V- f Nrf# ̂ ̂SS * , V V •"jr }» -"it ̂ ̂ ̂ 1'>,« J, Ĵ«t̂ i •̂ A, ̂ ii=» t-p »ftvi A>> y«( ' « f 4,1){ ̂ y ? «i '- , > V f g^l t< « 1 . ts A * -̂.~ •■.«•>/ V . -r,ji,, .J.i r-, ̂ ,» ♦ » ~ > o 3 ̂ r , A. f.--;̂ ît=.4sti„ %̂'V.fiaW' >>y«'«̂Ŝr«'«r<="̂f'=M>'̂.-»'«'a"!»tft-i •>'-."-«W't"4fM,4-f..'it5« ̂ ,%"•* , V. » < >%?,.,. * *̂Ac-̂ - »*v , S-K'--«\: mimm mrnmmki mtuxi tmum eniber2Lj222i TH E WIST VAN NIWS IT»S 'iPt01fIi«J$t^Oltl«IEai« -UFE-PEmMANEmT^-Af\^A¥E^ t / ' * o^ c / -gnew-the only permiment th a t imparta the full beauty of natural luatre * and lovdinaea throughout the entire life of the wave, 1370 Marine Drive **Acrota from SafewmyV Phone West 331 ^ -- y . CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER VOTERS' LIST, 1940 Pcisoiis desiring and entitled to have their names placid on the Voters' List for 1940 as Householders, Licence or Poll Tax Holders must-* file a de'olaration (which may be made before a"Nolary Public or the undersigned) in the form pro vided, before the end of September, 1989. ,. Forms may be obtained at the Muni<jipal Hall Dated th is 14th day of l^ptember, 1939. ~ Hollyburn, B. C. WM. HERRIN, . Municipal Clerk; SCH O O LBO O K S . ■ The sale of text books contin ues at the West Vancouver High School on Friday, September; 22nd, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from Monday, September 25th, to Friday, September 29th,.'from; 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This service is sponsored by the Duncan' Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E. I. 0. D. E. On Tuesday, September r 26th, ■and Thursday, September 28th, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., the registration for the classes sponsor^-by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I . ' O. D. E., will commence at the West Vancouver, Welfare Associa^on Headquarters, 17th and Marine Drive. • The classes are: Home Nurs ing-Convener, Mrs. Walter Gourlay, R.N.; First Aid -- Con vener, Mrs. "P. C. Chapmian;" PAINT Your House NOW Before the certain increase in prices. r -Terms- Child Care -- Convener, Mrs. B. W., M. Bone, Instructor, Miss Copeland; Diatetics -- Conven er, Mrs. R. A. Thompson, In structor, Mrs. Wilfred Munton; Stenography, and Typewriting-- (Refresher . Course) Convener, Mrs. Robt. Fiddes, Instructor, Mrs. Winnifred Reid. This class ' will.be held at the West Van couver High School by courtesy of the School Board. Motor Me-' chanics -- Convener, Mrs. Gor don Gray, Instructor Wm. Grout; Sewing and Knitting -- Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Registration and classes will be open to non-members as well as members and all are cordially invited to take advantage of this opportunity. All committees are co-operating with the instructors to make the classes as interest-, ing and convenient 'as possible. In response to the appeal from Lady leading for warni new clothing for boys and girls (a|:es 2 - 14)^ evacuated from their honies in the United King-_ dbm a "shower" will be held dur-' ing the first week of October. The Chapter wishes to express their sincere appreciation to the School Board, the Highlands Cafe, the West Vancouver Wel- -fare~Asst3cration and- Toe II for- ̂ Midshipmar R.*̂ Timbrel!, R.C. N., has been recalled to duty, leaving here last week to report to the Admiralty in London, England. Mr, and Mrs. Phipps have moved into a house at 2489 Belle-, vue Avenue. Miss Dodge, who has been staying at the Clachan, has re turned to Vancouver. 1*1 ■ Hi.. ̂~ ■... Mrs* M. A, Muir and son, recently from England, have purchased one of the Stone houses at Cypress Park, and are planning on taking up residence in about one month's time. The deal was handled by A. C. Fair of H. A. Roberts Ltd., who also acted-for both parties in the sale of the Baird property at 30th arid Marine Drive to Mrs. M. Mitchell and daughtel '̂'*-The purchasers ,who ar;:lved fram England a short tiirie ago, will be taking possession this month. Mr. and Mrs. Frain and farnily have moved into a house at West Bay. .