West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Sep 1939, p. 2

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p SWf PSSBfRliPSJ3SSB!"̂'W? mm wlim •wMm »iW<WW»i<li^^ t... -ttiyĵi P-\01'fe;j |i;- fe'". 'W ■ '•'t" ','i"' ■ !• '" P 'l I '" ■ M '0tes B ff i.'%;? ■■ ;/} ■:1: $ I f WB m 0 ' %lt; ' 44 -^ b:si?■03̂1 •'■■ 'wiaS isIf'S-SWsmwWMftiitê ipip: 't sf /;tP' Ip' ¥• It i t * -ti-i ■ ipl® Jr plî tells s?s -■̂M F rr, Ilfpliii ^SlSwi? is i# iS i i W0ml0 iS i i5 i'ifp"'sCv vA*.% wf§ ■ 1*11 WBiT VAH. t j m m C«UIIC» RBV. W, VANCE* a A ^ Mii|{«t«r 2047 Gordon Ay«nti« "•*• l*li»«#"' Wofl"'844*|t"*«'*̂ '̂ ' ' Sunday S«rrie«t: 11 a.m. A TtWp,m. Strangtra and Viaitort'ar« walieomt R e c o n d itio n Your Hair After • Summer Sun U*f. BAPTIST CHURCH " "•""T"Mfiitefar- W. I* McEny, 10:00 1] a.ffi. A A Sunday a.m.--C'b 8#m««a ao. urcb -Sebool«to*'f eluding Adult Claai 7;20 p.m.~Pwacblng S4rvicea. hearty welcome to all Kvery day aiiinrt women uro tiiirikirig more of hair beauty uiul heiilth. You cannot have lovely hair unleKH you have healthy hair. Our new llerbcx Treutmenta condition your hulr no it will take a noft luKtIng i)ermanent^ ■HUBlp~di«order» are eUHlly ebir- reeled with "tht'au aeientinc Kcalp trealinenlu. ■ 1 Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLIBURlf HALL Nth and Duebeea FItIDAY NIGHT, Sept, 29th. at 7:I.'> Young I'eople'H Service Subject: •'Ihc Nallvlly of Our Lord" JIJuHtrated by lanUrn vIcwh. Speaker: MU, A. MORNING The opening Hcrvice for the Kiiday evening winter Hoanlon. Send the family along. Sunday Evening at 7:30 GOSUKL SERVICK Speaker: MU. U. C. DUNS TUESDAY at H p.m. I'rayer and Jlible Study. WEST VANCOI EK Christian Science irf>sRyv.'WnwiHii,iM...... . , CHURCH KDIEICK 20th and Kaqulnult, Hollyburn Thia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church ^ The F irst Church of Christ, SclenUat, in. Boston, MassachuKetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, October iHt. SUBJECT: " U N IIE A U T Y " , Sunday School at Ib :^ a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesduj a t 8:10 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and mectinga. V'"0 _ A 6Se tu o n tb li; ,. ', Exclusive Gift China and Glassware r.rt*eting Cards for all occasions; Cellophane; Tissue and <Y^p#P«persj' '̂IBtaihj^frAllM*iai'^,a»d'«8iipplld'8^*""̂ -«-'*"' r e m in g t o n TYPEWRITERS BiUTISH MAGAZINES should be ordered NOW, to ensure ddiverv WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 JUrlne 01X11 imUI g >.111. __ Pkon, „j |hl" ' MRSe COLIN MacLEAN SOPRANO VOICE PRODUCTION COACHING Studio: 889 20th Street We.st 462-Y B. Y. P. U. NOTES UNITED CHURCH 2l8t and Esquimalt Ave. Itov. William Vance, Minister ̂ ,Y; . Sunday, October 1. ; JU:00 a.m.*--Sunday-School. DR, G, D, H. SE A LE I n :00 u.in;--Communion Service. CreaturN of Excluaive Permanemta; 1640 Marine Drive ■ West 117 ST. ANTHONY'.S CATHOUC CHUKCH -----23rd- & Inglewood- Ave...... Rev. Father Van ' '•>a8tor Sunday Services LowHiass --■ 8:15 a.m. High Mass and '-Sermon a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible GlaSs- 10:15 7:45 -2:00 D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Uny Huy Block, 14th and Marihe Dr. OITiee Houritll'"tb~0 p.m. Eveningx by appointment. . Phono WcHt 72 Mini.ster'.s subject, serves. 7:30 p.ni. Our Ke- Evening Service. p.m. Week-day Services Mass-- 7:00 a.m. Fridays-^Rosary, Benediction 7:45. The sea.son*H .second meeting of the Baptist Young People's Union was held at the liome of . ' Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, Esquimalt "Avenue; on "Monday,- September-~«--c:l. 18th, at 8 p.m. The topic for / consideration was' "Beethoven, German Lover of Freedom," led by Jack Mercer. Highlights of the famous composer's life were given and themes from his 5th Symphony were played, follovv- ing which recording.s of this symphony, as played by the Lbn- do.ii Symphony Society were pre­ sented. After this enjoyable program, refreshments. were kindly served by the hostess. DANCING Clan For TINY TOTS wiENDY HOUSE 2397 Bellevue Avenue Wednesday ihorning at I0;3o $1.60 per mdritli GRACE GODDARD, West 8G7 Subject, "Mixing Our Values." Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 Anniversary Services, Sunday, to 8:30 p.m. 4̂-G-' , I)R. McRAE D E. N T I S T formerly of 706 Mod leal-Dental > Building llourn: 0 to C -- Evoninga by appointment. 1800 Marino Drive Went 432 WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th.Street. Pilstor i Rev. Robert H. Birch. B.A. Services: EBtabliahed on North Shore 25 Yearn (Lady Aasiatant)--------- HARRON BROS. LTD. jFuitrral f i ir rc to rs iiollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 ■ North Vancouver - Parlorx 122 West Sixth Street _____ Phone North 1.34______ October. 8th. Anniversary Dinner, Wednesday October 11th. United Church Young People On Monday, September 25th, Uh; .Christian Culture Commit- U.e of tlie United Church Young School ...... ........ 9:45 People's Union twk charge oi' Services ...........11 a.m. the regular meeting at which and 7:30 p.m. thirty-six members attended. - Wednesday ' Fellowship .... 7:30 Helen. Vance, coiwener oP the Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity group, led the devotion, assisted Fellowship .............. 