J rmrwmrwsT'̂ mS' 6 5 c m o n th ly ^ 3 c p e r d a y '.U p - to -d a te rards tor all occ«»lon»; Cellophane; Tissuel and Dennison Creeti«<r .* papers; Stamp Albums and Supplies; MVGAZINES should be ordered NOW to ensure delivery, ®"" WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY . ** Open until 8 p.m. Phone West 687IW< Marine iRGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE * 5 F iiH N rrunE m o v ii^g v a n s a t y o u r d is p o s a l •*A Business Built on Service" ('i(y Offivo: , ,54 Alex»|;̂ .';'|; ^ TVlnity Oi-î North Vancouver Phone North 1243-Y W esi Vancouver 1528 Marine Drive West 85 Commander W. T. Walker^ R.K.; of 2459 Mathers Avenue, was last week called back to the service, proceeding to Esquimalt, B.C.V ' ♦ '0 * ^ M r s . Edmond and daughter, Pauline Blyth, have moved from Radcliffe Avenue, into a house a t 2246 Bellevue Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mathisen, 19th and Belle vue Avenu^.- ,■)> 'O .* d a n c in g C lass For TINY TOTS ' w endv i i o y s ^ 2397 Bellevue A v e^e . Wednesday morning aO«:J $1.50 per month grace GOUllARD, Weat 807 :30 t e l e p h o n e d ir e c t o r y CLOSING Septetnlier 2 0 All changes for the November issue of,, theGreater-Vancou- ver a n d Nevv West minster' Directory must-be made_^ty ̂ this date. BHIIISH C O L U M B IA TELEPH O N E C O . . ,, Bibbs--Gourlay ' St. Stephen's Church, West Vancouver, wiaa the setting Fri day morning a t 8:30 o'clock for the wedding of Kathleen Eliza beth (B etty), younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W alter (Sourlay, 2322 Bellevue Avenue, We^t Vancouver, who was united i^ m arriage to Mr. Herbert John Bibbs, only son of Mr. A. E. Bibbs and the late Mrs. Bibbs, 1505 Boulevard, North Vancou ver. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. F. A. Ramsey, as sisted by Rev'. J . P. Dingle. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Kerrison and daughter Iona, of 730 15th Street', left bn ^ tu rd a y via C.N. R. for Edmonton, where they will bpend a week and then: continue th e ir 'tr ip to Belvedere to visit friends and relatives. Malcolm Reid, 1115 Fulton Avenue, has returned from spending a holiday in Winnipeg. Mr8. Ralph Gordon arrived last week from Victoria to visit her mother, Mrs. William Sulley, a t Caulfeild. She was , accom panied by Miss Barbara^ Sulley, who has been her guesf for the past ten days. V A daughter was born last F ri day a t the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Elliott (nee Irene Stevens) of ,1018 Keith Road. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold S. Cove, 4362 Locarno Crescei|t, made formal announcement Tuesday of the engagement of the ir daughter, Betty Sheila, to Mr. Harry Sutherland LewiSi th ird son of Mr. P. B. Lewis df Glam Y Moor, West Vancouver, and the late Mrs. Bertha Lewis. The wedding w iirtake place in Revel- stoke a t the end of September. Bennett--^Wimbles The wedding Was solemnized at 10 a.m. on September 6th,' in St. Paul's Church, Vancouver, of Mr. Harry Curd Bennett, only son of Mr, and Mrs. George Ben nett of Moose Jaw, Sask., and Miss Jeanne Wimbles, elder daughter of Mrs. 0 . L. Boutilier of Princeu-George, B. C., and the late Alexander Wimbles, Mr. Harry Cooper was best man, and the bride was given away by Captain Richardson of New Westminster, the Rev. Canon Stratton's BAKERY KJflTRlLJIK* TkM JK VRV* H i t IP A FRESH DAILY Ten varietioa to ault every tasto Meat Plea -- Cooktea Ecclea Cakea -- Ptfatrlea ̂ Buna, anil RoUa Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Harold King officiating a t the ny. COUNCIL NOTES .1, A •' Engagement The engagement is announced of ' Grace M argaret (Peggy), elder daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. J . E. Glen of West Van