7 £ tiiMi Bml T H E W E S T ¥ A N N EW SK*M8BBT" M,*« -̂»«*r̂w f t '• iK SMITH'S MARKET .P iw ...w M t.M v^~A «.X K iiin^cyJ|ti> it>> .___ M u i» w W ti» i: > Fr*e OtUvtrjr Strrk* • Mimtlil/ Aetmmt HliaaiiHriONH for FHIDAV & HATIJHDAY, Sept. 15th & 16th ■■h'i I t l • CANNJNCi l*KA('HKH. K llx rta No. i. t>ox. |1.2j> PKUNJCS .15 16k. 50c PKAItH, (.ocmI 17 IhH. for 60c HIH;AU (wJlh any of the ntH>ve) 10 il>n. 60c IfOlJHK a.KANIN (; i ff 1 ̂1 f I t l(4d A While CUSANHKK S ifter Tin ................. :.........« ich 8< Kt/ltKKA lil.KACIl A l.hjiiicl 2 UrK« l>ottJc>M 17c KKCKIITH m .IJB pkif, 6c ffOIIHKIIOMl (;i.OVK8~ weight, while cwtlon. pair lOc The New IIUIMHOI. .............pk|f. 10c Ketl A White imOOMH Five HlriiiKM '..........each 66c MEATS ' Free Delivery W<wi 870 ! ' ■ , . ,•■ " -I' ■ i ■ ■ 1 All Mealn in thiM market are Grade A Freah Fiah Daily Full line of Delicateaiten HI'GAH CURKD COIlNED UJtlSKK'r, per lb........................ 18c SVVKKr PICK LED BEEF CORHESFON PENCE "'T l je lE d t to r r ^ ' Dear S ir;--Sinĉ * the furnial declaration' of the popular Kiven place lo an adniirahle spirit of loyal doterminalmn to HOC* this conflifl through. Then? Ih a t the same linie a notioeabk* world-wide gTo|Ufi}̂ (iodward for some satisfactory aKsurance and explanation.' Why should one man or nation he allow<-d to pre cipitate world wide , sufl'eririK - What iH goinK to Ix; gained now when ,we were no fairlher ahead a f te r the last^war? The man who has pny true light on such earnest questionings feels re- Service - l .U lk « B E |P -4 { iu I i^ SASH & DOOKS SHJNGIiES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS( NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY TAIHT. ^ g g ^ M - S U P P I ^ ;;THJ5 , Aswate: CANADA FAINT COMPANY L T D .. V̂ ESi VANCO'*'™ L um m CO. lid. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 .SIIItKDDKl) WHEAT ......... pkg. 10c PINKAI'I'LK -- Singapore j SliceH ................. ............ 2 tins 17c • MILK Pnciflc, St. ClmrleH, NeMtlen I ('iiriuiliiMi........ ....... 3 tall llnS'25c I It̂ sl A White PEANUT BUTTER I Per ih........ ............................. ;... lUc * if With f«'w fxctfplIonH, my pricoH ft'Uuiin"*uhchltTngcd7~and"CiiHtorner8 may rent iiHHumi th a t 1 will continui; to till their ordorn a» reuHonnbly U H conditionH perm it. . . - ̂ , ANNUAI. EXHIHITION p - 7 7 ' t ̂ ■' I -'Fhe twenty-third Annual Ex hibition put bn by the Went V'ancouvqr Agricultural and Hor- ticultiiral AHsociation la«t Satur day attracted a large number of <iur residenlM io Inglewood Audi torium, While tliere were not UH many exhibits as expected, bxcept in the vegetable section,' which was large and of excel lent ijuality, the Htandard of (luality was uriusuully high, es pecially in the ilowers. TtiNGUEH, per lb.................. . 22c .sponaible to .share it w ith hi.s [ ~~~~ 1 T* neighbor. To believe in a God a t all presupposes some punn>i,t"- ful order in this world chaos. Ileasonable faith accepts God's reveiation when He says of the nations th a t '̂determin ed their appointed seasons, and lhe~bounds of thedr habitationr- In other words, He has* set an ' exact timj^ limit on the ri.se and fall of every nation and further has settled their boundaries as the restless oceans. So the old totalitarian ntitions of Babyidhi Greece, and Rome have had their , time and sw ay and have passed on. To what purpose ,we ask ? With'^ comforting^" s oomes the answer: "That, they should seek God, if hapiy they might feel after Him and find C L A S S I F I E D A D S riie rate for Classlfieo Adf«raMiiienl« is 1 cenU per word, mlnlaua 25 centa. Except In the eaoe »t tIuMe having regular accounta. all clwd, ^*^"R im eK ^C IaaS lf«^ in t ie West Van News get immediate reaulu. GORDON ROBSON ^ Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, boy. