y rj» -h f,»9 5, <?" -Xf̂ '̂ Ĥ i, -W WĴ *!- .P'l̂ '- pw«.'i»'̂ ^̂ &«e. w-ji.i THE W EST VAN NEW^i :|«EN'S C L O IH lO E ^ l FURNI§«M6S. . . *11 WOOL COAT SWEATERS in a larg« r a n ^ of plain and binaiion colors; zipper and button styles. Price $2.U5; $3.95; $4.95 ffI"n\'s:iN -- Fine blue or *rrey serge and fancy worsteds. f r o m all wool su W b P i^ T rk e^ . c..it^ and Top Coats; hand tailored to your Individual measure C a m p U - l i ^ s - p ^ j j winter samples. Price $25 to $35.00 yit Guaranteed. M cL E O D 'S mens wear WEST VANCOUVER IKSE GIFT with a pound o f U p t o n ' s Tea )8,'Car&t Gold,'Border Cup of Knowledge , with saucer and Book of Instructions in the Aft of Cup Reading. NO RAISE IN PRICES d u n d a r a v e p ie r g r o c e r y r HOLLYBURN b u s in e s s c o lleg e In d iv id u a l T u ition I ■ ■ Phone W est 341 14th and Marine .. 'J B a c k w a r d S t u d e n t s Spend your evenings profitably. Special Tuition -- All Subjects BERNARD E. COOPER "'West 23-L-3. Have you h eard the latest Victor and Blnehird Records ' See your local dealer Brown & Munton's Store of Modern Home Appliances 1542 Marine West 366 Members A. R. T. of B.C. D onald M cA lpine P ian ist & Teacher CLASS and INDIVIDUAL _______INSTRUOnON____ Studio,: 233 31st Street Pkdne Miss Wilcox' residence Saturday. W est843-L Harfaottle's Jersey Products Ltd. PAINT Your H ouse NOW , Before the certain increase in prices. * ^ • ' Terms are necessary. 'Phone for Sfee estimStSTf" W . R. KENNEDY Phone West 159-L-2-* 0 fQUAUTVl A6AT5 > ■ / ,-.r \ . loeiwfRyj West 190 poon M o r k e f s I 1578 M arine Drive W est .190 Friday and Saturday SPECIALS DELIVERYFREE Grade A . Red Brand:---- -- _ _ _ __j___ Rump Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast..22c lb. Rolled Ribs R o u t s 28c per lb. Short Ribs 1 2 | j ^ Sterling TEA S5c per lb. Canned Salmon Red Sockeye 15c per tin BAKEASY 10c per lb.- , _ - r Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 15c. per lU lb . pkg. Chiu Con-Carne 15c per tin Grade A Red Brand Shoulders . ^ X a m b 18c per lb. Breast Lamb 15c lb. ^ Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per lb . K-9 DOG FOOD 3 tins 25c. Mr«, Colclough, Dundarave, iu moving the first of next month ihto the Fraser house at 226 28th Street, ̂ ^ 4> 0 0 # * • Mr. and Mrs, Matthews of . Mias B. J. Short of the Aluiii- 'cipal Hall staff, 1ms returned' from her annual vacation, which she spent in Victoria.* ♦ * , Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Butt (nee Molly Edwards), 947 Esquimult Avenue, with Mrs. A. M. Butt, Vancouver, are now occupying have moved to Salt Spring Is- Mrs. A. M. Butt's house at 975 land, B.C. Duchess Avenue. ♦ ... ... ' * . *w : Si Engagement , Mrs. F. S. M. Howden, 104G Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clements, Mathers Avenue, has moved into 13.78 Gordon Avenue, West a house at 947 Esquimau Ave- Vancouver, announce the en- nue. gagement of their second daugh- * * ♦ ter, Mart̂ r̂et Louise, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rose have Robert Harold jMould, son of Mr. moved froni the city into the Jam^s Mould and the late Mrs. Begg house at 1827 Bellevue Mould, formerly of Winchester, Avenue. England. The wedding will take ♦ ♦ ♦ place in Prince Hupert erirly in; Hugh Reid has purchased a October. , house at 1109 Fulton Avenue, - * -*-„„*-- ..... ....... C. J. Archer Ltd,, acting for both Mr.'and Mrs. Ronald Nyblett ' parties, returned Thursday from their * * ♦, wedding trip on Vancouver Is- Miv and Mrs.-J. D.'*̂ A]ihm and land and are guests at the home ,Miss Josephine Aiinn '-nf' w ŝd StratiQB^AKERY HOME-MADE FRESH DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Flos Cookies Ecriea Cakes -- l^aairlea Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Allan West Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCue, 1126 Esquimau Avenue,. have returned from a month's holiday on the prairies. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Miles of Horseshoe Bay, have purchased the Lawley house, at 2970 Math ers Avenue, through the Sharpe Realty Company. .They expect to take possession at the end of October. Bay, have arrived in Montreal from England. ■ iK *•* ... ...I .•: ■ ■ ■ • iv ) Miss Watson, formerly of Mr. and Mrs., Fred Eatock, 610 11th Street, returned on Sunday week from an extended trip to Sob them Saskatchewan.♦ * ♦ " Word has just been received that Tony ("Biir.')i Smallwood, of the latter's mother, Mrs. Wil- lian Sulley at Caulfeild. V « * * Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Powell,. 