l i E,r:||. I :; 1 ;■' I"- il '*' r ': I f t .h |f"'l"̂ -v •")t| fc «̂ J*M :f "I " T III ••J>, (t? i®#iassas lips -S>~- 4 % ■" "ll P -â'̂ t *fy -a *f-S-Sif. '>lt"T ■>:: PliiCili ia h l8 p.S#:Hp PP-fii^̂V'. ■iJ pi . I ■4,.̂. Vi,,T': Is!}'?? I ?•« s I p, ;'.i?i t e '« * . 'A '■ t f'c, hl^sfe: i p f i i iffS^v|̂:g^lf}-fi 'Aa"̂( "I't ' '"* 10M>̂ siiK ' lA/fei •Â'*fab p iispfelPF -4s-5A i>k»w»Mi A. Hbnriqr Smuitli H«i^wt.tm F rta D«Unvr Hanic*" • IlMilUr AmmiM I'KICKS (jUOO for FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Sept. Mill & »tb , '•V Kf<i « Whit« MANDWICil KBUHil p « *H, Jar „ .,2 lr I.OBHTKIl PABTIi *A» tin lOc fANAIHAN HAHDINE8 2 lina »« li«d{und'M MKAT BASTE, %» Krierai variH)t>ni to chouii« from I'lfl . . »c N.t>ob KIBBKK SNACKS....... Uim 7c KihI A White TEA Oranae IVkue pound 4SiC Smyo the CoupooN for Valuable Bremiuma, qClCK OATH (fuaker Noft'Bremfuni larue phC ISc CAKE F l A t V H >~- HtYanadoirn Barket only ............. 25c HONEY'--Manitoba, No. I White 2'lh. .'Hoa. t i n ................................ 22c YOUJI CHOICE MBUT BEAM -- IlKY OUEEN BEAH -- SACO -- MACAHONI WHITE IIKANH -- BEAItL HAUhEV .................. 2 Iba. ISc Ked A White HAKlNt; BOWDEIt 12 or. tin 17c; 2'/i lb. t in .. 5.7c Kwl A W'hiU- EXTHAtrrS Viiniiln--Lemon, etr 2 oa. hot, I8c ItiMl lb White_HAKIN(; SODA lb. pkt.......................... I ............... Oc M E A T S Free Dell very W««t 370 HEEP-4;rade A1 and A. Grain Fed. LAMH-Top Quality BfHlK--tjVaIn Fed VEAlF-Mllk Fed SrtJAIl CUBED CORNED BEEF IPmeieHM, p<T lb. . I6e IHtEAHT MILK FED VEAL For RoastInK, |MV lb.................. lOc CHfllCE SBRING LAMIL- lA'itrt, lb, 2.'ic; Loina, lb......... 26c .Shoutders, lb.............................. |5c FRESH FISH DAILY FL'LI, LINE OF DELICATESlSBN»l ' - :' iir i .Mf u l l s iio r t e n in c ; .\ Purely Y'efcetabte Shortenlnif 2, I-lb. ('urtona . .'...................... S.'lc Rtd & White BREAD FIAXUR _ 7 II). Sack 23c;' 24.lb. Sack . 74c ihAb. Sack ......................... $L.39 ^iA*.'C.«*AEyi--.- BIrp# Fertilliwrs of All Kind** ADCO Wood. Coal. Buildefs' SuppHes Fox--O'Hearn The marriage of Mrs.. Margar et O'Hearn and Mr. Joseph' Shan non Fox took place quietly at St. Anthony'a Church, VVe.Ht Van couver on Tue.sday, September 5th. The ceremony wa.s per formed by Rev. Father Jordan, O.M.I., aasiated by Hev. Father SASH A DOORS SHINGLES -- ' PLYWOODS LATH THERE l$| , NO SOBSTfrUTB FOR QUALITY PAHfT ROQfSrlT«1»^ " WALLBOABD TILB-^........................... . CANADA PAINT COIIPANY LTD. VVESI VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. HO. 1 5 th & Marine D r ^ Phone West US C LA SSlFllED A lb s 25 . « U u ^ u 'd « "^ ®'^^imemli*r"cla"̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ In the^Wwl Van Newa get linmedlaU raaulta. ' Lynch^ O.M.I. Only immediate CORDON ROBSON relatives and intimate friends of Solicitor. W. Hast S .M ttppointriiWntrWeSt " TO GIVE AWAY -- - Pretty kitten. West lBl-M-1. malt THK HORNING' HUSH ! Hy Subudar .One .iibie.s the fashion lords Itave decreed that women must show their hip lines this fall. It's nuirvvllouH the things these fashion lords do to wometa.', [ITiey half strip them, sm other'them , hobble them, compress them,- straight-bag them, so to speak, and the women like 'it. Their husbands, who have to pay the bills, don't, and, from what they have told me, the only garmenf^s they esteem fit for the fashion lords is a thick coating of tar and feathers, with the legal permis sion to apply it themselves. There are occasions when the bachelor