couver, and formerly of Shang hai, t o ' James Basil Mc Kenzie, second son of Mrs. "M argaret MoKenzie and the late ^James McKenzie of this city. T h e ' wedding will take place quietly , OIL September 27 a t .the Church of the Immaculate Con ception. , PAINT Y our H ouse NOW Before the certain increase in prices. -Ter-ms--ar-e--necessary; .4Phone for free estimate. W . R . •Residence Phone Regarding the application of Eliza Welch the Council instruct ed the Clerk to advise the appli cant there were no funds avail able a t the present time for the opening of lanes. ' Culvert on Park Lane West -- • The Council' ordered the work done, cost not to exceed $27.00. A letter was received jfrom the Vancouver City Engineer re the Ciitizen's Protective Associ ation. The m atter was referred hack by the Cjouncil to the Eng ineer. - - -4 :-------- ' * ♦ ♦ . James DiiCkworth, who was . lifeguard this' summer a t Amble- side B each,. turned J n certain recommendations r,e the beach, to the Council, They were re ferred _to the Chairman of Parks and the Clerk to acknowledge receipt and to thank the writer for his suggestions. ceremony. The bridegroom and his parents are former residents • of West Vancouver. A reception was later held,at the Deutschland Cafe in the city when among the guests were a large number of members of the Pro - Recreational . O n tre , of which the bride and groom were also menfiberq.. Mr. Ian Eisen- hardt, director, presented th e " happy couple with a case of flat silver from members of his staff. Following the reception Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left for a honeymoon trip, their destina tion not being disclofifed. Chilton--Morton The marriage took place quiet ly of Patricia Catherine (P at), -youngest daughter of Mrs. Clara Morton, 2064 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, and the late S. B. Morton, to Robert C, Chilton,, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. Chil ton, Union Bay, Vancouver Is land. The ceremony was per formed by Rey. F. Hardy of W hiteR b^ , Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, SEPT. Mth CHARLES LAUGHTON The Beachcomher' (Oncti only a t 8;10) nlBO • SMASHING THE SPY RING" KUIDAY, SATURDAY MAT. A EViENING Soptombor 15th and IGtli JOAN CUAWFOUl) JAMES STEWART "ICE FOLLIES OF 1939" (IVioo oach eveninK) , . AIbo n e w s , c a r t o o n , and Othor Short Subjects. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY , * September IKth, 19th and 20th CLAIR TREVOR JOHN WAYNE **Stage Coach** (Once, only at .8 p.m.) From the story "Stugc to Lords- ̂ burjj,*' by Ernest Ilnycox. Also a group of Novelty Short Subjects. L 4Mxtrray^TT*at-terson-wrote-the- Council re access to Lots 14, 15 & 16, Block 4B, D.L. 811, W ater -_T^ne.,:OauIfeild. Referred to the Chairman of the Board of Works and the Engineer, for report. The couple are now residing a t Union Bay, B.C., ♦ ♦ ♦ . 'Engagemeiit' West Vin Cycles New & Used Bicycles Parts - . Repairs - Accessories DICK LLOYD, Prop'r 1.520 Marine,. West 828 fQUAUl MEATS, Loeuv6RVj E. L. Pierrot wrote the Coun cil re the opening of a lane a t 1325 Haywood Avenue. In reply the' CJouncil regretted th a t no funds were available a t the present time for the opening of -lanes. ' T Mr. and Mrs. J., Glover, 2478 King's Avenue, wish to announce -the--engagement of their only daughter,. M argaret Helen, to Janies, Alexandqir. McDonaJd of 'EdmOhtbh, eldes.t,s_Qn_Qf_Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDonald, 501 Mar ine Drive, West Vancouver. The wedding will take place early in October; West 1 9 0 1578 Marine Drive West 190 The meetings of the U.B.C.M. has been postponed indefinitely. Friday aijd Saturday FREE Q P t r V ^ T A T C D E L IV E R Y G ra d e A R e d B r a n d KAMLOOPS TOMATOES • V 10c per tin G r a d e A R e d B r a n d Rump Roast _ _ 25c lb. Shoulders Laimb 18c per lb.Cross-Rib ' Roast 20c lb. BAKEASY 9c per Ib. Breast Lamb liSc Ib.Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per lb. Short Ribs _ l^ lb . 1 Fletcher's' . No. 1 Bacon 18c. p e r . l |2 l b . p k g . Roast Veal. 20c p e r lb , ~ Breast Ved 12c p e r lb . Sterling Coffee per lb. Chili Con-Carne 15c per Hh Maypole Cheese 2 pkgs. 25c. 1 At the meeting of the Coun cil last Monday evening . the West Vancouver National Housing Act Bylaw N6. 825 was finally adopt ed and Tax Sale Bylaw No. 826 received three readings. 41 « 4c- Jack. Summerfield asked per mission of the Council to cut commercial timber immediately north of Horseshoe Bay. The • Clerk , was instructed to inform him th a t permission could no t be granted. I ̂ ' .'4 . Eber Brown came before~ihe Council re the opening of 26th Street between Palmerston and Roseberry Avenue. He stated his willingness to give 44 feet of road allowance and ,aIso to coii- tribute to the cost of-gravelling. The decision of the Council ,was that the offer be accepted sub- jebt to the additional 22 feet of roadway required fo r road pur poses being obtained from Mr. Osterhout. EXPERT W a t c h a n d C l o c k r e p a ir in g ! , ^ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Montreal) '-b-- 1522 Marine Drive r " N y b le tt-- S ulley •"Of interest to a wide circle of •friends here and in the East was the m arriage which took place last Thursday^ afternoon in St. James' Church of Miss^JIelen Marjorie Sulley to, MiCRonald Leslie (Clinton Nyblett, The bride is the eldest daughter of l^ s . Sulley of Caulfeild anb the iS e William Sulley, whil^' the groom is the only son of Mrs. Nyblett of Caulfeild and the late Dr. Harold Grant. Nyblett of Calgary. The ceremony was performed by H.' R. Whitehead, and the groom was supported by his brother-in-law. Major Walter Critchley olCaulfeild. The bride, who was unattended, .was given in m arriage by her brother, Mr. Kenneth Sulley. . An afternoon frock of spring green crepe was chosen by the bride, the bodice sponsoring long sleeves,' a high neckline and padded shoulders. The skirt confined its fullness to the back, where a bustle bow appeared. Cherry fed fox furs, cinnamon brown ha t and accessories com pleted her costume, while her corsage waa of bronze chrysan themums and white heather. ' Leaving immediately after the ceremony, the bride »and groom will motor on Vancouver Island, the former topping her wedding ensemble with a_spruce green tweed topcoat. keep^Yoiir Dog Healthy with. A. B.C. D o c r ^ FOOD Contains Vitamins A.B. C. D. and G. Aiso Minerals Calcium and Phosphorus P A O K E D U Y Aigle-British Columbia Packing Co. in t in s a n d 1-lb. t in s . Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES Weat 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street T O P S O I L ̂ G R A V E L Bush F ir, Inside............. $5.60 Ck>rd Mill F ir, Inside............... 5.60 " Fireplace F ir,.................. 5.00 " Green A ld e r ..................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ............... 4.50 " SPECIAJL- No. 1 Ffi- Edgings..... 88.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings ' Barky ................... 3 Cords 811.00 Jbarlc .....•.....•...■.*■.......■......•85.60 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS .......4̂,4v;v'44;F-;4:4'/!v̂'-;.";V:v' . l-4 : - 4 4 44; 4 4.4: Sacked .......... :........ CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Marine Drive --Critical Guest, a t seaside hotel: "Why have^ you cajled this place ̂ 'The Palms! 7 I haven't seen a palip | sipce I came here." ; Manager:' "The waiters will display them to you, sir, a t the termination .of your -visit." m