---------------------- ; ym THE WEST t o lm b t r EL u m iW ft V V" kti '« r ': feiI'fi'̂nir -■' IIM'fv' s M.Sfsfi' i'iiKi' 1®i;fs is'l ■■< pSi» i s i lv5 iftiCSI mf:: l i i'\-.'-y 1* mM m mp :fe l i p i °̂\l?'i A* * ̂; » ■ Frew Delivery Servte* • Metatibly Aeceamt a n n u a l EXHIHITION PHICEH (;(H)J> for FKIOAV & Itrd A W h ite l ltM A T O E H 3 Kguiit tifl« , ............................. 25c J£ed A W h ite < l i r c ;|iK K N B B A N 8 17 or. till -' ; ....................... - . . ."l i e t i l 'K 'K O A I K* -- Hohin Hoot , l.urKv |ik t. .............. Die H A L M O N -- rh u n i 2 No. 1 tine 21c ( O ltN K D H K K F tin N c KtHl A W h ile Brand H O U I* VcKetalilc or 'I'ontalo >.-3 Una 25c D B V fJB K K N l*K A H 2 Iba. 16c H O U l' M IX 2 Ilw , 16c M A C A K O N I -- Beady C ut 2 Iha. |6c D B IK D F ia i lT H I 'K C N K H -- FIuinp Santa C laraa IvarKc kI/,«*................................2 Ilw . 23c S A IB IM T K H ................... 3 IN . 17c B A IS IN H - A u a iriillan 2 IN . 26c i 'A M F O B N IA G ltA l 'K F IM J IT I fo r 19c ( A I. IF O U N IA O B A N G U S Medium Size .........dozen 24c SA'l'UKUAY, Sept 22nd & 23rd M E A T S (Continued Early Pcacheĵ -- L White; 2, Mrs. Xlcluvlnh. artison; 2, A, GarthoriK'. Winter Pears -- L ardson. u .1 Retl Plums -- I, Mrs. Kichard- Frec Delivery Weat 370 All Meiila in thia market are Grade A Fresh Fiah Daily • , h'ull line of Delicattwaen a t t i A H CUBKI) COItNKD B K IS K Ii'r . per lb .............................. 18c 8WKK1 I'ICKI.KD . \ 'lONGUFS. per lb............. A... 22c AFiM.KS- W K A I / n i y COOK Fits MclNTOSH ... 6 Iba. for 26c (Fer Box $1.26) ......H llw. for 25c ....6 IN. for 26c WES'r VANCOUVER CHAMUER OF COMMERCE SAVINC; HEED O F A N N U A L FL O W E R S ( lOxiM'i'inientuI Farm s N ew s) 'riiort* is no doubt that the host Hoeds of annual tlowers are tho.so .raisod by specialists, but evenintir, of last week by ,Honu; popie like to jfiow tneir , Vancouver Chamber of A very ,e]i joy able supper meeting .Was held at Whyiecjfifr I/odK<;, Horseshoe Hay, on Wed- (Avn, In order to gel the best sei'di vigorous- plants with good flowers should be chosen as seed piirents, and inferior plants growing iie{irl)y should be re removed, states Isjibella Preston, Division of Horticulture, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, On̂ ' color or variety only- should be grown in one part of the garden, so "that there is less danger of bees croHH-pollinating the flow- (!i's. If seed pods arc not form ing, a small camel-hair brush slioidd be used to dust the pollen of one good plant on to the stig ma of the other, so that there is no douht.of it l)eing pollinated. Commerce, when the members ami tiieir guests sal down to air exc<;Ilent-repast pi'ovided by the genial proprietor, 3'ed Sewell. Kepresentatives f r o m th e Nordieni Electric and Westing- house ('ompaiii(!s made short ad- dn-sses on stniet lighting, and a very inferesling lecture on the recent war, in Spain, illustrated with ills own lantern views, was given by Dr, Posner, a New York jaw. specialist, who* is spending a fishing holiday at Horseshoe Bay. Dr. IVjsner volunteered for service witli the Red Cross and was a mernbei' of a unit which did duty for a numljer of months prupes-- 1, Mr.s. Uichardson, 2, Mrs. McTavish. Greengages -- l.'