West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Sep 1939, p. 1

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ViC T O m i ̂„ I ' ., ' ■f>0i Established over 18 yours. A" Weekly "Mewspap^ Ksiublijdiod over 13 years. Circulations J^istrict of West Vancouver'-̂ Ambleside ̂ Molly burn ̂ Weston ̂ Dundarave $100 per ye«r. • Cyprcss Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. sc per copy /ol. XIV H O L L Y B U R N P .O ., W EST V A N C O U V E R . B.C.. T H U R S D A Y , SE PT E M B E R 2 h t . 1939 No. 24 l ig h t u p AMATEUR MUM CLUB ■̂.i ■ IIADIO SERVICE COMING EVENTS ThP West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce which- has , Jfomicd with the.object of improviiw iocai business condi- • ohnnf l o initiate a campaign to have our stores lighted "P ^whnfduring the past two or three years the number of • inr. ric \ivns which have been erected has done much f U t u p the business sectors of the municipality a fte r dark, toligni up L ^ considerable improvement in this re- ' The e s S for the most part create an area of light rSinsc^^^ fifteen-to tw enty ^feet above ?he r o a d 'w ^ who has visited other suburbs of Greater Vaii- ^̂ ôiu>h as for instance Kerrisdale, a fte r nightfall will great is the diiferenoe between their business S n d o u rr.T h e re thepavem ents a re a bias^ of iight S tcauB c they have any more e te tr jc s . ^ An occasion of especial inter- Pettigrew, West 828, est to residents of West Vancou- draws attention in an advertise­ ment in this issue to his radio service. He suggests any need­ ing radio repairs get an estim ate from him. Moderate charges and all work guaranteed. W eilnesday, October l l t l i -- Thanksgiving A nniversary SupjK'r in the U nited Clnircli Hall. LEGION NOTES ver and district is forecast for October 27th and 28th. Upon • these dates the West Vancouver Amateur Chrysanthe­ mum Club will hold their annual show and a large increase over last yeai* isexpected-in the num­ ber and variety of blooms on display. The steadily developing inter­ est in the growing of chrysun-............. themums is indicated by the to consider a program for the energy of the individuids in this immediate future, will be held at amateur group. The members the home of Mrs. K. A, Ray, A public meeting has been have carefully and painstakingly Argyleand 21st, on Wednesday, called by Reevo J. "B. Ley land at North sh o re LADY LAUUIER CLUB be held at 8 p.ni."t()morro\v~("Fri<*-- (lay), in the i-<egion Hall. Several -------- ' iiew members will be initialed. Ah emergency meetinjj of the A good attendance is asked for. . North Shore Lady Laurier , C l u b -------------------- * ' PlIBIAC MEETING tore windowa.lighted up at Bight. _ . , ■ „ , ® Fvervbodv knows that the mam opposition to the West V a n c o u v e r merchant is not other West Vancouver merchants i!nf the dtv stores. That condition, of course, always obtains n t h e slurban areas of . all large dtiep. The mere fact, however, that this' is so makes it all the more necessary for flip miburban merchant to neglect no means of a.ttraoting the 'attention of the local consumer to his wares. He cannot afford to do otherwise, if he is to obtaih' that trade to which by his Dosition he is entitled. , , ,, ̂ Throughout Canada for a number of years now there has been a great drift of population from the country to the cities And in talking about it we always say those who have deserted the farms have been attracted by "the bright.lights." This attraction is inherent in human nature, for the savages like to congregate round an open fire at night, even in such places as Central Africa. And amongst ourselves on this Pacific Coast > beach picnic is not complete without a.camp- ■' fire. ' ■ . " . There is quite a bit of window, shopping done in Van­ couver and its suburbs in. the evening. Part of the nightly stroll so customary among those suburban dwellers, whose l-work keeps .thim.inside. aU dM,_usu£dly shopping district, this applying to l^th J;he' married aUd me single. But it cannot be said that <|ur business sectors wjth their many dark windows offer much opportunity for such window shopping, in the evening. . . . . ■ The cost to a merchant 6f keeping his wincipws sufficient nursed their plants along for many months, each profiting by the experience of the others, and