i ; . v i i • r ' ; f;: t( i ̂ ' f̂M^ri "■l.-i ' 't " i is® i. ^s 'M' iK ->** t H l - I "■ ;■:' i * i » i # i | l i ; - H i si' Mi I fis"|M #t mM2 m y , « t ;;■ |ts4?. ii® ** i i l i ^ i i #4 s- 'f !.i ifSMlife L .i ̂ -̂ i . V 'T ' i ̂ ' ̂ r i-n ̂, -> , , imŷ J itei. » ̂ wiv. «Jivlt/»*2tf ̂ ̂ ■*■ ̂ ' " > ■< r-» i i » t. 1 tf' I i r 1 ̂ ih >r'rt¥ X? ^ Wfr ' P 5 >«»Vj*!<i.<-'W«*l-"»a»<#7̂/S ■»! ,S.» *>, *W ff." t.? WB»T VAN. UNITBO CH U BO ^ - 'C<Mrsiltl A Et<|iliitt«li<>Av«««- KEV. W. VANCE, K A ^ 2047 Gordon AvtntM Sundoy Htrvic««; ]l«.i». A 7:S0p.m. Stjr«n*«r* *ttd Vkitor# «r« v tleo n * Tafiered Coiffures Stifled to Type / BAPTIST CBVBCB , f ;?w ,■ ̂ -SEisdoLw iUv. W. L. JMcKoy, BJU BJI* - Bnadsy 8«rfk«« ■ 10;W II t.m. A 7:80 pj»^Pr«««Wn« (SjMIMiVl JlJflUB' "............ OtniwIISIBS* ; A henrty wetoomcf to oil Short, U|>«ml coifFure ]jm*K, HU Fuiihioiiiihlu today, can bo «(lnj»lcd to any iyj»« of fcoturcN and will look cliic with any Htylo of hut. Gwendolyn's -- Beauty-Shoppe HOLUBDRN HAU 14th and UucbcRt Sl-'NIIAY, ik'Pt. 17th, a t 10 a.m. OlH;nln)yr Sorvicea for the Fall Sunday School -RCRKlon; also VouriK: Peoplo'a Bible Claw. Sunday Evcnirifir at 7:30 GOSBKL SEKVICK Speaker: MB. J. Y. M..A1TKEN TUESDAY a t 8 p.m, 1'rayer and Mlniatry of the Scrlpturoa WEST VANCOUVEK Cbriibafi ixience Society ITHuiciTiuiMCE" ZOUi jwd KN«<w*»t> llollyburn Thia Society I# o Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Cbrist, Scientlat,. in Boston, Maaaaî huselts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 17th, SUBJECT: * " M A T T K K " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8;1C p.m. The public is cordially in- ' vited to attend our services arid 'meetings, B O N A i-p _M fiyysn ii. P i a n i s t a n d T e a h h w \ -j,w «iSii C I T A S S 'A N D I N D I V I D U A I i - I N S T B U G T l O N - * Studi»: )M« Inglewood Pkoiio M ini W llciw ' « .M m m Snturda, J i r * 1h o l l y b u r n b u s in e s s COUdl^l^ I n d i v i d u a l T u l U o n Phone West 341 1̂ 'h »nd Mirine Creators of E xcIuhIvc Permanenta, 1540 Marine Drive West 117 IJISITKD CHURCH 21.St and Esquimalt Ave. IOjv. William Vance, Minister ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH , 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van "̂ a8tor f ; a u Essentials A N e w S u i t , C o a t a n d W o o U e n D r e s u s MADE TO MEASURE H ollybum D ressm akers West 583 MISS'D. H. HORIE 1890 Marine Drive 3*... DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. 'H irM fT'fAT'. AFIUÊ A A9 Jl' "'. X-ltay Hay Block, 14lh and Marine Dr. t Offico Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointmont. Phone West 72. DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 MedicaUDcntal Building ' Hours; 0 to 0 '-- Evenings by oppointmunt. IHCO Marine Drive . West 432 ENtahliah^ on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) IIAIUION BROS. LTD. f uittcal Bii^^ctora llollyburn, Funeral Home I8tb and Marine West 134 North'd-Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth °]Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 Th e Fren cii B eauty Salon l^ o r P e r m a n e n ts ~ot~l iTst 1 DgbiFffii ty r We Bpeclftllto in flne, grey and < while hair. 156#^aiMarine Drive Phone W. 212 Hally Day, Sept. 17th. 11:00 a.m.--The Sunday School and congregation will meet in • a joint service. Come and hear .something of thi.s part of the diurch'H work. , 7:30 p.m. -- .Young Peoples Ually. The young people will load the singing and will have full charge of the service. ̂ Make this a real Rally' Day. If you are a stranger, introduce yoiir.Holf. If this is your church, jfioino, help to make it glow. 3'hc Young People's Society |bf. . the United Church began the fall .season of activities with a srk'ial in 'the church hall la.st Monday night. The enjoyable program of games and contests wa.s led by Ted Sheffield assisted by Mi.ss Helen Vance. The pleas ant evening was brought to a close yyith __a _ corn f^ d . Plans, have been made for interesting and helpful programs every Mon day evening in the church hall and new members will lie cordi ally welcomed; Next Sunday the young people will take charge of the evening church service. Loch Cameron of St. Andix?ws-Wesley Church Avill be guest siieaker^ _ The regular monthly meetings of th e__W.M.S. qL the United Sunday Services Low M ass--^̂ 8:15 a.m. . High Mass and Sermon -- 10 :15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism-and Bible Class--^2:00 p.m. Week-day Services lilass-- 7:00a.rh. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. -fr Cement; '► Sand Navy Jack, Crushed Rock, Drain Tiles, Brick Lime, Mortar PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ; CITY PRICES TEAROE & SONS CONCRETE and GENERAL CONTRACTING 1427 Marine Drive P H O N E W E S T 8 4 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, « SCIENTIST NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY; West'Vancouver Representative; . Phone West 782 and Driver will calL "MATTER" will be the subject of. the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist^ on Sunday. " ' The Golden Text i.s: "My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my h ^ r t , apd' my portion for ever." (Psalms 73 :26 ). