rr^'. --r-----1-- T VAK N EW S jjgtember 21. Ii t■If l̂4 ̂ tM WBST VAN, m m m o i v i i c e ' "■ Cer;'flif & Ei^ttlaWtHfiT*" itiiV. W. VAm«, BJL, MtaliAir 2047 Gordon Avim m ' Phom ' Sunday S«nrle«i: l\m,m* A 7:S0p.m. Htrangtri and Viaitora a r t WileowMl !' M ill ' U II ¥>'Ih"tr, i»i Bit .K"ft f i I- l i f:' r%; ' h i ' . t(> ■ i i r̂' § 1•f ' i S i i l l i i W"'" <Il:~ fc' -"I) h-ti'-i s'-, :0.-:-r't I" 'iff ; ̂ % v:' Hi -M'? -tr,;vf.f' f'lV' , [ * ' rs ■̂"h r̂ i i'f f A ̂*■»! ' ̂ ' »i 1®SSSsft¥s>BW L . >\' , > A \ ' f i. 'I t iit ' '#;( " W'M'.'O'i, W-rVw ' 1 1 # ' il® ' |t;|l>^ \p 44-̂ '̂ BAPTIST CHURCH Mijiiatar H*v. W, L. McKay* BJL, a o . Sunday ScrriMa 10;00 it.ittt.--Church School lo- doding: Adult CLua 11 a.m. A 7:30 p.m^PrMehlng Senrlcea. A hearty welcome to all ('oimnon Henaif tvllH you that wU'ani dwH Uu< most thorough iU'uii«ing'Job, , . whether on the ■ hcalji or Ixxly. 'i'he lu'liyo ncnc- traliiiK Mlearn iifoaena hidden dirt and rida thu acalp of dan* diidf at the aaiiie time forcoH lhi» ewBcnlltil qiIh into your hair ,|, and acalp, l*Y»r~lTair luHtro and beauty have a profeaHional ateumer treat»n<?nt. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Crealora of Kxduaive Permaiuilita, 1540 Marino Drive West 117 HOUYBURlf HAU 14 th and Ducbeaa HI NDAV, Hept. 24th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and VouriK' I'eople'a lliblu, ClaaH Sunday Evening at 7:30 COSDKL SKRVICK Speaker! ,M|{. IIAItOLD SUMMKIIS TUKHDAY 'at 8 p.ni. J'rayer and Ilible Study. WEST VANCOUVER Chritihan lienee __________:Seciety.4_..̂ „„;. CHUKCJJ EDIFICE 20th and Baquimalt, UoUyburn Thia Society is a Druneb at • The Mother Church The Flrat Church of Christ, Sdetttbt, in Boston, MaesachuKotts Sunday Service: 11:30 a*ni. Sunday, Sepl. 31th, SUBJECT: " R E A L I T V " Sunday School at 10:00 u.in. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.in. The public is cordially in- .vited to attend our services and meetings. Betty Cavendioli - Dauncic Cllassei LBUIOM BA th t1 ,M M y y . 10'/« iViscount to tHo«renroll1niri®W "^^^ West 30H*H*2................... ' ............... ........ Seymour 8623 ALFRED W . CHARD kK.S.AL* L.T.C.L., A-T,C.M,i »,... TEACHKK OF I'lANO, OllGA^ and THEORY - VOCAI, ioach Organi.st; Holy Trinity Church , Aaompanist: Lions Glee Club; Associated Glee Club HTI'DIO:* PHONES: M25 W('hL 11th Avo.j Vancouver, B.C. Dexter 1116-L; Bay. 47n.|{ DJU. a D. H. SEA LE D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST X-ltay Day Bluck '̂ 14th and Morino Dr. Orrice llours'i) to O p.m. . Evenings by appointment, phone West 72 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly o f '705 Med leal-Dental Building Hours: O to 6 ~ Eveninga by appointment. I860 Marine' Drive West 432 Established on North Shore ̂ 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. SFunrral iirectors llollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 • Vancouver Parlors ^ 55 Tenth Avenue East Pl»ono Fair. 134 UNITED CHURCH 21.st and Esflulmalt Ave. , Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, Sept, 24th J0;0() a.rn.--Sunday School. 1J :0(i ii.ni. -- Morning Worship. Subject, "The Sword and the Spirit." 7:30 h.m.--lilvening Service, Subject, "Christ or Barabbas." ,. We are still in the Rally month. If you are a member we, iire looking for you, if you are a ncw-comer or visitor we wel- cojTie you. 'I'o (ximmence the activities for the winter season the West Van-' couvt;r United Church Young ,1'eoplo staged their first social ill the Church Hall last Monday. 'Fed Sheffield, recreational .con vener, arranged the entertain-' ment. The following attended: Beverly Robinson, Grace Adams, Dora .and Marjory Banks, Mar- jori(' Xiee, Kay and IVIai'gaF̂ t. dray, Sylvia Harris, Moira .Iou.es, June Mehaffie, Marjorie O'Donnell, Muriel Storieman, i lelen Vance, BeVyl Hall, Doreen Addy; _Alec_ jChalme.rs, .̂Dou l̂as ̂ Colquhouri, Kenneth CJromar Bruce, Jack Grant, Ernest Har rison, Ted Hindiharsh, Ed. Mil ler, Fj*ank Tanner, Ted Shef field. • , V Ofi'icers for the coming year are as'follows: President, Doug las Colquhoun; Vice President, Ed Miller; Secretary - Treasqr-". ' ' H g ' "'"..'I ' ■ ' 1 I '»"■ I I .... I I -.11 i_». ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH -23rd & Inglewood Ave. ̂ Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:46 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 ■■■ p.m. ,v„: Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Donald McAlpine Pianist & Teacher CLA.S.S nml INDIVIDUAL JiNfSTHUariON * Studio: M«K Inglewood Avehuo ■ riioho 'Mi.ss Wilcox' 'TCsidPiiCO ■' 'i Saturday PUUp Walt,, UM Ba^ - Baritone Singer anî Teacher West„392-:L„oc.jrrinity 2418 1609 24th St. 669 Granville St, DANCING Class For 'i'lNY TOTS WENDY HOUSE 2,397 Bellevue Avenue , WtKliiesday morning , at 10:30 ■ ^1.50 iper month GRACE GODDARD, West 867 R A D I O SERVICE Get pur estimate on your renair. You will appreciate our Sde" ate charges. All work-guaran- J ? L . PE T T IG R E W Phone West 828 WEST VAN. r̂ABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th Street. Rev. Robert H. J3irch. B.A. Services; Sunday School ............., 9:45 Sunday Services...... 