<•*1; tK I'A* »'ey»'-Jv.t-W.*«|.« t SUZANNE BLACKWOOD ------------- Tei'l* e r6 tT lA N * > ^ ^ Studios reK>pen Septomber 11th U n ^crstf/^ ... " PHoite number in^Obk; A irs. Tocher of P ia n to a i f d T heory dh.limits prepared for ExaminationB aad the B.C. Mus t-al' F estiv a l, if desired. 100% successes 1 Toronto Conservatory Exams with first class honors or honors for the past 9;years. He-opens Tuesday, September 5tb S tu d io :-- 2309 Marine Drive Eesidence Vhone M R S . F . K N I G H T - H p D G E Mn Union w th the.L ondon C ollege o f M usic, E ngland) v v 'e h ie n c e d t e a c h e r o f : v io l in , p i a n o f o r t e t h e o r y and FORM „ *1 nf Uirris Tozer, D.Mufl., and P . Edw ards, D.M us., E ng., Piano,Pupil ox X Cl ̂ DnvtWA Tlntrlur I fin/l A/T#\'nC2ifkvi M A R JO R IE JR . M cG I L L I V R A Y Associate Teacher of Mr. J. D. A. Tripp ' , PIANO, RHYTHM BAND, THEORY Class and Individual Instruction Residence Studio: 26'<37 Haywood Ave. Telephone West 516 M ISS H E L E N V A N C E , A .T .c .M . TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Class begins on Tuesday, Septeml&er 5th. 1953 Fulton Avenue . ' , Residence Phone • I* { , axci w . Bass - Baritone ., Singer and Teacher West 892-L or Trinity 2 4 is "Ifi69'24ti5;31rr--659~Granv-: Donald McAIpine PIANIST and TEACHER Class and Individual Instruction Studio: 1488 Inglewood ^hone-M4ss~W41eox^jesid€HC€r- Place Yoiir Job Printing with JheJSPest Van News West 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 FREE DELIVERY Ctade A Red Brand Pork , SAUSAGE TScvperTb. ■ - .'prade„A^ Red Brand Rnmp Roast 25c lb. Shoulders . Lamb 14c per lb; _Cross-Rib BAKEASY Roast rl8c lb. 9c per Ib. Breast Lamb 12c lb. .Rolled Ribs Roasts JSĉ per lb. Fletcher's , No. l Ba<»B ,2-̂ |2lb. pkgs. 2Sc. / Roast Veal' I5c per Ib. Short Ribs Breast Veal lOc per lb. .POT ROAST I2i|ic per lb. Chili Cbn-Carae 15c per tin Maypole Cheese; 1 2 pkgs. 25c. 1 Harmony and Form. V iolin Pupil o f Barre B ay ly a n d , MonsiOr StudS?p^epur?d°for^ Recitals, or ANY Music Exams ̂"S r e d . Over 400 successes in various grades, obtaining Diplomas, Distincliona and H ^ o rs . und Theory C lasses w eek ly . Orchestial unq Com m ences S e p t llth,V l£|39. Studio and Residence, .1332 D uchess Ave. . : i')'" \ Residence Phone hfr^Wi McOrea and Miss Mc- Crea"" have " moved frora^ the Clachan into a house a t 18th and Fulton Avenue.a a ,0■ * Captain Ronnie Jackson, R.C. N.R., of the ferry staff has left for Esquimau, having been called for duty, a • a - a Wm. S. Davie,.863 15th Street, is a patient in St. PauTs Hos pital. ' The Rev. F. A, Ramsey, L.S.T. commenced oh Sunday his ninth year us rector of St. Stephen's Church, with St. Francis-in-the- Wood,' Caulfeild. The services were holy communion a t 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., and, evensong at 7 :30 in St. Stephen's and 8 p.m. Evensong in St. Francis-in-the- Wood, Caulfeild, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser of Winni peg, have taken a suite a t "The . Gables", and are now in posses sion. ,a. : ■a.