.Mrs. Damsons -- 1, Mo lavish. Display of Fruit -- h , Richardson; 2, Mrs. Me lavish. N eedlew ork liedspread -- 1, Mclav- ish; 2,'Miss M. Dieken.son. ■ Cross Stitch -- 1. Mrs. Mon roe; 2, Miss K. S<*e(ls. Cut Work -- 1. Mrs. Me rav ish. , Embroidered Cushion -- l, Miss K. Seeds. I3mbroidered * Luncheon (doth --^̂'1, Mi.ss K. Seeds. Embroidered Towels --- H, Mrs. McTavish. '• ' , , Home Hand Loom Work -r-'L Miss K. Seeds, v I'etit, Point ^ 1, Joan Robin son; 2, Beverley Rovihson. l*aî * of Hand Worked Ih'llow Cases -- 1, Miss ,K. Seed.s-;-2,-' Mrs. Monroe. . Quilt -- 1, Mrs, Carthorbo; 2, ■Mrsi Monroe. Afghan --1, Mrs. McTavish. Service SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH PAINT ■ B ^ ^ s m u E s WALLBOAJRD T M .... NO SUBSTITUTE Vyc|tvQUAUTŶ :̂ • Afcntst. CANADA I'AINT COMPANY LTD, ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15lh & M arine D rive Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S I'h.. r.t« for ClMBlflwJ Adv^!r^■•m«ttl■ Ib 1. cent* per word, rnfalmiiia 25 cmi. Kept iB th. CM. of U»i« •cco««t., .11 d«rt. In Ihe^WwIt Vm, N .w. t e t lmmwll«t« rwulti. a t West Vancouver any ~iinDOintment.-WeBt 403. B urristcr & Joy. r tinier' FOR RENT -- Small furnished suite suit one person; block from Perry. 1358 Clyde Avenue. ---- FOR"SALE -- 8-Piece Dining Suite" (leather seats), in Al condition: IKiy'u blue overcoatjbv « ....... . . *^Jrood^*oiulilion. Size 9 yoars, $3.50. VVe.st 7'i-T^2-~ ■ - ^ snap $40. 1!}7B Haywood Avenue, LOST . Ladies gold wrist watch, near United Church or ^ t̂^st Bay. Reward. VVe.st 758-L-l. -- FOR RENT -- Furnished 3-room modern, near Perry, 1203 Duchess Avenue. WAN3'EI) -- 60 Laurels, 3 to, I feet hiirh. West 95'1-I.. ------ FOR SALE -- 12 White Leghorns hend 65c each. Phone West 168-K, FOR RENT -- One room cottage with ' cnnvmiidnces. Phone We.si 322. Any Cotton'Cr,«hc4«d Artlclo ' IWh!* " a|eS; 1, Mrs. Clegg: 2, Mrs. (xur- ■ Rox 51. West Van News. Any Woollen Crochetcal Article POR SALE -- "lawcett I crfection When tho si*ed pods l̂mve grown v̂itli Ihd Loyalist forces, during to tiieir full si/e, they gradually turn brown and crack open.- -- If tinfe permits,- tho.se -pods can be gathered daily, ju.st when they begin to open, and laifl in shallow boxes in a dry place until tile seeds can bo easily .shaken out. A piece of muslin should l)c laid ov<'r the boxes-to prevent the seeds getting mixed. When tile seeds are dry they must be whicii he luul many Very trying exjjeriences, interspersed with " some hTHnoTolifTihcidentsTAT̂ ^̂ ^̂ other tilings he stated that /tlie~ (7<)rnian aviators made a speci- .rlty of bombing Red Cross ambu lances and hospitals. " ^ ^ resolution was passed that aiiy wishing to tiecome members and desirous of having their names on the charter must join 1, Mrs. Monroe. Knitted Socks -- 1, Miss M, Dickenson. - . Ladies Knitted Suit -- T, Miss Stokes. Rag Rug --- Mrs. Holden; 2, Mrs. Garthorne. Domestic Science White Loaf -- 1, Mrs. Tinney; 2, Mrs. Rehberger. Whole Wheat ijoaf -- 1, Mrs. Gisby. Nut Loaf -- 1, Mrs. J. Gray. Sponge Cake --̂ 1, Mrs. Gar thorne; 2, Mrs. Tinney. -.-Layer- Gake-----Ir-Mrs.-Reh--- berger; 2, Miss K. Seeds. Ginger Bread -- 1, Miss K. Seeds; 2 , Mrs. Richardson, Cookies -- 1, Mrs. Gisby; 2 , Mrs. Holden, Oat Cakes-- 1, Mrs. Richard son. Pancakes -- 1, Mrs. R. Jack. 4-hoIe range with Econo Glow oil burner, good condition, $2.6. West 182-ji=i FOR REN' eiiings. Cottage on Waterfront' comfortabR furnished; near ferry. West 350-M. _______ EXPERIENCED GIRL Phone West 607-Y. wants work. b u il d in g LOTS Now'is the time to select your building lot, we have a complete list of choice lots in all residential districts, " A few .examples: View lots, near bus, west of 24th, north of Marine, $226,'^300 and $350. W<» will be glad I to show these lots any time. Ask us about D.H.A. Loans. Sacrifice; Lovely ,5-roOm 'stucco bungalow; garage; find view, good district, near everything, $2,750. $400 down; $2L per month. LAW-SON, WALKER & PRIDE, . West Van's Pioneer Realtors opp. Hollyburn P.O., West 55 , Evenings, Mr. Pox, West 457-R-2 Evenings, Mr. Walker, .West 25-M-3, 'NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West 21. ' WANTED -- Boy with delivery, etc. Apply Pharmacy. wheel for Dundarave LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity „1271. Evenings, West 437-Y-l. ________ WANTED TO RENT ~ Small furn ished flat or room with kitchenette, : ' $15. West 857-L. ' GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- phone.