a common, objective has cement­ ed a f̂riendship between men, of differing ages and walks in life. On thi.q, occasion, when niihlic. September 27th, at 3 p.m, will be served. Tea 8 ]).m. next Wednesday, Suptem- bor 27th, in the Ixjgion Ha.Il, thb pui'pose of which is to organize a West Vmicouviir Rrancli of the, R('(l Cross Society, in order that our citizens may bo enabled to Following the example of the do their share towards assisting BARBARIANS ̂ RUGBY GIRLS* AUXILIARY PRIZE - GIVING the show, shall go to the Red* Barbarians Rugby Club will de- meeting, and it is hoped ther̂ ^̂ t̂ Cross. In view of the worthy vote its efforts during the forth ^ will be a large at tendance ojp cause which the show will assist, coming season to aid in eme«"^bn«o in fiii« u/nrir - every business houise in the dis- gency war work. -!?u/AT»rin/nTi a » trict will be approached very The members pledged themf*, HOKIICUL1 UI^L_ shortly to further i the sale, of selves to thi ̂. objective at, the , ) - tickets, and the co-operation of opening meeting of the season,; each and every citizen is respecst- Tuesday evening, at j:he home of- Mrs. J. Oswald. / f The ihifial elfoirt war funds will be th4 autumn dance 'scheduled this J fully urged. The show will take p l^ .in the Orange' Hall, West Vancouver, October 27th and 28th. Many, delightful blo(̂ ms will be <gî en; year, to be held in the near ̂ uturfei , away.,,. , ;., ■ Lenore Bea -----------------XI eral convener. • ............- ■ Miss Doreen Elgar was elected A social at which prizes will presented to the winnei's in e annual exhibition of - the , est Vancouver. Agricultural hd Horticultural Society -will be :eld at 8 p.m. next Monday, Legiontember 25th; 4iij| the Legion Vi* A. W. CHARD TO RESUME TEACHING ly lighted up at night to enable the passerby to see his display of goods is very little. For it is not necessary ~to maintain -Eciursy-anddjhe- Alfred W. Chard, L.R.S.M., B.T.C.L., A.T.C.M., announces the resuming -of his classes in president for the ensuing term,, with other officers, including secretary, Miss Peggy Barker; treasurer, Miss Pat Wallace, and executive, Mrs. J. Oswald, Miss -DT- êr4iard--aiid--j\pB^M - -Lett- ner; publicity, Miss ,iPi Wallace, EX-SERVICE WOMEN OF GREAT WAR TO MEET A meeting of : Ex-Service Women's Branch No; 159, Can-\ ---------- ------ ------ --- =-.-- -------- ̂ -1^ L-t___ad ianj; re g ion, ̂ w ill- be . he ld ; on same could be turned off at. say, eleven o'clock. The question ner; publicity. Miss F: Wallace, Thursday, September 21, at IJi.e ofthis lighting up may seem to many only a little thing, but TYin<?iVnl fminino-ipnAino-fn nnhlir* refreshment convener, Miss Canadian Legion Hall, 856 Sey- it does offer an opportunity to the suburban (iweller and his rooftaf wnrk înH J, ]Uttner. " ' moui wife to-see-what can~be"purcha«ed-Tloeally-at-the -time-when~ diploma). Mr: Chard's pupils mour Street, Vancouver, at 8 they have most time to spare. And as such it merits at least the careful Gonsideration-of-cur-loc^Fmerchants.------ - LEGION W. A. The W: BRITISH - ISRAEL have won first place in piano and singing in the recent B.C. Musi­ cal Festivals. . There are a very limited num­ ber of, vacancies for advanced at Miss Jean Forsyth's, the fipt week in October, when a drive" for new members will be ar-- ranged. •- A.social hour will be spenti'ol- lowing.the regular busmesk'at-' A. Canadian Legion, . Regular meeting ofe. the Dun_ [commence their duties oh Mon- daraVe Branch next . Monday pupils. Further infqrmiation may [day, 25th Septmber, at 2:30 evening ̂ September 25th, at. be obtained at the studio, 1425 [sharp. Marine Drive and 25th. The West 14th Avenue, Vancouver, The, condition of the world to- speaker is Mrs. W. D. Watson of B.C., Bay view 4711-R or Dexter [day needs all the co-operation West Vancouver, and the subject 1116-L., ̂ the W. A. can give. It is every "Why. a King, Why a Throne, member's duty to be present and Why' an. Empire, Why a People ?" on time in order that all the Mrs: Watson is a niece of the himiness on the agenda will re- . latej.Professor Odlufti, and with THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD which all member. ̂ and pro.spec- tive members will be welcomed. Registration has been proceed- ing Tpr s()me êek̂ ^̂ M m ^ b e r s a r ^ f l |b naires indicating