04 4MUILW ^ '»>■"«' ̂- f, 4 dĤ.,1, Septiaottlie- 7, 1939. A i f # »' ■ . 'i lSft ■■ ^1 I'M t' 'I'll ' p.:' MV' *f ' { p s m l i "m' I ̂ \ IM' .'i '!'t W m T v a n . WIIITID iCHUftCa -»...Cte* JIM A.,:j&M|iaMt Av«. Itsy. Wf VANCB, ftliMM«r 2047 Gordon Avirntit "Sundijr iPtlnrieii*?'! l1iTt«riit'fjl0iCmr Htrnnfttffl and VUJtor* »r§ weleoma Tapered Coiffures Stiffed to Tope B A m » T CBUKCB ,«» ̂MislMli...»-*»,,,»s#*' Wf.* W. L. MeEajr«^&^ E0« Sunday BanrioMi a,m.->-Cburcb School to* ~ dndbof Adult ClaM U a.iu. A 7:30 p.aa.--Pwachinic . Sorvicaa. A hearty wclcomo to all vij» ■'■■■■ ■ ■ i"P Short, Uipr-ml tolffuro Ilnca, HU fuHhionablo today, can bo iidaiited to* any typo of /caturoN und will look chic v̂ ith any Mtylc of hat. Gwendolyn's b e a u t y H O LLlB U R lf HALL I4tb and Duebeaa SL'NDAV, Sept. lOtb, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Vounir Peoplo'a Bible Claaa Sunday Kvening at 7:30 g o s p k l a d d r e s s Speaker:, j. . MR. A. MORNING I'lJHHDAY, Sept. t2th. at 8 p.m. Prayer and Miniatry of the Serlpturea W l^ T VA^*COUVER '" C b H I H i i i ' * S c ie n c e S o c ie ty ^CtfiCteTEOIFICB '■ 20th UMi" Baqalmalt, Hollybum Tbla Society ia a Branch of H mh Mother Church Tba F irst Church of Chriat, Sclentiptf in Boston, Masaaebusettfl, Sunday Service: 11:30 a.ra. Sunday, Sopt. 10th, SUBJECT: '̂ SUBSTANCE Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public ia cordially in vited to attend dur aerviccB and meetings. e NEW S A h |n .E S AEB HBRE | I CAMPBELL'S NEW' PAIA ««> WINTOR S A j^ S S IYouiiff Men'> Sult< ' "<1 CoaU. Hand ta ilond to ,o iir Individual I I - ............. ..... ............... ............................................................. m easu«. All garmenU carry the Union Label. Be aure to see these New Styles, New Clothe and New P atta im r Ordara eompleted I in 0 days Fit Guaranteed Price 828.00 to 136.00 I McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER*'^ J WEST VANCOUVER HOimCULTURAL ASSOCIATION . announce the J&tiiinfeiibXHKJiL JDpJK ' In the Inglewood Auditoriurh On Saturday, Sept. 9 th a t ^.30 p.m. Entries close 10 p.m. Friday, September 8th. ̂ ̂ ' ADMISSION FREE Phone or write the Secretary, Mrs. D. Mdl'avish, Ottawa and 15th St: " (JreatqrN ojf ExcluNive Permanente, 1540 Marine Drive WcMt 117 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH .... „28rd„i&.IngJewoo(i. Aye._ Rev. Father Van '̂ aetor D R . G. V . / / . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ray Hay Block, 14tb and Marine Or, Office lioura 9 to 0 p,rot Evenings by appointment Pnoiio West 72 1)R. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 700- Medical-Dental " BuUdliig lioura: 0 to 0 -- Evenlnga by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive Wcet 432 U N IT E D C H O E C fi 2l8t and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister -- -̂---- Sunday, Sept. 10th. Suuday Services 10:00 a.ih.--Sunday School. Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m ., 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship. High Mass and Sermon -- Subjwt, 'T h e . Power of, a.ra. ; Sentiment." ; Rosayy ̂and Benediction -- 7:30 p.m. -- Kvening Service. p.m. Subject, "The VVounds of Catechism and Bible Class Wrongdoing." p.m. 'I'hiH is Rally Month in church Week*day Services and Sunday School. We look fdr ̂Mass --7 7:6'i a.m. our regulars, we welcome new ' FVidays-- Rosary, Behiediction corners and-visitors. ̂ 7:45. 