Pens Pencils, Pidnfs,'" Loose-Leaf Boolca and Refills, Ink^, Scribble]:^, £tc^ Etc. , .. -+>»'y..'Y ^^f|^J^<m LTfi|}$yW 0r A1?tPtfy:-PfiIOI3S" ;*^« lip.TO-DATK LIB R A R Y -- 65c in«mth]y; 3c per day.' • WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1(44 Marine " . oiNiit littUI 8 |».iit.; ' Phone West 687 V- A n n ou n ciag Fall» Change 'Of B U S VANCOUVER north VANCOUVER - WEST VANCOUVER Effective Wednesday, September 6 . For complete details of change in times on Pacific Stages services ask any agent or dri- ' ver. : New timetables on request. In Vancouver call' a t Bus Terminal, Seymour a t Dunsmuir Streets, or phone SEymour 7131. t. (If ■j tr M JiM PACIFIC s t a g e s W. J. Bebb and s(M of Calgary, whilp visiting in Vancouver for ioi;uuts two weeks spent a few days with b reast' stroke Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, 992 20th Street. Mr. Bebb is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Smith. ^ BTOBARATE; SWIM' g a l a r: MiJrb. Cr0m,13m?̂ darave Pier hdd a very success ful regatta on S&turdav, August 26th,* a t Dundarave Pier, Eecvcu. Leylahd d ^ h e d the regattk with . a brief speech In which he ex-' pressed his appreciation of the good, work done by Gordon Gil lespie and his comhiittee*. The boys and girls* were in teams and shared the Bwimming spot- light with , the Boy Scouts, the Swordfish team of Peter Jav. iVg Thdmbsdn; l>am Haslam! Gloria Stamatis, ' Billy' Reed, Mauieen Martin, and Don Montgomery coming first with 47 points. Particulars of the winners are as follows: , 1. Greasy Polc--Vers. Martin (Scouts) and Don Montgomery. 2. Mixed, 10 iind under -- 1, Peg Thompson; 2, Bob Ridley. Time 21.2 sec. 3. Scouts, 12 and 13; 25, yds. Styje.-T* 1, iTack-Eordham; 2, Buddy Jupp. I'ime 14.2 sec. 4. Girls, 12 and under; 25 yds. Free Style -- 1, Beverley E lhs; 2, Nancy Haslam. Time 15.8 se6. ' " 5. Boys 12 iuhcl under;.25 yds." Free Style ~~ 1, Bob C urrie; 2, John Barbour. Time 18.2 sec. 6. Scouts^ I f and 15; 50 yds. b r e a s t ' 1, Don' Thompson; .2, Lyman Jones. Time 51.2. sec. 7. Boys' Blindfold Race 1, Don Lyle; 2,.Ross Rathie. ̂ , 8.. GiiTs 16 and under; 50 yds. , free style 1, Colleen B arry; 2,> < Gloria iStamatis. Time 32;3- sec, 9. Boys 16 and under; 50 yds.' free' style -- 1, Vic Vaughan ; 2, Jack Kingston. Time 29.4 sec. 10. Sdbuts 12 and IS ; 60 yds^ 1, Buddy Jupp; SUZANNE, .BLACKWOOD _ Teacher of .PIANO AND THFOUX,^ .. Studios; re-open September 11th Studios: 1591 Hay wootl Avenue and University Hill. .. ...L... ft ft L..VA>.l,,ir.'-."it- Phone numbin' in book. M rs. Cliarlbs B iirbridge te a c h e r of^Piano an d T heory Students pivjparcd^or KxaniiimtionH and the H.C!. Musical Festival, r:if ' 'desired. 100' ;. .successes ; 'at Toronto Conservatory Kxunis..with TirsPclass *' honors or honors for the ])asi 0 years. Re-opens Tuesday, September 5th Studio;--2300 Marini^ Drive Residence Plipne T T r MRS. F. KNIGHT-HODGE (In Union with tho London Collouc of Musicl' Knjjland) (f EXPERIENCED TEACHKK of VIOLIN, PIANOFOHTK THEORY and FORM , ' -Pupil pf Perris I W , D.Mus., and l-\ iOdwards, D.MUh., E hr'., Piano. Harmony and Form. Violin I'lipil of Oarro Bayly and Monsior Hopkins; London, Enjf. * * , Students prepared for B.C. Fostival, JionlalH, or ANY Music Exams '• rS$ctiohs'^^^^^ various, gradps, obtaining ,E(plqmas„ Orchestral and Theory Classes" w(H>kly. N ext Term Cominoiuc.s SepL ItUi, IIKU) udonco. 1332 DuehoHu Avo ' .Studio and liosidonee, 1332 Duchcs.s Ave. ilosidenco Phono CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION > ,.vo It's Your Blism ess.. Our Business.;and " Good B usiness" When you "Ask for Slade in - B. C. P 2, Jack F o r d h ^ sec. 1 1 , ■ ■ Backstroke Relay ^ \; 1," :'SwordfisK;;;;2;^^ u :■ 12. Scouts 16. and 17; 50 yds. free style -- 1, Gordon Bayfield; That many prominent, highly- trained Canadian^ are willilig to j?:, ^ dp. their pa^t .without^ p^y in. vev^ i. . i r , helping to pick an fo r ' ̂ 'a j V Government jobs is plainlyiwrit- ten for an^oji^. yrho, troubles t o , p Dnn ^ Tity, ' ^ ^ I tu rn J t o 'jthb 'la ^ report o£ ,the ' ■ 15. Jr., Boys' 1 jne tre diving" --̂ 1, Bob Currie; 2; Lloyd-Vanioe 16. Scouts, 1 metfe diving-- I,JQ.QriJIhempson-;-2y^hn-Bar^ hour;- ̂ ' 17. Sr., 3 metro diving -- 1, 1 DONALD McALPINE ' "and Teacher ■ Class