mx: ■ ■ f ' 'rY i wAm Established ^Ver IB years. CitcuiatiftS .,£yisttict of Ŵ j*/ Vuticouvtt'^Aitiblcsidt^ Hollybum^ Weston^ Dutidatav^ $1.00 per year. G y p r e S s P a r k , C a u l f e i l d , W h y t e c l i f / / E t C . 5c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14th. 1939 No. 23 b u s in e s s a s u s u a l I I . . SCHOOL BOOKS HOLLYBURN HALL COMINU EVENTS In the few days since Great Britain declared war business most distinctly has not been as usual. There has been, indeed, too pie valent a tendency, to, metaphorioally speaking, nit UP tbe shutters, as if th e enemy was thundering a t our' ffiites Many cofisumers have rushed to the stores to lay in fl stock of food stuifs of various kinds w ith the result th a t nrices have risen, these increases being in no case due to anv action on the part of the retailers. The public generally Lmjars to have adopted a policy of watchful waiting, although what they are waiting for , nobody knows, meanwhile festric=. ine their general buying to absolutely day-to-day necessities with the exception of the above mentioned stocking up of the larder.-This movement or ra thbr lack of movement has even extended to social life and aotivities connected with organiaa- tions outside those new ones which are being established for war work. ■» , ■ „V ' ' ' ■ A little calm thought should convince us th a t all. this is wrong. It is, in fact, playing into the hands of the enemy. For, as the case stands a t present,, an ocean protects Canada on either side from her foes, and Britannia still rules the waves wth a much greater ratio of gun power in her, favor than in 1914. Also pui?" land is capable of producing all the real necessities of life for our population with ample to spare for others not so fortunately placed. It is true we are a t war, and cons^uen tly will have to guard .'ourselves against possible sp o r^ ic attacks from with out and sabotage from within. I t is also likely that later we shall find it our duty to send certain forces overseas, since it is there that the fight fo r our .freedom m ust be fought and won. Undoubtedly the m arket for bu r surplus foodstuffs will be greatly enlarged, and there will be a substantial in crease in the manufacture of munitions fo r use in the centres of war. •, . " ■ ' ' '■*' All these things Spell prosperity; and not depression. Many, who have been out of employment for. a long period have already secured Vvork, and this condition' will increase. In this connection it will be remembered th a t times were generally speaking goodj and there was plenty of money in . circulation during the Great War, the depression coming after wards. , . ' . ' ...... itM , of ^ ' be paid later for all.these w^ar actrvitfesjybut then th is conflict has been literally forced upon us by H itler to th a t point where, we bould do nothing else bu t fight now, lest worse fa te should await us in the future. Incidentally, had we allowed the Germans t o , take Poland in order to save ourselves, it would have b^n . a t best a putting off of the evil day, and- from then until the breaking out of inevitable Avar there would have probably been such a depression as. wp have never ex-- The sale of high, junior high and public school books at the West Vancouver High School will continue next , week from Mon day to Friday, September 18th to 22nd, fw m 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A number of the Canadian geo graphy books for public schools are still available. This-service 'is sponsored by the Dunoan Lawson Chapter, I. O.D.E. ~ • BUILDING PERMITS, $79,950 Labt month 82 building, per- rriits totalling $79,950 were is sued ' by the Municipal Hall as compared with $62,220 in Aug ust of last year and $66,640 for this July. Particulars are as fol- . lows: ' , ,,, 17 dwelling^ ...... $73,980 3 garages .... ............ 520 10 alterationsj;:,--.'........... ' 3,100 2 misoellanebus ........... 2,350 Opening services for the fall Sunday School session, also the Young People's Bible Class wljl be held a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, September 17th, in Hollyburn Hall. At 7 :30 p.m, next Sunday there will be a Gospel Service, when the speaker will be J. Y. M. Aitken. lYiesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and ministry of the Scrip tures. ' -.... 'i I.. .-r-i....r--.--Ti- ? BRITISH - ISRAEL . Wednesday, Octobin* 11th -- Thanksgiving Anniversary Supper in the United Church Hall. f in a n c ia l s t a t e m e n t DUNDARAVE GALA (August 2f>, 1939.) The regular weekly meeting of the Dundarave Branch next Monday, September 18 th ; speak er; Col. Pringle. The subject:, "This Generation." You arje cor dially, invited. , '*** RECEIPTS:-- j.. Admission to P ie r ...... . $28.60 EXPENDITURES:-- Advertising Posters..... $ 2.00 'Diming Boards . (lumber & hooks) 1.23 Theatre Plasses • for prizes .................. 