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by- appointment, West 40.î _____ ■ "NOTARY PUBLIC," General veyancing, "Valuator." Rcgmald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. 21. - -- West " Flowers -- Double Asters -- 1, Mrs. Ex cell; 2, Mrs. Rhodes. . . Single Asters . -- 1, Mrs. Kbodys. ■ , ' . (h'lendula -- 1, Mrs. McTayish; 2, Mrs. Jt. Jack. ; ('hrysanthemum.s -- 1, Mrs. Excell, Disbuddeti , Chrysanthemums Him, though He is not far from -- 1, Mr.s. Excell; 2, Mrs. Rhodes, each one of us." VVe recall then Decorative'^ Dahlias -- 1, Mrs. Exeell; 2, A. Ilehberger, Semi-('actus Dahlias -- 1, v ' ■ K'. . "Wr 1 in the flowers, Special n'lention should be made of the Mrs. Excell; 2, A. Rehberger. two baskets of roses exhibited Poaipon Dahlias -- 1, Mrs. by Mr. Dyble and Mrs. Rhodes, Excell; 2, A. Rehberger. also of tlie peaches grown by Dwarf Dahlias -- 1, Mrs. Dr, (;. E, Bayfield. In the potato Kliodes; 2, Mrs; Excell, competition the average yield of Display Box of Dahlias -- 1, the G lbs of .seed potatoes given Mrs. Excell; 2, Mrs. Rehberger. % ■'4-? 111 f4 IM each entrant was HO lbs. The prize.s wdll be presented on the 25th instant a t the Legion Hall. Particulars of the winners are as follows: Vegetables Scarlet Rminer Beans -- 1, Mr.s. Spearing; 2, Mrs. H. B. Gniy. VVhite Runner Beans -- i, A. GTuThorne. Any other variety oLbeans--~ 1,.K. Holden; 2, Mrs. Hisby, 'Phree Varieties of Gladioli 1, K. Jack. Six Varieties of G l a d i o l i 1, Mrs. llhodes. Lillium Aiiratum -- 1, PuToell Hardman; 2, Mrs. McTavish. Any other variety qf Lilies -- 1, Mrs. McTavish. Collection of Lilies -- 1, Mrs. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. McTavish. " ATricairMaidgoIds -=^1, -Mrs. Excell; • 2, Mrs. Rhodes.---- -- BVench Marigolds --.1, Mrs. Bcej.s;-- I, Mrs, Richardson; 2, Mrs. BuiTchart. Savoy Cabbage Beverley Robin.son; 2, R. Holden. Retl--+-ielHirtg--Cfibbag'e~^~l7" how each empire has made its contribution to the spreading abroad of the gospel of GckI's love and truth, Greece provided an exquisite and universal lan guage in which the New Testa ment was written; Rome.by her laws and iron discipline produced a condition in which the early Christians could'take the gospel oyer the world. Germany pro duced Luther who brought the Bible into the light after the obscurity of the dark ages. Last ly Britain by her national recog nition- of God has bet*n, a world wide living. witnesg"and testi- ■ mony. Men are finding God to day through British printed Bibles as they never have before, rFinally;ZThe lo g i^ mind pro jects itself-into the future and asks: What is the end to this 3. FOR RENT -- 1,Block High School, 5 rooms, wurm house, $25. Phone West 6;i-L-l._______ ' ________ LISTINGS WANTED -■ H o u ^ to Kent, Sell or Buy.' Pembertons, Trinity 1271. ' Evenings, West ■437-Y-l. .̂........... ' ̂ ... GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile,' Et. _Tele- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2." GUESTS ■-- Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, 'Vyest 379-Y-2. .._________ ____ HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed, and , cleaned. Wektl87-R.