can thank the gods on all fours for his single cussed- nesH. Returning to hips, a man would suppose it will bo neces sary; to swing them to be in th e . fashion, which Would indicate the calling in of some Highland piper for instruction in t lu ^ r t . If any woman can learn to swing them like one of these fell|Ow.s and at the same time to swing "'Phe r<>fk o* Mio N o r t h / ' ' if Ayifl ' l.a.st Sunday a collision occur,: red at Idth and Clyde Avenue between a truck driven by Har old Hayes and a car in which were Mr, and Mrs.'McDonald of North Vancouver. Mr. McDonald had some o f' hi.s ribs cracked vvliile his wife was badly shaken ,up. (-.ionsidrable damage was dom* to the car. Mr. and Mrs. j . McCrea and family, w;ho have b?en staying at the Clachan, have moved into a house at 12th and Inglewood Avenue. " the contracting parties were present. The bride was gowned in a midnight blue ensemble ac-"' cented with touches of white. Mrs. W. Forre.st, who attended the-bride.-wore: (Ili.'^ky-ro.se with .. iiccessories of queen's blue. Mr. P. O'Grady, brother of the bride, supported the groom. ' Following the ceremony the guests were entertained at the home of the bride where a buCet luncheon was servt^d. r .. Mr. and Mrs, Fox will reside' , at 15th and E.squimalt Avenue. •n o t a r y PUBLIC,". General ton- veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. SSwar. 1406 Marine Drive. West CASH FOR JUNK ^ Bottles, ran. Sacks, M etals;' Furniture: Stoves Tools, etc.; nothing too big or tod General--^n- amalL Burraid Junk Co., West 9l, 21. LISTINGS iWAî TED " Hou^ to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pembertons, Trinity 1271. Evenings, 437-Y-l. West GORDON GRAY - Insurance. Fire, Burglary, Automobile, ^*5®' phone; Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2.; GUESTS -- Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, West 379-Y-2. ______ _______ WANTED, -- Girl for housework, sleep out. West 66,_____ ■ HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and 'Rockpits ijistalled; and ■ cleaned.' West 187'-R. I' WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE-- Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt .service. West 700. I'. . _ ' ' ----- FREDERICK a AUBREYI Barrister.' ^Solicitor. Notary, 801-803 Birks '} Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff-546:^ ̂ -■ " B A N D N0TP:S An American was being ..^own nround Glasgow. "Why, we have, buildings ten timds that size over in America," he said. , A little furtheT'on' he" made the same remark, and. the little Scotsman replied coolly: "Och, aye, and if they are all like you,, mon, they'll need them.._Thnt'»_.the asylum." . be ju.st "too sweet." 'riieri! none of the ._hil>r hurrah about the war that there was in 1914, when nil hands set out as if going on a picnic, and It's a go(xi t'hjng. VVe've got a bea.stly job, ahead'of us, and the .sooner we slop joking about it and get down to busine.ss the better. It's no u.sc wasting humor on a German anyhow, be en u.s<» his sense of humor is con- uonsKlerabl.v less than the txld Englishman, Into whom you have got to drive a joke with a ham- . mer. the kind who look owlish, when you have exploiled it, and say "Oh. really now!" I once tjuieted the uppishneSs, though, of a Prussian officer in the last unpleasantness, whom we had captured up t he line. 