1'he Woman's Association will Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 10:15 7:45 -2:00 _::.JETTYLCAViW DISHV: . Dance m asses , ■ Legion Hall, West Vancouver FREE DEMONSTRATION LESSON"■ ' ■ ■ .... ̂ ■■ ■ Wednesday; September 13th, a t p.m. Prospective and former pupils cordially rinvifed. TOE - ̂ TAP_ - ACROBATIC - . BALLROOM, ETC. ' 10'/' discount to students enrolling before October 1st. Residence Phone Eatabllihed on North Shore J' 26 Yeara. ,• (Lady Aealatant) UARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birertors ^ llollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marlnt-^ Weat 134 North" Vancouver Parjora 122 Woat Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Pariora 66 Tenth Avenue Eaat Phone Fair. 134 hold itH first meeting of the fall season on Tuesday, the 12th, insUmt, at 2:15 p.m. in the , Church hall,. Mi.ss Riddle, the V.O.N. nurse for West Vancouver, will be the guest speaker. As there is oon- siderable business to transact, members are urged to attend. Visitors are a.ssured of a hearty welcome. The hostesses will be Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. R. Fi'oud. Mrs. Houston, to 8:80 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay " ^545 Duchess Ave. d ll'- d ; -■ j"hjf itj' 5. ' ' V Yl "*4̂' t A . _' r *7' i i f v j i : -- f r - & ' ■■,yt<i ' T ile French B eauty Salon F o r P e r m a n e n t s a f l a s t i n g b e a u t y . We apecialize-in "linergrey- and"~ * white hair, 1562 Marine-Drive, PhoneW, 212 i >? f ' ' t'f,' ,1, " "" 0 ..i -.i ' ' • i- ■ ' r. r 4 v ; , ■^ it ̂l-f W i5sr VANCOUVKU ' " Sheet Metal Works Fumaco and Kange |{epaira. Sawdust Burnem Phone West 39 5---- ------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ i | r r b 4 \ i ' ' r § : i ? »■'! ir -i-\ - - - - -' 7,4 '*4 •V ) 'i SPECIAL Ijwldo F ir:-- from shed .......$6,00. pof cord . from mill .,......$6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4,00 per cord Slate & Edgings-$3 .75-per cord - SAWDUST PKITAM'S FU R f c-rrrr---- r ------------------- -------- Sunday Services: 11:00 a.m.--Subject, "Business as Usual." 7 :30 p.m. -- Sul>ject, "'Hie ̂ ■ Ha'rmony. of the-Soul." The' church school will meet WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th Street. ' JPustor * Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. Services: Sunday School ............. 9:45 Sunday S erv ices........ . 11. a.m. and 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship .... 7:30 Horseshoe Bay and'Vicinity Bible Fellowship .... ;....... :. 7:45 We,, seek to bring light and help from God :for thes^ ^ark difficult days. All are welcome to the services. Evangelical independent ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL GIRLS--All Grades BOYS--Grades I, II, H I Curriculum as outlined by Provincial Board o f Education-- Gymnasium, Dancing, Art, Elocution, Piano and Violin .C lasses w ith daily super vised practice.M onthly Exam inations, Inspections and Concerts. Residential and Day Pupils; Nursery School and K in d ergart^ , 2 - 6 years Handwork, Dramatization, Dancing, French and Rhythm Band; also Piano Work, Playground A ctivities including Sandbox, Sw ings, etc. Transportation-for all pupils if necessary; Medical Supervision for all -pupils. For registration, call the Principal. MISS MARJORIE R. McGILLIVRAY W est 516 2667 Haywood Avenue. Y .W .C .T .U . The reguJai* monthly meeting of the"West Vancouver Y. W. C. T. Ur wiir be held "at the home . of Mrs. A. E. Brown, West Bay. --at-fa-a^cloek, - It re 'hopiRinhat -'orTu'esday; S ep f^ T ^ --tA^eiT-t^eher-am l-officor and 7:45 p.m. As this is the first every scholar will be. present, meeting after the vacation!all New members will receive a members are urged to be pres- cordial welcome. ent. Any interested friends are Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Prayer