7:45 by Frank Tanner, arid followed Continuing t h i s S u n d a y - of addresses-on- ns. 1 he highlight of the oven- "the. prophebies"̂ ̂ "tKe~~Bibre" Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Inkster have moved into the Vernon house, at 2226 Inglewood Avenue. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEIARLE Phone Wwt 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies A- NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) „C. C. FINNEY,. West Vancouver Representative aJ Phone West 782 and Driver will call. Vancouver Parlora 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 iiig was a recording of the famous rnusicai score "Pina­ fore," Dora Banks gave a de­ scriptive talk on music.al comedy. Ted Hind marsh looked after the operatic section of the evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association will bo held on Tuesda-yr-Jî d-Ootobeiv relative to present day events will be given. It is intended that these should be a guide and help to all-earnest thinkers and seek­ ers today. - Asphalt Pretnix DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS L im it e d Phpne North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y The Highlands- 1393 Marine Drive Where Good Food is Served TEAS, LUNCHEONS, DINNEH Y Private Catering. All Cakes and Puatvioa made on the promisoB. PHONE; WEST 671 ' ât 2:15 p.m. in the Church Hall. The hostesses will be. Mrs. A. Gafthorne, Mrs. G. Hay; Mrs. W. Herrin and Mrs. R. Howieson. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd, and Fulton ' Rev. F: A. RanTseyT-Rector ^~BAl»TISTrCHURCIf" Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1646 Duchess Ave. Harvest Festival . 8:00 a.m.-^Holy Communion. - 11:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7 :30 p.mT -- Evensong. Mondaŷ 8'p7m-."'==̂ Social Even­ ing. ■ . St. Francis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild 3:00 p.m. -- Harvest Thanks­ giving. Gerhentr Sand Navy Jack, Crushed Rock Drain Tiles, Brick Lime, Mortar PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CITY PRICES TEA R O E & SONS CONCRETE and GENERAL CONTRACTING S -1427 Marine Drive-^--=»-™„p h o n e W EST 84 The French Beauty Salon. For Perm anents of lasting; beauty. AppointmonlA nt short notice. 'IVo qunlinod opctrntors. We Bpccinlisc In fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST^ SPECIAL Inaide F ir:--r from ahtni ........86.00 per cord from mill .......$6.50 per cord Slabs w'tih Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST . I*RITAM'8 FUEL Phone North 620 TUB West Van News Pttbliahed Every Thursday • ' Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buaineas and Editorial OtTice; ___I704 Marine Drive -- Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. -81.00 a year by carrier: |£;00 a year by nail Sunday Services ' 11 ;00 a.m. -- Subject, "A Faith That Ckijnquers." The' ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be administered. 7 :80 p.m.--Opened by a bright sing song. Sennon subject, ,,,,, -------- ---- ^ot-For-Bale." - - V "UNREALITY" will .be the The,<?hurch school will meet at subject of the Lesson - Sermon 10 o'clock. New scholars will re- Churches of Christ, Scien­ ce! ve a cordial welcome. Sunday. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's The Golden Text is: "There is Society. The pastor will speak maketh , himself rich, yet on the timely'subject, "The at- nothing: there is that :. titude of the Church in 'Time ^̂ k̂eth himself poor, yet hath ■ o'f War." All young people riches." (Proverbs 13; 7)v ai'yj cordially invited. Among the . citations which Wednesday, 7:45 -- Midweek comprise the Lesson - Sermon is meeting of prayer and praise. following from the Bible: "I Strangers will receive a warm ̂ seen.-alLthe works that are ' welcome. The people of God the sun; and, behold, should be much in prayer in . vanity and vexation of these tragic days. * spirit. ' (Ecclrl: 14). ^ The Women's Mission Circle Lesson - Sermon also ih- will meet in the Chmx:h Tues- eludes the following passage day, October 3ixi, at" 2:30 p.m.. fcom the Christian Science text- Mrs. Lashbrook will have charge "Science and Health with of the devotional period and the Scriptures" by Mary word for.roll call is "Praise." Baker Eddy: "The perfect Mind All ladies cordially invited. ■ forth perfection, for God ------------- -- r- " is Mind, Imperfect mortal mind The diffdrcnco 'tween a long winded ®cnds forth i t s ow n resem blanc- speaker n book is >k)u keh shut the f f 'n^r " '̂ ich th e w ise m an said, book up. . ' ~ "11 IS v a n ity '." Mr and Mrs. Fraser of Winni- P|g. hav ̂ mov^ into a suite at nic Gables " West Bay. ^ - 2 ' / f^fEkmn l<reei<'W'H> Happy H our a u b " for Boys and Girls Pictures - r Contests ~ Singing Every Friday, 7 8 p.m. a t WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Cr. Mtirim & 25th Street Come w th your friend and join early. Not a new n ava l r a t io but- your e l e c t r i c s e r v ic e raters* The more you use th e cheaper i t i s . RADIO SERVICE our estimate,on your repairs iou will appreciate our moder- All work guaran- J. L. PETTIGREW Phone West 828 B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C r a i l w a y C O M P A I 4 Y L I M I T E D .-r'