12.00 Prize Award Certificates .........;........ 2.75 PAINT YOUR HOUSE $17.98 $79,950 I. O. D. E. TJerfenced: Today as, never before we m ust liye in the present, taking as our slogan "Business as usual,'? if we wish to do~our share towards bringing this war to a successful conclusion. For it is common knowledge th a t i t waajthe breaking of the morale of the civil population in (5erm^toy iiH l918 which finally, caused the collapse of her a r m ^ f p l t ^ in the field., A t the meeting of the Duncan. Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.B., which was held on Monday evenipg a t the home of Mrs. H. OstrOm, it was agreed the, call to service \youId be the aim of every mem ber in th is time- of wiar. W ith the object, in view of assisting women to be prepared in time of w ar and epidemic the follow ing program, launched;' - Committees wvere appointed to* organize groups as-follows: Home Nursing, convener Mrs. W alter Gourlay; instructor to be announced. F irs t Aid, convener Mrs. P: C. Chapman; instructor to "b e " announced. Child Care, convener Mrs. B. W. M. Bone; W. R. Kennedy suggests in his advertisement in th isisSu^ th a t residents have their houses painted new before the rise .In prices. Terms necessary. „Ahy interested are asked, to kindly phone Mr.. Kennedy ^at West 159-L-2. Balance................$10.62 DANCING CLASS Mr. Fletcher- .of Hollyburn Theatre kindly . $8.00 credit in%R(j^atre Pfmses.. Vî hich inoreas^tlfie the Passes purchMecl' fronj Wi50 to , $2.50. f ■ - , \ B V Proceeds frqfi - # 7 Swimming Gala ..... I $10.6* Certificatesf for Standard :x, Swimming T ests ...... 5.00 A dancing class for tiny, tots is being formed by Miss Grace Goddard a t Wendy House, 2397 Bellevue Avenue. 'This c lasrw ill be held a t 10:30 a.m. on: Wed nesdays. Fees, $1.50 per ni^nth. A ny' intefested ' a re ""a'skea" to kindly phone West 86,7. ----- Cash oji Hand.... $ 5.62 UNIT FOR WAR WORK " iTigtruotorMisB"CDp€iaiid: Diete tics; convener Mrs. R. A. Thoftip- son; instructor Mrs. Wilfred Muntoh. Stenography and Type writing (Refresher Course), con vener Mrs. Robert Fiddes; in- 'striictor Mrs".^W^"~Reid~"Motor" ' Mechanics, convener Mrs. Gordon Gray; instructor. Wm. Grout. Knitting and Sewing, convener Mrs. J. B. Leyland., . Home Nursing, F irs t Aid and the Sewing and K nitting groups m ust conform to instructions is sued by the Red Cross. This, program planned by the Chap te r in West Vancouver will be open to members and non-mem bers alike. Complete details for registration will- be announced next week. The Chapter ^wishes .to pre serve friendly relations with all. other organizations in the com- munity doing war work and will -endeavor in-every way to co operate. . The first national effort to be , made by the Order is in response to an appeal from Lady Reading, leader of the Women's Volun teer Service in London, asking i f ' Canadian women oould help_ . meet the~need-Tor clothing for boys .and -girls- (ages-- moved out of their hoiifes in the large cities of the United King dom. This'w ill take the form . of a "shower" sponsored by the_ Chapter, the ^date, and place to be announcedHater. Mrs. W. H.. Green convener, w^th Mrs. Rob e r t Froud, Mrs. A. J. Gleam, Mrs. H. B. Stevens, Mrs. H. B. Gray and Mrs. S. B. Willoughby were appointed to arrange the affair. The applications of six West Vancouver women have fbeen accepted in the first group to commence training in the "I. O.H.E.--and -Red Cross" Home Nursing Course, being held a t the General and- St. Paul's Hos-* jpitals. Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs. Walter Gourlay will attend a meeting of the Red Cross in North Vancouver on Wednesday. 'A unit for war work was or ganized in Gaulfeild on Tuesday aftemopn, the second day, afters -- T̂h is-am opn t--wi II77 be--t u rned -- over to the. Municipal Council to be held in tru st towar4 the pro- emotion of- a swimming program at Dundarave Pier next .summer, . GALA COMMITTEE, -J (G. D. Gillespie, Peter Greer, Ross Rathie, Pauline Greer, , Maureen. Martin, Ve,rschoyle Martin, Ted Sewel].)' ' Canada de^M ^"~war: Over 50" women attended and registered.. A t present this unit is. not affili- - ated with any national organiza tion but as soon as an official announcement comes through from "Otfiawa^'concerning. needed - supplies for Canadian Army and^ Red Cross work the unit will then function through national channels and thtis take its part in active w ar service. ROBERT R. CHARLTON SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY A meeting of the Provincial Executive Committee of the Scottish Country Dance Society, of British Columbia was held re'o- ently at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. H. P. Wyners, to dis cuss the policy of \h e .