-/,'; a Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goddard, who have been visiting for two months ih W est Vancouver, left on Friday to return to their home in Ocean Falls. ' . ♦ " •*.' '♦ , ■ ' " Mr. und Mrs. D. J. MacLean and family have moved from the oity into a ' housq a t 18th and Duchess Avenue. ' '■■".a"' ■ . a ."a Mr. Bert Kendrick, who has , bee'h spending'the summer ^ c a tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kendrick, ,190 21st Street, left on Saturday evening to resume his teaching duties in the schools a t Michel, B.C. a a a Mr^. A/rBoucher, 25th and Marine Drive, spent the, holiday weekend visiting friends in Vic toria. ' ♦ a f . a. J. Edward Sears of 8J[20 T ra vers Avenue, Has been appoiht- ^ as Crown Counsel to prose cute a t the Fall Assizes, which opens on Monday next a t the Court House, Vancouver. West Van. Cycles have moved from 1446 Marine Drive and are now occupying the store in which was formerly located the H. E. Whiffin^ Agency, This gives them more windojv space for display purposes as well as additiomal acoommodation in their workshop. The new loca tion is 1520 Marine Drive; a a a Mrs. A rthur Proudlock with her baby daughter arrived from England on' Friday, and is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Haydn Young. 2385 Hay wood Avenue; a a a -n _ . Philip W atts, A.R.C.M., the well known Vancouver bass-bari tone and teacher, who resides u t 1669 24th Street, has ju s t re turned from the south where he won first place in , the baritone class a t the San Francisco Exhi bition. . ; Strattoo's BAKERY u r in iL jrv * 1R i i m iriiietn i J i iO i i b - i i v i i k A f i s * , I'UESII DAILY T«n varietiea tu suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookies Eccles Cakes -- Pastries , Buns and Uolla Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone Weal 27 a a ^a . It will be interesting to many in. West Vuncouver to know th a t Sir John Anderson, Home Sec retary in Great Britain's war cabinet, is a first cousin of Mrs. ..Peter B. Christie, .2250 Ing^ler Wood Avenue. Sir. John; form^ erly Permanent Under Secretary a t the Home Office, had wide experience both during and a fte r the Great W ar in problems of internal security, particularly in reference to Irish * affairs. He was later Governor of Bengal. ia„'_.a -* Mr. and Mrs. pave Murray of Kerrisdalei have'm oved into a house at_2628 Bellevue Avenue. Lettner--Brebber A t Cedar Park, the home of the bride's father, the wedding took place Friday, September 1st, of Helen Forbes Brebber, onlylJaUF^ht^TJfiE)iT'GT^fV-Breb=^ A dauighter was born on F ri day a t the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis (nee Isabel Groom) of . 2226 West H3t^.:Stree.t, Vancou ver, formerly of West , Vancou ver. Hollyburn Theatre TH U R SDA Y, F illD A Y AND SATURDAY M ATINEE Septmnbi'i* 7Ui, 8ti» and Dth JACK BENNY "Artists and Models Abroad" (Onco only at 8;15)- alHo ' "BORDER G-MAN" SArrURDAY EVENING ONLY Soptcnibcr t)ih ji i ■ DOROTHY liAMOUU "St. Louis Blues"I :ir Also Nowa, Cartoon, Etc. MONDAY AND TU ESD A Y Soptombor 11th .and 12th. MERLE OBERON I.AURENCE OLIVER " Wuthering Heights" ' (Once only at 8:00) ^ Also 1 Hour of Short Subjods W EDNESDAY -= Sept. l.'Uh CHARLES LAUGHTON 'The Beachcomber' (Once only at 8:10) also "SMASHING THE SPY RING" ber, and Stanley Praincis X ett- ner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lettner o f , West Vancou ver. Ill an outdoor setting amidist tall cedars th a t surround the ■ B rebi^r home, with decorations of cut flowers; th e ceremony was .-performed by Canon G. C. d'Easum of West Vancouver. Given in m arriage. by ,her_ fa ther the bride wore a gown of white silk chiffon over , bridal satin, elbow length white kid gloves and satin slippers. Her coronet of accordian pleated chif fon held a Tong silk net bridal veil. The bride's bouquet was of red roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Mildred Lettner, the grooih's sister, of West Vancouver, gown ed in mauve silk net over crisp taffeta, designed with shirred waistline.and full skirt and trim med with deep violet ribbon, and Miss M