<♦ * Trustee and Mrs. H. G. Barker and family, 303.3 Marine Drive", have, mov^ into their own home at 3015 Marine Drive. . . Angus, McL»eod has returned to "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay, after undergeing an operation for appendicitis at the Vancour ver Gleneral Hospital. Mrs. Clifford and two daugh ters, are "occupying. one of the Clachan cabins. Mr. and Mrs. McLaren of Van couver, have-moved into a house at 12th and Argyle Avenue.% * « Ford Bireckenridge, formerly of West Viahcouver, but who how lives in the city, has returned from a trip to Eastern Canada.♦ * ♦ . Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Mar ine Drive, is visiting her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J U. Holt,, in Vernon, B. C. t , • ♦ ♦ ♦ John Willman is a guest af~ "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay. ' Lloyd Wallace and Bruce Montgomery, both of Dundarave, have joined the Seaforth High landers of Canada, while' Geof frey Ajello, 29th "Street," h^s joined the RA.K.-* Mhj. David Morgan, Travers Avenue, returned on Saturdiay from San Francisco, where she has been visiting her daughter, Miss Eluned Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and daughter of Seattle are staying at the Clachan. ̂ .4> 4> * Friends of Rev. J. Dinnage Hobden, executive secretary of the John Howard Society, will be relieved to learn that he is re covering from his recent accident and ensuing illnessr-A-few weeks ago he fell from the roof of his house here, severely injuring his foot. Later, pneumonia develop ed. He is now in hospital'well on the road toward convalescence, but unable to receive visitors. Mrs. Arietta Miocklin, sister of Mrs. W. T. Creighton , of 29th ] and Palmerston Ayenue, passed ' away Tuesday week in her fifty- sixth year. Funeral , services were held at 3 :30 p.m. on Satur day in the city, the Rev. Andrew Roddan officiating, and coirimit- tal was made in Capilano View Cemetery. A daughter was boru on Sep tember 8th at North Vancouver Gfeneral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rodgers of Horseshoe Bay. ̂ . . . ... Engagement The engagement is announced of Josephine Elizabeth, only . daughter - of . Mri and Mrs. V. Parker, 3070 East Seventeenth, to Mr. William Joseph Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs, W, H. "MasOn of West Vancouver. The . wedding will take place in Bea- consfield United Church at 8 o'clock October 11th.♦ Itc i|e Shower Mrs. L. Freeman, 'and .Mrs. George Perree entertained at- a linen'shower Monday evening in Strattoo^AKERY HOME.MADE R R E A D FUESH DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookies Ecdea Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THU Its DAY AND FRIDAY Septombor 21 si ami 22nd DIONNE QUINTUPLEl'S "Five of a Kind" (Onot) only at 8:00) . ....- also "SAFE'IT IN NUMBERS" SATURDAY MATINEE Soplombor 251r(i . OLIVER HARDY VZENOBIA** also "SAFETY IN Nu m ber s" SATURDAY EVTCNING AND MONDAY Soptonibor 2.'lrd Jind 2r>th EDWARD G. ROiyNSON "Confessions of a NafTSpy*^ NEWS and CARTOON liUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SepttMnbor. 2(5th. and 27th ROBKltT YOUNG «*HONOLyLU" ' (Once only at H:'15) : also "KING OF ALCATRAZ" West Van Cycles New & Used Bicycles " Parts' - Repairs - Accessories DICK LLOYD, Prop'r 1.520 Marine, West 828 honor of Mrs. Robert Morns (nee Gwen, Davison). Invited guests were Mrs. T. E. W. Rus- Mrs. George Bennett, who has sell, Mrs. Ted Russell' Mrs. Bill been the guest of her sister, Russell, Mrs. Bob Black, Mrs.- Mrs.' YÊ :Latham",̂ 2446"Marine' "Marvin Weisbefg; "Mrsr^Wilfred" Drive, left on Tuesday to return Davison, Mrs, Bell, Mrs. j. Mor- to her home in Moose Jaw, Sas- ris, Mrs. Percy Masterman, Mrs. katchewan. V. Foiling, Miss Olive Davisfm and Miss-Phyllis Jack. are necessary.-- :--■j Phone for free , estimate. W.R. KENNEDY ___ Phone WeW~1^9-L-2 ^ the. use of rooms to accommo date activities. , Note -- 'The Knitting Group will have a limited quantity of wool to" distribute next week.