^ c o ttish Country Dance' Society under present conditions. After a full discussion the fol lowing resolution was passed for the guidance of affiliated branch- other interested groups:. P -^0 Provincial Executive, strongly urges every airiliated branch and Scottish ountry Dance group to continue ts activities and . if possible to during the present times.- The Committee ^is that such activities will be LSfi mentally of great i n these days'of î n-ain, now and in the future." 6TH WEST VANCOUVER SEA SCOUT & WOLF CUB PACK AUXILIARY ' The Mothers' Auxiliary of the above group and pack will meet a t the home of the President, Mrs. H. B. Wallace, 1345. King's A' ĵfenue (upper level bus to 14th Steeet and Inglewood Avenue leaves Ferry W harf at 2 p.m.) oh Thursday, September 21st, a t _2:30 p.m. when it is hoi)ed as many members as possible will beVpfeserit, as this will be the final meeting for^the year, Sep tember, 1938, to September, 1939. . All mothers of Sea Scouts and attached Wolf Cub Pack are cor_ diaily invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Husband and family, Nelson Avenue, have mov:e.d„into a_ hiouse__on Travers •Avenue. CORPORATION ;OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER VOTERS' LIST, 1940 <I«siHng and Entitled to have their names^placed List for 1940 as Householders, Licence or Poll Holders must file " a 'deolaration (which' may be made Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form pro- before the end of September, 1939. ________ " ' Forms may be obtained a t the 'Municipal. Hall. Lated this 14th day of September,. 1939. „ ? V . WM. HERRIN,. ^ llybun ifB .C : - _ Municipal Clerk. FAMILY WELFARE BUREAU COMJHITTEE MEETINCi The regular monthly:, meeting ' of the D istrict Committee 6f the Family Welfare Bureau was held a t the offices, 17th and Marine Drive, on-Friday, September 8th. Mrs. W. Munton, vice-chairman, presided. Due to the projected absence of Mr. and. Mrs. L. D. .BrQoks_xluring the coming year, Mrs. W. Munton was appointed chairman and Mrs. J. Fox, vice- chiairman of the committee. The Work Report for the months of June, July and August,, was giten by U. Knipe, District Visitor. Durjng these three months 78 -visits had been made and .49 interviews held a t the office. The ■Family Welfare Bureau " is " a private social agency operating'^ under the Greater Vancouver Welfare Federation.. The vvorjk includes^^ services to families meeting 1 problems along such lines ias child behaviour,' domes tic difficulties, etc. The Visitor is in West Vancouver Mondays and Fridays with office hours from one to two. PASSES Word hds been received of the death in Oakland on Monday, September '4 th , of Robert R. jCJiarlton,-a-Tormei^old-timeTi'esir dent of W est Vancouver. The deceased with his wife and fam ily left here for California sev eral years ago, and they have since resided in Oakland. Beside.s his wife, he is survived by'^me son, Robert Lionel; three sisters, Mrs. Nell Hayton, Mrs. Hannah Hevyitt, and Mrs. Alice Sinclair; also one brother, Ned. Funeral services, which were strictly private, were held under Masonib'. auspices a t 1 :30 p.m. on the 6th instant in Oakland, and inter m ent was made in Mountain View Cemetery. WILLIAM S. DAVIE PASSES' WEST VANCOUVER FOOTBALL CLUB A practice game will be held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock a t Ambleside Park. 'Teams representing the possibles and probables will be selected. All the players and new mem- bsers are invited. William Scott Davie, 863J.5th .Street, passed away last Sunday in his 65th year a t St. Paul's Hospital. The deceased is sur- vived by two daughters, Lilias _ ̂ S. a t home; Mrs. J. Mitchell, Gambler Island; one son, William S., resident here ; one~ brother, JVIatthew, North/Vancouver,=and~ _six grandchildren. Funeral ser vices were held a t 1 p.m. yester. sday from the Hollyburn. Funeral Home of, Harron -Bros."̂ Ltd., the Rev; William Vanc^ officiating, and interm ent was made in Cap- ilano Vipw Cemetery. DEATH OF ALAN B. CAMERON Alan B. Capieron, son of the late Mh and'kfrs. S tuart Gamer-, on of Caulfeild, passed away last _ Saturday in \his 36th year. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Riddell of London, Eng- land, and Mrs. George Cowan of^ Caulfeild. Funeral services wete" held a t 2;30 p?m. last Tuesday in Mountain View Crematorium F. A. Ramsey of- f id ^ n g T