____________ WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West ' 700. " FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister, " Solicitor^. Notary, 801-803 :Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices; Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 646. KNITITNG and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply -Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine DRESSMAKING -- Alterations >nd repairing; .eiderdowns recovered; prices reasonable. 1474 Marine. FOR SALE -- Child's commode chair and roomy I play pen, nearly new. " ,^sr67-M7~13TQ- ArgyleT---- ^ CASH FOR JUNK - Bottles, rm Sacks, Metals, Furniture, stovS: Tools, etc.; nothing too big or Im small. Buryard Junk Co., West DRESSMAKING-- Proprietor , E. C. Robbins -- Ladies suits, coats , dresses, etc.; children's clothei specializing in alterations and mak̂ overs. 2791 Marine Drive, n#. Phone West 619-R, ^ CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Old Cona. try. way; guaranteed; brick and *̂â " er, Capilano, North 811-R-2, ^ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 419} a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrlst^gob icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phou i W est 21, or West 553-R-l. MARCEL S H O P T h e r m i q u e Stean Permanents; only best materiali used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. J LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Special machine; repairs, parti West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ___ CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. FLOOR SURFACING- -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 ------ ------ age4ong-plan? Wo -rcca-lhaga-m----~ - ........-r ," - „ Scentles.s Foliage Marigolds-- th a t in the past, as each nation d r e s s m a k in g , and Al t e r a t io n s PAPERHANGING, Painting, Ealso-I mining; first class work at reason-! able-Yates. H, Gaines, Wek 167-L i LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancourer i Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar- J ine Drive. West 546. PAINTING~iCND" DECOR:ATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley. West 818. -HANDY-^ANN SHOP.-244^HMarine S'.',: „ Secntles.s Foliage Marigolds 2i Mrs. Excell. Any other variety of Mari- _golds.-rrr- .1, MrHL-HhorW. T'CT - --0 r'*"*** • . » • V* -X %MV./i4.aa th a t in the past, as each nation has forgotten or disobeyed God, they reaped decay, disintegrar t io r L . 1 . , i l l i l--r X ^ i V ^- .Tf/, - f i l l 1 :1 1 ; ̂ i i ,t fic ̂" m w 11';% P in/ ' K 7 \ K I t'i K 'ft • M r s . i l i e h a r d .s p n . Ta7nK^:earrot^^.^T7--A;"G"a t b o r n e ; 2 , M r.s. R x c e l l . H a l f L o n g ' . ( C a r r o t s -- 1 , A . G a r t h o r n e ; 2 ,- R . I l o l d e n . ' r w e n t y - o n e S h o r t O t ir r o t s -- 1, A . G a r t h o r n e . T a b l e C o r n -- J a c k . C u c u n i b e r s -- 1 , M r s . S . G is b v ; 2 . M r . D a v i e s . . P i c k l i i j g C u c u m b e r .H 1 , C l a i r e R io h a r d .s o n . C o l l e c t i o n o f S e a s o n i n g H e r b .s '-- 1 , M r.s . R i c h a r d s o n ; 2 . M r.s. R e h b e r g e r , P a r . s n i p s -- I , M r s . E x e e l l ; . 