-^-- West 190 k i e r i j n Icon M o n k e t s i > 1578 M arine Drive Thb' West Vancouver Boys' Band „under the baton of Man ager J. E. Condon, were-at-4he station Saturday morning to welcome ̂ back Conductor Dela- Engagement -- Mr-.- and--Mrs. F̂ P. Colpitis, 1263 FultoK Avenue, announce the engagement of their daugh- West 190 Friday and Saltufday free DELIVERY G rade Ji R ed B r a n d KAMLOOPS TOMATOES G r a d e A R e d B r a n d Rump Roast Shoulders ! _ 25c Ib. 1 0 c per tin Lmub Ct0 S8 &R|]|]) • . Tfir iiPY In Roast 22c Ib. ~BAKEASY Rolled RibsT 1 0 c per (b. Breast Lamb 15c Ib; . Roasts 28c per Ibv -Fletcher's Roaist Veal Nd.; i Bacon 20c per lb. Short Ribs ^ Breast Veal lb. p e r i |2Jb .-p k g . 15c per lb . Sterlings Chili. l i i i l i i l l tea CoB-Carne DOG FOOD ;^^c per lb. ISctper tin 3 tins 25c.- mont and the Kitsilano Boys' ter, Mary Elizabeth, to Thoma^ Barfd -oh their return from Eng- Haviland Kerr, eldest son of Mr. land, and especially those five and Mrs. John Kerr, 4522 Main fellow members who had played Street, Vancouver,. B. C. The with that band overseas. TTie wedding will take place on Ooto- five: Jack McDonald, Alan Bur- her 14th, at 8 p.m. in the West ton - Forster, Doug McCartney, Vancouver Baptist Church. Johnnie Hailstone and Paul Jag- -̂--------- ger, were glad to be home again, WEST VANCOUVl^ although haying.thoroughly en- . _ TABLE TENNJ®J.EAGUE joyed the trip. ■ ' At la meeting of the West -------------------- - Vancouver Table Tennis League TO FORM CHORAL GROUP held Tuesday, 19th instant, it ... -------- yvas decided to have two div- A mixed choral group is being. - isions in the league, formed and all those interest^ , There is still room for a few are lasked to attend an organiza- pipre teams in the second diy- tion meeting to be Keld'at 8 p.m. ision and as the season will com-, next Monday, September 25th, mence October 12th, any entries |izmtThA£h^omiemf31faiiE:L^n:rfTnlg!z=:frbm-2mewrrrteams^^tmi man, 2008 Bellevue- Avenue. phoned in to Jimmie Baxter, ------------------ West 156-Y or Harry Wells, Keep Your Dog H ealthy with A.B.C. DOG FOOD Contains Vita mins A. B. C. D. and G. Also Minerals Calcium and. Phosphorus PACKED BY Aiglo-British Columbia Packing Co. LW. in J4"Ib. ting and 1-lb. tins., SOCCER, West*548-M, before September 30th. ^ A practice game wiR be held at Ambleside Park, Saturday, September 23rd, at 3 o'clock.- AII past season's players. and anyone wishing for a try-out are V. 0. N. -- The _first, falijmeeting of the . West Vancouver Branch of the __ _ .. _____ Victorian Order of_ Nurses was askd to turn out, lasJt is ' im p ^ Thursday, September 14th, ant. Th ̂season opens Saturday, at the home of Mrs. H. Ostrom. September 30th. EXPERT W a t c h a n d C lo c k REPAIRING T.i^HRISimsON (formerly with BirlcE'Ltd., ̂ Montreal) . 1522 Marine Djrlre Those present were L. McCallum, ? Mesdames W. T. Davies, H. Irv-" ing, E. Therrien^T. AT^hnston, J. N. Redden, H. A. Philpotts,, Wt -B. Small, J. Hall, L. Wain-i wright. Miss Riddell's report for" ̂ the summer months indicated an increasing number of West Van couver residents were availing themselves of the nursing "ser-; = vice. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE ~ West.582 812 16th Street TOPSfOlL f GRAVEL Bush F ir, Inside............. ?5.B0 Cord Mill F ir, Inside............... 6.50 " Fireplace F ir.................. : 5.00 " -Putnace-Blocks"...... 4.50-- -- SPECIAL-- No. 1 F ir Edgings......$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings « B a rk y ....................3 Cords $11.00 Bark ..................................$5.60 Cord Limited amount. y SAWDUST SJP ÎALS Sacked ........ ........ CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street . 'Office a t 1386 Marine Drive W E ST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works F u n u ce and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners . Phone West 89