ------ --*" -- - ---------- ---ust:4th, 1914. The Dickens Book Club are * *r xt r, -n nnn presenting a sketch fr6m "Dom- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, 992 bey & Son" at the opening meet- 20th Street, have just received -ing of; the Vanemiver Fellowship from their son, Pilot Officer on Thursday of this week. Frank W. Smith, one of the first - ̂ -• , lot of pamphlets scattered by the . / Paddison--Brown H.A.F. over Germany. The A marriage was saiemnized pamphlet is headed Warning last Thursday in St. John's m English, the remainder being Anglican Church, with Rev. West officiating; when Gladys Edith ■ the huge Whitley bombers fhirH daiip-htî r of Mr and re,turn to England, bo farKose, third daughter ot Mr._ ana scattered 15 mil- Hollyburn theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Soj)ti'»nl)or 28th, 21Hli and 30th LEWIS STONE "O ut^est with the Hardys" (Oiu'o only. 8:00) . also "ON TUIAL" i SATURDAY EVENING AND MONDAY ' Soptemhor 30th &, Octohpr 2nd WAYNE MORRIS CLAIR TREVOR ' " The Valley of the Giants" (from the nov,el by' Peter R. Kyno) , All in technicolor. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 3rd and 4th ' .IBANNETTE McDONAU) U The *9 West Van Cycles New & Used Bicycles Parts - Repairs^ - Accessories DICK LLOYD; I'rop'r 1520 Marine, - West 828 couver, became. the bride of Edward Paddison, son of Mr." and Mrs. Thomas Paddison of North Vancouver. Given in marriage by her -father, the bride wore~ai. ŝuit_pf -two-toned blue crepe with white- aecessories and a corsage of white. chry.santhemums. Mrs. Harry Wright of West Vancou­ ver,̂ was,matron of honor, wear­ ing a black satin suit ahd egg shell satin blouse and a corsage? of yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. Harry Wright was groomsman. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, 1611 Fulton Avenue. The guests were; Mr. and Mrs.- R, Brown,' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Paddison, Mr. and Mrs. L. Em- poy, Mrs. Wm. Russell, the Misses Elva Brown, Gertrude lion -pamphlets over Germany. Pilot Officer Smith, who is a membef of one of the flying^ioat squadrons, is-on-a recomiaisjiTice course, on. completion of which he will be engaged in convoy 'work. I. 0. D. E. The regular monthly -moeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., Will be held on Mon­ day, October 2nd, at 1:45 p.rh., at the home,of Mrs. W.,B. Small, 2047 Fulton Avenue. K ^ p Your Dog H ealthy with DO G FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and C. Also Minerals Calcium and - Phosphorus .PAOKKD HY CRIBBAGE CLUB Aiglo-British Columbi|̂ acldM Co. in '/z'lb. tins and 1-lb. tins. A meeting will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), the 29th instant' in Mrs. Carley's Tea Rooms at 13th and Bellevue Brown, Anffa "ca^dWelF^^^^ Paddison, Pat Scott, Messrs. Eric Paddison, Bob ^ ilian , Ron­ nie McLean. , The bride and groom left later to spend their honeymoon at Harrison Hot Springs;. They will reside in West Vancouver. ing a cribbage club. All those interested are invited to attend. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FIRST WEST VANCOUVER -SCOUT TROOP (St. Stephen's) ' The next' meeting of the West Vancouver Chamber of Com­ merce will take place on the evening of Wednesday, October 11th. ^Further details -will be given later. tW Mothers' Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. J. D. Thorhpson, 2075 Bellevue Ave­ nue, on Thursday, October 5th, at 2 :30 o'clock, when it is hoped WILLIAM THOMSON PASSES William Thomson; 1286 Clyde Avenue, passed away fast Mon­ day. ,Asides his wife he is sur­ as manYrnTmtokâ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ vived bynwo daughters, Janet a" and Mary, at home-; one brother d t t a u S S i S ^ in. Vancouver and another in ested in this Troop. EXPERT W atch and a o c k REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., ^Montreal) 1522 Marine D rire Scotland. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. yesterday from' the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Hairon Bros. Ltd., the Rev. Wil- ' liam Vanoe officiating, and inter­ ment was made in Oapilano View Cemetery. King David Lodge No. 9S|, A.F. & A.M., of which order deceased was a member, held their service at the grave­ side. _ Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street - TOPSOIL ̂ GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside............$6.50 Cord Mill F ir, Inside............ . 5.50 - " Fireplace Fir................. . 6.00 " Green A ld e r ................»... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ............. SPECIAL__ No. 1 F ir Edgings.....$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ................... 8 Cords $11.00 B a rk ................................$6.60 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ............. :..... Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street , Office a t 1336 Marine Drive- Down Memory Lane; Father: "Tommy Bang always re­ members what he leanfed a t school and tells his father. Why don't you?" Son: Well,, you see, Tommy 'lives lots nearer school than I do."