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship .... 7:30 Hpri^hoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship .............. 7:45 Continuing t h i s S.u n d a y evening a series of addresses' on the prophecies of the Bible relative to, present day events will be given. It ^.intended that these should be a^uide and help to all earnest thinkers and seek ers today. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) . G. C.,FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone West ;782 and Driver will call. Asphalt Pretnix DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, West'160-Y er,.Margaret Gray; upnvoners: Helen Vance, Christian Culture; Jack Grant, (Citizenship; Mission- -WhoseSirthdap- ia this month ? Remember them with Flowers . Frofci ildiviiry any%vhero.' the West Ifan florist i8th uiul Marlho Weal 305 ary, Marjory Banks; Cyril Stone, Snndav Fellowship; Ted Sheffield, Rec- Tho Gold<̂ -reational-;-Ted-H4ndmarsh7-Sonfir-- "REALITY" will be the,sub ject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Corporation o f W est Vanoonver NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that the 1939 Tax Sale will be held at the Municipal Hall, 17th; and Esquimalt, Holly- burn, B. C., a t 10 -a.m., on Saturday, September 30th, 1939. Hollyburn; B'.G.,' 14th September, 1939. WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. 'V fr: ".V-- "u' o G o l d e n Text is: "Since reaDonal-,^t.d-H4ndmarsh, Song t"h"e"begrmfiiTĝ of"the woHcI men Leader. Our meetings are onen .......Leader. Our meetings are open to all young jieople. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector The French Beauty Salon For Perm anents of lusting beauty. Wtj 8peciali«e in fine, grey and W'hite hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ' Sunday, Sept. 24th. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Gommunion. ^7-30 « "e ««■«. W presence shallU'ensong and Ser- go with thee, and I will give thee j rest." (Exodus 33:14). Tuesdax. S_p.m. -- Fall Calendar The, Lesson - Sermon also in- have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, 0 God, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth- for Him." (Isaiah 64; 4). Among the bitations which comprise the Lesson'"- Sermon is the following from the Bible: "And He said, My presence, shall HOT WATER SPECIAL Insido B îr:-- from shod .......fa,00 por cord from mill ....... $5.6() per cord -SIabsnvithriB«flr"̂ ;O 0npi^^ Slabs & Edgings |3.76 per cord " _ SAWDUST . --------PUiTAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 Tea, Parish Hall. ------St. -Erancis4n-ihe-\Vood,___ ' Caulfeild- tl:45 a.m,-- Ĥoly Communion. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Sunday. Services; ll:(i0 a.m,--Subject. "We Faint Not." There will also be a ̂ story for the boys and girls. _T.:_3_0_p.m.~The evening service- . will take the fofjn of a dedi- catpry serviceon the part of__theJ:eachers-and-officer^_of eludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary • Baker Eddy: "Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the rnaterial senses. Science, still en throned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, hannonious, div ine Principle,--is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal." THE W e s t V a n N e w s Publiahed Every Thursday PubUsber P. F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 HOLLYBURN HALL _Th^unday.,School-and-Youhp the church school. The par. P^ple's Bible Class will be held ents are especially invited.. 10 a.m. next Sunday, Sentem- l>e in-HolIybum Halt At -- ; Church, and 7:30 p.m. next Sunday there will tn^'Mdtion* og b GosdgI Service af Bay in the Summers Ĵ vill speak church school and ever>' scholar Tuesday at 8 p.m, prayer^d IS urged to-be present. - Bible study. ana Monday, 8 p.m, -- The Young ---- -- rPeople's Sc^iety has got off that cornet , you bought pro- ' Star\ Dr. H. now with a weekly income? A. Wolverton of Iimia,, \vUl play in a band?" Pess thft mef̂ ftnor «« (;he "Oh, ho! Dad gives me 50 cehts^-- ■ WITH THIS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC W ATER HEATER No'need to pu't 'up.vvith a hit or miss, pid-fashioned hot water supply. Now you can have oceans of hbt.Vvater on tap 24 hours a day if need * be, simply by having one of these big, automatic electric water heaters installed. Low operating cost too--electricity used is charged on :a special lovy? controlled ^ater.- heating *rate- of 8 1̂0 cents a kilowatt hour. Come in today 'and get complete-information:- ______ Easy terms may be^arranged. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 a year by carrier: 12.00 a year by mall addlress the meeting on "Madras Conference," Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Mid- week meeting of prayer and praise.. " IWcssor: «Ŵ at is the most - deadly pedson knoijim - PhannacyrjStudtent:. "Embalminir- fluidl You're dead; before it touche you,"., week not to play it.",; ON »» -- -N Y MAKE " * MUNTON OR YOUR DEALER P l a c e Y o u r J o b P r in tin g s ; w i t h T h e W e s t V a n N e w s