' Established over t Circulating in the District of West VancounerfAmbleside, HoUy^rn.Westokl Dundarave $1.00 per y«r. ' CyPCCSS Park, Cau(fetld, Whytecli/f, EtC, \ Sc per copy Vol. XIV HOLLVBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, SETEMBER 7th, 1939 No. 22 b u sin ess ,AS USUAL EXHIBITION ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL ENGLISH RUGBY ii war. Not th a t there haa really been anything 1 im-lr 1914 for the armistice .of 1918 has for all practical extended righ t up to last Sunday, when Chamber- Sin made his fateful announcement th a t there was no answer ̂rliS 'inv ^^gned^ Armistice and the Versailles Treaty •fit hi, tongue in her cheek. She needed the first to save I ....u'*d^feated armies from the two bottle-necks .into which L .... fuL -vvere being driven- She n e e d ^ the second in-ordOr to . ' S b ilitn te her armed forces and her resources, calculating lie WO were fools enough to let her do po. And we were tr s u c h fools'«s she thought ' ^ The only thing wrong with the Versailles Treaty was th a t if was not half harsh enough. The people who had raped Rplifiiim made a shambles of a large part of France, and had . the- land, sea, and a ir with their methods of fighting. . H d not deserve the smallest consideration. And had we made suoh terms as she would have done in our place, Ger many would have sunk by th is time to the status of one of the Balkan State.s... ̂ ■ x.*' .l i , : i She made hef preparations for this Conflict openly, and largely on the money we .'loaned her. She talked largely of oeace and sent her agents amongst us preaching the same terine, to the end th a t we ourselyos m ight tend and spread . the flame until it blinded us to what she was preparing for us in the future. And we tended it to such purpose th a t but for the mercy of God we .might be today as is Czecho-Slovakia. Any who, refusing to be blinded, dared to state th a t in the absence of the Millenium we. should be prepared for war if we wished to avoid war, were dubbed m ilitarists and privately consigned to outer darkness. We who a re writing this edi torial were and are being still condemned, even as some are p i preaching peace. And today we take no satisfaction in /fhat we have seen most of our predictions come true, but merely in the fact th a t we did our duty as we saw.it. ' It iA to be hoped, therefore, th a t the world will never be -deceived-again; -Germany m ust be p u sh ed , ruthlessly and;, completely, until she cannpt rise for a t least another hundred years to wreck the peace of the world. And let us not blame Hitler alone, remembering w hat his. men in* their thousands did to Czecho-Slovakia and thê 'Jeis^g«(j"rS' ,̂".-'\-, / But it is not going to bfe anieftsy v i c t ^ ,> n d the time may be long before the cease-fire again sounds. There may be very dark days ahead, for it is t<b lotiuch to expect Germany will be our only antagonist. (■' „ - , And that .puts the issue squarely up to us in West Van couver as everywhere else. There is no reason vvhy we should change in any way the n o m al manner of our lives, except in s o " --£ar-as-it-mns-Gonteajy--to--the-did:ume-of ■ t he-.(̂ veimm Each of us will have a certain job to do, possibly some^ vvith the forces at home or abroad, others* a t home in their various oapacities, bu t it is the teamwork of the whole which will win-fhe day. And, while we work; we m ight pray, remem bering the words'of the dying King A rthur, ---------- -- "More things are wrought by prayer ~ Than th is world dreams of.'*' .' - ' r ■ - I • ' ■ _ The annual meeting of the Barl)«rians will be hold in the ^^en-y office tomorrow night. Friday, a t 8 o'clock.. ' ' Forsyth--Hanipson St. Stephen's Church, beauti- The West Vancouver Ami- st. Patricia School for girls cultural and Horticultural As- and junior boys o p e n ^ on Tues* sociation w e , staging their day morning. The grade work is , twenty-third Annual Exhibition in the hands of efficient well- on Saturday, September 9tli, in trained teaichers while lessons Inglewood Auditorium, poors in elocution, art, piano, dancing open a t 2 :80 p.m, and admission and French by special teachers IS free. Classes include those for iform la part oi the regular rout- gardens and boulevards, vegetr. ,ine. Attention to the individual fully decorated for the occasion, ables, decorative section, flowers, needs of each pupil receives with summer flowers in which fruit, needlework, knitting and great care. pink predominated, .was the set- crocheting, childrens section, A separate,feature of th e work ling on Saturday at 8 p.in. for and domestic science. •, is the Nursery School and KSnd- the marriage o f Kathleen C or-' The time for^r^eiving entnes ergarten (2-6 years), where the Irude, younger daughter of Mr. has been extended to 10 p.m. to- children learn co-operation wHh and Mrs, A. Hampsbn,| 814 20th their playfellows in dramatiza- Siixjct, to Mr. Charles Henry tion, rhythm band, handwork. Mountfield Forsyth, only son of French, dancing and playground Mr. and Mrs, J. Forsyth, 1197 activities, suoh as sand; pH^s, Duchess Avenue, The Rev. F. swings, and constructive materi-, A. li^msey perfornied the cere-; al. ................ . mony, and the choir sang two -iThis course gives in an irifotm- hymns, "0, Perfect Love*' and „ , , al w ayia basic foundation .for "The Voice That Breathed O'er There will be Sunday School the later work of the grades, ; . , Eden." V „ „ t>,ui- n ---------------- ^ b r i d e , ' who v TAUNTON HOUSE SCHOOL iharriage by her J t j ' ' ';,t , ; floor:length'shell|Aj A happy group woflcfailid gathered yesterday for th e open- r v . . ing of Taunton. House; 'lifest place Vancouver'Branch School.' Their hy P ??^*^^^ ânge classroom is centrally situated w in theClachart Hotel, Dundarave. houquet p f e Large windows, facing southl and west and overlooking the sea, with yMte tulle. - Miss Eileen HamDfon attend- _ _____________ -her sister, a t t i i# in a floor online days, there is an expanse' i^ l^ h Queen'r .. morrow at LlgleWood School. ; A class for' beets has been established as last year, which was not included in the cata logue due to printers' error, HOLLYBU)RN HALL and Young People's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. on Suhday, September 10th, a t Holljmurn Hall. A t the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday A. Morning will give , a Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and ministry of the Scriptures. BETTY CAVENDISH DANCE CLASSES her ■RAf+xr nnxrATiHiik hna r»fliiTMPd provide for a maximum amount ^̂ '̂ " ss.Jiiieen Mampspn attend- r o f sunshine. For playing-space fd her sister, attii^J in a floor tbp ^ n n im S on fine days, there is an eXpapfee* queen s blue lace gown M iil C a^dSh of grass and beach. On wet days with large^picture hat en tone, * children have the use of the carried^a bouquet of pink " largO"glassed«ln^tea"roomiwhkhv--Ja?J^Pur,.and pjnk^rosebuds tied has^ a exposure: In w^th piqk ribbon. Mr. Dean^routines -in- toe, tap, and aero batic dancing. ; -There will be a free demon stration lesson a t 4- p.m. next Wednesday, ;September 13th, at the Legion Hall when: former iils will be welcomed back ani all prospective pupils are cordi ally invited. • This season s children's, toe dancing class will be given in West Vancouver. A special inducement - to . enrol charge of the work a t this branch school is Miss Iris Reid, who bias' been associated with the work of Taunton House for 5 years, and fully understands Sharp was best man, the ushers being Messrs. Tom Marshall and "Terry E. Crickmay. A reception followed a t the home- ol--̂ the bride's parents the aims and ideals of the par- ivhere the bridal couple received en t--sohnol: ■ Visiting~H?eachers-- under-a-^ink-arnd"White canopy-- who will come from the main with a large white rose petalled school to take classes at the wedding bell. Assisting them in - branch school include Miss ^^ceiving were Mrs., Hampson, Madge Matthew, A.T.C.M., Miss the bride's mother, wearing a TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD In keeping with other organ izations, the Townswoman's Guild has already registered for national service, and plans , are, being laid for members to enter study. and training . groups. Please watch' your local papers for further notices. 'IVleanwhile the regular meeting will, take place on October 6th, the speak- _ er being Prof. T. Larson, .of the; U. B.C., whose subject ..'Will 'll® "The Meaning of Beauty." Con test for that evening will be the best "Miniature Garden on a .9- ~ inch pie-plate." - The Book Club will .meet a t the home of Miss A.'M. Barrow,, ^rd and' Inglewood, Monday, September 11th, at 2:30 p:m. , The Needlecraft^ Group will, wieet on September 13th, a t 2:00 P-m. at the home of Mr«.,A. E. Young, 14th and Kings. Mrs. F. M. McVicar of North Vancouver V. O.N. will speak. New mem-, . Invited to these groups. ,bive new members were re newed by, the Guild a t the last meeting. ' - . • ; I. b rJ ) . E. . .'The September meeting of the ̂Dtincan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D; E.; will be held on Monday even ing, September 11th, a t the home of' Mrs. Harold Ostrom, 1707 Esquimalt Avenue, at 7 :'45 p.m. School Books ; School Books».riew and used, will t ^ on sale a t the West Van couver High School, Thursday ' eyening, September 7th, from 7 tQ;.:9. p.m. and during the" week commencing Monday, .September Ifth , to Friday, September 15th, ' from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m; rThi's service is made ^possible by the Duncan Lawson Chapter,; i.O.D.E. ^ »: those enrolling before October 1st. . ^ For information kindly phone West 308-R-2. w e l f a r e ASSOCIATION The West Vancouver W elfare, Association who, are members of the Greater Vancouver Feder ation intend to iovm a local organization for the purpose of co-ordinating all local activities BRITISH - ISRAEL it regular meeting of tne Duhdarave Branch of