the type of ser- I have lately been reading vice they are best fitted fgr, ac- some of the novels about which cording to the work they per- so many have been raving the formed during "the l^st war in- last few years. *A11 of them arc\ such services as the W.A.A.C., very long and contain enough W.R.N.S., F.A.N'.Y.S., V.A,D„ in padding to fill the hide of a ̂ .which .groups women carried on stuffed elephant. After about nursing, ambulance, driving, the first one hundred pages I- ■ canteen work, intelligence and an installation of several new members at this meeting. , power^ ervice INTERRUPTION Plans for war work will be an- ceivepro^rattention. 'ThWeis the^id of his manuscripts, she nounced at the next meeting of 'fh^lTd^n^here also an ln.<?tfll]jitiATi nf lioo .nn̂ nQi.̂ /1 an 5ifl/1rps.<? on the fliA niiiM >ia TipÎ af +Via • u ^ _____ __ --and there, and finished up flying, my head in a whirl with my efforts to discover just why so much verbiage had been exhud- ed on the everŷ day incidents of B.C. Electric Railway Co. L t d i -. prayer meeSng is held in the economical cooking recipes. Also o^Hfprarv^rn^^ anT^ that owing to the same hall. Anyone wishing to please remember the Miniature i-oiirnalist - but I do here rise on necessity of doing certain repairs attend will be ma_de welcome, Garden Contest. journalist, but i. do nere rise on J^tn înesr the-power-will-be ^ ^ ----r-rX-- Those, wishing-to join the oit on Sunday morning next &om Ah hotel employee was fired • 'Guild, kindly call Mrs, A. T. clock to 7 o'clock. for Spreading a rumor. .. Cushing, West 510-L. has-^prepared an address on the the Guild to be held at the Israel story under the above» Clachan on October 6th. Mem- title? You are cordially invited bers will be asked to re^ster for to come and enjoy this meeting the particular work they wish to with us. "do. Will members please bring On Thursday of each week a to this meeting, popular and etc. Members are reqiiiriBd t6 state whether they are available for, whole or pa'r^iime 'service of h voluntary nature, at the moment. - Banded toget^ier as a social Club since disbandment at the ________ _____________ end of the Great War rriem bers my"hinTleg~s"to-remar that any _haye_now received.official status reporter who did hot put morh in the Canadjan J^egion on an kick into his stories than some , equal-footing-with male veterans REDjCROSS SOCIETY Pulllic M eeting ' A P ublic M eetin g w ill be . h eld in th e L egion H all on WEDNfSDAY^ SEPTEMBER 2 7 th , at 8 p.m . iu e purpose of th e m e e tin g is to , organize a W est Vancouver Branch o f the Red Gross S ociety in; order to en ab le our c itiz en s to assist in a n y war emergency m e a s u r e s i A rep resen tative from th e Red Cross head* ̂ quarters will address th e M e e t in g and all in terested are invited to a tte n d J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve of these writers would surely and e'xpect to*stand shoulder to get a typewriter thrown at his ' shoblder with their comrades in head,by any news editor.. A per- event a calFis made' upon their son, though, has to admit that services. Various' plans for util- some of the conversation of,the ization of their services will be characters is juicy at times, discussed in.the'mearitime. One especially the women. I suppo.se of these consists of formation of some of them must explode that a War Library for distribution of kind of stuff now in real life., books and magazines to troops, but I have never been around at army bases and military hospi- the time. You see in my young tals and training camps. During days the girls I 'knew were as the-last War nine million books decorous as so many Buddhas> were' distributed*' through vAri- and just a whispered "damn" ous agencies to His Majesty's wouW put them into a faint as forces at home and abroad and \ quickly as ten mice. The only made a valuable contribution to one of them I knew who went the welfare of the army. - - off the deep encl at all in these matters told me once that cher very-reverend father and mother gave her the pip, but then she do.you? finished up on the stage, which. Tom-: Course not. Look at the in those days was considefed ̂long arms he's got for describ- tlfe limb6"of-'lost souls. ing his catches. - Hairy: You don't call yourself as good a fisherman as Jones,