and Individual instruction Studio:.,1488 Inglewood Phono Miss,', Wilcox' residonce! British Columbia Industry and Commerce can supply practic- ally every required product and service . . . but, only so long as there are customers who will buy consistently and in reason able quantity. When* you specify that your orders be filled with "Made in B. C. Products" you are support ing home industry,, which in turW advances, yqm;.. own. business interests. Surely, you will a ^ e e , this is "GOOD B U SIN ESS." ' DEPARTMENT OF t r a d e a n d INDUSTRY Parliament Buildings, , Victoria, B. C. Honourable W. J. A sselstine. Minister. E. C. Rowebottom, Deputy Minister. -GiviLBebyicerUommission, - wa;-: -; _ - - . -------* " W ■ - Names'oTpter^ons' outstanding ^irbheTorofessibnalracaiJem i^i^ business life of the Domiiij.oh who have, assisted the Comniis- .r-'t-e, sion on Advisory Examining Maureen M artin; 2, Ross'Rathie. Boards occupy four.full pages of. under; 25 the report. This long list '6 f ^ Has- judges, doctors, professors, bank- J^ni; 2, P o g ^ andJLorna. ers, engineers and archifie^^ts Ur6en^ray. Time 15. sec. testifies nbt only to the infinite under; 26. -variety--6f-positions-in-the^Gov--^^5!^^?jL» -~rJA_Dal Nahan;^ ernm ent Service; but also to the effort-made by the Commission to obtain the best available' as sistance for filling technical pos itions. •• '■ ., An Advisory Examining Board is'usually se tup to majee S'selec tion among candidates whose .t e c h h i c a 1 qualifications are vouched for by diplomas 6r cef- tificaites. It consists usually of ,;rr. a representative of the depart-'^ f ' Psthie; 2, Wilf. m ent which has the vacancy, ex-s ' ' aminers from the Ccmiirission's' staff, and one-or more specialists Vers., chosen to advise the Board on d®i ■ * Technical questioris th a t m ight cu ® arise. This Board considers the V^t .claims made by each contestant MARJORIE R. McGILLIVRAY " Associate Teacher/)f Mr. J. D. A. Tripp RIANO, RHXTOJIL BA'ND; THEOUy Class and individual Instruction - : Residence Studio; - . - l* ', - ■ ■ TeIephone.s : 2667 Haywood Ave. , Sey. 3(')53; West-585-R-l : m i s s H e l e n ; V A N C E , a'.t .c .m .-' TEACHER OF IHANO AND THEORY Class begins on'ruesday, Septem ber'5lh. J .953 Eu,|ton Avenue , V /̂.v • Residence Phone 2, ' Gordon Morrison.' Time 15; sec;. - 20. Breast StroKe Relay -- 1, ' Swordfish; 2, Sharks, - 21. Scouts, 14 and 15; 50 yds. free s ty le -- 1, Jack Fordham ; 2, Buddy Jupp. Time?'39.4 sec. ^ 22. Girls, open, 50 yds. fre e style -- 1, Colleen M arry; 2, Maureen Martin. Time 32.3 sec. 23. Boys, open, 50 yds. free \ . 'on his_a.pplication form, looks over the' references submitted by persons who can vouch for his technical and personaTHquali- fications, and then calls for' the heist of them to appear for an oral examination. A t this oral ex-: ..amination the carders of the candidates are. j examined more thoroughly and they are judged from' the point of view ^ per sonal suitability as well Principal J. R.;"Mitcli'dIl acted as an'houncer, and Charlie Reid as time-keeper and judge of the diving; " ~ - A t the conclusion; of the gala •ribbons to the Scouts, who had worn were presented by Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, while.Gordon Gilles pie-presented the prizes to 'th e other contestants; ' ' ' • , Mrs.T.E. Snelgrove VIOLIN and PIANO ■J 'I - Pupils' successes in The Royal Schools of Music Trinity College -- London . ̂ and Toronto Conservatory Younger children visited at , their home. Term S tarts Tuesday, ^....... September 5th. Philip W atts, A.R.c.n. Bass - Baritone : Singer and Teacher W est 892-L or Trinity 2418 Point 'ilk in so n Lighthouse ' 6D9.Gtanvili ̂ ,ŝ . The N ew R.C.A. V ictor RADIOS for 1940 7are here. _ - * " . » I- ̂ • brow n & M UN JON m o d e r n h o m e a p p l i a n c e s 1542 Marine Drive ■ P i^ Iy Coached yqhnsr. man was sitting on a seaside hotel-veranda near a young, pretty widow, with her 4-year-old son. Presently the little fellow ran up to the m an... -- ^\VhatVyour-name?"Jh e ii t tle fcboy asked. 'The reply being given, the next question was: "Is you m ar ried?'* ' ' "No, I am not.*' child paused a moment^ then turned-to his irrother and JVJecot̂ rs s ̂ c I said, "W hat else must I ask him, mummy?** ' A Beach Scene a t W est Bay , - A