the Bntish-Israel World-Federation ^1 be held at 25th'and Marine, - Monday, September W i Smitheringale will ^ the speaker._A full attendance is h o j^ for a r will hi in otir studies ; , niade very weloome. *** Shower very enjoyable kitchen shower was given on Wednes day evening of last week by Mrs. ^J. H. Smith, 992 20th Street, in honor of Miss Kathleen Hampson, whose wedding to Mr. . Forsyth took place on Saturday n ig h t\in St. Stephen's Church. The gifts were p r e s e n t in a niodel cottage, over whicji were trained pink rosebuds and trail ing perriwinkle. ' The evening y^as spent^ in games and contests, dainty r e f r e s h m e n t s being served in buffet style at the con- cjusion; Included among the ' guests ~ w ere: Miss Kathleen 'Hampsbn, Mesdames B. M. Buck, E> J. Crickmay, W. T. Davies, F. Dollman, E. Ford, A. Hampson, E .'L. Howdle, D. A. Jay, Millard, H. E. Nesbitt, M. Phillips, Rob- ;ti^on, F. A. Ramsey, Sewell,!; - Tiemplar, J. Smith, Miss' M: B. Almas, the Misses Eve Smith, Tfemplar, Valerie Smith. L y ste r,_ g rad u M c_ af^a r^n av y blue lace gown with wine = early -IS the^disoount offered to g^^et Eaton School, Toronto, and accessories and the bridogroom^s Miss Patricia Lawrence, school mother, Mrs. Forsyth, in a blue nurse. Beside the regular aca- marquisette gown'^with rose ac- demic subjects the ourriculum ^ s e r i e s and marten choker, includes class singing, rhythm The toast to the bride was given band, g y m n a s i u m , dg,nbing, hy the Rev. David Allan and re games and sewing. Particular sponded to by the bridegroom, stress is laid on dfeportment. I t J- H. Smith and Mr. L. Bur-, is planned th a t the children in |®y also made a few congratu- the branch school will not onjy latory remarks. During the take, part in the public perform- serving of refreshments vocal /.rtLAr-rtinntiTio- nil iriPfli fl/»riviTipq ances of the parent school such jolos were rendered by Mrs. A. w th th e gym display, the annual D .^S ha^ and Mrs. F. F. Love- C h ris tm ^ play, etc., but, also ffrove,. the former aoting as ac- n w i l l join in more informal school compamst. The bridal table was o^der to asrist the ^com^^ activities, such as the Hallowe'en covered with -a lace cloth centred a f f f^ a l c iS ^ ^ party. All Saturday afternoon with, a s„ver bowl filled with fid on anV of activities of the parent school Pmk sweet peas and mauve • t r e e s a r 7 r S u e s L for the as riding, picnicking, etc., stocks ̂ flanked by tall pink nresent to rejrister the ir names *" ay be participated in by the tapers in silver holders tied with full details with George children of the West Vancouver hhes of the valley. Presiding a t Gemmrn p S l n t T t h f w ^ t Branch. Every will be Vancouver Welfare Association, "S iFull dpfflils of all activities of ^er the high standard of school ^ rv ite u rs being Mesdames Terry the n e t o r ^ i z a t ^ work and school w h j h ^ B e & 'foin given full publicity from tim e to ^ n 'nd C m S V a S Smith and- Louise Slaiter. The yery_ scrtistic. weddng ^cal^ was cut by the bride. guests had the pleasurelY time. Qharacter training is considered -by the. principal, Miss_._Jdan_ M. Railton, B.A., A.T.C.M.,--to. b e - the fundamental aim of all edu cation. F urther ̂ information may _ _______ be obtained by- phoning Bay. of viewing the many b^SutHul 0622, or Bay. 4071. _ wedding presents, which testified --------------------- ' to , the popularity of the bride . W. C. T. U. - and , groom. --------- L ater the happy couple left by wie late xviio. ***,= Thc rcgulaT* mofithly meeting boat for Seattle and Seaside, ding will take place a t St. Steph- of the W. C. T. U. will ̂ held in Oregon, the bride wearing a An's Church a t 8 :30 a m. on Sep- the United Church Thursday, light wool couturier model dress ----------- .P-. -S eptem ber-44th-at-2 tl5-p .m .-* in-queen% -bIue,-and-a-sm oked Members are asked to bring Year-, grey broken check coat with fox Book. Mrs. Tinney will have fu r collar, French model hat in charge of the devotional period, the new vintage shade and aio- -- ---------------- ,' ' - cessories to match. On their re turn. they will reside a t 1217 Keith Road. ' Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goiirlay, 2322 Bellevue Aveiiue', announce the engag^ement of their younger daughter, Kathleen Elizabeth (Betty), tqJHerbert John Bibbs, son of Mr. E. A. Bibbs, 1505 Boulevard, North Vancouver, and the late Mrs. Bibbs. ̂ The wed- tember 8th, One Sunday afternoon a small boy was playing with a wheelbarrow and brought it into the front yard. His father told him, "Son, you m ust take that wheelbarrow into the back yard if you are going r to play with it. Don't you know it is Sunday?" , / 'Yes," said, the boy, "but isn 't it n ig h t. Sunday in. the back^Tard, too?" .; urged? LEGION NOTES* 'The branch will hold a regular ' meeting tomorrow (Friday);; A large' attendance is •/ Mrs. E. Diggon of "The G ab l^ ," West Bay,, has left for a visit to Edmonton .4̂ ' f