2 . R . J a c k . W h i t e P o t a t o e . s -- 1 , A . G a r t h o r n e ; 2 . R . J a c k . R e d P o t a t o e s - - 1 ; R . H o ld e n : H u b b a r d GrtH?n S q u a s h -- 1 . M r . R e h b e r g e r ; 2 . JL J a c k . G r e e n V e g e t a b l e M a r r o w -- 1 M r s , E x c e l l . W h i t e V ^ e g e ta b le M a r r o w -- i M r s . G l i s b y ; 2 . R , J a c k . . P u m p k i n ^ l , M r . D a v i s ; 2 . M r s , S p e j i r i n g . = S w i s s C h a r d -- 1 . M r s . R. Ju ck „ : 2 , A . G a r t h o r n e , \'fr ■ IlM V ' i l l : ' - ■ I l iv : f . l l i " ' ' -KtHl Toniatbes^-lVM rs: R m t h a rt . . " ; ;i)\nnps ^ L Mrsf Burklian. U l ection of Vegetables -- l Mrs, Rehberger: 2, RiJack. ' ^ Decomfive Section Bowl of Sweet Peas - i, Jiifs. Rh^le.s ;2 . Mrs. E.xcoll. o f C u t F k w e rs -- l M rs. Ivhixles; 2, R. S. Dyble. ® V ^®tible N a s tu r tiu m s-- 1, Mi'^s. G isby ; R, Jach . Bowl o f A nnuals -- i " Mrs R h ^ es ; 2. Mrs, E.xeell. M ost e ffective d isp lay of G ar den F low ei^ ^ I h , P , A lle n ; ^ M rs. M cTavish. Decoration ^ vT McTavish: 2. Miss A Burkhart; 3, Mrs. Dicken-wnl Michaelma.s Daisies McTavish__ _______ ^ Six AhnliaTs^^JT-MrsrExcell; 2, MrsI Rhodes. Perennial Phlox -- 1, R. S. Dyble; 2, Mrs. Excell. Six Blooms of Zinnias -- 1, , Mrs. Excell; 2,"Mrs. Rhodes. Dwarf Zinnias -- 1. Mrs Fv- cell.- Four kinds of Annuals -- 1, Mrs. Excell. ' . Perennials^--- 1, Mrs. Excell; 2. Mrs. Tiimey: F ruit Grab Apples -- 1, Mrs. J. Gray Delicious Apple.s -- 1, "Mrs. Richardson. Duchess of Oldenburg Apples -- I, Mrs. McTavish. Gravehstein Apples-- 1, Mrs. McTAvish. WeiUthy Apples -- 1, Betty Blaif; 2, Mrs. Richardson. Any other variety of Apples-- 1, Mi-d J. Gray; 2, B e t t ^ l a i r - - -Best Display of Apples -- 1, Mrs._McTayis_h.^ ____ ___^ Blackberries -- 1, Mi's. M. Cook; 2, Mrs. McTavish. ^ ((^ n tin u e lirn ^ r^ ^ k f t y 1, Mrs. not surprised then to hear God's _culminating,.yerdict.-^'Hp -h«fh- appointed a day in ;^hich Hq will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom He hath or dained. " The risen Christ is God's man, for final world rule His title is, "Prince of theH<ihgf ..of_ the__Earth." _If .the British^ Empire or any Britisher would- stand victorious today or in that final day there must be a genu ine change of hearti and turning to the Saviour Christ now. ^ A loyal subject I shall hy . God s gi'ace do my duty now, hoping that we shall win. Faith in God not force of arms, how ever, has been Britain's strerigtK in the past. In this trial which IS a foreshadowing of a final and eternal judgment, I p ray -that many of my fellow countrymen find God. ̂ Youris sincerely . - - . ___ROb e r t h ^ b ir c h ^ HOME NURSING CLASS■ ii--.... - An attem pt is being made to establish a St. John's Ambulance Asibociation Class in home nurs ing in W est Vancouver which wiR be formed^ if a sufficient number of women and girls are interested. It is anticipated that there m ay be a g r ^ t call for persons holding first aid and home nursing-certificates. Class es are being held in all centres of G reater. Vancouver to prepare volunteers for service. Anyone in terested is a s k ^ J o please phone Mrs. J . 