argaret Bennett, Na naimo, in a similar gown of turquoise blue silk net over taf feta. Her trimmings were -of wine velvet ribbon. ,.Both wore elbow length silk gloves and doll hats in matching shades. _ ' Mr. Walter-Lytton-^-was best - man. During the signing of the It is understood that Mrs. Eva Blair of North Vancouver was among the passengers on the ill- fated "Athenia," news of whom is being anxiously awaited at This t i m e ^ going to press. She . West Van Cycles " New & Used Bicycles Parts - Repairs - Accessories DICK LLOYD, Proi^r 1520 M arine,. W est 702. formerly resided with her par ents, Mrs. Jordan and the late Mr. Jordan laf' 23rd and Marine Drive. Keep Your Dog Hea I thy Mrs. Minnie"-Bertha Russell, m other of Mrs. T. N. LePage of 26th and Nelson Avenue, passed avray last Friday in the city in her 69th year. Funeral services ' were held ,at, 2 p.m. last Tuesday in Vancouver, committal being made in the family-plot, Forest Lawn Oemtery. ^ w itli A.B.C^ DOG FOOD" Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D, and: C. Also Minerals Calcium and , Phosphorus PA.OKISD IIV Echlin--Greene Friends in Ehgland, where the bride wias bom a t Bury St. Ed munds, and in the interior, where her faniily formerly resid- , ed, will be interested in the m arriage which was solemnized a t 5:30,o'clock on Friday after noon, of Mary Wollaston, daugh ter.o f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Greene , of 229 29th Street, and Mr .-George P eter Echlin of Bra- Iprne,- son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Echlin : of - Oliver;-- St. .James'. Church was the setting, Rev. F ather epoper. officiating. ^The'^bridp; given in marriiage Aigle-Britisfi Columbia Packing Co. Ud. in tins and 1-lb. tins. iiutii. jLiuxiiijs o*e***i*e V* w.iv. register, Mrs. Jones; sang ^'At i)aw n," accompanied by two violinists. A reception followed the cere mony. Mr. and -M rk -.Iie ttner left by motor for a destination not disclosed., Returning from their honey-, moon they will reside in Nanai- . mo. EXPERT W atch anil Gloclc r e p a ir in g -T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with .Birks 'Ltd., . Montreal) lSi22 Marine D iire by -her -fathr,'W ore a white lace gown with a short pacquette, and a net veil held in place with a cluster of orange blossoms. Sweet peas and carnations form ed her bridal bouquet. Miss Rachel , and Miss Ruth Greene were the ir sist^Fs brides- \ . 'maids, both wearing'"frocks of white .mpusselirie de soie. Their lame turbans were velvet rib- > bon-trimmed,.,Miss Rachel's in gold arid. Miss Ruth's In silver. Mr. Harold Nicholl of Penticton supported the groom, / Following a reception, a t the West Vancouver home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Echlin left fo r Bralome, where they will reside. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE ~ West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside..............$6.50 Cord Mill F ir, Inside................ 5.50 " Fireplace Fir.....,;............ 5.00 " Green:Alder . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . 5.50 " - Furnace..Blocks............... 4,50 " SPE C IA L S Nb. 1 -Fir Ed«rin^sr.....$3:76j:ord Blabs & Edgings B a rk y .................. 3 Cords $11.00 B a rk .............................. „,$5i50 Cord _-_Limftedlamount.--, ------------------- SAWDUST SPEXIIALS Sacked ..................$3,76 per unit i CHARLES THOMPSON 812 ,16th Street O ffice, a t 1336 Marinex Drive ' ' \ _ o \ . ... LJ. .. ... ...I ............................... ON iNy MAKE * BROWN & MUNTON 1642 MARINE DRIVE WEST 300 ^l«nl»or*;A,rt,T. nt B.O. 1