'I'he fellow who could speak English; was chucking his weight about, so 1 . said to him. "My colonel is in a bad terniHU* today, and. when he gets that way, he always takes the pants away from all prison ers." I'hat put the lid- on his uppishness with a bang. Talking of "ttiy ĵ>k>nel," one reads the Germans aix' talking about "Our hkiehi'er." Well, they needn't lx? atraid anylKHly " e ls^ w w it;^ liim badly enough to steal him. r "■■■ A red-haired boy applied for a job in a butcher shop. "How much w'ill ypu give me?" "'Three dollars a week; but what can you do to mako your- .self useful" The largest and most success ful camp yet held by the West Vancouver School Band closed last Saturday. This year sixty boys took advantage of the facil ities offered a t Keats' Island and the chance, to get in some extra practicing. During the eleven days a t camp everyone took part in many games including base-' ball, volleyball, tennis, ping pong, boxing, rowing 'and swimming. Hikes were .rhade to Pebble Beach and Sandy Beach, as well as a treasure hunt, taking in most of the island. While the weather was cloudy on Saturday aftenioon, it.did not rain, and those who took in the annua] pici^ic and excur.sion to Keats!, Island by ferry No. 6 to bring the band: back had an en joyable trip. -- - -- ___ KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply Mrs. E. Latham. 2446 Mwine DRESSMAKING' -- Proprietor- Mrs. E. C. Robbins -- Ladies suits, coats; dresses, etc.; children's clothes specialising in alterations and make overs. 2791 -Marine Drive. Reg. Phone West 6>9-R. _______ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coua. try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer; Capilano, North 811-R-2. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A ̂ Solicitor, 610 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, W eat.403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sob icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone .West 21, or. W est 563-R-l. !■ ■ FLASH PHOTO SERVICE - Films ' in by 8:80 a.m., Back at 5 p.ni. same day. Selo, Agfa aifd' Eastman Film, Make this store your camera Head quarters. McNeU & McCue Drugs. MARCEL SHOP ^ Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. . E x p ert' operators. Phone West 304. ,Royar Bank Building, LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. . . . - . ^ ----- uTound a butcher shop?" .,!'Any thing." "Well, be specific. Can you dress a chicken?" - "Not on a week," said the boy. . - WANTED -- Girl for housework, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. West 367-R-3.. DRESSMAKING -- Alterations and repairing; eiderdowns recovered; prices reasonable. 1474 Marine. WA'NTED;TO RENT -- Unfurnished house 4 - 5 rooms, $20 - $25; 2 adults; permanent. Box 36, West' -- Van-News. •----- 2------- --------=------ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, . G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. . . . __________ 1- PAPERHANiGING, Painting, Kalso* :> mining; first class work at reason- able rates. rEL, Gaines. West 167-L. : USTINGS WANTED -Roberts--Ltd;;j : West-A^ncottTe Mrs. F, Knight-Hodge NELSONS^LAONiDRKlS LTD. DRY CLEANING (CertilRed-as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Houewkeeping]! C. C. FINNEY, W'est Vammaver RepreaentaU^ Phone West 782 and^Oiiver will caiL A s p h ^ t P r e i i ^ 'S & A v s' * * " r Al*' ' '1.. ' t ' . _ ROAD-MAlXRIiUtS UM llXD-------- . Phone North 1141 ̂ or ALF BLU S, West 160-Y IT'S IMPORTANT TO YOU The personal well-being of every man. woman, arid child in British Columbia is In direct >ratio to their support o f home industi-y. --. "How can such a little thing as my failure to specify "Made in