0. Britton a t West 49-R^, JVEST VANCOUVER t a b l e t e n n is LEAGUE V arrange for the -tor4heomi ng-season-wilL behW ^ by the West Vancouver, Table -lennis Uague next Tuesday, September 19th. All interested please phone Jimmie Baxter, West 156-Y or Harry Wells, West 548-M. Suits7Coats, Dresses, experienced. Miss Muriel Stoneman. West 667-R JFQli-SALE ---4-burheYdHoffiat-Elec-- trie i-finge. Splendid condition. West : 114. ' _______ ; WA-NTED_-=:r„D_elivery Tjoy. for grocery store. Apply 2490 Marine after 7 . Friday evening. __________ FOR RENT -- Five roomed water front house, near in, garden, con sider trade local house property. West 631-R.__________ AITRAGTIVE ROOM FOR RENT -- Close to transpdrtation; board op- tional. -West 824-Y._______ ^ T S A LE -- Model A Ford, 1929; cash sale $100. West. 596-R--Cal! between 12 and 1 o'clock or after 6 l a d y WANTS WORK -- Store or. office or would do typing a t home. West 473-L, f . . . NORTH VANCOUVER AUCTION September 20 th, ^®"®<*ale Ave., at 1:30 "p.m. Uctonan mahogany dining table and 5 chairs of beautiful grain m ahopny sideboard, do. drop leaf wnting--tabier-antiqire"i:ipTnif^ ror, tea >yagon, .vanity dresser with seat sterling silver and E.P.,ware-of gpod quality, cut glass, 2 sectional Browne belt, Wilkin- &hool Supplies, Needles, Pins, Cot- . .tons, Tape Measures; Thimbles, WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- -- househrold furniture. Hewett, Ai tioneers, North 89, Reverse call, VERNON FEED st^R E A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 F e r ti l iz e of AH Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplier 'wofni. iwuy--ous--anqwater colors, domestic treadle sewing machine, mah jong set, orchestra? banjo, various tables and chests nf drawers, Kelvinator refrigerator, Thor electric ironer (up-to-date), kitchen electric mixer, books, culinary articles honey separator, etc., etc. . ' At the same time I will offer a linp including pipe vise gasoH?' 7 * ram s an^ou^ee^a^tae of 3ala.. AUOi^pNEER John. Tfour fatheV is a very dis- man with his grayl Yeah, that's the - way it is m this w o rld -I did all the work and be gets all the credit." W.__H. VASS. Chiropractor, Suite L Holly bum Block.__________ _ WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Steffi I Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood'J Turning, Glass aod Glazing. Wô - work of all descriptions. Phonei: West 740 and W est 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. PLUMS and CRAB APPLES for sale, cheap. Phone West 437-Y-l. FOR SALE --' "Silent Glow" oil bm?- er range. West.675-L. FOR SALE -- Ladies' new black cmJ satin lined, size 38. Phone ..Wert: 175-R.- ____________ W A N TED '-^ Furnished house, 5 w 6 rooms; 1st October. Phone Nortn 1363. ^ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- School Supplies, Stationery, Wool, Notions, Needles, Cottons, Hard- ware. _____~ • ■______ -- -EOR-SALE-- ..Cocoa Muskrat Coat in good condition; medium size. Phone West 2 2 0 ^ ; ^ LOST -- Ladies gold wrist watch on ' .Ambleside Beach. West 331. FOR RENT -- 3 rooms, modert (lower part of Kouse), $10 P" . month. Phone W est 359-Y duniS, . day; 684-Y evenings.______ EXPERIENCED GIRL wants vorfc Phone evenings. West 507-Y. WANTED Hollyburn preferred. iPor one lady, rice smtfc West 2o6-i: WATCH An d WAIT for annonnĵ ' ment of One Cent' Sale dat^- Neil's itexall Drug Store, 1402 Mnii ine Drive.*- Phone West: 528. a c r e on Creek; c lo ^ in; district^, new homes, $12^0; terms. ' A rcher ?Ltd., W est 225. - ^ FOR SALE -- 1927 C h evro let^ ,' . Snap; can 'be .seeh a t W. L. Service- Station, 16th and Maf3S£ LOST -- ChHd's biffe coat at Mem '̂ al Park playground, Monday. " ,,! 159-1^21 . V