r- « ̂ y V . . - . ' | . II %, 4".' M ,%1 t'! s,;» .̂ i " 4,'! B ,v i '4?ttr Si '̂ / ;i It i "' ,f" ■' .j * . ' I 'S' f ii\\ P, i'.' V; i l l %y.i - 'Sic i j p ^ l ■" sfs;I l* W l I' fl bC" i » « » f-.' 4f B'4*" m i t i '111 ; i m K .rp£.p siir; I' tv.*- -.4̂ 1 ;f^vf*ih P-P>i i p f M i lf̂ 'î , ^il® i IS S ^ S|igfe6;fe f ^ f l ■(idi vf̂rC**' t w l » flvg 3 THE WEST VAN NEWS Auifust 81. 1889. ,i*ik.fi...w«n <» . ^ . . M ^ r g l ^ - t t n i t h __jj,(i«^ w ..tw «, Vrd* OtUftTf 8«rvlct' '• Mentiiljr AiwiMiiit WORLD GIRDLE OF COTTON I^ n a n k ir * Oonld! Make «0 »<■■<» Hound Ibo Equator 4- SIJ<;c;E.STIONS for FIUDAY & SATUKDAV, Sept. 1k1 & 2nd, L M E A T SKink 0«r«r HAKDINKK ImiHuriid fim rw *gtm l$c < OKNKI> IIKEP tin lik Ked A While CATBUP. 12 om, ImA. Itir MONTKKBY OIKKBK ApproKlmatdy ll*ox. each...... 22< PrrH(o.P«ck WAXED PAPEK -10 Nhaelw to phi. .................... 9e Ked A While POFPKK Irradiated .. lb, 37c Have thr ('oupona for valuable pretniuma. Ued A While A Pill C(Xr Pure ... . 4»lb. tin 45c lied A While UAHPlSEimY . J'ure 4 III, tin 4.5c lied A While BTUAWIIKIlltY .'l2>oz. Jar .12r; 4«lb. Un.. 50e lud A While iikirHiTiTM Pure , . Ilild A White MAIIMAI.ADB ' <12 oz.-Jar * 2.'ic; 4 lb. tin ... 39c JIFPY MKAT DAI.I.H, '/i«. -vUn lOc lied A While ilAN'l'AM COHN 17 oz, tin ........... ........... 10c Free Delivery Went 370 BEEF--Grade AI and A. Grain Fed. l«AftlIi--Top QuaUiy ^^^K--Graitt Fed "^A r^M lIli Fed BU G AII CUKED COIIN ED BEEF f lioiielewH, per lb...................... lOc 10c BKEABT MILK FED VEAL "For IluaNlinif, pi,T lb. ...... CIiniCK HPIIING LAMIL- I,4*KH, lb., 25c; Loina, lb,.,.. 26c Bhouldera. lb........................... 15c FllESil FISH DAILY FGLL LINE OF DELICATESSEN Red A While llrund MATOHBS- 3 for 25c Red A While GREEN CUT BEANS |H «z, Kiiiiitl tin......:.... ........... 11c Red A White SPAGIIETTI with Tonuiio Huuce............ 16 02. tin" 9c - . Lancaahire*A prod uc tioii of cot ton cloth is now .so extensive tha t it Would stretc h eiifht times the distance between the earth and the moon, aceurdimf to the latest flgures whi'eh have just been published. < The total out put of piece-goods made for sale during 1037 was 3,376.175,000 linear yards, the eijuivalent 'of slightly over 3,000,000,000 met- res. The figures are only now avail able ixicause there i.s nece.ssarily a time lag before the total pro duction from all source.s can be worked out. They are difficult to appreciate, but it may l>e stated that the yardage of the products of 1-ancashire looms for the year was sufficient to pro vide a belt of cloth approximate ly 40 inches in width which would provide another belt, not quite so wide, but sufficient to encircle the earth once again. . The clearest idea of all, how ever, can be gained from the realization that the cotton doth SerWee- LUMPER SASH A DOORS "'SHINGLES'""'"*" PLYWOODS Lath NO SUBSTITUTE fORQUAUTY AfWRltt CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. pA iirr BUlldDEBS* ̂S U P P U m ROOFING WALLBOAED TILE WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER £ 0 . LTD. 15lh & Marine Drive Phone West 115 ^ N CLASSIFIED ADS 4 i'he rato for Clusi&td AdvorflMmenUi la t canta per word, uiinimum •ifi rmiU Excepi in the ciue ut tboa« having reguUr uccomuIh. all dasoj. f o d T l r e payable -tricUy iu adveneiL lletnember CUaaifiede in the Weal Van New* gel iiniuediuie reMuliN. • Barrister & , Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by uppointnient. West 4U3. - CORDON ROBSON Solicitor, 610 W, CASH FOR JU n|k Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals,_ Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., W est 91. •NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. Weat 21..,' . ■ reauzauon inai me couon cioin**. , |fl.p,xjpR WANTED -- Houses to production of thi.s country is \ . Oeii or Buy. Pemberton's, sufficient to provide every living ' ^ ' -- DRESSMAKING -- Proprietor Mrs. E. C. Robbins -- Lpdies suits, coats, dresses, etc.; children's < clothes, spcciali2lng in alterations and make overs. 2791 Marine Drive. Res; . Phone West 619-R,^ •. Koul on.earth (according to 1931 estimates) with two yards each, If the goods were confined to the Hritish Empire the provisio.i would be eight yards each. In 1937 Lancahire cotton weavers pai.l f 59,037,000 for their raw materials (prirmirily cotton yam ) and produced.goods to the gross value of £84,500;000. The average net output of the 173,595, "persons employed was fl42 and this compare with ^123 in 1935. This last point may be .said successfully to refute any talk of Lancashire',s loss of ef ficiency. Trinity 437-Y-l. 1271. Evenings, West HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs fropa 1^3 .J'®,.?®* Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- ̂ sick. W est 262-L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way: guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. I WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash-- ' ' household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse '?all. - GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4190 a t , West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS. Barrister. Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or W est 5B8-R-1. FOUND --- Watch and sum of money, Dundarave Beach, 3 weeks ago, W est 126-R. * W. H. VASS. Chiropractor. Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. PLASH PHOTO SERVICE -- Films in by 8:30 a.m., Back at 6 p.m. same • day. Selo, A gfa and Eastman Film. Make this store your camera Head quarters. McNeil & McCue Drugs. The ferrlen will maintain a half-hourly service throughout HAND CAMP NOTES CHINA'S BANK NOTES next Monday, Labor Days „ The first rboat will leave Amlileside j|)ock at 6 a.m. and the last at 11:30 p.m. The first boat from the eity dock will be 6:.30 a.m.; the iust i)oat leaving there at; midnight. West Bay buses meet all boats. The Sunday service will be maintained by the upper level bus, --------- . -------- --------- Mis.s Murray, the manager of .Six'iicer's. e n t e r t a i n e d Miss Kathleen Ilampson, whose mar-* riuge takes place on Saturday evenimr. at dinner at her home last Monday evepihg. 'The eleven -guests .preseriteil the bride-elect- with a cKMUbinaUon sandWich toaster and Avaftle iron. * • » _____ _ a 7'he 'return trip of ,the West Vancouver School Hand will take place next Saturday. An after noon cruise has been arranged leaving Amblesule at 2,;30"p,m. ' 'Phis is. being done to accomnio- da to tho.se who have been un able to enjoy the day trip and who w isirio visit the oamp at Iwmts' Island. Tea, cream, sugar anti dishes will be provided by chased from the parents" of the boys or a t the wharf, the day of'sailing. Eyeryone__at camp is jn Igood health^and all games are in full ^w|ng;~ A tenn is toti firaTnerrHs bdiiiig. xtin off this week as well as stable tennis. Baseball and volleyball are played ev-ery even ing. Several games have been Great Britain-Now Printing 1,000,000.000 VVESTEKN WOODWORKERS-- Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wopd Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. PBonesi W est 740 and W est 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best, materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804. Royal Bank Building. Two British printers-of bank notes are now c4ri*ying out con tracts, given to them by the Government CeiitraJ Bank, of China, for printing 1,000,000;000 notes: neither the exact total nor the value of the notes can be divulged. Four hundred' ex tra hands GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, "Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone "Sey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W est VancbuverdMachine Shopi 1449 Marine. GUESTS -- transientg and pfermdns ent. Sunlit Lodge, W est Bay, West 379-Y-2. . . CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum,. 1103 Iionsdale. North 822. FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-803- Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices; Sey. 0691, W est ' 546; Residence, W hytecliff 546. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kiilso- mining; first class work at'reason able rates. H. Gaines, W est 167-L. Following an item from trade journal, we announced iiv* played; against the Islanders, our lust issue that II. E, ('ochin, also, again" Gibson's Landing, was having a new house built at On Friday the annual re- 2441 Nelson Avenue. This should gatta will, be held. Three have read that W. F. Pochin, hours a day is devoted to band Turkey, Egypt, PersiSj^iam and 2590 Bellevue, was having a new practice in preparation for a Switzerland. one of the con tracts,-""which will take a further year to completer the other has already been oom- pleted. - - The; originar plates are to be _Jkept--in"-Great -Britain and ithe notes themselves will go to China by various routes. There are only a few bank note printers, other than Gov ernment factories, in the world, and other orders for Bank Notes are now being carried in England for Costa Rica, Salvadbrr Greece, odd jobs.