24th and Mathers Avenue, have moved' into their new home at 2710 Haywood Avenue. ■ f. V id Jack Howdle, 2064 Esquimau Avenue, of the Royal Air Force Administration staff, was trans- „ , , ferred last Thursday to Edmon- son of Mrs. Smallwood, 23rd and ton. „ ' Marine Drive,, left England for . . . France on the night of 4th Aug- The many friends of Mrs. F. ust. He is with the 103rd.Squad- X. Hodgson will be glad to hear ron;, R.A.F., and is probably the she has recovered from an oper- first West Vancouver or Van-, ation she recently underwent at' couver boy_to cross the.Channel St. Paul's Hospital and is stay- in this war. It is worthy of note ing for a few days with friends that his father also left England in the city. ̂ for France bn the night of Aug- ____ ------ --*" -- - ---------- ---ust:4th, 1914. The Dickens Book Club are * *r xt r, -n nnn presenting a sketch fr6m "Dom- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, 992 bey & Son" at the opening meet- 20th Street, have just received -ing of; the Vanemiver Fellowship from their son, Pilot Officer on Thursday of this week. Frank W. Smith, one of the first - ̂ -• , lot of pamphlets scattered by the . / Paddison--Brown H.A.F. over Germany. The A marriage was saiemnized pamphlet is headed Warning last Thursday in St. John's m English, the remainder being Anglican Church, with Rev. West officiating; when Gladys Edith ■ the huge Whitley bombers fhirH daiip-htî r of Mr and re,turn to England, bo farKose, third daughter ot Mr._ ana scattered 15 mil- Hollyburn theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Soj)ti'»nl)or 28th, 21Hli and 30th LEWIS STONE "O ut^est with the Hardys" (Oiu'o only. 8:00) . also "ON TUIAL" i SATURDAY EVENING AND MONDAY ' Soptemhor 30th &, Octohpr 2nd WAYNE MORRIS CLAIR TREVOR ' " The Valley of the Giants" (from the nov,el by' Peter R. Kyno) , All in technicolor. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 3rd and 4th ' .IBANNETTE McDONAU) U The *9 West Van Cycles New & Used Bicycles Parts - Repairs^ - Accessories DICK LLOYD; I'rop'r 1520 Marine, - West 828 couver, became. the bride of Edward Paddison, son of Mr." and Mrs. Thomas Paddison of North Vancouver. Given in marriage by her -father, the bride wore~ai. ŝuit_pf -two-toned blue crepe with white- aecessories and a corsage of white. chry.santhemums. Mrs. Harry Wright of West Vancou ver,̂ was,matron of honor, wear ing a black satin suit ahd egg shell satin blouse and a corsage? of yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. Harry Wright was groomsman. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, 1611 Fulton Avenue. The guests were; Mr. and Mrs.- R, Brown,' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Paddison, Mr. and Mrs. L. Em- poy, Mrs. Wm. Russell, the Misses Elva Brown, Gertrude lion -pamphlets over Germany. Pilot Officer Smith, who is a membef of one of the flying^ioat squadrons, is-on-a recomiaisjiTice course, on. completion of which he will be engaged in convoy 'work. I. 0. D. E. The regular monthly -moeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., Will be held on Mon day, October 2nd, at 1:45 p.rh., at the home,of Mrs. W.,B. Small, 2047 Fulton Avenue. K ^ p Your Dog H ealthy with DO G FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and C. Also Minerals Calcium and - Phosphorus .PAOKKD HY CRIBBAGE CLUB Aiglo-British Columbi|̂ acldM Co. in '/z'lb. tins and 1-lb. tins. A meeting will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), the 29th instant' in Mrs. Carley's Tea Rooms at 13th and Bellevue Brown, Anffa "ca^dWelF^^^^ Paddison, Pat Scott, Messrs. Eric Paddison, Bob ^ ilian , Ron nie McLean. , The bride and groom left later to spend their honeymoon at Harrison Hot Springs;. They will reside in West Vancouver. ing a cribbage club. All those interested are invited to attend. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FIRST WEST VANCOUVER -SCOUT TROOP (St. Stephen's) ' The next' meeting of the West Vancouver Chamber of Com merce will take place on the evening of Wednesday, October 11th. ^Further details -will be given later. tW Mothers' Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. J. D. Thorhpson, 2075 Bellevue Ave nue, on Thursday, October 5th, at 2 :30 o'clock, when it is hoped WILLIAM THOMSON PASSES William Thomson; 1286 Clyde Avenue, passed away fast Mon day. ,Asides his wife he is sur as manYrnTmtokâ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ vived bynwo daughters, Janet a" and Mary, at home-; one brother d t t a u S S i S ^ in. Vancouver and another in ested in this Troop. EXPERT W atch and a o c k REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., ^Montreal) 1522 Marine D rire Scotland. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. yesterday from' the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Hairon Bros. Ltd., the Rev. Wil- ' liam Vanoe officiating, and inter ment was made in Oapilano View Cemetery. King David Lodge No. 9S|, A.F. & A.M., of which order deceased was a member, held their service at the grave side. _ Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street - TOPSOIL ̂ GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside............$6.50 Cord Mill F ir, Inside............ . 5.50 - " Fireplace Fir................. . 6.00 " Green A ld e r ................»... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ............. SPECIAL__ No. 1 F ir Edgings.....$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ................... 8 Cords $11.00 B a rk ................................$6.60 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ............. :..... Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street , Office a t 1336 Marine Drive- Down Memory Lane; Father: "Tommy Bang always re members what he leanfed a t school and tells his father. Why don't you?" Son: Well,, you see, Tommy 'lives lots nearer school than I do."