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "And the world passeth away, and, the lust thereof: But he th a t doeth the will of God abid- eth for ever." (1 Johii 2: 7). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from .the (Christian....Science text- Asphslt PfCtliiX ' WVEWAYS R O A D M A T E R I A L S L I M I T E D -P-hone North 1141-. .. '____ i _____ or - - - ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y- C o r p o r a t i o i i o f W e s t V a n j o u v e r NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the 1939 Tax-Sale will be heW at the Municipal Hall, 17th and -Esquimalti Holly- burn, B. Ci, a t 10 a.m., on Saturday, September 30th, 1939. Church will be re.sumad on Tues- book; "Science and Health with day, .i;he, 19th instant, at 2:15 Key to the Scriptures" by Mary p.m, when a largb attendance is Baker Eddy: '.'Man is more than -liaped-foiv-A4Hatlieirin-t-lie-ctm=--a"mHtenal fornTwitlT^mind^ih-' Hollyburn, B.C., -- 14th-^ pptemher?-4--939T WM. HERRIN, -Munieipal^er-kv^ gregation are cordially invited, side, which must escape from * . . ----------- ........-- its envdron^nTents^irrofder to b ^ ^------- BAPTIST CHURCH ^ irnmortalT^^-^------- ------------------ Tlace-Yoiif-Jeb-PFiii(iB^witIr ----T-hê West-V-an-New*-̂ --- Hev. Wilftid.L. McKaj *1645 Duchess-Ave. HOLLYBURN HALL ON 9 ^ ANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1MC MAniNC Dfuva w est 96$ .̂ .R.T. of ILC. Sunday Services 11 a.m. -- Subject: "Our Contri bution to Victory." Story also for the childmi. 7:80 p.m,--^The evening service begins with a bright sing song led by Daniel Willington. E v e n i n g sem on subject: SPEaA L Inside Fir:-- from shod .......$6.00 per cord from mil) .......$5.60"per cord Slabs with Bark $4,00 jHsr cord. Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord . ̂ SAWDUST I IMUTAM'S f u e l Phone North 620 "Keeping Our Footing." ' The church school meets a t 10 T h e N e w s o'clock. There are classes for every age, including an adult Bible class, taught by faithful teachers, l^ w scholars will re ceive a coi'di(il welcome. Monday,'8' p.ni. -- The Young People's Sodety will hold their meeting a t the home of Jack- Mercer, 1133 Esquimalt Avenue, 'fhe subject \vill be, '̂Beethovan, Lover of German Fi-eedbhi?' Alt young people are cordially in vited. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Mid week meeting for prayer and jn-aise. . _ - To P am its :-- The superintendent and teach, ers of'Hollyburn Hall, 14th'and Duchess Avenue, wish to an nounce that the Fall Session of the Sunday School commences, Sundayr^September'MTth, a t 10' a.m. Any children who do not at tend any other Sunday School at this hour will be very welcome. Classes are arranged from primary to senior Bibl^ class. Where else ean p get so iiiiichjor 10BJfT? THE MCest..VanNezvs Pabikthed Every Thursday ST, STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev, F , A. Ramsey, Rector Publisher F. F, LOVKGROVE t Phone West 3.63 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 A year by carrier: $2.00 a year- ,_____by mag_____ i Sunday, Sept. 17th, 8;00 a,m.--^Holy pommunion, 11;00 ai,m.--r*iMiatins and Sermon.' 7;S0 p.m.--Evensong and ^ r - moh. Thursday, S t Matthew's Day, 10:15 a.m.--^Holy Commun ion. 8:00 p.m.--^Vestry Meeting. The Inglewood W. A. meeting . oii Wednesday a t 2;S0. . S t Frands-ln-the-Wood, Caulfeild 3:00 p.m,--^Evensong and Ser- _ - Jtton, . , - _ \ WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cl*. Marine & 25th Street. Pastor: Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. Services; Sunday School ...................._v9:45- _ Sunday. Services............ 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship .... 7;30 Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fello\vship ........ . .... 7:45 Commencing- this Sunday evening a series of addresses on the prophecies of the Bible relative to present , day events will be given. I t i s intended that ̂ these should be a guide and, help to all earnest thinkers and seek ers today. oook^ a meal fo r one parson (e le c tr ic range) , 16K h o u r s o f l i g h t : ; ( 6 0 watt globe) 3 0 pieces ô f toast (toaster) Mr. Shabaeff is staying at Rose (Cottage, Radcliffe Avenue. 1 0 hours of re fr ig e ra tio n (re fr ig e ra to r) entertainment fo r 5 hours (rad io) ̂ - P h i l i p W a t t s , l l c j . Bass - Baritone Singer mid Teacher West 892-L or Trinity 241.8 1669 24thVst 669 Granville S t tr *lMHMdon tbe SeeatntN^ BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC r a i l w a y c o m p a n y l i m i t e d ' (•) ISW-1S-W J " t mm