-!Sey.' 4991 or West 92-R-2. . W ANTED --r Unf urnished. cottage, 1 -- or--2--^oomSj;-pe^manent;-^$5---?L monthly. Box 40, West Van News. WEST VANCOUVER MESSEN(JER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service.-West 700. WILL THOROUCiHLY CLEAN, %ax and Polish, two days open; local references. West 149-R-3, evenings.; y iiarujril from llu-ppd.s iimi-un.v nig Gl»imbci-bcforc-l-lie«l.a;. of , Vea-^jsstOts------1, Mrs. Rett- ilii.'.roi- tniKh (hill hns btfomu ihe-ncxt meetiiiK. It was also "ewr: 2. Mra. Tinney; 3, Mrs. FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister. Solicitor. Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Off ice, 1447' Mar- WANTED TO RENT -- Semi-furn ished house; waterfront if possible; ' reliable permanent tenants. Box 50 West Van: News. mixod with thvm. If only a few aro grown, hand picking is the simplestmethod to adopt. Large ((imMlttiesTare cleaned,byjlie. usti of .sieves. A (iiie sieve will take out. the.dusLaiuHeave the seeds, except the very small ones whioh can drop through, leaving- the trash in the sieve. Seeds of plants like Asters and Zinnias- Imv'e to he cleaned by hand by the amateur. If the daily picking of the s(H.m1s is too niudr trouble, the plants can be rooted up when most of the seed pods have, form ed and are lieginning to ripen. They arc then laid on sho(.̂ ts out doors during the day and brought inside at night until the seed-pods rij>en and thesiHals can be beaten or shaken out. T'hey inust then be cleaned as describ ed above.. After tho .seeds are cleaned ami dried, thov should decided - to -hold, a dance some time about the middle of October for which Mrs: 0. Sharpe was appointed convener.---- . Waller Tearoe was appointed a committee of one in-eonnection- with the light-up campaign, and Messrs. H. Ostrom and D. A. Barbour a oommittee to inquire into better mailing arrange ments. _ The moeting--cohcluded with community singing led by Jim Fiddes, Dr. Posner acting as ac companist. SCOUT NEWS 1st West V'ancoiiver (St. Steph en's) lY(H)p On Monday evening, ne.xt, September 25th, following - the regular Scout meeting, the an nual report will be presented by time the new committee will be formed and it is earnestly re quested that one or both parents ....... of either Cubs or Scouts makedt Burkhart thmr duty to attend. Please Holden. Canned Cherries -- 1, Mrs. Rehberger; 2, Mrs. Hawkes. __ Canned_ Loganberries----- 1, Mrs. Hawkes; 2, Mrs. Richcard- jpn. " Canned Plums ^ . 1, Mrs. Richardson. _ Canned Raspl>erri€s -- 1, Mrs Hawkes; 2, Mrs. J. Gray. . Any other variety of Canned Fruit-- 1, Mrs. Rehberger; 2, Mrs. Hawkes. . Apricot Jam ~ 1, Mrs. Rich ardson ; 2, Mrs.̂ Hawkes. Black Current Jam ~ 1, Mi*s. Burkhart; 2, Mrs. Richardson. ^Hed Current Jam -- l, Mrs. Richardson, GoosebeiTy Jam -- 1, Mrs. Mc Tavish. I îspberry Jam ■-- 1 , Mi's. R. Jack; 2, Mrs. Hawkes. Strawberry Jam -- 1, Mrs. H. B. Gray. 1 variety of Jam -- ban Crab Apple Jelly Gray. Blackberry Ĵ l̂ly ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 646. KNI-TTING and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine GASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks,' Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small, Biirrard Junk Go:, West 91. DRESSMAKING -- Alterations and repairing; eiderdowns recovered; prices.reasonable. 1474 Marine'. GHIMNEY SWEEPING ̂ Old ̂ im- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs.- Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FLOOR SURF AGING Suther- ■ land, 2144 Mahon Avenue>vNorth 578 DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS --Suits. Coats, Dresses, experienced. Miss Muriel Stoneman. West 667-R GORDON ROBSQN -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 41M a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. , ATTRACTIVE ROOM FOR RENT -- Close to transportation; board op tional. West 824-Y. . EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21,"hl-We^t 553-R-l. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness, words of sym pathy and florhl offerings in our late bereavement., LILIAS DAVIE, MRS. J. MITCHELL, WM. S. DAVIE. MARCEL SHOP Thermique Steam Permanents; only best Materials used. E xpert operators. Phone West 304. Royal Bank Building. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED S^ciSl maefiine; repairs, par»OK̂ CAai ' lAiavUUi«3j y r" -- West Vancouver Machine Shop, Marine. NORTH SHORE LOCAI, C'OliNeiL OF WOMEN mm miM r-oL̂ hĉ -North-Shxrrê LiWiT'Cb ̂ ^cil of Women will bo held in Si: Stephen'.s Church Hall next Mondny^September 25th, at 2p̂.m. ^ iVIra. Norman B, Porter, Presi- of the Vancouver Council of \\ omen, will give her report on the National (Council Conven tion. and Mrŝ , Hartlev of the aiouaewivea/.Lt'ague of Canada, will give the Î i'ague'.s view.s on -the "High Cost,of Meat." A large turnout of iielegates is re quested.--------- 0 - 1, Mrs. J. 1, Mrs: 1, Mrs. for w hile and see What the boys ■ Loeanberrj" Jeilv _ i Mr. do, then stay and meet some of Burkhart - o- v. t (heather parents. VVe i t L Any o he,: •ery happy family-and Tf you 1, Mr;̂ . Hi k e / - r fe;T laven't been to any ' of our VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEA RL E Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds,_ gatherings you do not know what ReSerger " Pickles 1, Mrs. you have missed. Start next Oollerfinr. attending this " ables - i, Mrs. T he~ NcWS ^ADCO Wood, (Joal, Builders'. Supplies CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace rePfiW' G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kabo- mining; first class work at able rates. ^H.*-Gaines, WestJ67^ LISTINGS wanted H. A. Roberts Ltd., West V a n « ^ | Real Estate' Specialists. 1447 Mur ine Drive. W est 546. PAIOTING AND DECORATING-- Estimates free. J . H. Wedley. West ' 818. ____^ .Home-made Wine i MrsGlsbv '> A scientist says it is the lower imrt of the &(» not the eyes, Mrs. Rehberge"r-'2'MR' ̂ that tnvp.one's thoughts. Baking .Po|dCT_Bi_^1is2f 1 ;.2, Mrs. Burkhart. Salad Dressing _ i-Mrs. Rehbertrpr- 9 Mvc w a n t e d t o b u y For SpdttGafih- household furniture. Hewett, Aû tioneers. North 89, Reverse cub* W. H. VASS. diiiropractor. Suite HoUybum-Bloek. ' -- Espeeially-when bneopens^the-- Betty "BlairT I can't marry him, mother. He's an atheist and doesn't believe"tHere's w e s t e r n WOODWORKEBS-SI^ Fixtures, . House Fixtures, Wow, Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood- -KelL work of all descrip tion lower part of the face. liiiil ■ He: did you send that poor fellou back for your cold, cream? He'll never find it." She: "I only wanted chap off my .hands," Richardson. I otato Growing Competition Special T>Te and Quality -- Won by W. T. Sims with 130 lbs grmvn from 5Jb. of seed. . v a k e . u s i b r - ™ "><«table t6 get the plumber (arriving late): "How have you managed?" Householder; "Not so badly. -While wo were waiting for you to arrive, I taught the children to swim," * Marry him, dear, and between the- both of us we'll convince him he's wrong. West 740 and W est 443-R- Clyde Ave. - ------- ^ h a n d y ANN SHOP, 2442 SchoQl Supplies, Stationery, W ^ ' Notions,. N e v e 's , Cottons, 13?'lte 2nd, with yare. should have been ; 1st, A. Garthorne. WATCH A n d , WAIT lo r .ann®n^: ment of O n e ^ n t Sale NeU's RexaU Drug Store, 1402 m ine Drive.- Phone West 528. *'S va lef sin fill ani to