- evenings. lairsj^ontractingr- LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., W est Vancouver Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar- dnaJh;iy:e.rJS;est-54£. ...................... J. Davis, W est 742-Y, KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine -ROOM HOUSE and good garden, flOOO; V . - 5 Room Stucco House, Dimoid Roof, large lot, $2;750. Very easy terms. 5-Room House and very large lot, full basement; $2,100, terms. We have a number of good places for rent. "LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE,. W est Van. Pioneer Realtors,-^ Established 1905., W est 55 BISMA-REX quickly relieves--sour-- stomach, indigestion, etc. This new discovery will make- a* new- person -- of you. G et-a package today at McNeil' & McCue Drugs, Phone West 528. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley. West 818. ; WANTED-- Mother's help; sleep out. W est 965-L. WANTED -- By Gentleman; bed sit ting room, W est Bay district. Phone West 149-Y-l. hou.so built at 2441 Nelson Ave nue. "VVlmt your name?" asked the woman who was engaging a maid "Miss Jones." . "But surely you don't e.xpect me to call Miss Jones." "Oh, no---n ^u n less you4iuve- n 't an alarm-clock." concert to be given a t Harrison Hot Springe a t the annual meet ing of the U.B.C.M.--- . Take an afternoon off, visit Keats' Island and help the band. .Mr. and Mi*s. Charles, Twigg of O eston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, K. W. Greene, 229 29th Street. ■" ¥ ,!t " 1?'* v'i LOST -- $20 last Thursday from. 15th along Inglewood to 17th, down to" Drive. $5 reward. Box 25, West Van News.. ■ - FOR SALE -- Doubie Bed, Dresser, 2 Trunks, etc. Phone W est 234-L. PLUMS and CRAB APPLES for sale, cheap. Phone West. 437-Y-l. FOR REINT -- Lower part, of house; modern; $10 per month. Phone West - 684-Y. WANTED -- Girl for housework, sleep out. W est 66. * .WOULD LIKE TRANSPORTATiON to Vancouver week days between 6:45 and 7 a.m. Phone West 684-Y. TICKETS at Wharf for Boys' Band trip, or West 220-Y; W est 630-R; W est 440-R-2. - . , FOUND--August 20th; Marine Drive; purse containing . money. Phone West 342-R. FOR REINT -- 3 room -modem house; furnished or unfurnished. W est 51-R HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic i Tanks and Rockpits installed . and cleaned. West 187-R. WANTED TO RENT -- 5 or 6 rooms unfurnished; \wll pay up to $40.00 per month dr w ill buy on lease option if suitable. Box 24, West Van News. W EST-VANCOUVER M E S S ^ G E R SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West r 700. _______________ _ - -- , - i handy ANN shop, 2442 Marine-- ---School-Supplies, Needles, Pins, Cot tons, Tape Measiires,. 'Thimbles. J 4̂ 1 'f,' U - J. ' i* fi , - • 'S '.^ '5r-7 -■J I.;.,; Inglewood School Auditorium SAM PRITCHARD, a resident o f W est Vancouver, is now representing Fred^ British Austin Cars. Mr. Pritchard who has been in the automobile busi ness for more than 10 years, is en thusiastic about th e.. Economy and Performance of the New Austins. The wonderful progress made by the. Austin throughout the' province in duced Mr, Pritchard to turn h is-a t tention to this popular producL A phone call to West 410-L regarding Austins w il l ' receive immediate at tention. FOR SALE -- Victor ear phone, just'* like new. West 798-R. CHARMING 3 - Room' Bungalow; furnished~~or unfurnished, glorious view, near bus line. Apply ~2303" Kings. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon -Avenue, North 578Wilson--Hay . _______________________ The wedding was solemnized Bicycle FOR SALE •-- Raleigh 3- speed, front* and rear hub brakes;last Saturday a t the West Van couver United Church by the Rev. William Vance of Frederick George VVilson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, .624 East 11th Avenue, Vancouver, to Mary Poster, elder daughter of Mrs. Hay, 233 E ast 5th Street, gearcase; generator lamp; s5>eedo- meter; only~ usi^; 4 -months; $40. C.C.M. Road^Racer, S2l>.'-'Pffed Jbnes,- 1439 Marine. . ". WANTED -- Girl^br woman for gen* eral honspwork;\twb adults; small bungalow; 'sleep out.- W est 523-R- y^couver, and the late Wanted -- FoJr 5 days weekly, maid William Edward Hay. 'Jh^r bride to clean "suite and 'g e t ^nner for is a niece of George Hav '1637 ^ business girls;',W est'Bay^ Apply Inglewood Avenue. ' i i f ̂ nfiiyb^