B.C. Products" every time I make a purchase .adversely a f fect me and m y' neighbour?" Tlie answer to this question is a matter of simple multiplica tion. There are 790,000 ^people lly^hi? in British Columbia, each one with the privilege o f exer cising "free-w ill' to buy B.C. ■ Products even a s you. ^es. indeed, it 's important to yriu . . . to your neighbour . . . to British Columbia _____ that_ you A L W A Y S S P E C I F Y "MADE IN B,C- PRODUCTS" when you make your day-by- day_domestic_purchase&,____ ___ N ICp, Liveable Cottageyon large lot 65' X 140'. •: Good view and ini good district, $1000. C. J. Archer Ltd., : 1415 Marine Drive. Phone West 225 FOR SALE -- Ladies' Bicycle;, nearly . ----- ----- -- ----------------------------- FOR RENT Furnished 6 room "modern house; Telephone West 678-L.- - , - •FOR RENT -- October 1st; 4 room modern cottage. Apply Mrs. Grady. 1895 Bellevue. ' . " Real Estate Specialists. 1J47 Mar* ine Drive. - W est 646. ^ BISMA-REX quickly relieves sour stomach, indigestion, etc. This new discovery will make a new person -of-ypu . Get a package today at McNeil & McCue Drugs, Phone W est 528. ■ FOR REiNT furnished cot tage on Beach. Apply 1216 Argyle Avenue. ________ \V ANTED -- Houses to Rent. _ •This office has enquiries for un furnished houses in good condition, good rentals offered with lease. Client offers $70 per month-for well furnished house with 3 bedrooms and dining room. For Quick Sale ^ t 60 X 145, view, west of 24th Street, excellent buy, $300. • We have some excellent buys in homes, all districts; let us show you without obligation to buy. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, ^yest Van."-'c, ̂ , , s Pioneer Realtors. Established 1905. Opposite Hollv- W"est 55.burn P .6 . d e p a r t m e n t OF t r a d e AND INDUSTRY Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Honourable W. J . Asselstine. Minister. E. G. Rowehottom, Depeuty Minister. ■ • s'?;"" WANTED---Car owner to take school ' paying passenger to ° ivorth Vancouver. West 270-Y-2 T " PcrJal A" Range, $15. West 290-L. 8̂1*̂ ®** camel hair* O u e en ^ 7 ~ Cottoge; 22nd and t^een s Avenue. Phone West 194-R after 7 -p.m. . PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estiiriates free. J . H, Wedley. West 818. : , *___________________ WOULD LIKE TRANSPORTATION tô Vancouver 'week days between 6:45 and 7 a.m; Phone West 684-Y. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- ̂ School Supplies, Needles, Pins, Cot- tons~', Tape Measures, Thimbles. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 . HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costo from 1/3 to %• .Use-a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis* sick. West 262-L._____________ _ WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89;̂ Reverse âll. . W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4* Hollybum B lb ^ , ._______ . WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Pixtiwes, House Fixtures, Wom Turning, Glass and . Glazing. Wood* ^work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. H8S ' Clyde Ave. PLUMS and CBAB APPLES for sale, cheap. Phone W est 437-Y-l. FpB_RENT__-Tr liB lbck High School, 5 rooms, w aiin house, $25. Pho"® W est 63-L-l. . _______________ _ WANTED --- Dry first growth fir, ̂ cords; 30", 1 cord 24". West 63-K-I _ o f ; ^ eV V est Vmcwver-Directory will lU pub&hed on l« N o v ^b e r. K « .^ take notice * a t a n ra iir ig ss or ■ T . "»»tJ>e sent to me by m ai.' The book ploying np salttmcn locally or in the eixyi . .