cordially invited to this meeting. ^ meeting. ______________ The regular monthly meeting CHURCHES of the -Women's Mission Circle SCIENTIST will'be held in the Churclr»Tues- ----- ' - tlay, September 12th, a t 2:30 "SUBSTANCE" will be the • P;m, Mrs. James Grays^Provinci- subject of the Lesson - Sermon al . President of the W;C.T.U„ in all Churohes of Christ Scien- wilLbe the speaker. Word for tist, on Sunday _̂ Day and Residential School for Boys SEAGRAM COLLEGE Class Re-oi>etted Septem ber 7th Grades 1 - 1 2 Boarders. $25 per month SPECIAL CLASS FOR BEGINNERS t r a n s p o r t a t io n ' For interview Phone West 23-L-3 -- West, 4. MARGARET RICHARDSQM 2094 Haywood Avenue Residence Phone SPEECH TRAINING - ORAL READING - RHYTHMIC Exercises - Pantomime and Children's Plays For Particulars call her at'Residence Telephone. ' roll,call is "'Temperance." A very cordial invitation is extended to all. Monday, 8 p.m., the Young f'eople's Society will hold their first meeting of the season." All young people are cordially in vited. I t will be Keats* Island night and a number of those who The Golden Text is: "Labour not for the meat which perish- eth, but for that meat which en- dureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you : for Him hath God the Father ScaIed."L(John 6: 27). , Among tile citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is I i?' ̂irr j- t\ . V.____J. p I f ' i"■ 8 T. THE attended the Assembly will be" the following from the Bible* ' present from the city, and will "Wilt thou set thine, eyes upon tlLke part^n the prbgnim. ^thaLwhidi^ is hot? for riches-- certamly'niako t h e m s . e l v e s wings; they fly, away as an eagle toward heaven." . (Pi*ov- erbs 23: 5). The Lesson - Sermon also in- - , . - Tijr A* J Cl eludes the following passage Sermon, from the Christian Science text- - cS O P Jn -- Evensong and Ser- book. "Science and Health with i,. - to the Scriptures" by Marv -Tiiesdayr 2?30 p:m^=^ WTA--:-----ErdyTr:'% i n ^ St. Stephen's Churcii bell and eternal a re -su b stan tia l rings e v ^ y day a t 12 noon to Things material and t e m S ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A, Ramsey. Rector S ^ tem b er 10th 8:00 a.m.-^Holy Communion.- . III- ' Publiohed" Every Thursday Pubiiaher F . F . LOVEGROVG ;fv"8 - ■ m ' P h o n e W est 363 Business and Editorial OITice; -1704 Marine Drive P h o n e W est 5 5 M "f -- I N octh V ancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ate. ^ing tfte prayer being widely used throughout the world; "Give peace for all. time, 0 Lord, aiid filLout hearts, and the hearts of all men everywhere with th e spirit of our Lord Jesus C h ris t" ̂Ail informal prayer service is held every evening a t 7:30. "" ' S t F^cis-in-the-Wo^, Caulfeild - are insubstantial." DEATH OF MRS. FLORENCE M. CLIMIE e y e s t r a in SEASOiN $1.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year by moil . May Climie, 2b42 Haywood Avenue, passed away last Sunday in the North vancouv^ General- Hospital. Besides her husband, the de- is survived by four sons, 9 and Sermon, h^otefl^d ' i -son, ^ ^ e s - was h ^ ^ a t® 1 0 ^ a* ^ y ^ " y from the N 6 r S V m c STvS GETS^UNDER W A Y After a summer spent outdoors, your yonngstefs are setdmg down to their studies. , Coneentra^ ey^work should be done only under -good lighting -- 40 foot candles or more. Phone SEymour 5151, now, for a Free Lighting Survey. Columbian Hospital, New West- chapel of Harron'Bro<? I fH I ■ ^^ BRITISH fV'ii i iaadia~ r-i _......................... ̂ ' **" ■S ^ P. -- COLUMBIA E t jC T R ^ RAILWAY,a>. L m 1 Rummel of Cypress Park. . foUowed b j^ iilb ^ o n .